Harris Hammam
Harris Hammam
Harris Hammam
say: O prophet of Allah invoke for me, is a bida'a close to shirk but if a person intends the same meaning but instead uses the expression: O prophet intercede with Allah, then he is guilty of shirk, I thought that it must have been another result of salafi fiqh. I was then shocked to hear that this was also the position of Harris Hammam on this forum who seems to have more knowledge and culture than the average salafi talib al-ilm. I didn't know how to show the nonsense of such a .position which I thought was self-evident but today I remembered something very interesting Few months ago, I had read the explanation of ayat al-kursi by the great zahiri alim, Abu Hayyan Al-Andalussi. He gave a very strong explanation of the meaning of the word permission in the :part of the verse which could be translated as