TQM Midterm Reviewer
TQM Midterm Reviewer
TQM Midterm Reviewer
1. Go and see for yourself to a solution can be found. The warning lights are
serve people. For example, Toyota assisted understand a situation you need to visit in
the Food Bank For New York City to person. The Toyota Production System requires
a high level of management presence on the
significantly decrease waiting times at soup
factory floor, so that if a problem exists in this
kitchens, packing times at a food
area it should be first of all correctly understood
distribution center, and waiting times in a
before being solved.
food pantry.
4. Hansei (English: Self-reflection)
Other TPS term most commonly used
Even if a task is completed successfully, Toyota
1. Andon is a typical tool to apply the Jidoka
recognises the need for a hansei-kai, or
principle (also referred to as ‘autonomation’),
reflection meeting; a process that helps to
which means the highlighting of a problem, as it
identify failures experienced along the way and
occurs, in order to immediately introduce
create clear plans for future efforts.
countermeasures to prevent re-occurrence.
5. Heijunka (English: Production smoothing)
A levelling technique to facilitate Just-In-Time
(JIT) production and to smooth out production
in all departments, as well as that of suppliers
over a period of time.
A vital technique for reducing waste and
improving production efficiency by leveling
fluctuations in performance within the
assembly line. Fluctuation normally occurs
through either customer demand or within
production itself.
The Toyota Production System
uses Heijunka to solve the former by
assembling a mix of models within each batch,
and ensuring that there is an inventory of
product proportional to the variability in
demand. Furthermore, the disruption of
production flow is minimised by making sure
that components are sequenced to be available
in the right quantity and at the right time, while
changeover periods for vital processes such as
die changes within the steel presses are as short
as possible; often in as little as three minutes.
6. Jidoka (English: automation with human
One of the main principles of the Toyota
Production System, it is the principle of
designing equipment to stop automatically and
to detect and call attention to
problems immediately, whenever they occur
(mechanical jidoka).
In the Toyota Production System, operators are
equipped with the means of stopping
production flow whenever they note anything
suspicious (human jidoka). Jidoka prevents
waste that would result from producing a series
of defective items