Root Cause Analysis

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Root Cause Analysis

sneak peek

with a case study on

What is root cause ?
A root cause is the core issue the underlying
cause of a problem.

What is root cause analysis?

A root cause analysis is a systematic process
for identifying the underlying causes of a
problem or issue
It involves breaking down the problem into
smaller parts, examining each part in detail,
and identifying the root causes that are
contributing to the problem

Goal of root cause analysis

First goal: Discover the root cause of a
problem or event
Second goal: Understanding how to fix,
compensate, or learn from any underlying
issues within the root cause
Third goal: Applying the learnings from the
analysis to systematically prevent future
Life cycle of the analysis
1. Clarify
● Ask questions and clarify terms and set up
parameters for discussions
● Create an outline of the approach you’re
going to follow

2. Rule out
● Explore the possibilities and list some high-
level causes
● Discard issues that seem to be out of the
scope like technical issues or bugs

3. Internal factors
● Check if any feature/product launched
recently or changes made by other team
● Slide and dice data based on demographics

4. External factors
● Look for any bad PR, changes in customer
behavior or macroeconomic changes
● Conduct a competitor analysis
Problem statement

Myntra has observed a decline from 5% to 3% (i.e., 2%)

in the number of confirmed orders over the last 3 days

Let’s being with clarifying questions;

Ques: How do we define cart additions?

Resp: A user can click on a particular item on the
product page and add it to their shopping
list called the ‘cart’
> They can later view the items in their cart
and also add/remove items to/from it.

Ques: How are we defining the metric of conversion?

Resp: The metric that we look at is the number of
orders per session
> Orders per session is defined as:
# of orders placed in a day
Total #of sessions accessed that day
User journey funnel
clarifying questions continued...

Let’s being with clarifying questions;

Ques: How do we define a session?

Resp: A user session is defined as the browsing
period between a login and the respective log
out over the application
> One session can have multiple orders or
cart additions

Ques: What is a bounce session?

Resp: A user session in which the user landed only
on a single page (Homepage) of the application
and then is known as a bounce session
> Bounce rate is calculated as:
# of bounce sessions in a day
Total #of sessions accessed that day
Creating a rough estimate:

● Total no. of Sessions = 100

> Assuming that the average no. of sessions per
day after the decline was observed were
around 100
● Bounce rate = 10% (Generally the bounce rate of
the app is around 10%)
● Non-bounced Sessions = (100 - 10% of 100) = 90
● Sessions with Product Page view =
> Around 1/3rd of the Browsing Sessions ends
onto the Product Page
=> 33% of Non-bounced Sessions = 30 (approx)
● Sessions with Add to Cart / Buy Now = 15
> In 50% of the cases, a user viewing a product
adds it to their cart.
● Sessions with Checkout = 12
● Sessions with Payments = 6
● Sessions with Confirmed Orders = 5
Therefore, conversion rate is 5%
Internal factors:
Backtracking the user journey

Since the no. of confirmed orders is down by 2%;

There could be a drop in total no. of user

sessions per day.
There could be an increase in the bounce rate of
the platform.
Users might not proceed past the product page
if they do not like the product.
Users might not be able to add products to their
shopping cart.
Users might be having some issues during the
checkout process or while making payments.
Let us say according to our observations;
There’s no decline in the overall user activity.
The user traffic on the platform is almost the
same as usual.
The bounce rate of the platform is also stagnant
at 10%.
For the product page :
> The avg product rating for different categories
varies between 3.8 to 4.2
> The expected delivery date of the products is
around 5-7 days
> The discount offered across multiple
categories is from 20-45%
These numbers are also unchanged since the
previous week.
The issue must be in last 3 stages of the user journey
1. Add to Cart
2. Checkout
3. Make Payment
Asking clarifying questions:

External factors:
Ques: Does any of the competitors announced any
special sale?
Resp: We have limited knowledge here about what
the competitors are doing. Hearing from the
customers and looking at their social media handles,
we’re not seeing any such thing in particular

Demographic details:
Ques: Have we checked if this decline affected
customers from a particular region or city?
Resp: No, we’re not seeing the impact of location on
the decline.
> When we look at the customer location, we’re
seeing a spread across many different places
Ques: Is the decline related to belonging to any
specific gender or age group?
Resp: No, it is again uniformly distributed for all
genders and age groups.
> We’re not seeing any significant deviation for any

Macro-economic changes:
Ques: Has there been any recent partnership change
or any merchant just backed out?
Are the products currently out of stock due to some
problem in the supply chain?
Resp: No, we haven’t recorded any such event over
the past few days.
> We have enough stock of the majority of products
listed on the platform.
Product specific changes:
Ques: Has there been any recent changes/upgrades
on the application?
Resp: Yes. We have deployed certain upgrades to
the application in the last few days

Diagnosing the root cause;

Ques: Is there any change with respect to the “Add
to cart” button?
Are any of these changes done on the Checkout
Resp: Due to the version upgrade, the complete
shopping flow of the application is changed.
> We have improved the checkout process to
provide a seamless shopping experience to the
> However, the placement and design of the “Add to
cart” button is left untouched.
Ques: Have we received any bug reports for the
changes that we’ve made?
Resp: We’re not seeing too many bug reports since
the new update was launched only a few days ago.

Ques: Are we missing out on any of the leading

payment merchants?
Resp: Myntra facilitates payments through most of
the leading payment merchants like Paytm, PhonePe
& GPay so we’re clear on this front

Ques: Are the payment gateways working properly?

Resp: We do have received complaints from a few
customers who’ve faced certain issues while trying
to make payment during checkout.
Listing out the conclusion:
We can see that 3 out of 5 partnering banking
services which provide payment options on
Myntra are experiencing frequent issues and
high server downtime in the current week.
This validates the complaints that we were
getting from some of our customers about
incomplete transactions and payment failures.
It is obvious that if a payment fails multiple
times, the customers will not proceed with the
transaction due to the risk of losing their money.
This will result in an automatic decrease in the
amount of confirmed orders received over the
ongoing week.

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