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International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
School of Mechanical Engineering


Energy Saving Opportunities in an Air Separation

Liwei Yan
Xi’an Jiaotong University

Yunsong Yu
Xi’an Jiaotong University

Yun Li
Xi’an Jiaotong University

Zaoxiao Zhang
Xi’an Jiaotong University

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Yan, Liwei; Yu, Yunsong; Li, Yun; and Zhang, Zaoxiao, "Energy Saving Opportunities in an Air Separation Process" (2010).
International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference. Paper 1131.

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Energy Saving Opportunities in an Air Separation Process

Liwei Yan1, Yunsong Yu1, Yun Li2, Zaoxiao Zhang1, 2*

Xi’an Jiaotong University, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase in Power Engineering,
Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, PR China
Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Energy and Power Engineering,
Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, PR China

*Corresponding Author

The process of a large-scale air separation unit is simulated based on the industrial process and operational
parameter of a petrochemical company by using ASPEN PLUS. The actual operating performance is analyzed for
the total site. According to the simulation results, exergy efficiency of major equipment is analyzed. The
optimization problem can be solved by a new algorithm, which combines genetic algorithm with linear
programming. Accordingly a modified air separation process is proposed. The equipment deficiency is overcome in
the new process. Also the nitrogen expansion and the structure packing column are added. Meanwhile the pinch
analysis is done for the new process. The results of the pinch analysis considering the impact of phase transition
agree better with industrial data than those without doing so. The energy consumption can be 7.55MW lower than
the original process. The total energy efficiency can be raised by 27.21%. Finally seven unified principles for energy
saving, which can be widely used in air separation process, are summarized.

Increased attention has been focused on the energy-saving technology since the energy crisis. The essence of
energy-saving is to utilize energy efficiently. Accordingly more production and work can be provided. For the
energy intensive air separation process, exergy analysis and energy integration are useful tools. Meanwhile the
technology of CO2 emission reduction has been studied widely (Yu et al., 2010). By energy integration both power
utilization and fuel combustion can be reduced in the air separation process. Therefore the energy efficiency can be
improved with CO2 emission control (Linnhoff and Dhole, 1992).

In the 1980s, the presentation of pinch technology was a great breakthrough. This technology had become a
conventional method of chemical engineering system design and modification (Robin, 1992). In the 1990s, a new
concept Total site integration (TSI) was proposed, which included the combined integration of procedures and
utilities (Dhole and Linnhoff, 1993). Meanwhile the total site integration with multi-process multi-objective was
introduced (Grossmann and Westerberg, 2000). Then, mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) and artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms were brought into this area. Also the region and methods of energy integration were
expanded (Bagajewicz and Rodera, 2002). It was pointed out that the heating load could be divided into different
pressure levels. In addition cooling load could utilize the cooling water and a part of low pressure steam. Because
the steam pipe networks had been fixed in this project, the method of top-level analysis was used. Thereby
integration was started directly from the utilities while constant pressure levels were maintained (Makwana et al.,
1998). According to the superstructure method, this problem could be described as a MINLP model (Kokossis and
Floudas, 1991). But this kind of mathematical model was difficult to solve. It was often caught in the NP-hard
problem to solve such models (Grossmann and Westerberg, 2000). ASPEN and MATLAB software packages were

International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 12-15, 2010
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linked as calculation tools in this paper. The multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) was used to solve the
superstructure model. Finally the results obtained agreed well with the experiment data.

Based on the TSI ideas above, energy-saving opportunities are discussed. The air separation system is simulated
based on the industrial data by using ASPEN PLUS. According to the simulation results, the actual operating
performance and exergy efficiency of major equipment are analyzed. The major problems of this process are
discovered. Then an improved air separation process is proposed with procedures and utilities coupled. The exergy
and pinch analysis are done for the new process. It is shown that the energy consumption can be 7.55MW lower than
the original process through the technical retrofit and the energy efficiency can be raised by 27.21%. Based on
energy integration technology, seven unified principles are summarized for energy-saving.

2. Theory Summary

2.1 Original Air Separation Process

Cryogenic air separation unit (ASU) is a process of high energy consumption. The energy-saving opportunity of
ASU has been studied for long. The exergy efficiency and structure packing method are analyzed (Yong et al.,
2002). And the heat integration method is reviewed (Smith and Klosek, 2001). But the total site optimization
combined with utilities has not been considered in the studies above. The referred ASU is located in a chemical
plant in northwest China, which produces nitrogen (99.999% purity) and oxygen (98% purity) for synthesis of
ammonia. The ASU process is shown in Fig.1. The feed air is compressed by the air compressor K1 to 6.45 bar.
Then it is sent into the molecular sieve to remove impurities such as water and CO2. After it is cooled down to
í171ć by the main heat exchanger E1, the feed air is sent into the lower distillation column C1-C1. The overhead
is pure nitrogen, and the bottom product is oxygen-enriched air liquid in which the oxygen purity is about 38%. 60%
of pure nitrogen is fed into high-pressure nitrogen cycle, 40% is sent out as nitrogen product. Meanwhile a part of
process gas, which is extracted from C1-C1 column, is sent into the expansion turbine T1. The oxygen-enriched
liquid air and liquid nitrogen fraction from the C1-C1 column, through heat exchanger E2, flow into the upper
distillation column C1-C2. The overhead of C1-C2 column is waste nitrogen, and the bottom product is liquid
oxygen which is fed into the high-pressure oxygen cycle.

Figure 1. Original air separation process

2.2 Optimization Algorithm

Usually there are a series of solutions in multi-objective optimization. The solution can not be compared with each
other, which is called non-inferior solution or Pareto optimal solution. It is impossible to improve one objective
function while other objective functions are not affected. GA is a powerful tool to deal with the Pareto optimal

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solutions, because GA is designed for the population type operation which is focused on the group of individuals
(Dietz et al., 2006). Thereby the multi-objective optimization problem can be expressed as follows.
Min F ( x) = [ f1 ( x), f 2 ( x)!!" , f k ( x)] (1)
s.t. gi ( x) d 0 (2)

The comprehensive study of energy integration has been active for long. There have already been some mature
theories and methods. Based on the superstructure and MINLP, comprehensive strategies have been widely studied.
But such studies are often caught in the NP-hard problem, because there are too many compound modes. According
to the current technology available, mature and reliable optimization method is still very rare. Multi-objective GA
and MINLP are combined to solve the superstructure in this paper. The solutions obtained from the GA algorithm
are delivered into the sub-problem. Then it can be solved by using linear programming (LP). Finally whether the
constraints are satisfied should be checked. Only the optimal solutions which meet all the constraints can be
preserved. By using the method above, it becomes easier to calculate the optimization problem and partition the
program in the multi-objective and multi-constraint case. Detailed algorithm steps are as follows. 1) Construct the
objective functions and code the variables; 2) Construct the process; 3) Process simulation and analysis; 4) Compare
the performance of new process with criteria; 5) Remove the individuals which does not meet the criteria and carry
on the crossover and mutation operation to obtain the new generation group; 6) If the maximum evolution
generation is exceeded, go to the seventh step, on the contrary, turn to the first step; 7) Deliver the Pareto-optimal set
into the sub-problem; 8) Solve the LP problem and check whether the constraints are satisfied;

2.3 Software Operating Environment

The ASU process is simulated by using ASPENPLUS. The units and entire process can be calculated with rigorous
and precise algorithms. Meanwhile the optimizing and heuristic algorithm is programmed in the MATLAB
environment. Therefore the computational capability of MATLAB and the process simulation capability of
ASPENPLUS can be combined. Also the novel algorithms can be applied to the field of energy integration more
easily. By calling certain MATLAB toolboxes, researchers can put more time into the pioneering work such as
algorithm improvement and process optimization.


3.1 ASU Process Simulation

The simulation results of ASU process are listed in Table 1 compared with the designed values. Under the actual
condition the inlet air flow rate is only 89.2% of the designed value. That is because the air displacement of
compressor K1 is lower than the normal value. N5 stands for the nitrogen product at 5 bar, while N80 is nitrogen at
80 bar. WN stands for the waste nitrogen gas.

Table 1. Original air separation process

Inlet flow Outlet flow
Stream Stream
Nm3/h Nm3/h % Nm3/h Nm3/h %
air 169291 151000 10.8 O2 26901 24890 -7.5
N5 6400 17826 178.5
N80 29976 29779 -0.7
WN 102131 76634 -25.0

To meet the increasing needs of synthesis ammonia, the amount of N5 is raised to 17826 Nm3/h. Thus the total
amount of nitrogen product rises up to about 48000 Nm3/h. But the inlet flow rate is reduced as described above.
Therefore, the burden of distillation column C1 is overwhelming. Meanwhile the amount and purity of oxygen
product decreases slightly. The amount of WN is also decreased.

Energy consumption and generation of ASU are shown in Fig.2. It is indicated that the energy consumption of this
plant mainly comes from steam and electricity. Steam is mainly used for the steam turbine. Electricity is for the
water pumps, oil pumps and liquid oxygen pumps. Obviously in all sorts of power sources, HP and MP is the largest

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part of energy consumption. K1 and K2 compressors take up most of the energy, accounting for 86% of the total
energy consumption. Thus the turbine efficiency directly affects the overall performance.

35 Designed Value
Real Value


Energy (MW) 20




Figure 2. Energy utilities in air separation process

3.2 Exergy Analysis

Based on the second law of thermodynamics, the exergy loss is directly related to the efficiency of equipments. The
more efficient units can be obtained by exergy analysis. In an actual process, various forms of energy are observed
by the temperature, pressure and some other variables. Also by using the exergy method, the different forms of
energy can be analyzed and evaluated to identify the optimal network. The total exergy can be expressed as the
summation of physical exergy and chemical exergy.
Ex = E phys  Echem (3)

Since the kinetic energy and potential energy are often ignored in a steady process, the physical exergy can be
described as follows.
E phys = (H  H 0 )  T0 ( S  S0 ) (4)

There is no chemical reaction in ASU process. Thus chemical exergy can be described as the form of diffusion
exergy, which stands for the potential difference between the pure component and the standard component in the
environment state. The exergy loss can be described as Equation (5). The exergy loss ratio can be defined as
Equation (6).
Eloss = ¦ Exi  ¦ Ex j (5)
in out
K = Eloss ¦ Exi (6)

Exergy loss ratio (%)




E1 C1 C2 E5 E4 T1

Figure 3. Exergy loss ratio of various equipments

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In Fig.3, it is shown that most of the exergy is lost from the main heat exchanger E1. The technical reformation
should be focused on the heat exchanger equipment. The efficiency of units needs to be improved. Furthermore, the
process can be reformed locally to reduce the exergy loss. E5 and E4 stand for the high pressure cycles of oxygen
and nitrogen. In such cycles, the expansion process can be applied instead of throttling process. Extra work will be
produced by the expansion turbine. Meanwhile additional cooling capacity can be produced.

To design more efficient process, the superstructure of high pressure cycle should be constructed. The objective
function can be described as exergy loss function and gas-liquid ratio function.
Min Eloss = +E51 + E5  2 + Eturbine (7)
Min Rx = Gout Lout (8)

In this problem the main variables include application of expansion turbine, outlet temperature of heat exchanger,
split ratio and outlet pressure of expansion turbine. The application of expansion turbine is an integer variable. It can
be assigned to 1 when turbine is applied. Otherwise it will be assigned to 0. The constraints include heat balance,
mass balance, minimum temperature difference, non-negative constraint of heat transfer, rational range of
temperature and reasonable range of split ratio. Consequently this problem has been summarized as a MINLP model.
It can be solved by the algorithm combined multi-objective GA with LP. The mathematical method has been
described in section 2.2.

Figure 4. Improved high pressure expansion process

The result is shown in Fig.4. At the outlet side of N80, temperature is -170.5ć, the pressure is 9.3 bar, and the vapor
fraction is 0.599. Respectively, the vapor fraction is 0.481 in the original process. Thus it is indicated that the
cooling captivity is increased. And more liquid nitrogen is obtained, which will be fed into the top of column C1-C1.
Therefore the status of distillation can be improved. In addition, 160kW shaft work can be made out by the turbine
in the expansion process. Applying the same structure, the exergy efficiency of E4 process also can be improved. In
E4 expansion process, the split ratio is 0.31 and 146kW extra work can be obtained.

Figure 5. Optimization of double column distillation process

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As shown in Fig.5, the process of double column distillation also can be optimized. The objective function can be
expressed as exergy loss function and product flow rate function. Meanwhile the phase balance and rational range of
mass transfer coefficient should be added into the constraints. The pressure drop between the top and bottom of the
upper column C1-C2 is 1.2 bar. But the operating pressure is much lower than the column C1-C1. It is found that
structure packing has better performance especially in the lower pressure of column C1-C2. That is because
structure packing method can lead to higher separation efficiency and lower pressure drop. Respectively, in the
medium pressure column C1-C1 a sieve tray or structure packing has the similar performance.

3.3 Pinch Calculation

In the cryogenic process, the exergy loss is much higher than that under the ordinary condition. Thereby the heat
networks need to be matched efficiently. The pinch calculation has been done for the modified process. Fig.6 shows
the heat network analysis.

Figure 6. Heat network of the modified ASU process

In the pinch calculation, a part of cooling capacity is provided by the expansion turbine. And no other variables are
affected by turbines. Thereby the expansion turbine can be equivalent to the cooler. In ASU process the phase
transition often takes place. Large quantity of latent heat greatly influences the position of pinch point. Thus the
effect of phase transition must be considered. The stream in which phase transition takes place should be split
especially when the phase transition takes place near the pinch point.

Figure 7. Compound curve of streams

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As shown in Fig.7, it is indicated that the average pinch point is -172ć. And the minimum pinch temperature
difference is 3ć. All streams can be matched and all the heat can be recovered. All cooling captivity can be
provided by expansion turbine. The results of pinch calculation agree well with the industrial data. Compared the
improved process with the actual process, energy consumption can be reduced by 7.55MW. Meanwhile the oxygen
product will be increased by 2011 Nm3/h. Therefore the total energy efficiency can be raised by 27.21%.


The full low pressure process is adopted. Thus compression work can be reduced. It is found that the inlet flow rate
of the air compressor is abnormal. The design value of flow rate is 169291Nm3/h, and the real value is 150000Nm3/h.
Thereby, the feed stream of column C1 will be reduced. But the needs of nitrogen product are increased. In this case
the nitrogen product extracted from the top of column C1-C1 has to be raised. Then the flow rate of oxygen-
enriched air liquid decreases. Consequently the reflux flow rate of the upper column C1-C2 is reduced. And the
purity of oxygen product decreases to 97.4%. Here the design value is 98%. This data proves that the status of
distillation becomes deteriorated. It is also found that the central temperature of the main heat exchanger E1 is
higher than the design value. This phenomenon points out that the refrigeration loss of the main heat exchanger is
overweighted. That is because of local scaling of flow channels.

The magnitude of the exergy loss from each unit is in the order of the main heat exchanger, distillation column, high
pressure cycle and expansion turbine. The main reason of exergy loss in E1 is the growth of temperature difference
in the cold-side. The pressure drop in the heat exchanger is another reason. To reduce the exergy loss, the air feed
flow rate should be increased to design value. Also the temperature differences and pressure drop need to be reduced.
The exergy consumption of distillation is in the second place. To obtain better performance, the structure packing
method should be adopted instead of the original sieve tray method in the C1-C2 column. It is indicated that
structure packing is especially suitable for the upper column in the cryogenic process. For high pressure cycle, the
expansion process shows better performance than the original one. It is also found that exergy loss can be reduced
when the inlet flow of throttle valve is in the liquid phase. Therefore it is a better choice to increase the subcooling
degree. The exergy loss of expansion turbine T1 is related to mechanical efficiency. Thus equipments with higher
efficiency need to be used.

Then the pinch calculation is done for the modified process. There is only one stream that goes across pinch point in
Fig.6. But the power capacity of heat transfer is very small. And all streams have been matched in this network. The
overall performance is not detracted by such one stream. It will be difficult to split any one of the flows. Thereby the
stream across pinch can be ignored. According to the results of pinch calculation, the inter-stage cooler of
compressors and E7 cooler are both above the pinch point. Therefore the inter-stage thermal energy can be recycled
to heat the boiler feed water instead of low pressure steam. Respectively, the E7 cooler can be removed.

Finally, the unified principles which can be widely used in air separation process for energy-saving are summarized.
1) The temperature differences should be reduced, especially for the cold-side temperature differences, thus the
exergy loss can be reduced; 2) To reduce the resistance of the upper column as much as possible, the structure
packing column is effective; 3) The throttle valve should be arranged when the working fluid is at the liquid state,
and the higher the subcooling is the smaller the exergy loss is; 4) The effect of phase transition should be considered
and the expansion turbine can be equivalent to the cooler in the pinch calculation; 5) Use expansion turbine instead
of expansion valve whenever possible; 6) The optimization of ASU can be summarized as a MINLP model which
can be solved by multi-objective GA and LP algorithm; 7) Compressor inter-stage thermal energy can be recycled to
heat the boiler feed water.


The conclusions of the study can be drawn as follows.

x According to the simulation analysis, the new air separation process is proposed for energy saving.
x The optimization of such process can be solved by a novel algorithm in which the multi-objective genetic
algorithm and linear programming are combined. Therefore the problem with multi-objective, multi-constraint
and integers mixed will become easier to be studied.
x Seven unified principles which can be widely used in air separation process for energy-saving are summarized.

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DVF designed volume flow-rate (Nm3/h) Subscripts

RVF real volume flow-rate (Nm3/h) 0 environment
PD percentage of deviation (%) loss exergy loss
Ex exergy (kW) in inlet flow
H enthalpy (kW) out outlet flow
T temperature (K) ǻ change
S entropy (kW/ć)
Ș exergy loss ratio (–)
Rx gas-liquid ratio (–)
G gas fraction (Nm3/h)
L liquid fraction (Nm3/h)


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Financial support from National Scientific Foundation of China (No.50976090 and 20936004) is greatly
acknowledged, and the authors would also thank Xu Zhang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Energy and Power
Engineering), Hongmei She and Jianli Zhu (Ningxia Petrochemical Branch of PetroChina, Production Department)
for their work in data collection.

International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 12-15, 2010

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