Ce Ce802c Pavement Design r18 Booklet
Ce Ce802c Pavement Design r18 Booklet
Ce Ce802c Pavement Design r18 Booklet
9. The ADT of single lane rural roads was obtained from the 15 3 PAVEMENT DESIGN
traffic count data collecting for 24 hours over a period of 3
days during a peak harvesting session: CE802C
Types of vehicles Number TIME ALLOTTED: 3 HOURS FULL MARKS: 70
Animal drawn carts: The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Pneumatic tyred 29 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Solid wheeled 4
Bicycles 601 GROUP – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
Trucks, lorries 22
1. Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10
Mini trucks, tractors 75
Marks CO No.
Jeeps, cars, autos 39
(i) The average vehicles considered for pavement studies are 1 1
Motor cycles 302
(a) 150
No of harvesting session in the locality = 2, Duration of each (b) 1500
harvesting session = 72, Road construction period after traffic (c) 150 to 1500
count = 1 year and 7 months. CBR = 5% (d) 15000
Assume any data as per guidelines of the IRC: (ii) Failure in rigid pavement occurs due to 1 1
SP: 72-2015. Design the thickness for the rural road. (a) More compaction
10. (a) Calculate design repetitions for 20 years period for various 8 1 (b) Less compaction
wheel loads equivalent to 2268 kg wheel load using the (c) More load
following traffic survey data on a four-lane road. (d) Less load
Wheel Average daily traffic Percentage of total (iii) Warping stress coefficient charts were prepared by 1 2
loads kg (both directions) traffic volume (a) Burmister
2268 13.17 (b) Telford
2722 15.30
(c) Bradbury
(d) IRC
3175 Total volume 11.76
(Consideration traffic
(iv) If any load is placed at interior away from all edges then it is 1 1
3629 14.11 called
growth 215)
4082 6.21 (a) Edge loading
4536 5.84 (b) Far edge loading
(c) Interior loading
(b) How Flexible pavement is designed by CBR method? Explain 7 1 (d) Exterior loading
in details step by step. (v) The pavement thickness is usually assumed in rigid pavement 1 1
11. A cement concrete pavement is to be designed in a rural road 15 3 as
in west Bengal, estimated traffic volume 225 vehicles per day, (a) 20 cm
which comprises agricultural tractors, heavy trucks, buses etc. (b) 25 cm
Design the pavement for following inputs: (c) 30 cm
(i) Grade of concrete M40 (d) 35 cm
(ii) Elastic modulus of concrete = 2×105 kg/cm2 (vi) The warping stress is dependent on 1 2
(iii) Poisson’s ratio 0.15 (a) Length of the slab
(iv) coefficient of thermal expansion 10×10-6 per degree C (b) Length and width of the slab
(v) Tyre pressure 7.5 kg/cm2 (c) Thickness of the slab
(vi) Slab size 375 cm × 375 cm (d) Water content in slab
(vii) Modulus of sub-grade reaction 4.84 kg/cm3.
(viii) Slab thickness 200 mm
(ix) Temperature differential 13.1o C
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JISCE / UG / CE / R18 / EVEN / SEM-8 / CE802C / 2022-23 JISCE / UG / CE / R18 / EVEN / SEM-8 / CE802C / 2022-23
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