MA3125266 AOF Signed
MA3125266 AOF Signed
MA3125266 AOF Signed
Applica}on Form (For Individuals Only) CDSL VENTURES LIMITED
&.Exploring New Horizons
Normal EKYC OTP EKYC Biometric Online KYC Oöine EKYC Digilocker
(Passport mandatory for NRIs and Foreign Na}onals. PIO selec}on is only for CKYC and not for KRA KYC.
Select NRI or Foreign Na}onal based on Na}onality of the individual)
Proof of Iden}ty (POI) submited for PAN exempted cases (Please }ck)
A 4 Aadhaar Card XXXX XXXX __ __ __ __
(Expiry Date)
B 4 Passport Number
C 4 Voter ID Card
(Expiry Date)
D 4Driving License
E 4NREGA Job Card
Z 4Others (any document no}oed by Central Government)
Iden}oca}on Number
2. Address Details* (please refer guidelines overleaf)
A. Correspondence/ Local Address*
City/Town/Village* KALAYAPURAM District* KALAYAPURAM Pin Code* 691560
State* KERALA Country* INDIA
Address Type* Residen}al/Business ✔ Residen}al Business Registered Oïce Unspecioed
Applicant e-SIGN
B. Permanent residence address of applicant, if diferent from above A / Overseas Address* (Mandatory for NRI Applicant)
Line 2
Town/Village* KALAYAPURAM District* KALAYAPURAM Pin Code* 691560
State* KERALA Country* INDIA
Address Type* Residen}al/Business ✔ Residen}al Business Registered Oïce Unspecioed
Proof of Address* (atested copy of any 1 POA for correspondence and permanent address each to be submited)
A 4 Aadhaar Card XXXX XXXX __ __ __ __
B 4 Passport Number (Expiry Date)
C 4 Voter ID Card
(Expiry Date)
D 4Driving License
E 4NREGA Job Card
F 4 NPR Leter
Z4Others (any document no}oed by Central Government)
Iden}oca}on Number
4. Applicant Declara}on
I/We hereby declare that the KYC details furnished by me are true and correct to Applicant e-SIGN Applicant Wet Signature
the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/we under-take to inform you of any
changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above informa}on is found to be
false or untrue or misleading or misrepresen}ng, I am/We are aware that I/We Digitally Signed by:
may be held liable for it. Name:ABIN BIJU
I/We hereby consent to receiving informa}on from CVL KRA through SMS/Email on Reason:Account Opening
the above registered number/Email address. Date:Thu Apr 25 19:59:41 IST 2024
I am/We are also aware that for Aadhaar OVD based KYC, my KYC request shall be
validated against Aadhaar details. I/We hereby consent to sharing my/our masked
Aadhaar card with readable QR code or my Aadhaar XML/Digilocker XML ole, along
with passcode and as applicable, with KRA and other Intermediaries with whom I
have a business rela}onship for KYC purposes only.
DATE: _________________________ (DD-MM-YYYY)
PLACE: _______________________________________
Proof of Iden}ty / PAN (mandatory)
Proof of Address (mandatory)
Applicant Wet Signature Page (mandatory)
Mirae Asset Capital 1st Floor, Tower 4, Equinox Business Park, Tel.: 1800 210 0818
Markets (India) LBS Marg, Off BKC, Kurla (West), E-mail ID:
Private Limited Website :
Mumbai - 400 070
CIN No: U65990MH2017FTC300493
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
Sr. Name of the Document Brief Significance of the Document Page
No. No.
1. Account Opening Form KYC Form - Document captures the basic information about the constituent and Additional
information relevant to Trading and Demat account including FATCA-CRS Declaration
2. Tariff Sheet Document detailing the rate/amount of Brokerage and other Charges for trading and demat account 05
3. Terms and Conditions Lays down the Terms and Conditions applicable to Client Account including client
authorization for Running Account, Authorisation for receipt of contract notes and other
documents in a Digital Mode, E mail ID/Mobile Declaration, Terms and Conditions for BSE 06-12
StAR MF, Terms and Conditions related to Margin Trading Funding (”MTF”) and Terms and
Conditions related to IPO using UPI mode.
Sr. Name of the Document Brief Significance of the Document Page
No. No.
1. Rights and Obligations of Document stating the Rights and Obligations of Stock broker/trading member, AP and
Stock Broker, AP and Clients. Client for Trading on the exchanges (including the additional rights and obligations in case
of Internet / wireless technology based trading.
*If you do not wish to trade in any of segment / Mutual Fund, please mention here ____________________
3. BANK A/C details for linking with Demat and Trading Account
Name of Bank: KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK Bank Account No.: 8048461883
Type of Account : Savings
Mirae Asset Capital Know Your Client (KYC)
Markets (India)
Private Limited Application Form (For Individuals Only)
(Please fill the form in ENGLISH and in BLOCK LETTERS)
A. Identity Details
1. Name of Applicant (As appearing in supporting identification document).
2. Gender ✔ Male Female Transgender Marital status ✔ Single Married Other
Date of Birth D D M29-10-2004
3. Nationality ✔ Indian Other (Please specify)
4. Status ✔ Resident Individual Foreign National (Passport Copy Mandatory for NRIs & Foreign Nationals)
Non Resident
5.a PAN HGBPB5110E 5.b Aadhaar Number, if any: NA
6. Geo Tagging Location : ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Latitude: 28.6348107, Longitude:77.0777501 DateTime: 25-04-2024 07:32:08
Location: West Delhi District Delhi India
Private Sector Public Sector Govt. Service Business Professional Agriculturist Retired
House-Wife ✔ Student Others
Income per annum: Rs. <1 Lac ✔ 1 to 5 Lac 5 to 10 Lac 10 to 25 Lac More than 25 Lac OR
Net worth is Rs. _______________________ As on (Should not be older than 1 year)
C. Address Details
1. Residence / Correspondence Address
City / Town / Village KALAYAPURAM Pin Code 691560
State KERALA Country INDIA
2. Specify the Proof of address submitted for Residence / Correspondence Address: ____________________________________________
3 Contact Details
Tel. (Off.) Tel. (Res.)
Mobile 8587035333 Fax
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of
any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am
aware that I may be held liable for it. Digitally Signed by:
Date: D D M25-04-2024
M Y Y Y Y Location:India
Reason:Account Opening
Date:Thu Apr 25 19:59:41 IST 2024
Place: KALAYAPURAM Signature
Signature of
The Authorised Signatory Seal/Stamp of the Stock Broker
e. Date : 25-04-2024
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
A) Other Details
a) Are you a politically exposed person (PEP) Yes ✔ No
b) Are you related to any PEP Yes ✔ No
c) I have already done my KYC KRA registration/documentation through a SEBI registered intermediary ✔ Yes No
d) I wish to receive Physical Contract Note Electronic Contract Note ✔ Men on Email same as men oned in KYC Form
e) I wish to avail the facility of internet trading and wireless technology ✔ Yes No
f) Details of past actions/proceedings initiated/pending/taken by SEBl/stock exchange/any other authority against
the applicant/constituent or its Partners/promoters/whole time directors/authorised persons in charge of dealing Yes ✔ No
in securities during last 3 years
If Yes, Provide Details:
g) Number of years of Investment / Trading experience Up to 1 year Any other Information
h) I wish to nominate (Please fill up attached nomination form) ✔ I do not wish to nominate
Below Declaration is applicable for Demat Account only:
I) Mode of receiving Demat Account Statement and Annual Report: ✔ Electronic Physical Both (Physical & Electronic)
Account statement frequency: As per SEBI Regulation Daily Weekly Fortnightly ✔ Monthly
j) l request you to send electronic transaction cum holding statement at the email ID ✔ Yes No
k) Share the email ID with RTA ✔ Yes No
l) DP account to be operated through Power of Attorney Yes ✔ No
m) I authorize you to receive credit automatically into my A/c ✔ Yes No
n) I want to receive the Delivery Instruction Slip booklet (DIS) (If not indicated, will be treated as 'No') Yes ✔ No
(DIS Booklet should be issued to me immediately on my request at any later date.
o) I wish to receive Dividend/Interest directly in to my Bank account through ECS (If not marked, the default option ✔ Yes No
would be Yes) (ECS is mandatory for location notified by SEBI from time to time.
p) l would like to instruct the DP to accept all the pledge instructions in my account without any other further Yes ✔ No
instruction from my or our end. (If not marked the default option would be “No”)
q) l hereby state: ✔ I do not have GST Number I have GST Number as __________________Name of State_____________________
r) SMS alert facility(Mandatory if POA is given) Mobile Number: +91 8587035333
s) I wish to avail the TRUST (TRansactions Using Secured Texting) facility using the mobile number registered for SMS
alert facility. I have read and understood the T&C prescribed by CDSL for the same Yes ✔ No
To register for easi, please visit website (Easi allows a BO to view his ISIN balances, transations and value of the portfolio
Whether client is dealing through the sub-broker/AP Yes No (pl. tick). If Yes, provide the following details:
Sub-broker's/AP Name:____________________________________________________________SEBl Reg. No:_____________________
Registered off. Add: _________________________________________________Fax: _______________Website:___________________
Whether dealing with any other stock broker/sub-broker /AP(in case dealing with multiple stock brokers/sub-broker/AP) Yes No
(If Yes, provide details of all) Name of Stock Broker: ___________________________Exchange:__________________________________
Name of Sub-Broker/APif any: _________________________________________________________Client Code:___________________
Details of disputes/dues pending from/to such stock broker/sub-broker/AP
C) DECLARATION - l hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and l
undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that l may be held liable for it. l confirm having read explained and understood the contents of
the document on policy and procedures of the Stock broker and the tariff sheet. l further confirm having read and understood the contents
of Part B of the Account opening form comprising of Rights and Obligations of the Beneficial Owner and Depository Participant, Rights and
Obligations of Stock Brokers, Sub Brokers /AP & clients, Risk Disclosure document, Policy & Procedures applicable to the clients, Guidance
Note for Do’s and Don’ts for Trading on the Exchange(s) for Investors, Terms and Conditions related to Mutual Funds through BSE StAR MF,
Rights and Obligations related to MTF , Investment Charter- Stock Broker and Depository participant as prescribed by SEBI. l do hereby
agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents. l acknowledge the receipt of copy of above Part B document. l have
also been informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed for information on website The Rules &
Regulations of the Depository and Depository participant, pertaining to an account which are in force now, have been read by me and l have
understood the same and l agree to abide by, and to be bound by the rules as are in force from time to time for such account. My personal
details / KYC details may be shared with Central KYC Registry. I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYCDigitally
RegistrySigned by:
SMS / Email on the registered number/Email address. Name:ABIN BIJU
Reason:Account Opening
Date:Thu Apr 25 19:59:41 IST 2024
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
Name of the Employee Documents fetched from KRA Documents fetched from KRA Documents fetched from KRA
Employee Code
Designa on of Employee
I/we undertake that we have made the client aware of 'Policy and Procedures', tariff sheet and all the non-mandatory documents. I/We have
also made the client aware of 'Rights and Obligations' document(s). RDD, Investment Charter- Stock Broker and Depository Participant as
prescribed by SEBI and Guidance Note. I/We have given/sent him/uploaded on our website after customer login, a copy of all the KYC
documents. I/We undertake that any change in the 'Policy and Procedures', tariff sheet and all the non-mandatory documents would be duly
intimated to the clients. I/We also undertake that any change in the 'Rights and Obligations' and RDD would be made available on my/our
website, if any, for the information of the clients.
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
The execution of this by the client is voluntary. However the execution of this document by the client is required in order to facilitate seamless
and hassle free trading and settlement of transactions.
1. The Client shall maintain such Margin as may be stipulated by Mirae Asset Capital Markets (India) Private Limited (“MACM”) ) from time to
time. In case the Client does not provide the required Margin within the time frame stipulated by MACM, then MACM shall take such other
action as it may think fit and proper. MACM may require the Client to pay additional Margin immediately in case of high volatility.
2. The Client undertakes to monitor the adequacy of the collateral on a continuous basis.
3. MACM as a risk containment measure shall have the discretion to square off/sell all or some of the client positions/collaterals/securities,
without any notice to the client.
4. The Client is responsible for all orders, including any orders that may be executed without the required Margin in the Client's account.
5. MACM shall have the discretion to allow or disallow trading by the client in certain scrips / contracts / products / services.
6. No transaction request shall be assumed to be executed / modified until a confirmation from MACM is received by the Client.
7. The client authorizes MACM to close out the transactions in case the Client fails to make full payment to MACM or if there is debit in client's
account with MACM. Also, MACM may square off open client's margin/leveraged positions in case the scrip price is nearing its daily price
band or due to any adverse development concerning the client's position or scrip.
8. The client agrees that MACM shall not be liable for non-execution or delay in the execution of any order due to system/network issue or due
to any reason beyond the control of MACM.
9. The client shall pay to MACM outstanding debit balance if any in his/her account from time to time without any delay. In case of delay,
interest on delayed payment shall be charged on outstanding amount including on interest amount already charged as per rates
mentioned in Tariff Sheet for Trading and Demat.
10. The losses incurred on client's account will be to the account of the client only. Neither MACM nor any of its employees/agents shall in any
circumstances be liable for any loss, lost profits, cost, liability, expense or damage occurred to the client.
11. The client authorises MACM to obtain details in relation to the transactions and balances in respect of the securities held in his/her demat
account for the purpose of collating and displaying details under “Portfolio” Section. The client acknowledges that the Portfolio service is
being provided as an add on facility and for client convenience/Information only and MACM shall not be liable for any inaccurate display of
data due to any unintended error etc.
12. The client authorizes MACM to deposit/pledge or repledge from time to time client's collateral and deposits with the Exchanges/Clearing
Corporation for meeting client's margin requirements and other obligations.
13. The client authorises MACM to provide the communications through SMS/WhatsApp and/or telephone calls on the registered mobile
number(s), even if the clients contact number is registered with the National Do Not Call Registry (“NDNC”) etc. The client confirms that
he/she shall not make any complaint to the TRAI/ Service provider in relation to any call/communications received from MACM and shall
not hold MACM liable.
14. The client authorises MACM to set off outstanding in any of the account of the client against credits available or arising in any other
accounts/segments/exchanges maintained with MACM.
15. The client authorizes MACM to use the client account details/KYC details//registered telephone numbers/TPIN etc. as method of
verification of the client's identity as the caller and then take orders, instructions from the caller over the phone. All such orders,
instructions etc. shall be deemed to have been placed by the client and biding on the client.
16. The Client acknowledges that he is fully aware of and understands the risks associated with availing of the services for routing orders over
the telephone including the risk of misuse and unauthorized use of his/its details and/or username and/or TPIN by a third party. The Client
agrees that he/it shall be fully liable and responsible for any and all unauthorized transactions and unauthorized use of the above.
17. The client shall not have recourse to dispute redressal mechanism/arbitration mechanism/investor protection schemes of the Stock
Exchanges/SEBI, in case the client avails services under any schemes/leagues/competitions etc. offered by any third party/group
company/associates of MACM, and concerning such services.
18. The client agrees that non-receipt of bounced mail notification by MACM shall amount to delivery of the contract note at the email ID of the
19. The Trading Member may keep the unutilised margin deposits of the client in bank deposits in accordance with regulatory guidelines issued
from time to time. However, no interest shall be passed on to the client earned for such deposits.
20. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations of the parties, the client understand and agrees that MACM may levy additional charges
including Annual Maintenance charges and all charges with respect to Client Demat account for any service rendered by MACM and as may
be required by the client and recover from the client at all reasonable costs, as may be incidental or consequential for rendering the said
services. The said charges will be debited to the clients Trading Ledger account with MACM and it shall be binding on me.
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
26. ECN Declaration : The client hereby consent to receive from MACM the digital contract notes, bills, Statement of Funds and Securities , Daily
Margin Statements, Demat Transaction Statement, Holding Statements, Notices, Circulars, amendments and such other correspondences
including the standard documents which form part of account opening document The client agrees that MACM shall fulfill their
legal/regulatory obligations if the above documents are sent electronically. Accordingly, the client request MACM to register his Email ID
ABINBIJU1330@GMAIL.COM and the same will be the
registered E mail ID as per MACM records. The client shall ensure to maintain the secrecy of the Login id and Password. MACM will not be
held liable for breach of secrecy. The client agree that MACM will not take cognizance of any out of office autoreplies and the client shall be
deemed to have received such electronic mails. The client agrees to inform MACM in case there is a change in the registered E mail ID.
27. The Client has opted to receive Part B comprising of Rights & Obligations and Investment Charter (Trading and Demat separately), Uniform
Risk Disclosure document, Do and Do not's for Trading and Demat and Guidance Note etc. in the form of Physical ✔ Electronic
28. In case of dealings in Listed securities of Stock Exchanges and depositories by the client, the client agrees to comply with Fit and proper
norms as prescribed by SEBI from time to time.
29. The client understand, agree and confirm that if the Exchange/regulatory authority charges any penalty/fine or charge for any non-
compliance on his part including but not limited to non payment /shortfall of in margin then such fine/charge/ penalty shall be debited to
the ledger account of the client and the client shall be obliged to make payment for the same.
30. The client hereby undertakes not to execute any trade either singly or in concert with other clients, which may be viewed as manipulative
trades viz. artificially raising, depressing or maintaining the price, creation of artificial volume, synchronized trades, cross trades etc. or
which could be termed as manipulative or fraudulent trades by SEBI or Stock Exchanges. In case the client is found to be indulging in such
activities, MACM has right to inform the Stock Exchanges/SEBI/other regulatory authority and suspend/close the trading account of the
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
31. The client hereby indemnify and hold MACM, its directors, employees harmless from and against all trades related claims, demands,
actions, proceedings, damages, liabilities, charges and/or expenses that are occasioned or may be occasioned to MACM directly or
indirectly, relating to bad delivery of shares/securities and/or third party delivery, whether authorized or unauthorized and fake/forged
shares/securities/transfer documents introduced or that may be introduced by or through the client during the course of his
dealings/operations on the Exchanges and/or proof of address, identity or any other document provided by the client at time of
registration and/or subsequently.
32. The client understand and agree that MACM does not give any guarantee or assurance as to returns or profits or capital appreciation or
protection. The client understand that the past performance is not a necessarily guide to future performance. The client also understands
that there is no fixed return in equities, derivatives, currencies or any other asset class or segment traded on the exchange or OTC products.
The principal or initial investment (In cash or collateral or any other asset class can also be lost fully and losses can be higher than client
initial investment.
33. The client give his consent to MACM to access his credit information from Credit Information Companies in order to understand his
creditworthiness, as may be required MACM for carrying out due-diligence or its internal evaluation.
34. Declaration For Same Email ID / Mobile No:
Date D D M25-04-2024
Client ID. 1209290012153424 Trading ID MA3125266
✔ Mobile Number
✔ Email ID.
I hereby declare that the aforesaid mobile number or Email Id. belongs to
✔ Me or
My family (spouse, dependent children and dependent parents)
35. Other Terms and Conditions applicable for Mutual Funds Transactions through BSE StAR MF
1. The client agree and acknowledge that Mutual Funds transactions done through MACM will be tagged with the MACM SEBI Registration
Code INZ000163138 will be treated as Direct and the same are being provided under “execution-only” transactions without any
interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the MACM or notwithstanding the advice of in-
appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of MACM.
2. The Client hereby give his/her consent to share/provide the transactions data feed/portfolio holdings/ NAV etc. in respect of my/our
investments under Direct Plan of all Schemes managed by you, to the above mentioned RIA.
3. Since Mutual funds are held in Demat form maintained with MACM, the nomination applicable for your Demat account will be applicable
for your mutual fund holdings as well.
4. The Client agrees and understands that MACM is only a facilitator for the client for applying in the Mutual Fund units. Allotment of units
shall be at the sole discretion of the respective Asset Management Company (“AMC”) and the MACM shall not be held liable or
responsible for any act/ deed / non-action of the AMC.
5. The Transaction Instruction shall be processed subject to availability of sufficient and clear funds/securities in the client Bank/Demat
6. Redemption requests for all Open-ended Schemes can be given at any time. However, the Redemption requests for Closed Ended
Schemes can be given only on dates specified by AMC's. In case of redemptions orders, the client need to complete e-Dis authentication
first before executing any redemption orders. Redemption proceeds and dividend payouts shall get credited directly by the AMC into your
bank account provided at the time of registration with MACM.
7. Any Transactions Instructions placed on a Non-Business Day or after cut off time will be processed on the next business day and NAV
would be applicable NAV on the day on which it is processed. Transaction request once placed by the client through this mode can not be
cancelled The client has read and understood the cut off timings for placing normal order/ L0/L1 orders, the details of which are clearly
explained on MACM Website/Mobile Application and the client agree to the same.
8. The client hereby agree and acknowledge that MACM shall provide this service on a best effort basis. Neither MACM nor any of its affiliates
shall be liable for damage or other costs or any failure to perform its obligations arising in any way out of
a) System failure including failure of ancillary or associated systems, or fluctuation of power or other environmental conditions or for any
circumstances of acts of God, floods, epidemics quarantine, riot or civil commotion and war or any other like reasons beyond the
reasonable control of MACM.
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
b) Accident, transportation, neglect, misuse, frauds, errors of the clients or any third party.
c) Any fault in any attachments or associated equipment of the clients.
d) There may be a possibility of variances in values arising out of delayed data feeds, transmission losses in electronic data, electronic
fund transfer etc. for which MACM and its authorised representatives shall not be liable.
e) Investments from residents in the United States of America and Canada are not permitted for certain mutual funds. MACM shall not be
liable for rejections of such applications by Mutual Funds, where investor is an US and Canada resident, all such US/Canada residents
are required to do their own diligence with respect to eligibility in investing into such mutual funds/instruments.
36. I/We hereby agree to avail Margin Trading Funding (“MTF”) from MACM in Equity Segment of NSE and BSE. I/We have received and read
the Rights and Obligations of MTF as prescribed by NSE and BSE contained in Part B of Account Opening Form. I/We also agree to avail of
Margin Trading Funding from MACM in accordance with the following terms and conditions agreed between me/us and MACM.
The above referred MTF is offered by Mirae Asset Capital Markets (India) Private Limited (“MACM”)
under the product name of E-Margin. Digitally Signed by:
Location:India Signature
Reason:Account Opening
Date:Thu Apr 25 19:59:41 IST 2024
Other Terms and Conditions relating to Margin Trading Funding (“MTF”) as agreed between Stock Broker and Client.
1. Under E-Margin, about 20% - 50% margin required to be provided by the client in such form as may be specified from MACM from time to
time for limits (both cash & non cash). The margin is blocked from the customers' limits before the order is released to the Exchange. The
client can carry forward his open buy position till sufficient margins are maintained by the clients.
2. Features:
a) The customer can take fresh buy positions in E- margin product in the approved stock (s) by providing prescribed margins. The open
positions can be squared off in case of any margin shortfall, MTM Loss or in case of corporate actions concerning the stock in which
there is open E-Margin position.
b) As per SEBI regulation, only Group-1 securities are eligible for MTF. Hence, MTF shall not be offered in all the securities traded on Stock
Exchanges. MACM shall have the discretion to select securities that will be enabled for trading under the said facility as per its internal
risk management policy and the number of stocks enabled for trading under MTF can be smaller than the number of stocks allowed by
SEBI/Stock Exchanges.
c) Such list of approved securities would be subject to change by MACM from time to time. MACM may also at its sole discretion decide to
withdraw a particular security from the list without notice to the clients and without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
d) SEBI/Exchanges has prescribed the Minimum Margin amount to be paid by the client as VaR + 3 times ELM in case of F&O stocks and
VaR +5 times ELM in case of other eligible stocks. MACM shall have the right to prescribe and collect the higher margin from client over
and above the stated rates. Also as a risk containment measure, margin rates could be increased or decreased for a Security without
notice to the Client and without assigning any reasons whatsoever by MACM from time to time.
e) Margins can be collected by MACM in the form cash, cash equivalent and eligible stocks in the Form of Margin Pledge (“MP”) with
Appropriate haircut as decided by MACM from time to time.
f) Mark to Market (MTM) losses on open E-Margin positions to be calculated on daily basis and shall be adjusted from available margin.
Accordingly, the Limit may lesser over a period of time. In case, the MTM loss breaches the prescribed threshold (currently 75%) of
available margin, the position shall be squared off immediately to restrict further losses. It shall be the responsibility of the Client to
regularly monitor and review the Margin availability and furnish the additional Margin to MACM.
g) In case the E-Margin position could not be squared off for any reasons (for example, lower liquidity in the scrip, scrip hitting circuit filter,
internal system issues or problems at Exchange's end etc.) your open position will be settled on a delivery basis.
h) In case the Client has buy position which resulted in no delivery / shortage then the sell leg transaction (if executed on or before
Settlement date) would also amount to shortage. The auction value as applicable on the shortages would apply.
i) if client buy shares under MTF product and sell the same under other product on the same day or vice -versa, there will be no open
position and hence no MTF allocation will happen for the day.
j) MACM shall also have the right to transfer /sell any other securities of the Client at Client's risk and costs and with or without intimation
to the Client for recovering any dues in relation to MTF facility. In case of delayed payment/ delay in realization of the dues, then
interest, at the rates as decided by MACM from time to time, shall be paid by the Client for the same till the date of payment by the
k) Interest will be charged between 8% to 12% per annum as may be applied by MACM from time to time on ledger debits including on the
funded portion of the E-Margin client trades. Other statutory charges and taxes shall apply as applicable.
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
38. The Client hereby provides his express consent to share with KYC Registration Authorities (<KRAs <) which includes inter alia the KYC
KRA Form along with KYC Documents like Proof of Identity, Proof of Address, Wet Signature etc. but not Limited to Bank Proof,
Nomination Proof, Financial proof and whole account opening form. The client hereby undertakes not have to any claim against
KRAs or MACM who have uploaded such documents. KRAs or MACM will not be held liable/responsible for the same.
Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
Private Limited
1. Your trading account has a <Unique Client Code= (UCC), di昀昀erent from your demat account number. Do not allow anyone (including
your own stock broker, their representa琀椀ves and dealers) to trade in your trading account on their own without taking speci昀椀c
instruc琀椀on from you for your trades. Do not share your internet/ mobile trading login creden琀椀als with anyone else.
2. You are required to place collaterals as margins with the stock broker before you trade. The collateral can either be in the form of funds
transfer into speci昀椀ed stock broker bank accounts or margin pledge of securi琀椀es from your demat account. The bank accounts are
listed on the stock broker website. Please do not transfer funds into any other account. The stock broker is not permi琀琀ed to accept any
cash from you.
3. The stock broker’s Risk Management Policy provides details about how the trading limits will be given to you, and the tari昀昀 sheet
provides the charges that the stock broker will levy on you.
4. All securi琀椀es purchased by you will be transferred to your demat account within one working day of the payout. In case of securi琀椀es
purchased but not fully paid by you, the transfer of the same may be subject to limited period pledge i.e. seven trading days a昀琀er the
pay-out (CUSPA pledge) created in favor of the stock broker. You can view your demat account balances directly at the website of the
Depositories a昀琀er crea琀椀ng a login.
5. The stock broker is obligated to deposit all funds received from you with any of the Clearing Corpora琀椀ons duly allocated in your name.
The stock broker is further mandated to return excess funds as per applicable norms to you at the 琀椀me of quarterly/ monthly
se琀琀lement. You can view the amounts allocated to you directly at the website of the Clearing Corpora琀椀on(s).
6. You will get a contract note from the stock broker within 24 hours of the trade.
7. You may give a one-琀椀me Demat Debit and Pledge Instruc琀椀on (DDPI) authority to your stock broker for limited access to your demat
account, including transferring securi琀椀es, which are sold in your account for pay-in.
8. The stock broker is expected to know your 昀椀nancial status and monitor your accounts accordingly. Do share all 昀椀nancial informa琀椀on
(e.g. income, networth, etc.) with the stock broker as and when requested for. Kindly also keep your email Id and mobile phone details
with the stock broker always updated.
9. In case of disputes with the stock broker, you can raise a grievance on the dedicated investor grievance ID of the stock broker. You can
also approach the stock exchanges and/or SEBI directly.
10. Any assured/guaranteed/昀椀xed returns schemes or any other schemes of similar nature are prohibited by law. You will not have any
protec琀椀on/recourse from SEBI/stock exchanges for par琀椀cipa琀椀on in such schemes
Mirae Asset Capital Markets (India) Private Limited Mirae Asset Capital
Markets (India)
1st Floor, Tower 4, Equinox Business Park, LBS Marg, Off BKC, Kurla (West), Private Limited
Mumbai - 400 070
SEBI Registration No : Stock Broker (NSE & BSE) :- INZ000163138
Depository Participant (CDSL) : - IN-DP-589-2021
Date 25-04-2024
UCC MA3125266
DP ID 1 2 0 9 2 9 0 0
Client ID (only for Demat account) 12153424
I / We hereby confirm that I / We do not wish to appoint any nominee(s) in my / our trading / demat account and understand the
issues involved in non-appointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account holder(s), my / our
legal heirs would need to submit all the requisite documents / information for claiming of assets held in my / our trading / demat
account, which may also include documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of assets held
in the trading / demat account.
1 2 3
* Signature of witness, along with name and address are required, if the account holder affixes thumb impression, instead of