VLSI Design - 18EC72

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Module 4

VLSI Design – 18EC72

Sequential Circuit Design

((10.1 and 10.3.1 to 10.3.4 of TEXT2))


• Introduction
• Circuit Design for latches and Flip-flops.

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• What is sequential circuit ? Purpose of sequential circuit.
• Examples for sequential circuits.
• Static circuits refer to gates that have no clock input, such
as complementary CMOS, pseudo-nMOS, or pass
transistor logic.
• Dynamic circuits refer to gates that have a clock input,
especially domino logic.
• A sequencing element with static storage employs some
sort of feedback to retain its output value indefinitely. An
element with dynamic storage generally maintains its
value as charge on a capacitor that will leak away if not
refreshed for a long period of time.

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Circuit Design of Latches and Flip-flops
• Conventional CMOS latches are built using pass
transistors or tristate buffers to pass the data while the
latch is transparent and feedback to hold the data while
the latch is opaque.
• Many latches accept reset and/or enable inputs. It is also
possible to build logic functions into the latches to reduce
the sequencing overhead.
• The True Single Phase Clocking (TSPC) technique uses a
single clock with no inversions to simplify clock
distribution. The Klass Semidynamic Flip-Flop (SDFF) is
a fast flip-flop using a domino-style input stage.
Differential flip-flops are good for certain applications.
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Conventional CMOS latches : Transparent latches

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Conventional CMOS latches : Transparent latches

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Conventional CMOS Flip-Flops
• Dynamic inverting flip-flop built from a pair of back-to-back dynamic

• Adds feedback and another inverter to produce a noninverting static


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Transmission gate and NORA dynamic

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Flip-flop with two-phase nonoverlapping

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Pulsed latches
• A pulsed latch can be built from a conventional CMOS
transparent latch driven by a brief clock pulse.
• The pulsed latch is faster than a regular flip-flop because it
involves a single latch rather than two and because it allows
time borrowing.
• It can also consume less energy, although the pulse generator
adds to the energy consumption
• Drawback : Increased hold time.

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Pulse generators

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Resettable Latches and Flip-flops
• Two types of reset: synchronous and asynchronous.
• Asynchronous reset forces Q low immediately, while
synchronous reset waits for the clock.
• Synchronous reset signals must be stable for a setup and hold
time around the clock edge while asynchronous reset is
characterized by a propagation delay from reset to output.
• Synchronous reset simply requires ANDing the input D with
reset. Asynchronous reset requires gating both the data and the
feedback to force the reset independent of the clock.

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Symbol and Synchronous Reset

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Asynchronous Reset

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Flip-flop with asynchronous set and

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Dynamic Logic Circuits

(9.1, 9.2, 9.4 to 9.5 of TEXT1)


• Introduction
• Basic Principles of Pass Transistor Circuits.
• Synchronous Dynamic Circuit Techniques.
• Dynamic CMOS Circuit Techniques.

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• What are the disadvantages of Static logic circuits?
Merits of dynamic logic Implementation :
• The capability of temporarily storing a state, i.e., a voltage
level, at a capacitive node allows us to implement very simple
sequential circuits with memory functions.
• Also, the use of common clock signals throughout the system
enables us to synchronize the operations of various circuit
blocks. As a result, dynamic circuit techniques lend themselves
well to synchronous logic design.

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• Dynamic logic implementation of complex functions generally
requires a smaller silicon area than does the static logic
• The power consumption which increases with the parasitic
capacitances, the dynamic circuit implementation in a smaller
area will, in many cases, consume less power than the static
counterpart, despite its use of clock signals.

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Dynamic D-latch
• When the clock is high (CK = 1), the pass transistor turns on.
The capacitor C, is either charged up, or charged down through
the pass transistor MP, depending on the input (D) voltage
level. The output (Q) assumes the same logic level as the
• When the clock is low (CK = 0), the pass transistor MP turns
off, and the capacitor C is isolated from the input D. Since
there is no current path from the intermediate node X to either
VDD or ground, the amount of charge stored in C. during the
previous cycle determines the output voltage level Q.

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits

• Basic building block for nMOS dynamic logic, which consists

of an nMOS pass transistor driving the gate of another nMOS

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits

• Logic 1 transfer : Assume that the soft node voltage is equal to 0

initially, i.e., Vx(t = 0) = 0 V. A logic " 1" level is applied to the input
terminal, which corresponds to i = VOH = VDD. Now, the clock signal at
the gate of the pass transistor goes from 0 to VDD at t = 0. It can be seen
that the pass transistor MP starts to conduct as soon as the clock signal
becomes active and that MP will operate in saturation throughout this cycle
since VDS = VGS. Consequently, VD > VGS – VT

Equivalent circuit for the logic " 1 " transfer event

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits
Variation of V as a function of time during logic "I" transfer

Node voltages in a pass-transistor chain during the logic " 1 " transfer

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits
Node voltages during the logic " 1 " transfer, when each pass transistor is driving
another pass transistor.

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits
Logic 0 transfer:
Assume that the soft-node voltage V is equal to a logic " 1 " level initially, i.e.,
V(t = 0) = Vm = (VDD- VTn). A logic "" level is applied to the input terminal,
which corresponds to V.n = 0 V. Now, the clock signal at the gate of the pass
transistor goes from 0 to VDD at t = 0. The pass transistor MP starts to conduct
as soon as the clock signal becomes active, and the direction of drain current
flow through MP will be opposite to that during the charge-up (logic " 1 "
transfer) event. The intermediate node X will now correspond to the drain
terminal of MP and that the input node will correspond to its source terminal.
With VGS = VDD and VDS = Vmax, it can be seen that the pass transistor
operates in the linear region throughout this cycle, since VDS < VGS - VTn.
Equivalent circuit for the logic "0" transfer event.

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Basic principles of Pass Transistor Circuits
Variation of V as a function of time during logic “0" transfer

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Charge leakage
• Dynamic Logic Circuits during the active clock phase and that
now both the input voltage Vn and the clock are equal to 0 V.
The charge stored in Cx will gradually leak away, primarily
due to the leakage currents associated with the pass transistor.

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Equivalent circuit for analyzing charge
leakage process

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Synchronous dynamic circuit
• Multi-stage pass transistor logic driven by two
nonoverlapping clocks

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Nonoverlapping clock signals used for
two-phase synchronous operation.

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Three stages of a depletion-load nMOS dynamic shift
register circuit driven with two-phase clocking.

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Operation of Shift register
• During the active phase of clock signal1 the input voltage level V is
transferred into the input capacitance C.
• Thus, the valid output voltage level of the first stage is determined as the
inverse of the current input during this cycle.
• When clocksignal2 becomes active during the next phase, the output
voltage level of the first stage is transferred into the second stage input
capacitance Cn 2, and the valid output voltage level of the second stage is
• During the active clocksignal2 phase, the first-stage input capacitance
continues to retain its previous level via charge storage.
• When clocksignal1 becomes active again, the original data bit written into
the register during the previous cycle is transferred into the third stage, and
the first stage can now accept the next data bit.

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Depletion-load nMOS implementation
of synchronous complex logic.

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Enhancement-load dynamic shift
register (ratioed logic).

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General circuit structure of ratioed
synchronous dynamic logic

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Enhancement-load dynamic shift
register (ratioless logic).

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General circuit structure of ratioless
synchronous dynamic logic

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CMOS Transmission Gate Logic
• Basic two-phase synchronous logic circuit principle, in which
individual logic blocks are cascaded via clock-controlled
switches, can easily be adopted to CMOS structures.
• Static CMOS gates are used for implementing the logic blocks,
and CMOS transmission gates are used for transferring the
output levels of one stage to the inputs of the next stage.
• Each transmission gate is actually controlled by the clock
signal and its complement. As a result, two-phase clocking in
CMOS transmission gate logic requires a total of four clock
signals are generated and routed throughout the circuit.

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CMOS Transmission Gate Logic
• The operation of CMOS dynamic logic relies on charge
storage in the parasitic input capacitances during the inactive
clock cycles.
• To illustrate the basic operation principles, the fundamental
building block of a dynamic CMOS transmission gate shift
register is shown in figure.

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Single-phase CMOS shift register, which is built by
cascading identical units

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Dynamic CMOS logic (Precharge-Evaluate Logic)

• Dynamic CMOS circuit technique which allows us to

significantly reduce the number of transistors used to
implement any logic function.
• The circuit operation is based on first precharging the output
node capacitance and subsequently, evaluating the output level
according to the applied inputs.
• Both of these operations are scheduled by a single clock
signal, which drives one nMOS and one pMOS transistor in
each dynamic stage.

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Dynamic CMOS logic (Precharge-Evaluate Logic)
• Dynamic CMOS logic gate implementing a complex
Boolean function.

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Illustration of the cascading problem in
dynamic CMOS logic.

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High performance Dynamic CMOS
• Generalized circuit diagram of a domino CMOS logic gate.

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Cascaded domino CMOS logic gates

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Cascaded domino CMOS logic gates
• The limitation is that the number of inverting static logic
stages in cascade must be even, so that the inputs of the next
domino CMOS stage experience only 0 to 1 transitions during
the evaluation. Cascading domino CMOS logic gates with
static CMOS logic gates.

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Charge sharing between the output capacitance C and
an intermediate node capacitance C2

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NORA CMOS Logic (NP-Domino Logic)
• In domino CMOS logic gates, all logic operations are
performed by the nMOS transistors acting as pull-down
networks, while the role of pMOS transistors is limited to
precharging the dynamic nodes. As an alternative and a
complement to nMOS-based domino CMOS logic, we can
construct dynamic logic stages using pMOS transistors as well.

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Text Books
• 1. “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and
Design” - Sung Mo Kang & Yosuf Leblebici, Third
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
• 2. “CMOS VLSI Design- A Circuits and Systems
Perspective”- Neil H. E. Weste, and David Money
Harris4th Edition, Pearson Education.

• Note : Images and figures have been taken from

prescribed textbooks.

Reference Books
• 1. Adel Sedra and K. C. Smith,
“Microelectronics Circuits Theory and
Applications”, 6th or 7th Edition, Oxford
University Press, International Version, 2009.
• 2. Douglas A Pucknell & Kamran Eshragian,
“Basic VLSI Design”, PHI 3rd Edition, (original
Edition – 1994).
• 3. Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS
Integrated Circuits”, TMH, 2007.


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