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DCS Thyristor Converters

EMC Compliant Installation and

Configuration for a Power Drive System

Technical Guide

Medium voltage network


Public low-voltage network Industrial low-voltage network

Point of measurement
for conducted emission Point of measurement

10 m

Point of measurement for

radiated emission


Thyristor Power Converters
EMC Compliant Installation and
Configuration for a Power Drive System

Technical Guide

Code: 3ADW 000 032 R0601 Rev F


EFFECTIVE: June 26th, 2000

SUPERSEDES: Rev E, Oct. 22nd, 1999

2000 ABB Automation Products GmbH. All rights reserved.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 1 - Introduction
General................................................................................................................................. 1-1
The purpose of the manual ................................................................................................... 1-1
Definitions.................................................................................................................... 1-1
Practical Installations and Systems.............................................................................. 1-1
The Directives concerning Drives ................................................................................ 1-1
Product-specific Manuals............................................................................................. 1-1
Chapter 2 - Definitions
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).................................................................................... 2-1
Immunity...................................................................................................................... 2-1
Emission ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
Power Drive System (PDS)................................................................................................... 2-2
Types of Equipment .............................................................................................................. 2-3
Component .................................................................................................................. 2-3
Apparatus .................................................................................................................... 2-3
System ........................................................................................................................ 2-3
Installation ................................................................................................................... 2-3
CE Marking for EMC.................................................................................................... 2-3
Installation Environments...................................................................................................... 2-4
First Environment ........................................................................................................ 2-4
Second Environment ................................................................................................... 2-4
Propagation ................................................................................................................. 2-4
Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines
General................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Classification......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Three-phase filters................................................................................................................ 3-5
Single-phase filters for field supply .............................................................................. 3-5
Line chokes (Commutation chokes)............................................................................. 3-5
Separation transformers .............................................................................................. 3-6
Converter (dedicated) transformers ............................................................................. 3-7
Installation hints .................................................................................................................... 3-7
Cabinets ...................................................................................................................... 3-7
Mounting plate ............................................................................................................. 3-7
Placement of devices................................................................................................... 3-7
Screening .................................................................................................................... 3-8
Signal cables................................................................................................... 3-8
Power cables with screens.............................................................................. 3-8
Power cables without screens ..................................................................................... 3-9
Placement of cables within the cabinet ........................................................................ 3-9
Placement of cables outside the cabinet...................................................................... 3-9
Others................................................................................................................................. 3-10
Earthed public low voltage lines................................................................................. 3-10
Public low voltage lines in industrial regions .............................................................. 3-10
Industrial low voltage lines ......................................................................................... 3-11

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS iii


Fuses at the stubs from the low voltage line .............................................................. 3-11
Fast Fuses................................................................................................................. 3-11
Stub for auxiliary devices........................................................................................... 3-11
Connection example in accordance with EMC .................................................................... 3-12
Armature and field cables with screens for “first environment”................................... 3-12
Armature and field cables without screens for “second environment” ........................ 3-12
Encoder inputs and analogue I/O at the PCB ............................................................ 3-12
Remarks .................................................................................................................... 3-12
Internal ground connections.......................................................................... 3-12
Internal earth connections............................................................................. 3-12
External earth connections............................................................................ 3-12
Earth connections between motor and driven machine................................. 3-12
Thermal motor protection.............................................................................. 3-12
Important hint...................................................................................................................... 3-14
Chapter 4 - Summary
EC Declaration of Conformity for DCS Converters................................................................ 4-1
Compliance with the EMC Directive............................................................................. 4-1
Industrial Low-Voltage Network....................................................................... 4-1
Public Low-Voltage Network in Industrial Regions .......................................... 4-2
Earthed Public Low-Voltage Network (Restricted Distribution) ........................ 4-2
C-Tick Marking for DCS Converters...................................................................................... 4-2
Compliance with AS/NZS 2064.................................................................................... 4-2
Appendix A – EMC Filters
Three-Phase Filters .............................................................................................................. A-1
Single-Phase Filters.............................................................................................................. A-4
Further Explanation of Filters................................................................................................ A-6
Overload Capacity ....................................................................................................... A-6
Magnetic Limit Currents (Surge Current) ........................................................ A-6
Thermal Limit Current ..................................................................................... A-6
Environmental Conditions ............................................................................... A-6

iv EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 1 - Introduction

General This guide assists the design and installation personnel when in-
tending to achieve compliance with the requirements of EMC Di-
rective in the user’s systems and installations, when using DCS

The purpose of the The purpose of this manual is to guide Original Equipment Manu-
manual facturers (OEM), System Integrators and Panelbuilders in designing
and installing DCS converters and their auxiliary components into
their own installation and systems. The auxiliaries include EMC fil-
ters, line chokes, fuses, etc. If these instructions are followed, it is
possible to fulfil EMC requirements and give CE marking when

Definitions The EMC Product Standard for Power Drive Systems,

EN 61800-3 (or IEC 1800-3) is used as normative standard for
variable speed drives. The terms and definitions applied in the
standard are also used in this manual. The different types of
equipment used in this guide (refer to chapter 2) are the same as
defined in the EMC Directive.

Practical Installa- This manual gives a brief insight of EMC in terms of definitions and
tions and Systems offers practical EMC solutions and a connection example with es-
sential remarks and hints for the EMC compliance of power drive
systems. The solutions can be directly used or applied by OEM or

The Directives con- There are three directives that concern variable speed drives. They
cerning Drives are Machinery Directive, Low Voltage Directive and EMC Directive.
The main objective of the EMC Directive is to guarantee the free
movement of apparatus and to create an acceptable electromag-
netic environment in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Product-specific The detailed information of the installation and use of products can
Manuals be found in product specific manuals included in the product pack-
age. This guide is meant to be used together with product specific

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 1-1

Chapter 1 - Introduction

VII A 1-2 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 2 - Definitions

Electromagnetic Com- EMC stands for Electromagnetic Compatibility. It is the ability of an

patibility (EMC) electrical/electronic equipment to operate satisfactorily within an
electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable elec-
tromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment (Interna-
tional Electrotechnical Vocabulary, IEC 50 Chapter 161). This is a
legal requirement for all equipment taken into service within the
European Economic Area (EEA).
The terms used to define compatibility are shown in figure 2-1.

level Immunity level
Immunity limit

Equipment margin

Emission limit

Emission level

Independent variable e.g. frequency

Figure 2 - 1 Immunity and emission compatibility.

As the variable speed drives are described as a source of interfer-

ence, it is natural that all parts that are in electrical or airborne con-
nection within the Power Drive System are part of the EMC compli-
ance. The concept that a system is as weak as its weakest point is
valid here.

Immunity Electrical equipment should be immune to high frequency and low

frequency phenomena. High-frequency phenomena include electro-
static discharge (ESD), electrical fast transient (Burst), radiating
electromagnetic field, conducted radio frequency disturbance and
electrical surge. Typical low-frequency phenomena are mains volt-
age harmonics, notches and unbalance in 3-phase networks.

Emission The source of high-frequency emission of thyristor converters is the

fast switching of power components such as thyristors and control
electronics. This high-frequency emission can propagate by con-
duction and radiation.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 2-1

Chapter 2 - Definitions

Power Drive System According to the EMC Product Standard EN 61800-3 a variable
(PDS) speed drive, which controls a driven equipment, constitutes part of
an installation. The standard defines a drive as a Power Drive Sys-
tem (PDS).

It is recommended that design and installation responsible

personnel have this standard available and are familiar with
this standard. All standards are available from the national
bodies on standardisation and from CENELEC, rue de Stas-
sart, 35, 1050 Bruxelles.

The machine or system made by OEM or Panel builder consists

more or less of the PDS parts or many PDSs in a configuration. The
installation guidelines for EMC compliance described in this manual
are used within the definition of Power Drive Systems, but the same
guidelines can, or in some cases, should be extended to all installa-
tion. This manual gives principles and a practical EMC connection
example, which can be applied to user’s system.

Installation or
part of installation



System control and

Control, Converter and

Feeding section
Auxiliaries and others



Figure 2 - 2 Terms and abbreviations used in Drives.

VII A 2-2 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 2 - Definitions

Types of Equipment EMC Directive applies to “all electrical and electronic appliances to-
gether with installations containing electrical and/or electronic com-
ponents liable to cause electromagnetic disturbance or the per-
formance of which is liable to be affected by such disturbance”.
The interpretation of EMC Directive for different configuration in the
area of drives can be divided into several levels:

Component In this content the interpretation of component can be divided into

several categories. If a component performs a direct function, as
the variable speed drives do, they are considered equivalent to ap-
Direct function:
Any function which meets the needs of a user and which can be di-
rectly used by such a user, without the need to make any further
adjustments other than any connections essential for its electrical
power supply or for the exchange of analogue or digital signals.

Apparatus A finished product containing electrical and/or electronic compo-

nents and intended to be placed on the market and/or taken into
service as a single commercial unit.

System Several items of apparatus combined to fulfil a specific objective

and intended to be placed on the market as a single functional unit.

Installation A combination of items of apparatus, equipment and/or components

put together at a given place to fulfil a specific objective but not in-
tended to be placed on the market as a single functional unit.

CE Marking for EMC Components with direct functions, Apparatus and Systems have to
be CE marked.
Components with no direct function for the final consumer are not
CE marked.
Installations are required to satisfy various bases of the Directives,
but are not required to be CE marked.

Figure 2 - 3 The CE mark.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 2-3

Chapter 2 - Definitions

Installation Environ- The PDSs can be connected to either industrial or public power
ments distribution networks. The environment class depends on the way
the PDS is connected to the network.
The environment classes are First and Second Environment.

First Environment “The First Environment includes domestic premises. It also includes
establishments directly connected without intermediate transformer
to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings
used for domestic purposes.”

Second Environment “Second Environment includes all establishments other than those
directly connected to a low-voltage power supply network which
supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.”

Medium voltage network


Public low-voltage network Industrial low-voltage network

Point of measurement
for conducted emission Point of measurement

10 m

Point of measurement for

radiated emission



Figure 2 - 4 Illustration of Environment Classes and propagation of


Propagation “For PDSs in the second environment, the user shall ensure that
excessive disturbances are not induced into low-voltage network,
even if propagation is through a medium voltage network.”
Note! Figure 2-4 shows the case when a victim is in a 1st Environ-
ment. The situation is the same if a victim is in a 2nd Environment
in another installation. The measurements are carried out in that
case only in case of dispute.

VII A 2-4 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

Note In order to make the description in this chapter as short and easily
readable as possible, cross references in the form 1 , 2 … are

General Converters and the major part of the devices, which constitute a DC
Drive, cannot fulfil the EMC requirements independently from each
other. They must be installed and connected by skilled personnel
according to the guidelines laid down in this manual. This restriction
is related to the expression “restricted distribution” in the short de-
scription of EN 61800-3, which is the EMC product standard for a
Power Drive System.

EN 61800-3
EMC standard for Power Drive Systems (PDS), immunity and
emission in domestic, residential and light industry restricted area
and in industry.

This standard must be complied with to meet the EMC require-

ments for plants and machines in the EC!

If the DC Drive is designed and built up according to this installation

guide then it meets the requirements of EN 61800-3 and of the fol-
lowing standards:
EN 50082-2 Generic standard for noise immunity in
industrial environment
(includes EN 50082-1, domestic environment)
EN 50081-2 Generic standard for noise emission in indus-
trial environment
EN 50081-1 Generic standard for noise emission in do-
mestic environment, can be fulfilled with
special means (line filters, screened power
cables) in the lower power range


The conformity procedure is matter of responsibility of ABB

Automation Products GmbH and of the machine manufactur-
ers or the plant builders corresponding to their share of the ex-
tension of the electrical equipment.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3-1

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

Earth, earthing for safety

Ground, grounding for EMC, connection with chassis or

housing with low inductance

Important instructions for plants with line fil-


Filter in an earthed line (TN or TT Network)

The filters are suitable for earthed lines only, for example in public
European 400 V lines. According to EN 61800-3, filters are not
compatible in insulated industrial lines with own supply transformers
due to their safety risks in such floating lines (IT networks).
Earth fault detection
Filters (with internal discharging resistors), cables, the converter
and the motor have together a considerable capacitance to ground,
which can cause an increased capacitive earth current. The tripping
threshold of an earth fault detector that measures this current must
be adapted to this higher value.
High voltage test
Because of the capacitors of the line filter the high voltage test has
to be done with dc voltage to protect the components.


Line filters contain capacitors, which can keep dangerous voltages

at the terminals after the switch off of the mains voltage. The dis-
charge by internal resistors takes some seconds. Therefore a wait-
ing time of at least 10 s and a voltage check are obligatory before
you begin your work at the equipment.

VII A 3-2 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

General safety instructions

Electrical machines or devices are items of equipment used in in-

dustrial power installations. During operation, parts of this equip-
ment are live and bare, or moving, rotating, etc. These parts may
cause great material damage and serious heavy injuries, if, for in-
stance, their covers are removed or if they are not properly used or

It must therefore be ensured that

- only qualified experts perform work at these machines and de-
- these persons always have available - among other things - the
operating instructions and other product-specific documentation
supplied along when performing work, and are obliged to meet
the requirements laid down in these documents,
- non-qualified persons are not authorised to perform any work at
or near these machines and devices.

The operating instructions cannot take into consideration every

possible case of configuration, operation or maintenance. Thus,
they mainly give such advice only, which is required by qualified
personnel for normal operation of the machines and devices in in-
dustrial installations.

If in special cases the electrical machines and devices are intended

for use in non-industrial installations - which may require stricter
safety regulations (e.g. protection against contact by children or
similar) -, these additional safety measures must be carried out by
the customer during assembly.

Earth connections must be made according to IEC 364!

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3-3

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

1 Classification
Medium-voltage line Medium-voltage line

Converter Supply transformer of Supply transformer of a

transformer an industry region residental region with light
with earthed (rated power normally industry (rated power
 ≤ 1.2 MVA) Earthed normally ≤ 1.2 MVA)
iron core  star point
(and if Insulated industrial Earthed
present earth low voltage line for up star point
Earthed public 400V Earthed public 400V
screen also) to 1000V with earth line with neutral line with neutral
conductor  conductor  conductor 


Mounting Mounting
plate plate

Line filter Line filter



Line choke Line choke Line choke

Converter Converter Converter Converter





0 0 0 0 0 0
Operation with separate converter Operation at the public low Operation at the A separation transformer
(dedicated) transformer. If there are other voltage line together with other public low voltage line with grounded screen and
loads at the same secondary winding they loads of all kinds except some together with other with grounded iron core
have to withstand the commutation kinds of sensitive communication loads of all kinds makes the line filter and the
notches, caused by the converter. In some means. line choke unnecessary.
cases line chokes are necessary (see
section  ). To other loads which
must be protected
against line pollution
caused by converters
(HF disturbance and
commutation notches).


(1 (1 (1



Figures e.g.  see cross reference point 

in chapter 3

screened cable, see 

unscreened cable with limitation,
Figure 3 - 1 EMC Classification guideline

VII A 3-4 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

2 Three-phase filters EMC filters are necessary to fulfil EN 50081 if a converter shall be
run at a public low voltage line, in Europe for example with 400 V
between the phases. Such lines have an earthed neutral conduc-
tor. ABB offers suitable three - phase filters for 400 V and 25
A...600 A and 500 V filters for 440 V lines outside Europe (see Ap-
pendix A).
Lines with 500 V to 1000 V are not public. They are local lines in-
side factories, and they do not supply sensitive electronics. There-
fore converters do not need EMC filters if they shall run with 500 V
and more (see also 6).

3 Single-phase fil- Many field supply units are single - phase converters for up to 50 A
ters for field excitation current. They can be supplied by two of the three input
supply phases of the armature supply converter. Then a field supply unit
does not need an own filter as shown at the connection example

If the phase voltage to the neutral conductor shall be taken (230 V

in a 400 V line) then a separate filter is necessary as shown below.
ABB offers such filters for 250 V and 6...55 A (see Appendix A).
L3 0

Figure 3 - 2 Connection of single and three phase filters

4 Line chokes Converters cause short-duration short circuits at their AC inputs, so

(Commutation - called commutation notches. Such notches down to 0 V (100%
chokes) depth) can be accepted at the secondary windings of converter
(dedicated) transformers (operation without line chokes). However,
their depth must be reduced if the same transformer shall supply
more than two converters of comparable power. In such case line
chokes are necessary. They must cause about 1% relative voltage
drop at rated current. So - called 1% chokes are also necessary if
the power of the converter is very low compared with the available
power of the transformer or supply line. ABB offers suitable 1%

According to the European product standard EN 61800-3, the

commutation notches must be kept below 20% of the line voltage
in the first environment, whereas an upper limit of 40 % is specified
for the second environment. This target can be achieved with the
aid of line chokes. The inductance of these chokes to be applied in
the first environment must have 4 times the value of the network
inductance at the converter’s connection point (point of common
coupling, PCC) as shown in Figure 3-3. Therefore in many cases
so-called 4% chokes are necessary, and therefore ABB offers also
suitable 4% line chokes besides the 1% chokes.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3-5

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

Due to the maximum power of public 400 V transformers

(PMAX = 1.2 MVA Õ IMAX = 1732 A) and due to their relative short cir-
cuit voltage VSC of 6% or 4% the maximum AC current which is
available for a converter is 346 A or 520 A (IDC≤ 422 A or 633 A).
Medium-voltage line

Supply transformer of a residental region with light industry

(rated power normally ≤ 1.2 MVA). With reference to EN
61800-A11 the rated power of transformer must be at least
Earthed 4 times the rated power of the PDS.
star point
vSC = 4 % or 6 %
XPCC 9 2
;3&&≥ Y6&* QRP3&&
Earthed public 400 V
line with neutral
Imax = 1.7 kA conductor

For vSC = 4 %: XPCC ≥ 5.40 mΩ (LPCC ≥ 17.2 µH)

For vSC = 6 %: XPCC ≥ 8.12 mΩ (LPCC ≥ 25.8 µH) Notches ≤ 20 %

Example: ≤ 20% ⇒ ;&+2.(≥ 4* ;3&&
;3&&+ ;&+2.(
For vSC = 4 %: XCHOKE ≥ 4 x XPCC = 21.6 mΩ
(LCHOKE ≥ 68.8 µH) Line choke
For vSC = 6 %: XCHOKE ≥ 4 x XPCC = 32.48 mΩ
(LCHOKE ≥ 103.2 µH)

For vSC = 4 %: IDC ≤ 633 A

For vSC = 6 %: IDC ≤ 422 A

Figure 3 - 3 Required minimum line choke impedance for instal-

lation of converter in first environment

Often the maximum current is not limited by the transformer but by

the power cable to the industry region. Therefore it is necessary to
ask the energy supply company concerning the line impedance and
the current which is available at the desired point of common cou-
pling (PCC).

5 Separation A separation transformer makes line chokes unnecessary because

transformers of its leakage inductance, and a grounded screen between its
windings saves an EMC filter, see 1 and 4. The screen and the iron
core must be well connected with the mounting plate of the con-
verter. If the transformer is located outside the converter cubicle
the screen of a screened 3-phase cable ("first" environment, figure
3-1 at the right) or a ground cable ("second" environment, figure 3-
1 at the left) must make this connection (see also 24 "Connection

VII A 3-6 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

6 Converter (dedi- A converter (dedicated) transformer transfers high power directly

cated) trans- from a medium voltage line to a single large converter or to a local
formers low voltage line for several converters (see 20). Furthermore it acts
as separation transformer according to 5.
If such a converter transformer has no screen the EMC demands
are nevertheless fulfilled in most cases because the RF interfer-
ence energy can hardly get via the medium-voltage line and the
transformer of the public line to the loads which must be protected
against pertubances. In the case of a dispute a measurement must
be done at the point of common coupling (public low - voltage line)
according to EN 61 800-3.

7 Installation hints

8 Cabinets All metal cubicles available on the market can be used; however,
their mounting plates must have well conducting surfaces accord-
ing to 9.
If a drive system is placed in more than one cubicle their mounting
plates must be connected by broad pieces of well conducting sheet

9 Mounting plate The mounting plate must be made from steel with zinc surfaces
and without any painting. The PE copper bar must be mounted di-
rectly on the mounting plate without any insulating means between,
and it must be connected with the plate by several bolts distributed
in equal distances along its length.

10 Placement of The converter, the line choke, fuses, contactors and the EMC filter
devices are to be placed on the mounting plate so that the connections can
be made as short as possible, especially those from the converter
via the line choke to the filter, and that the requirements in 15 can
be fulfilled. The surface of the components to be mounted on the
mounting plate has to be free of coating material (see 28).

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3-7

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

11 Screening

12 Signal cables The cables for digital signals, which are longer than 3 m and all ca-
bles for analogue signals, must be screened. Each screen must be
connected at both ends by metal clamps (see figure 3-4) or com-
parable means directly on clean metal surfaces, if both earthing
points belong to the same earth line. Otherwise a capacitor must
be connected to earth on one end. In the converter cubicle this kind
of connection must be made directly on the sheet metal close to
the terminals (see 27) and if the cable comes from outside also on
the PE bar (see 25 and 26). At the other end of the cable the
screen must be well connected with the housing of the signal
emitter or receiver.

Figure 3 - 4 Connection of a cable screen with the aid of metal

clamp to the metal surface
13 Power cables Power cables with screens are necessary, if they run over long
with screens distances (>20 m) where they are susceptible to EMC environ-
mental conditions. The cable may have e.g. either a braided or spi-
ral screen made preferably of copper or aluminium. The transfer
impedance ZT of the power cable must be less than 0.1 Ω/m in the
frequency range up to 100 MHz, in order to ensure an effective re-
duction of emission and a significant increase of immunity. The
screen must be pressed by a well conducting metal clamp directly
against the mounting plate or the PE bar of the converter cubicle
(see 24). Another connection option is via EMC sleeve. There the
contact surface shall be clean and as large as possible. The PE
wire can be connected with a normal cable socket at the PE bar.
Screened cables to the armature and to the excitation winding
cause the lowest noise level.

VII A 3-8 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

14 Power cables If a screen is not necessary (see 13) the armature current cable
without screens must be a four-wire cable because two wires are needed as con-
ductors for the parasitic RF currents from the motor to the RF filter
in the cubicle. The unscreened field current cable F must be in-
stalled directly along the armature cable A as shown in figure 3-5.
A 2-wire cable is sufficient.


Figure 3 - 5 Cross-sectional view of arrangement of field current

cable F and armature cable A
The arrangement according to 26 has been tested with a 20 m long
motor cable with the result that the conducted emission require-
ments are fulfilled.
If the connections to the armature are made from single-wire ca-
bles, especially if n parallel wires are necessary for higher currents,
then n+1 PE cables must be arranged together with them on a ca-
ble rail as shown in principle by the figure 3-6 with n=4.

3(   3(   3(   3(   3(


Figure 3 - 6 Cross-sectional view of arrangement of field current
cable F and armature cable A for higher currents

15 Placement of All power cables which are directly connected with the converter
cables within (U1, V1, W1, C1, D1) must either be screened or be kept close to-
the cabinet gether and close to the mounting plate and separate from all other
cables (L1, L2, L3 included) and especially from unscreened signal
cables. A recommended separation possibility is to place these
power cables at the rear side of the mounting plate. If direct cross-
ings of "polluted" cables and others, especially signal cables, are
inevitable then they must be made rectangular.
16 Placement of The power cables must be arranged parallel and close together,
cables outside see drawings in 14. The speed feedback must be screened and
the cabinet placed directly along the power cables to the motor if the housing
of the tacho machine is electrically connected with the housing of
the motor. If the housing of the tachometer or the encoder is insu-
lated from the motor then a distance between the power and signal
cables is advantageous.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3-9

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

17 Others

18 Earthed public The rated voltages of a public European low voltage line are 400 V
low voltage between the 3 phases and 230 V between a phase and the neutral
lines conductor. These voltages are provided by a transformer with its 3-
phase secondary winding in star connection. The star point is con-
nected with the neutral conductor and it is earthed at the trans-
former station. The electrical power is distributed by 4-wire cables
to the electricity consumers. At a cable stub to a consumer, the
neutral conductor must be earthed (local earth of the house or
plant), and then it is split into a neutral and a PE conductor.
Therefore a 3-phase load with neutral conductor must be supplied
by a 5-wire cable. Converters, however, are 3-phase loads which
do not need the neutral conductor in most cases. They can be
supplied by 4-wire cables as shown in figure 3-1. The change from
the earthed neutral conductor outside the house, plant or factory to
the internal PE conductor with the local earthing point between is
not shown in this figure. See also section 24.
Power limitation: see end of section 4!

19 Public low volt- In an industrial region the noise level which is caused by converters
age lines in in- is allowed to be 10 dB higher than in a residential region with in-
dustrial regions cluded light industry. Therefore the protection targets concerning
EMC can be met without screened motor cables if these cables are
configured according to 14.
A public low voltage line of an industrial region may have an own
supply transformer as shown in figure 3-1, but often the lines of an
industrial region and of a residential one are supplied by a common
transformer. This depends on the power consumption of both re-
gions and on their distance. Power limitation: see end of 4!

The dashed line between the lines of both regions indicates the
version with only one transformer, the one at extreme right in figure
3-1. This dashed line represents a power cable from the trans-
former at the right to the industrial region at the left.
The power cable is important also for the EMC. Due to its length it
reduces the noise level by at least 10 dB from the industrial to the
residential region.

VII A 3 - 10 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

20 Industrial low Industrial low voltage lines are local lines in plants or factories.
voltage lines They have own supply transformers (see 6). In most cases they
are insulated (IT network / no earthed star point) and their voltages
are often higher than 400 V. The loads tolerate higher noise levels.
Therefore and because industrial lines are decoupled from public
lines by their transformers and distances, converters do not need
EMC filters at industrial low-voltage lines (see 6). Problems for
other loads on the same line caused by commutation notches can
be solved with the aid of line chokes (see 4).
Insulated lines must have also an earth conductor. The earth con-
ductor is important for the feedback of parasitic RF noise currents
from the DC motor via the converter to the earth point of the supply
transformer of the line. Without such a conducted feedback the
loop of the parasitic RF noise current is closed via the earth with
the result that roving parts of this current can interfere with elec-
tronic equipment far away from the drive.

21 Fuses at the At the stubs the cross-sections of the conductors become lower
stubs from the than in the main cable. Therefore fuses are prescribed which are
low voltage line adapted to the reduced cross section, and they must be located
close to the stubs. This principle must be repeated at each reduc-
tion of the cross section from the stub at the main cable via the
distribution net in a house or factory down to the connection point
of a converter. The resulting fuse hierarchy is not shown in figure
3-1. Only the fuses of the lowest rank are mentioned. They are in-
dicated at the top of the converter units. However, if the distance to
the stub is too long the fuses must be located at the stub and not at
the converter unit. This is the base for the connection example at
the beginning of 24.

22 Fast Fuses The converters are protected against overload by their control
systems. Therefore dangerous overcurrents can be caused only by
faults in the converters themselves or in the loads. In such cases
the thyristors can be protected only with the aid of special fast
fuses. Such fast fuses are shown directly at the AC connection
points of the converters in figure 3-1 as well as in the connection
example, with more details, at the beginning of 24. But fast fuses
outside the converters are necessary only for units of the lower
power range. Larger converters comprise the fast semiconductor

23 Stub for auxil- Examples for auxiliary devices: field supply converters, transform-
iary devices ers, fan motors.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3 - 11

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

24 Connection exam- See figure 3-7.

ple in accordance
with EMC
25 Armature and See figure 3-7.
field cables with
screens for
“first environ-
26 Armature and See figure 3-7.
field cables
without screens
for “second en-

27 Encoder inputs See figure 3-7.

and analogue
I/O at the PCB

28 Internal ground Additionally to the PE connections good HF connections to ground
connections must be realised with the aid of a mounting plate which has a well
conducting surface (sheet metal from zinc - plated steel for exam-
ple). This means, the housings of the line filter and of the converter
must be pressed directly to the mounting plate by at least four fix-
ing bolts, and the seating surfaces of the housings must be free
from non conducting coating. These ground connections are indi-
cated in the drawing at the top by the mass or chassis symbol:

The PE bar must be connected with the mounting plate by many

bolts, which are distributed along its whole length with equal dis-
29 Internal earth All devices are connected with the PE bar by the mounting plate
connections (and also by PE conductors), and the PE bar is earthed via the PE
conductor of the 3-phase power cable.
External earth
The drive shall be earthed only by the earth conductor of the
line cable, see 29. An additional local earthing, especially at the
motor, raises the level of the RF noise on the line cable.
Earth connec- The earth of a grounded machine must be connected to the earth
tions between of the driving motor, in order to avoid floating potential.
motor and
driven machine
Thermal motor It is recommended that the cable of thermal motor protection de-
protection vice is fed through an appropriate filter at the point of entry into cu-
bicle, in order to suppress EMC disturbances.

VII A 3 - 12 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 3 - EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

Mounting plate

L1 U1

L2 V1 $
L3 W1
U1 Field
supply F+
V1 unit F-


Mounting plate with PE DC motor

bar and terminals
) $

Armature and field F2
cables with A1 A2

screens for
"first environment"

7DFKR $ )
Contact to the motor
PE bar housing at the whole
screen perimeter
+LQW The armature current cable must contain a third wire for a PE connection
if the copper cross section of the screen cannot fulfil the PE safety demands.

Mounting plate with PE DC motor

bar and terminals
) $

Armature and field
cables without F2
screens suitable for A1 A2

"second QH
environment" HU

7DFKR $ ) PE bar



lower edge
of the PCB

Figure 3 - 7 Connection example in compliance with EMC

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 3 - 13

Chapter 3 – EMC Compliant Installation Guidelines

Important hint The example shows the principle structure of a DC drive and its
connections. It is not a binding recommendation, and it cannot re-
spect all conditions of a plant. Therefore each drive must be con-
sidered separately and with respect to the special application. Addi-
tionally the general installation and safety rules must be taken into

VII A 3 - 14 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 4 – Summary

EC Declaration of Con- An EMC declaration of conformity covering DCS converters verifies

formity for DCS Con- that they comply with the provisions of the European Low Voltage
verters and EMC Directives (Directive 73/23/EEC, as amended by Directive
89/336/EEC and 93/68/EEC).

Compliance with the The EMC Directive defines the requirements for immunity and
EMC Directive emissions of electrical equipment used in the European Economic
Area (EEA). The EMC product standard EN 61800-3 covers the re-
quirements stated for thyristor power converters.

DCS thyristor power converters comply with the EMC Directive in

industrial low voltage network (up to 1000 V; also IT network), pub-
lic low-voltage network in industrial regions and in earthed public
low voltage network (restricted distribution) with the provisions
summarised in the following three subsections.

Industrial Low-Voltage 1. Industrial low voltage lines are local lines in plants or factories
with their own supply transformers (with earthed iron core),
which decouple the industrial lines from the public lines. EMC
filters are therefore not needed in industrial low voltage lines.
2. If static screening between primary and secondary windings of
the supply transformer is present, it must be earthed in order
utilise the filtering effect.
3. Problems caused by commutation notches can be solved by in-
sertion of appropriate line chokes.
4. The motor and control cables of the DCS converter must be in-
stalled in accordance with the specifications outlined in chapter
3 - Installation hints of this manual.
Note: The DCS converter must not be equipped with EMC filter
(refer to chapter 3 - General of this document) if installed in floating
networks (IT-Network). The mains become connected to earth po-
tential through the EMC Y filter capacitors. This may pose danger
or cause damage to the unit. Furthermore a floating network is not
public. Therefore higher noise levels are allowed.
Note: If screened motor cables are not available due to very high
rated armature current, strict adherence to chapter 3 - Power ca-
bles without screens in this document is required.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 4-1

Chapter 4 - Summary

Public Low-Voltage 1. The DCS converters must be equipped with EMC filters (refer to
Network in Industrial
Appendix A for appropriate filter ratings) and line chokes.
2. The motor and control cables of the DCS converter must be in-
stalled in accordance with the specifications outlined in chapter
3 - Installation hints of this manual.
Note: If screened motor cables are not available due to very high
rated armature current, strict adherence to chapter 3 - Power ca-
bles without screens in this document is required.

Earthed Public Low- 1. The DCS converters must be equipped with EMC filters (refer to
Voltage Network (Re-
Appendix A for appropriate filter ratings) and line chokes.
stricted Distribution)
2. The motor and control cables of the DCS converter are basically
3. In case a separation transformer is applied, its screen and iron
core must be grounded. If no static screen is present, an appro-
priate filter must be used.

C-Tick Marking for DCS A “C-Tick” mark is attached to DCS thyristor power converters to
Converters verify that the unit conforms to the provisions of
• Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Standard
• Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling – Incidental Emis-
sions) Notice (1998)
• AS/NZS 2064: Limits and methods of measurement of elec-
tronic disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and
medical (ISM) radiofrequency equipment (1997)
• Radiocommunication Regulations of New Zealand (1993)

Compliance with The above mentioned regulations define the essential requirements
AS/NZS 2064 for emission of electrical equipment used in Australia and New
Zealand. The standard AS/NZS 2064 (Limits and methods of
measurement of electronic disturbance characteristics of industrial,
scientific and medical (ISM) radiofrequency equipment, 1997) cov-
ers the detailed requirements for three-phase thyristor converters.

The DCS converters comply with AS/NZS 2064 for class A equip-
ment (suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and
those directly connected to a low-voltage network, which supplies
buildings used for domestic purposes). The compliance is valid with
the following provisions:

VII A 4-2 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Chapter 4 - Summary

1. The DCS converters must be equipped with EMC filters (refer to

Appendix A for appropriate filter ratings) and line chokes.
Note: Three phase filters for converters with rated dc currents
IDC = 25…2000 A are available for 440 V and 500 V mains voltage
VAC as well as those with IDC = 600…2000 A for VAC = 690 V. For
units with mains voltage VAC higher than 690 V and mains current IAC
higher than 2000 A (or IDC > 2500 A) it is recommended to use one
isolation transformer per power converter. Such an isolation trans-
former (or separation transformer) makes line chokes unnecessary
because of its leakage inductance, and a grounded screen between
its windings saves an EMC filter. The screen and iron core must be
well connected with the mounting plate of the converter (GND cable
close to the phase cables).
2. The DCS converter is installed according to the instructions
given in chapter 3 of this document (EMC Compliant Installation
3. The motor and control cables used are selected as specified in
the chapter 3 of this document, i.e. control cables for analogue
signals must be screened as well as those for digital signals, if
the length of the cables for digital signals is more than 3 m.
Motor cables are basically screened.
Note: If screened motor cables are not available due to very high
rated armature current, strict adherence to section chapter 3 -
Power cables without screens in this document is required.
4. Maximum cable length is 100 metres.

Note: The DCS converter must not be equipped with EMC filter
(refer to chapter 3 - General of this document) when installed in
floating networks (IT-Network). The mains become connected to
earth potential through the EMC Y filter capacitors. This may pose
danger or cause damage to the unit. Furthermore a floating network
is not public. Therefore higher noise levels are allowed.

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A 4-3

Chapter 4 - Summary

VII A 4-4 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Appendix A – EMC Filters

Three-Phase Filters EMC filters are necessary to fulfil EN 50081 if a converter shall be
run at a public low voltage line, in Europe for example with 400 V
between the phases. Such lines have an earthed neutral conductor.
ABB offers suitable three - phase filters for 400 V and 25 A...600 A
and 500 V filters for 440 V lines outside Europe.

Lines with 500 V to 1000 V are not public. They are local lines in-
side factories, and they do not supply sensitive electronics. There-
fore converters do not need EMC filters if they shall run with 500 V
and more.

Filter type max. IN Terminals Weight PE

voltage for wires connec-
with max. tion
[V] [A] [mm²] * [kg]

NF3-440-25 440 25 4 3.0 M6

NF3-440-50 440 50 10/16 3.1 M6
NF3-440-64 440 64 10/16 3.1 M6
NF3-440-80 440 80 25/35 9.5 M10
NF3-440-110 440 110 50 9.5 M10

NF3-500-25 500 25 4 3.0 M6

NF3-500-50 500 50 10/16 3.1 M6
NF3-500-64 500 64 10/16 3.1 M6
NF3-500-80 500 80 25/35 9.5 M10
NF3-500-110 500 110 50 9.5 M10
NF3-500-320 500 320 Bar with 21.0 M10
11mm hole
NF3-500-600 500 600 Bar with 22.0 M10
11mm hole

NF3-690-600 690 600 on request

NF3-690-1000 690 1000
NF3-690-1600 690 1600
NF3-690-2500 690 2500

* sigle core / litz wire

Table A - 1 Electrical ratings of three-phase filters

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A A-1

Appendix A- EMC Filters






Screws for earthing M6

250 65

Figure A-1 Dimensions of three-phase filters NF3-xxx-25, 50, 64

400 90




Screws for earthing M10



Figure A-2 Dimensions of three-phase filters NF3-xxx-80, 110

VII A A-2 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Appendix A – EMC Filters

300 90
(60) 240 ±1 (60) 35



180 ±0.5
235 ±1




Line Load


∅ 12 1
40 ±1 40 ±1 15 85 ±0.5
15 360±7 15 115

∅ 11 M10 x 30

Figure A-3 Dimensions of three-phase filters NF3-xxx-320

350 90
(60) 290 ±1 (60) 35


180 ±0.5
235 ±1





Line Load


∅ 12 1
40 ±1.5 40 ±1.5 15 85 ±0.5
15 410±2.5 15 115

∅ 11 M10 x 30

Figure A-4 Dimensions of three-phase filters NF3-xxx-600

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A A-3

Appendix A- EMC Filters

Single-Phase Filters Many field supply units are single - phase converters for up to 50 A
excitation current. They can be supplied by two of the three input
phases of the armature supply converter. Then a field supply unit
does not need its own filter. If the phase voltage to the neutral con-
ductor shall be taken (230 V in a 400 V line) then a separate single-
phase filter is necessary. ABB offers such filters for 250 V and
6...55 A.

Filter type max. IN Terminals Weight PE

voltage for wires connec-
with max. tion
[V] [A] [mm²] * [kg]

NF1-250-8 250 8 4 0.7 M6

NF1-250-12 250 12 4 0.9 M6
NF1-250-20 250 20 4 1.0 M6
NF1-250-30 250 30 10/16 1.0 M6
NF1-250-55 250 55 10/16 1.8 M6

* sigle core / litz wire

Table A - 2 Electrical ratings of single-phase filters






Screws for earthing M6

99.5 16

138.5 57

Figure A-5 Dimensions of single-phase filters NF1-xxx-8, 12, 20

VII A A-4 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Appendix A – EMC Filters






Screws for earthing M6

99.5 19

148 57

Figure A-6 Dimensions of single-phase filters NF1-xxx-30








Screws for earthing M6

180 17


Figure A-7 Dimensions of single-phase filters NF1-xxx-55

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A A-5

Appendix A- EMC Filters

Further Explanation of

Overload Capacity

Magnetic Limit Cur- Filter Type Maximum Surge Current

rents (Surge Current)
IDCmax (average)
NF3-xxx-25 80 A
NF3-xxx-50 130 A
NF3-xxx-64 170 A
NF3-xxx-80 160 A
NF3-xxx-110 220 A
NF3-xxx-320 600 A
NF3-xxx-600 1200 A

Thermal Limit Current The thermal time constant of the converter is smaller than the
thermal time constant of the filter, if the filter is chosen according to
the tables in appendix A.
In particular cases (e.g. a special load diagram as shown in the fig-
ure below the required filter current can be calculated with the fol-
lowing equation:
, ILOWHU ( HII .UDWHG ) ≥ 0.82 ⋅ ⋅ ( ,1 ⋅ W1 + , 2 ⋅ W2 + ... + , Q ⋅ WQ ) .
2 2 2


, ,





Figure A-8 Example of load diagram

Environmental Condi- Ambient operating temperature: 0…+40 °C

Derating: above 40 °C same derating as
for the converter
Storage temperature: -25…+80 °C
Cooling method: natural air cooling

VII A A-6 EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS

Appendix A – EMC Filters

EMC Compliant Installation & Configuration for a PDS VII A A-7

Ident. No.: 3ADW 000 032 R0601 Rev F

ABB Automation Products GmbH

Postfach 1180    
D-68619 Lampertheim *032R0601A0240000*
Tel: +49 (0) 62 06-5 03-0
Fax: +49 (0) 62 06-5 03-6 09

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