Home-Based Food Business - FINAL
Home-Based Food Business - FINAL
Home-Based Food Business - FINAL
people, waste, chemicals, pests and dirt • check temperatures with a food thermometer
• know the critical limits for safety (e.g. acidity, water
activity) for processes you use
Cleaning and sanitising
• keep the premises clear of rubbish, food waste, More information
dirt and grease
Safe Food Australia is a guide to the food safety
• keep food contact surfaces like benches, utensils standards in Chapter 3 of the Food Standards Code.
and containers clean and sanitary Home-based businesses are covered in Appendix 10.
• clean before you sanitise
Copies of the guide, some translated fact sheets
• sanitise using bleach, a commercial food-safe
and a full set of infoBite fact sheets is available at
sanitiser or a dishwasher on longest hottest cycle
www.foodstandards.gov.au/safefood or by
emailing information@foodstandards.gov.au.
Food traceability
• keep records of your ingredients and suppliers,
and businesses you’ve sold to
• if you are a food manufacturer, wholesale supplier
or importer, have a written recall plan and follow it
if a recall is needed