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Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

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Effects of waste glass particle size on improving the property and

environmental safety of fired brick containing electroplating sludge
Linqiang Mao ⇑, Huan Zhou, Mingguo Peng, Linchao Hu, Wenyi Zhang ⇑
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Larger diameter waste glass improve

brick properties more effectively.
 Larger diameter waste glass was easy
to form molten glass–ceramic phase.
 Smaller particle size waste glass
tends to form crystalline quartz.
 Larger diameter waste glass
decreases environmental safety of

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The introduction of industrial solid waste in fired clay brick is a promising way to consume this waste,
Received 19 March 2020 however, physical and mechanical properties were seriously impacted due to the incorporation of these
Received in revised form 5 May 2020 solid waste. In current study, various particle diameters of waste glass powder (WGP) were introduced in
Accepted 14 May 2020
the preparation process of brick to examine the difference in improving physical and mechanical perfor-
mances of products, and to obtain the optimal particle size of waste glass for applying in the preparation
of fired brick. Results showed the incorporation of WGP in larger particle size (100 and 300 meshes) can
effectively improve properties, like bulk density, water absorption and compressive strength, but
Electroplating sludge
Fired brick
decrease thermal conductivity slightly. XRD and SEM analysis revealed that WGP with particles size of
Waste glass 100 and 300 meshes would become glass–ceramic phase or form albite, which can improve effectively
Particle size physical and mechanical properties. However, part of WGP with particle size of 600 and 800 meshes
Environmental safety might melt and crystalize into quartz at high temperature. The addition of WGP in particle size of 100
and 300 meshes can decrease much leachability of heavy metals from fired bricks and promote environ-
ment safety comparing with WGP with particle size of 600 and 800 meshes. Above results suggested that
there is no necessary to grind WGP in much smaller particle size during introduction of waste glass for
improving fired brick property. The conclusions from this research give some useful information for the
incorporation of WGP in the preparation of fired brick.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (L. Mao), (W. Zhang).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

1. Introduction including waste glass types (e.g. cathode ray tube glass and bottle
glass), the adding amount and others influencing factors have been
One major solid waste in electroplating industry, electroplating examined. However, an important factor, the particle size of waste
sludge (ES), is resulting from the treatment of electroplating glass, has not been investigated in past research works. According
wastewater with the flocculation and precipitation process [1,2]. to previous studies, it can be inferred waste glass with smaller par-
ES is already listed as typical hazardous solid waste in most coun- ticle size are easy to melt and form liquid phase, might do better in
tries and regions [1]. The solidification or stabilization process for improving physical–mechanical properties comparing with waste
ES is thus necessary if ES will be treated by landfill [2]. Addition- glass with larger particle size.
ally, the valuable metals can be recovered from ES via leaching In current work, different meshes of WGP in particle size were
by acid or alkali solution and then separation with the help of introduced in clay bricks containing ES, to examine the influences
chemical precipitation, ion exchange or solvent extraction [3]. of WGP particle size on the property of clay brick and leaching
However, the recovery of valuable metals from ES with the utiliza- characteristic of hazardous metals. Influences of particle size of
tion of chemical reagents is also facing much challenges such as WGP were investigated from the physical and mechanical profor-
the second pollution (a large amount of wastewater or residue) mance of brick, pore structure and microstructure of products
and high cost. The incorporation of solid waste in manufacturing and the leachability of hazardous metals.
of building materials is considered as a feasible way to consume
these solid wastes. There is a large amount of papers reported
the incorporation of galvanized residues [4], fly ash [5], industrial 2. Materials and methods
sludge [6], agricultural wastes [7], river sediments [8] and indus-
trial residues [9] in manufacturing process of ceramic tiles or fired ES was received from one electroplating factory, and dried in
brick. In general, the introduction of inorganic industrial sludge or oven at 105 °C for more than one day to remove the water. The
fly ash would usually produce controllable influence on the prop- dried sludge was grinded by ball milling and then filtered by sieve
erties of building materials, up to 10 wt% of solid waste in the (200 meshes). The clay was also collected from local brick factory,
incorporation can be accepted from the point of meeting the corre- was already dried and grinded in brick factory. The clay was col-
sponding physical and mechanical standards [10–12]. However, lected from brick factory and dried again in laboratory via placing
the introduction of solid waste also produces a negative impact sample in the oven at 105 °C. Waste glass powder was obtained by
on the properties of building materials. Usually, water absorption grinding laboratory spent glassware with ball milling, and with
would increase but compressive strength would go down with sifted out with different mesh sieves. The grinded waste glass
the addition of solid waste. For example, Gencel et al. [13] was sifted successively with four sieves, and the mesh number
examined the feasible of introducing concrete waste from stone for these four sieves were 100, 300, 600 and 800 meshes. The ele-
industry in the production of fired clay bricks, the increase up to ment kind and content in these three raw materials were detected
35.2% in water absorption and the reduction up to 15% in the by X-ray fluorescence (Bruck S8 Tiger). The particle diameter of
bending strength were found. Similar results were also obtained clay, ES and WGP were measured by means of a Malvern laser par-
from studies [14] in which the incorporation of sewage sludge ticle diameter analyzer (Mastersizer 2000).
[11], marble residue [15] and construction waste [16] in the In prior our studies [4,12], the introduction of ES in fired brick
manufacturing of building products was conducted. Though the with less than mass fraction of 10% was accepted through evaluat-
consumption of solid waste in the building products industry ing impact on physical and mechanical properties of brick. Here,
may be a good way, the influence addressed from the introduction the addition content of ES was also fixed 10 wt% in all samples,
of these solid waste on the properties cannot be ignored, and and the rest was supplied with clay and WGP. The adding amount
required measures should be adopted to weaken or eliminate these of WGP was usually limited less than 30 wt%, because overweight
negative impacts. WGP might lead to the deformation of brick during the firing pro-
Different with the negative influence of adding industrial sludge cess. Three kinds of adding amount of WGP, 10, 20 30 wt%, were
or agricultural residue on properties of building products, the introduced in the mixture of clay and ES. The mixing ratios of three
incorporation of some fluxing inorganic waste, like waste glass raw materials (ES, clay and WGP) for preparing fired clay bricks
[17,18] and waste feldspar powder, improved the properties of was concluded in Table 1, and the preparaing process is depicted
the final products. Mao [19] and Andreola [20] investigated the in Fig. 1. The mixtures of clay with ES and WGP with designed ratio
addition of waste glass powder (WGP) and cleaned cathode ray were put in the ball milling for obtaining good homogeneity. The
tube glass into clay bricks and ceramics. The obtained products homogeneous mixtures of clay with ES and WGP were pressed
showed the excellent properties, water absorption declined up to by a steel mould (5 cm  3.5 cm  1.5 cm) with the pressure of
15% and strength increased over 10%. The addition content of 45 MPa. Approximate 10 wt% of water was added during the press-
waste glass usually should not exceed 30 wt%. Loryuenyong et al ing process to enhance the mouldability of mixtures. During press-
[21,22] reported compressive strength decreased remarkably with ing moulding process, approximate 100 g of raw materials
the addition content of waste glass over 30 wt%. It was reported mixtures were used to obtain a piece of brick, and approximate
that glass powder would melt and form liquid phase with the tem- 10 g of water was added into the mixtures of raw materials. The
perature rising to 800–900 °C, especially for waste glass located on pressed raw products were first put in the oven for more than
the surface of the products, these liquid phases cooled down and 1 day. Dry samples were further placed in the muffle. The firing
formed smooth and dense glass–ceramic film, which stop water temperature goes rise with 5 °C/min and samples were remain in
or other solution from intruding the products internal body. Waste the muffle at 950 °C for 3 h to obtain final products. The fired sam-
glass is a classic inorganic waste and its yield also rises sharply ples were taken out from the muffle after heating and cooling
along with the rapid development of architectural industry in process.
China. The reutilization of waste glass in improving the fired build- The physical performances of prepared brick, including linear
ing products properties not only figures out the negative impacts shrinkage, loss on ignition, apparent porosity water and absorption
result from the introduction of solid waste, but also provides a were tested with standard test method (ISO 10545–3:1995). Loss
viable method to consume waste glass. To date, there are a few on ignition and Linear shrinkage were determined via analyzing
of papers considered the application of WGP in the production of the difference in the mass and brick size before and after firing pro-
fired building products. In these studies [20–23], the factors, cess with analytical balance and caliper. Water absorption was
L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583 3

Table 1
The mixing ratios of raw materials for preparing samples.

Samples ES (wt%) WGP (wt%) Soil (wt%) Particle size of WGP (meshes)
1 20 10 70 100
2 20 20 60 100
3 20 30 50 100
4 20 10 70 300
5 20 20 60 300
6 20 30 50 300
7 20 10 70 600
8 20 20 60 600
9 20 30 50 600
10 20 10 70 800
11 20 20 60 800
12 20 30 50 800

Influences of WGP particle diameter on the environmental

safety for bricks containing ES was conducted by leaching test for
heavy metals. Evaluating the leaching performance of heavy met-
als from products incorporating different particle size of WGP
was conducted by Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. 2#
of leaching solution in TCLP was employed in this study, subse-
quent preparation of leaching solution and leaching procedure
were same as prior studies [4,19]. Different with TCLP test, the
leaching period was extended to 38 days rather than 18 h in TCLP
for evaluating longtime stability of heavy metals in products.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Nex-
ION 350X) was employed to analyze the concentrations of heavy
metals in leaching solutions.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Influences on physical–mechanical properties

Elements kinds and contents in raw materials were determined

by X-ray fluorescence (Table 2). Hazardous metals, Cr and Zn, are
the main heavy metals in the sludge, a small amount of Ni and
Cu is also detected, all heavy metals occupy approximate 33 wt%
of this sludge. Heavy metals in ES are usually presented in the form
of canbonates and hydroxides, which are easy to dissolve in the
acidic solutions and disperse in surrounding environment. Addi-
tionally, the most abundant element in this sludge is Fe and its
content is about 44 wt%. Ca usually occupied a large proportion
in galvanized residues because lime is used to neutralize acidic

Table 2
Basic properties and element contents of raw materials.

Properties ES WGP Clay

Fig. 1. Preparation process of fired bricks containg ES and WGP.
pH 8.8 7.9 5.7
Moisture (%) 40.2 2.1 10.8
Density(kg/dm ) 1.3 2.1 1.8
determined by analyzing the mass difference for fired bricks before Kind and content of element
and after 2 h boiling process. Bulk density was obtained by calcu- Si 0.84 46.85 50.03
lating the ratio of the tested brick mass and volume. Apparent Al 0.209 1.13 16.48
porosity was calcuated by the ratio of open pore volume and brick Fe 44.14 0.288 16.79
K 0.185 0.163 6.326
volume. The mechanical property of fired brick was conducted by
Ca 3.65 9.58 5.295
measuring compressive strength with a laboratory pressure and Mg 0.324 2.04 1.87
folding machine. Ti 0.018 0.04 1.59
The prepared bricks was conducted for porosity characteriza- Na 3.15 7.96 0.644
tion with a nitrogen absorption apparatus, the surface area, pore Mn 0.198 0.003 0.272
P 1.93 Nd* 0.081
volume and size were fitted and calculated with Barrent-Joyner- S 0.555 nd 0.021
Halenda (BET) method. The mineral compositions of fired clay Cr 14.12 0.004 nd
brick were measured with X-ray diffraction (Rigaku D/max Zn 25.94 nd 0.046
2500PC). The microstructure of fired clay brick was obtained Ni 1.673 0.018 0.0281
Cu 1.388 nd 0.0223
through observing the fracture of samples with Scanning Electron
Microscope (Zeiss SUPRA55). nd: Under detection limitation.
4 L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

electroplating wastewater. It can be inferred that the used waste apparent porosity much more, and this phenomenon is similar
glass could be classified as typical silicate soda glass from XRF with water absorption. These results suggested that the addition
analysis result of WGP. The clay is also regarded as typical clay of WGP with bigger particle size could improve effectively physical
used for building materials. There are very little heavy metals properties of products.
detected in WGP and clay, which can be considered as test error Fig. 6 showed compressive strength of brick incorporating var-
by XRF technique. The particle size of ES and clay was analyzed ious particle sizes of WGP. The introduction of WGP with particle
and results were depicted in Fig. 2. The particle size range for ES size of 100 and 300 meshes could make bricks better in compres-
and clay across between 1 and 300 lm and coincide roughly, sive strength than that incorporating small particle size WGP (600
which indicates these two raw materials were treated by sieves and 800 meshes). Compressive strength might be the most impor-
with same meshes (200 meshes). The particle sizes of WGP were tant parameter for fired brick, Chinese standard (GB/T 2542–2012)
illuminated in Fig. 3. Though the particle sizes of WGP are differ- for building materials required more than 10 MPa for compressive
ent, their chemical element contents are same because they are strength of brick. If there is no WGP incorporated in fired bricks,
obtained by sieving same kind waste glass. The medium sizes for compressive strength decrease from 25 MPa to 15 MPa when ES
100, 300, 600 and 800 meshes are around 250, 100, 35, 10 lm is incorporated with 10 wt%. Fig. 6 showed the addition of WGP
respectively. with mass fraction of 30% would promote compressive strength
The physical properties of brick with addition of different parti- to higher 35 MPa. Especially for WGP with particle size of 100
cle sizes of WGP, including linear shrinkage, loss on igition, bulk and 300 meshes, compressive strength increased to around
density before and after firing process and water absorption, were 50 MPa when 30 wt% of WGP was introduced into bricks. Priors
examined and results were presented in Fig. 4. Loss on ignition is studies [24,25] reported the incorporation of WGP improved the
mainly from dehydration or combustion of hydrates and organics, generation of glass–ceramic, which played important role in
and the amount of clay in system is responsible for mass loss [7]. improving porosity and mechanical property of brick. The intro-
Therefore, mass loss for fired bricks containing 30 wt% of WGP is duction of larger particle size of WGP can do better in improving
bigger than that with addition of 10 and 20 wt% of WGP. No dis- compressive strength, it suggested larger particle size of WGP
tinct difference was observed in mass loss for fired bricks with might lead to form more albite or glass–ceramic phase.
the addition of different particle sizes of WGP. Linear shrinkage
for fired bricks is related with the compaction degree of raw mate- 3.2. Influences on porosity
rials after firing process. It was observed that linear shrinkage for
fired bricks incorporating 100 meshes of WGP were greater than The physical and mechanical performances of fired brick are
that incorporating 300, 600 and 800 meshes of WGP. Bulk density strongly associated with its porosity. It is well known the incorpo-
also showed similar tendency with linear shrinkage. Water absorp- ration of WGP in fired brick decreased effectively pore structure,
tion is important index for evaluating building materials. Fig. 4(d) including pore volume and pore size [22]. Fig. 7 presented pore
showed that fired bricks containing WGP with particle size of 300, volume, pore size and specific surface area of fired bricks incorpo-
600 and 800 meshes showed bigger in water absorption comparing rating various sizes of WGP. Interestingly, the incorporation of
with bricks containing 100 meshes of WGP. Previous studies [17– WGP with smaller pore size lead to the increase in pore volume,
19] indicated that WGP could decrease water absorption remark- pore size and specific surface area. This result indicated WGP with
ably. It can be speculated that the introduction of WGP with bigger larger particle size can do better in decreasing porosity, which is
particle size performed well in decreasing water absorption. The consistent with water absorption and apparent porosity. Fig. 8
decrease in water absorption aroused by the addition of WGP showed microstructure of fired brick fracture incorporating differ-
was closely related with the formation of liquid phase or glass ent particle sizes of WGP. With same adding amount of WGP
phase at high temperature. It seems that the introduction of (30 wt%), the introduction of different particle size of WGP gives
WGP with greater particle size is more favorable to decrease pore rise to the distinct microstructure. The addition of WGP with larger
volume and water absorption, this founding has not reported in particle size leads to form much molten structure (Fig. 8 (a)), which
previous study. Fig. 5 presented the change in apparent porosity might be result from the cooling process of liquid phase [26]. It
for fired bricks incorporating different particle size of WGP. The seems that these molten structures are greater in density than
introduction of WGP with bigger particle size would decrease others areas. This observation is in line with water absorption

(a) ES (b) Clay


Diffusion of volume (%)

Diffusion of volume %



0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle size μm Particle size (μm)

Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of (a) ES and (b) clay.

L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583 5

Fig. 3. Particle size distribution of used WGP for (a) 100, (b) 300, (c) 600 and (d) 800 meshes.

and apparent porosity, the introduction of WGP with larger parti- of magnetite indicated part of Fe compounds might be reduced
cle size decreases effectively porosity of fired bricks comparing due to localized anoxic environment [26], which suggested the for-
smaller particle size WGP. It is note that there are much white mation of high-density structure during firing process, and this
granules presented on the surface of fired bricks containing 600 assumption is confirmed by bulk density and water absorption.
and 800 meshes of WGP. These white granules may be related with The intensity for the diffraction peak of quartz was promoted when
WGP, resulting from the molten process of smaller WGP particle smaller particle size WGP was added into fired bricks. There are
during firing process, which suggests that these WGP were not two reasons account for this phenomenon. On the one hand, when
involved in bonding and interaction between WGP and raw mate- added WGP is with larger particle size, WGP might melt and form
rials. Fig. 9 presented thermal conductivity of fired bricks contain- much more liquid phase, which can involve and encapsulate clay
ing 30 wt% of WGP. Thermal conductivity of fired clay bricks particle into liquid phase. Furthermore, the formed liquid phase
containing 100 and 300 meshes of WGP are greater than bricks cools down and became glass–ceramic phase after firing process.
containing 600 and 800 meshes of WGP. Thermal conductivity is The encapsulation of quartz with these glass–ceramic phase can
closely related with the pore structure, including pore volume influence the penetration of X-ray and lead to the diffraction inten-
and pore size. Bigger pore volume and smaller pore size are benefit sity reducing [27]. On the other hand, the added WGP with smaller
to improving thermal conductivity. The introduction of WGP with particle size might first melt and then crystallize into quartz at
larger size can decrease pore volume substantially, however, this is high temperature, which suggest that part of added WGP trans-
not good for reducing thermal conductivity. form into crystalline quartz instead of glass–ceramic phase. It
Fig. 10 presented mineral composition result of brick incorpo- seems that the formation of crystalline quartz is not good for
rating 30% of WGP. There are four main mineral structure, quartz, improving compressive strength and reducing porosity of fired
hematite, magnetite and albite, detected in fired clay bricks. No dif- bricks, because crystalline quartz might destroy the homogeneous
ference for mineral species in fired bricks containing different par- structure in fired bricks [28,29]. Additionally, the change in the
ticle size of WGP is observed. Quartz is the main species, which is intensity for the diffraction of albite is also observed, the addition
result from clay. Fe compounds would transform into hematite and of WGP with larger particle size is favored to the formation of
magnetite after firing process. More magnetite was detected in albite, especially for fired brick containing WGP with particle size
fired bricks containing larger particle size of WGP. The formation of 100 meshes. It has been reported that the formation of albite
6 L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

Fig. 4. (a) Loss on ignition, (b) linear shrinkage, (c) bulk density and (d) water absorption of fired bricks containing different particle size of WGP.

25 55
10% WG
20% WG
20 50 10% WGP
30% WG
Compressive strenght (MPa)

20% WGP
Apparent porosity (%)

30% WGP
15 45

10 40

5 35

0 100 200 300 600 800 30
Prticle size (meshes)
0 100 200 300 600 800
Fig. 5. Apparent porosity of fired bricks containing different particle size WGP.
Prticle size (meshes)

Fig. 6. Compressive strength of fired bricks incorporating different particle sizes of

was mainly from the interaction of quartz with alkali and alkaline
earth metal oxides [24,28]. The melting point is relatively low than
silicon and aluminum oxides, which can easy to form liquid phase
during firing process [30]. Thus, the improvement in physical and is seem to help for the formation of albite, which can partly explain
mechanical performance of brick can partly attributed to the for- why the addition of WGP with larger particles size is favored to
mation of albite. The introduction of WGP with larger particle size promoting compressive strength and decreasing porosity.
L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583 7

Fig. 7. (a) Specific surface area, (b) pore volume and (c) average pore size of fired bricks containing different amounts of WGP.

Combining with results from SEM and XRD analysis, effects of WGP all heavy metals leaching concentrations in leachates met corre-
particle size on properties of bricks are depended on reaction sponding requirement. Actually, the environmental safety of heavy
behaviors of WGP during firing process. For WGP with particle size metals from brick incorporating ES also met corresponding stan-
of 100 and 300 meshes, WGP tend to melt during firing process, dards though no WGP was introduced [4,12]. It has been reported
and form liquid phase and further become glass–ceramic phase, in our previous study that the introduction of WGP could decrease
these high-density glass–ceramic phases are the key for improving the leachability of heavy metals remarkably by stopping leaching
mechanical property and decreasing porosity [26]. For WGP with solution intruding into brick body [18,23]. The formation of much
particle size of 600 and 800 meshes, WGP would melt and crystal- glass–ceramic phase is therefore a critical factor to decrease the
ize into quartz, crystalline quartz would not make contribution to release risk of heavy metals. In this study, the introduction of
improving property and decreasing porosity. WGP with larger particle size was favored to the formation of more
glass–ceramic phase, so WGP with particle size in 100 and 300
3.3. Influence on heavy metals leaching performances meshes could do better in decreasing the release of heavy metals.
The heavy metal concentrations in leachate from fired bricks incor-
Though physical and mechanical performances of fired brick is porating WGP with particle size of 600 and 800 meshes are slightly
important, the leaching risk of hazardous metals from fired bricks higher than 100 and 300 meshes under same leaching time, these
incorporating hazardous waste is also non-negligible [25]. The observations are in line with our assumption. Though the introduc-
leaching concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni leached from fired tion of WGP with larger particle size can effectively decrease the
products incorporating various particle sizes of WGP were pre- heavy metals leachability. The difference in heavy metal concen-
sented in Fig. 11. With prolonging leaching time from 18 h to trations in leachates is very little comparing with maximum allow-
38 days, the leaching behaviors of heavy metals leached from fired able values in TCLP test.
brick incorporating WGP increased slightly. The leachability of Waste glass is a typical inorganic solid waste in all the world,
heavy metals increased from first few days and then going to be especially for China, because of the rapid development of the real
stable gradually with the leaching time further extended. The lim- estate industry. The production amount of waste glass in China is
iting values for heavy metals of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr in TCLP and Chi- huge. Therefore, the utilization of waste glass is becoming an
nese standard are 100, 100, 5 and 15 mg/L. It can considered that pressing question. This study indicated that the introduction of
8 L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

Fig. 8. SEM photos of fired bricks containing 30 wt% of WGP in different particle sizes.

1-Quartz 3-Magnetite
2-Hematite 4-Albite

800 meshes
2 3
3 1
44 4 4 2 21 11 1 1 2 1 3 1 21 1
Relative intensity

600 meshes

1 2 3
4 4 4 4 2 21 11 1 1 21 1 3 1 21 1
Fig. 9. Thermal conductivity of fired bricks containing 30 wt% of WGP with
different particle diameter.

300 meshes
waste glass in the manufacturing of fired brick is good method to 1 4 3 3
consume this waste, which not only provided an feasible way to 42 44 2 21 11 1 1 21 1 3 1 21 1
consume this waste, but also given an strategy to eliminate the 3
1 3
negative impact resulting from the introduction of others solid 2 100 meshes
3 14 42 4 4 2 12 1 21 1 3 1 21 1
waste. Though the introduction of WGP at 300 meshes improves
compressive strength more remarkable than others particle size 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
of WGP. WGP with particle size of 100 meshes also improved com-
pressive strength significantly. Moreover, the introduction of WGP
2 ()
with particle size of 100 meshes can improve effectively physical Fig. 10. XRD patterns of fired clay bricks containing 30 wt% of WGP with different
properties (e.g. water absorption). Combining influences of WGP particle sizes.
particle size on leaching performance of heavy metals, both WGP
with particle size in 100 and 300 meshes can be applied in the pro-
duction of fired bricks incorporating hazardous wastes. However, during grinding process. Thus, WGP with particle size of 100
the grinding of WGP with particle size from 100 to 300 meshes meshes is the better choice for practical application from cost sav-
would cost a lot of energy, and probably produce more pollution ing and product performance.
L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583 9

Fig. 11. Leaching concentrations of (a) Cu, (b) Zn, (c) Cr and (d) Ni from fired bricks incorporating 30 wt% of WGP.

4. Conclusions surface was observed in that with larger particle size (600
and 800 meshes).
In this study, four particle sizes of WGP (100, 300, 600 and 800 (4) WGP with larger particle size tended to form glass–ceramic
meshes) were added in the preparation of fired brick incorporating phase and albite, these glass–ceramic phase are favored to
hazardous electroplating residues, to examine influences of WGP improving mechanical property. WGP with smaller particle
particle size on properties of fired bricks and environment risk size tends to crystalize into crystalline quartz during firing
were investigated. Though the introduction of WGP can effectively process.
decrease water absorption and promote compressive strength, (5) The introduction of WGP with larger particle size decreased
WGP with larger particle size (100 and 300 meshes) exhibits better releasing risk of heavy metals more significant.
potential comparing smaller particle size WGP (600 and 800
meshes). Therefore, the introduction of WGP with larger particles sizes
would play a bigger role in improving physical and mechanical
(1) Fired bricks containing WGP with larger particle size performances of fired brick. Combining with economic cost and
(100 and 300 meshes) have better properties, including energy consumption, adding WGP with larger particle size (e.g.
lower water absorption and higher compressive 100 meshes) in fired bricks for improving properties has more
strength. practical value.
(2) The introduction of WGP with larger particle sizes could
generate a bigger reduction in pore volume and size, while CRediT authorship contribution statement
increasing thermal conductivity. Pore volume of fired bricks
containing 30 wt% of WGP declined from 0.0075 to 0.12 cm3/ Linqiang Mao: Conceptualization, Resources, Funding acquisi-
g with particle size of WGP increasing from 800 to 100 tion, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Project administration.
meshes, However, thermal conductivity increased from Huan Zhou: Investigation, Validation, Visualization. Mingguo
0.10 to 0.14 W/m K. Peng: Writing - review & editing, Visualization. Linchao Hu: Writ-
(3) A lot of molten smooth glass–ceramic structure was ing - review & editing, Software, Data curation, Formal analysis.
observed in fired brick incorporating WGP with larger parti- Wenyi Zhang: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Resources, Writ-
cle size (100 and 300 meshes), while a rough and granular ing - review & editing.
10 L. Mao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119583

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This work was supported by the Natural Science Fund of Jiangsu wastes and calamine processing tailings in fired bricks making, Waste Biomass
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of China (21707011). [18] L. Mao, H. Guo, W. Zhang, Addition of waste glass for improving the
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