Format Pavement Design
Format Pavement Design
Format Pavement Design
CC Pavement Design
Work: Construction of balance work of Widening, Strengthening & Reconstruction of Hazaribagh-
Barkagaon-Tandwa-Khelari-Bijupara (SH-7) Road on EPC basis.
(i) Design Standard Adopted (IRC Code) IRC:58-:2015
(ii) Pavement design for Road Hazaribagh-Barkagaon-Tandwa-Khelari-Bijupara (SH-7)
(iii) Location Hazaribagh, Jharkhand
(iv) Tied Concrete shoulders of width 1.5 m provided on either side of carriageway Yes
(v) Carriageway I width of pavement (m) 7
(vi) Lane width i.e. width of slab) (m) 3.5
(vii) Transverse joint spacing i.e length of slab (m) 4.5
(viii) Effective (design) CBR of subgrade (%) (report provided by the client deptt.) 8
(ix) Modulus of subgrade reaction, k, MPa/m (table-2 of code) 48
(x) Thickness of granular sub-base as desired by client deptt, mm 150
(xi) Thickness of DLC sub base over GSB, mm 150
(xii) Effective k over combined 'subgrade+GSB+WBM', MPa/m, (table-4 of code) 284.6
(xiii) Thickness of polythene sheet bet DLC and PQC, micron 125
Strength of Concrete 28-days 90-days
Compressive strength, MPa 40 48
Flexural strength , MPa 4.43
Adpoted 4.5 4.95
Truck 841
Bus, Canter 20
Tractor Trailer 5 12335
10,12 Tandem 2925 2925 5850
14,18 Tridem 457 457 1371
Total Axles 4248 8087
(As per traffic volume data of 3-days count as given by the client)
Rear Tandem Axles (stress computed for 50% of axle load)
Rear Tridem Axles (stress computed for 33.33 o/o of axle load)
OK being less than 1
Grand Total of Combined BUC & TDC 0.463
CFD for Combined BUC & TDC OK being less than 1
Note: For thickness less than 0.29 m,the CFD for Combined BUC & TDC is more than 1 & hence unsafe.
Thickness of slab, h {mm) 290
Bar Dia, bd (mm) 36
Concrete strength, fck (MPa) 48
Permissible Bearing Stress in concrete , Fb=(10.16-bd)fck/95.25 (Mpa) 33.06
Radius of relative stlff11ess,l (mm) =[Eh3/12k(1-u2)]0.25 684.2
Spacing of bars (mm) 340
Distance of first dowel from pavement edge (mm) 150
Length of dowel bar, mm 500
No. of dowel bars participating in load transfer, n = 1+l/ spacing 3
Max single axle load, kN 190
Max single wheel load (dual wheels) , kN 95
Load transfer factor of shoulder (tied shoulder=-0.7, simple shoulders= 1.0) 0.7
Max single wheel load for design kN 66.5
Max single wheel load adopted for design, P (kN) 66.5
Percentage of load transfer through dowel bars (%) 50
Load carried by the Dowel bars, Yx Pt
X = spacing of bars x (1+2+3+ upto fl-1) 1020
Y = (n •X / l) 1.509
Load carried by outer dowel bar, P1 = PxO.5/Y (kN) 22.03
MOl of dowel, l (mm4) 82448.0
Modulus of dowel support, kmds (MPa/m) 415000
E for dowel bar (MPa) 200000
Relative Stiffness of dowel embedded in cone, 13 = (kmds*bJ/(4EI*1000)0.25 0.0218
Joint width, z (mm) (20 mm for expansion joint,5 mm for contraction joint) 20
Bearing stress in dowel bar, Fbmax = Pt*kmds.{2+(13*z)}/4j33EI (MPa) 32.59
OK being less than Fb
Design for Plain M.S. Tie Bars
Lane width, b (m) 3.5
Thickness of slab, h (mm) 290
Coeff of friction, f 1.5
Density of concrete (kN/m3) 24
Allowable tensile stress in plain bars as per IRC:15-2011 , Sst (MPa) 125
Area of steel required per m length of joint to resist frictional force
at slab bottom, As= bfW/.Sst (mm2/m) 292.32
Bar dia (mm) 12
X-sec area of bar, A (mm2) 113.10
Perimeter of bar, Ptb (mm) 37.70
Spacing of tie bars, 1000*(NA ) (mm) 386.90
Provide spacing of tie bars c/c (mm) 380
Allowable bond stress for plain tie bars, B (MPa)
Lingth of tie bar, L = 2xSstAI(B*Ptb)+150 (mm)
Provide length of tie bars (mm) 580