Beckwith 2011
Beckwith 2011
Beckwith 2011
With the rise in hydraulic fracturing ment in processing and material han- proppant—being performed per well to
over the past decade has come a steep dling facilities. maximize production. For example, a
climb in proppant demand. Global sup- The price proppant manufacturers typical Barnett Shale well would in the
plies are currently tight. The number can charge must be figured in to the early 2000s have consumed approxi-
of proppant suppliers worldwide has overall cost of producing a well, which mately 300,000 lbs of proppant. The
increased since 2000 from a handful in the Bakken, for example, can be longer horizontal wells drilled today,
to well over 50 sand, ceramic prop- approximately USD 6 million, with produced with often 20 or more stages,
pant, and resin-coat producers. The proppant representing about 5% of well might consume 3 to 5 million lbs.
estimated amount of proppant used has costs. Since a majority of proppant is Still, proppant supplier margins are
grown tenfold since 2000, when little currently used in fracturing unconven- relatively slim, requiring the steady,
more than 3 billion lbs was supplied, tional gas wells, depressed natural gas high-quality production and distribu-
according to research by PropTester and prices tend to keep a cap on the prices tion of large volumes to sustain a profit-
Kelrik. Circumstances appear favorable proppant suppliers can demand. able enterprise.
for those seeking to enter the market. However, as hydraulically fractured
However, gearing up to take advan- wells proliferate, a growing body of Proppants: Earth to Earth
tage of these propitious conditions rep- data is continually being generated to The journey of an individual grain
resents a daunting task, requiring coor- aid in the creation of targeted frac- or bead of proppant is a circular one,
dination of complex logistics, material ture stimulation plans, with more making its way from its origins as a
resources, and processing knowledge, highly engineered stages—boosting substance mined from the Earth to its
as well as a substantial capital invest- the demand for greater volumes of final destination deep within the Earth
in the far reaches of the filigree-like or
dendritically shaped fractures emanat-
ing from the long horizontal bore-
hole. It is the only substance operators
want to remain downhole following a
successful hydraulic fracturing treat-
ment and performs the vital function
of propping open the fractured forma-
tion to promote the economic flow—or
conductivity—of hydrocarbons in the
ensuing months and years over the
well’s productive life.
The primary order of business for a
proppant facility, therefore, is choosing
the optimum location—preferably one
close to both raw material supply and
enduser. The immediate proximity of
railcar and possibly barge transport is
critical, as well as a good road system
and the availability of a reliable truck-
ing fleet.
20/40 Northern White fracturing sand. Photo cour- 20/40 SLC resin-coated sand. Photo courtesy: Santrol
tesy: Santrol Proppants. Proppants.
the Earth’s continental crust. Unlike Coarser proppants, such as 16/30 and zontal gas wells such as those in the
common sand, which often feels grit- 20/40, can be more difficult to effec- Barnett, Fayetteville, Haynesville, and
ty when rubbed between the fingers, tively place in fractures due to their Marcellus shales.
sand used as a proppant tends to roll size and higher settling rates compared Industrial silica sand has a wide
to the touch as a result of its round, to, for example, 40/70 and 100 mesh. range of uses, and is commonly used
spherical shape and tightly graded par- According to Brian Olmen, owner of in the metal casting industry to make
ticle distribution. Kelrik, the supply outlook for high- cores and molds, but particularly in
Sand quality is a function of both quality coarse sands is severely strained the manufacture of various types of
deposit and processing. Grain size is in 2011, largely due to a resurgence in glass—including solar energy collect-
critical, as any given proppant must oil and liquid-rich drilling activity in ing panels—as well as in the creation of
reliably fall within certain mesh ranges, areas such as the Bakken, Eagle Ford, highly flame-resistant industrial molds
subject to downhole conditions and and Permian Basin. and construction materials for the
completion design. The smaller the “Sand is not an engineered product, kilns used in the manufacture of sin-
number, the coarser the grain. The vast but rather a natural mineral subject to tered ceramic and bauxite proppants.
majority of grains range from 12 to deposit yield and processing efficiency,” Companies with established sources
140 mesh and include standard sizes says Olmen. “The percentage of grains of high-quality silica, with decades of
such as 12/20, 16/30, 20/40, 30/50, and coarser than 40 mesh in many quality experience in manipulating this raw
40/70 whereby 90% of the product falls deposits is often less than 20%, if any.” material, have commonly added or
between the designated sieve sizes. This is not a new challenge as, histor- or modified production facilities to
Generally, coarser proppant allows ically, 20/40 is the single most demand- increase proppant capacity over the
for higher flow capacity due to the ed gradation. years. These include the industrial giant
larger pore spaces between grains. The increasing use of 40/70 and Sibelco Group, whose Unimin division
However, it may break down or crush finer 100 mesh sands beginning in has a stated annual production capacity
more readily under stress due to the 2001—rising particularly since 2006— in excess of 10 billion lbs making it the
relatively fewer grain-to-grain contact is a rather new development resulting largest supplier of proppant worldwide.
points to bear the stress often incurred from the rise in high-volume slickwa- According to Olmen, the industrial
in deep oil- and gas-bearing formations. ter fracturing of unconventional hori- frac sand industry has fundamentally
Sand Control
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