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Journalism Journals
Journalism Journals
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ABSTACT- Traditionally, Ordinary Portland Cement concrete is used for making the civil
structures. Rising construction costs and the need to reduce environmental stresses to make
construction sustainable, has necessitated research into the use of alternative materials,
especially locally available ones which can replace conventional materials used in concrete
production. In the present study the experimental investigation were carried out to evaluate
the effects of replacing cement with Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) and
coarse aggregate with Demolishing Waste (DW). The Ground granulated Blast furnace slag
(GGBS) is an industrial waste and a pozzolanic material that has received considerable
attention in both research and application. It is a byproduct of the steel industry. Here the
cement is replaced by GGBS in different percentages varying from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%,
40%, 50%and 60% with Demolishing Waste of 30% constant as a replacement of coarse
aggregate. The various mechanical properties and durability test on the concrete specimens
were obtained from the partial replacement of cement with GGBS and coarse aggregate with
demolishing waste. Keywords- GGBS, durability, demolishing waste.
A. General OPC based concrete continues to be the pre-eminent construction materials for
use in any type of civil engineering structures because of its easiness in construction,
performance in strength requirements, better durability in normal environment, in comparison
to other construction materials like steel, timber etc. At the same time some problems are also
Helps to improve the properties of concrete like compressive strength, workability etc.
Low cost and easily available. In India, about 7.8 million tons of GGBS is produced per
year. All the Blast Furnace Slags are obtained by quenching the molten slag by using high
power water jet, making 100% glassy slag granules of 0.4 mm size. Ground Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag is used as an admixture in making concrete. Now in India, since GGBS is
available separately, its use as an admixture should become more common. The replacement
of cement with GGBS will reduce the unit water content necessary to obtain the same slump.
This reduction of unit water content will be more pronounced with increase in slag content
and also on the fineness of slag. This is because of the surface configuration and particle
shape of slag being different than cement particle. In addition, water used for mixing is not
immediately lost, as the surface hydration of slag is slightly slower than that of cement.
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag blended with OPC gives lower strength in early stages
of concreting and gains strength slower than normal OPC concrete. Thus, concrete with
GGBS have greater place-ability and workability. Demolishing waste consists mainly of
wood products, tiles, asphalt, drywall (gypsum), and masonry (e.g., concrete, bricks). Other
notable components include metals, plastics, earth, shingles, and insulation. Demolishing
wastes are categorized in a variety of ways, and each category produces wastes with different
composition and characteristics. For example, road construction and demolishing waste
differs from bridge waste, which differs from building waste. Whereas road construction and
demolishing waste generates large quantities of few different waste items (mainly asphalt and
concrete), building construction and demolishing waste generates many different waste items
in smaller amounts (with wood as the largest single item). Within the category of building
demolishing waste, the size and type of the building (e.g., an apartment building versus a
single-family house) affects the composition of the waste. Even for one building type, the
waste generated depends on the activity conducted. B. Hydration of GGBS Hydration
products of GGBS are poorly crystalline Calcium Silicate Hydrate broadly similar to that
formed from hydration of OPC, but with lower Ca/Si ratio. Due to lower Ca/ Si ratio, these
hydrates have more alkali retention capacity. Hydration products of GGBS effectively fill up
Published by: Longman Publishers Page | 3
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 8, Issue 03 (March -2023) DOI: - 09
the pores and increase the strength and durability of concrete. GGBS requires activation to
initiate hydration and the availability of a medium for continuing the hydration process. Slag
hydration can be activated by using alkalies, lime, sulphate etc. (Chemically activation), or by
fine grinding (Mechanically activation) or by increasing temperature of concrete (Thermal
activation). Various alkalies activators like Sodium hydroxide, Sodium carbonate, Sodium
sulphate, Sodium silicate (Water glass) etc. can be used for slag. Water glass activated slag
produced most cross-linked structures that results in increased mechanical strength of
hydration products, while Sodium hydroxide make hydration process of slag more intensive
Due to higher activation energy of blast furnace slag relative to OPC, it has advantage of
thermal activation on its hydration.
C. Objectives Present experimental work explores the possibility of using GGBS and
Demolishing waste as replacement of cement and coarse aggregate in concrete. The main
objective of this study is
To study the workability, physical and chemical properties of ingredients used and to
develop a suitable mix proportion.
To study the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength
and flexural strength by casting cubes and cylindrical specimen.
To check the durability of cast specimen under acid, alkali environment and check the
corrosion resistance.
D. Methodology
C. Mix design M25 mix was designed as per IS10262:2009 and the mix proportion was
obtained as 1:1.66:2.88. Water-cement ratio was 0.45. Seven mixes were made namely GB0,
GB 10, GB 20, GB 30, GB 40, GB 50 and GB 60 to determine mechanical properties and
properties of fresh concrete. GB 0 with 0% and 30% demolishing waste is considered as
control mix. In the other six mixes GGBS replacing cement is varied t levels of 10%, 20%,
30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. The mix corresponding to 60% replacement of cement by GGBS
is to be taken as the final mix. The mix other than control mix and final mix that gives the
maximum values of mechanical properties is considered as the nominal mix. Quantities of
ingredients are given in Table 1
D Durability study
1. General The durability of concrete is the ability to resist weathering action, chemical
attack, abrasion, or any process of deterioration. Durable concrete will retain its original
form, quality, and serviceability when exposed to its environment. For the study of durability
of concrete the test conducted were Acid resistance test (Sulphuric Acid attack), Alkalinity
test (Sodium Hydroxide attack), Sulphate attack test, Seawater attack test.
2. Acid attack test Concrete is susceptible to attack by sulphuric acid produced from either
sewage or sulphur dioxide present in the atmosphere of industrial cities. This attack is due to
the high alkalinity of Portland cement concrete, which can be attacked by other acids as well.
Sulphuric acid is particularly corrosive due to the sulphate ion participating in sulphate
attack. In this test the effect of sulphuric acid on the durability of concrete specimen was
determined. For this test the cube specimens of 100mm×100mm×100mm was used to
measure the reduction in compressive strength and mass loss with respect to normal water
cured specimens. The specimens were exposed to 5% sulphuric acid solution. This solution
was prepared by diluting the concentrated sulphuric acid by normal water. The specimens
were immersed in the solution after removing from the mould. Then the weight and
compressive strength were compared with normal cured specimens in 28 days, 56 days and
90 days
CONCLUSION In the present study, an attempt was made to study the effect of partial
replacement of cement with GGBS and coarse aggregate with demolishing waste. From the
preliminary investigation conducted GB 40 was selected as the optimum mix based on
compressive strength. Workability test was conducted for all mixes. Mechanical properties
like compressive strength of cube, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength were checked
for all the sevan mixes, and the durability properties were checked for three mixes, ie GB
0,GB 40 and GB 60. The obtained results were compared with the control mix (GB 0) Based
on the limited experimental investigation the following conclusions were derived
Workability increased with increase in GGBS content. Maximum workability was obtained at
60 % of replacement of cement with GGBS.
Cement with 40% replacement (GB 40) showed better mechanical properties in the
hardened state.
Compressive strength increased upto 40% of replacement with GGBS, and then decreased
at all ages. The increase in compressive strength at 28th day of GB 40 was about 13.47% than
control mix (GB 0).
The splitting tensile strength of cylinder was maximum for 40% of replacement. The
percentage of increase in splitting tensile strength of GB 40 was about 51.90% than GB0.
The flexural strength of beam was maximum for GB 40.The percentage of increase in
strength of GB 40 was about 80% than GB 0.
GGBS concrete had less durability property in acid test. After 90 days exposure in sulphuric
acid solution the compressive strength of GB 60 was reduced. Percentage weight loss was
much higher for GB 60.
On curing in NaOH solution, the percentage strength loss for GB 60 was about 25.94% at
90 days. The weight loss was lower for the GGBS concrete compared to control mix. So
GGBS concrete was durable in alkaline solution compared to control mix.
The GGBS concrete reduced the sulphate attack as compared with control mix. The slag
present in the mix reduced concrete permeability, and made it harder for sulphates to
penetrate into concrete.
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