Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Experiment 2
▪ Diode characteristics.
▪ Diode rectifier.
▪ Diode circuits.
Equipment required:
▪ TPS-3321
▪ Power supply
▪ A multimeter
▪ Banana wires
▪ Silicon diode 1N914, Germanium diode 1N270 and resistor 2K
The p-n junction is a semiconductor diode. Its symbol is:
(Cathode) (Anode)
Figure 2-4
Current can flow through the diode only on one direction – from the anode to the cathode. The
following figure describes the diode voltage-current characteristic.
Figure 2-5
When forward bias is applied (the anode is positive in respect to the cathode) and the forward voltage is
over a certain value (0.5V for silicon diodes and 0.1V for germanium diodes), the diode conducts and
acts as a very low resistor. The forward voltage drop on the diode remains substantially constant as long
as the average current is within the rated value of the rectifier. Over the rated value, the rectifier may
Under normal reverse bias conditions, the rectifier limits current flow to a few microamperes. If the
reverse bias exceeds the rated Peak Reverse Voltage (PRV), the reverse current increases very rapidly.
Usually, a voltage over PRV is forbidden and may damage the diode.
There are diodes, which are aimed for operation in the PRV range and they are called Zener diodes.
Figure 2-6
First, we check if the diode is under a forward bias or under a reverse bias.
2.2.2 Forward bias
In a forward bias over the threshold voltage, we may assume that the diode voltage drop is the
threshold voltage (0.7V for a silicon diode and 0.1V for a germanium diode). The current is determined
by the electronic circuit.
Example a):
ID = IR 2K
V = VR V 12V VD
Figure 2-7
+ VD = I ⋅ R + VD
VD = 0.7V
I ⋅ R = V − VD
V − VD 12 − 0.7
I= = = 5.65mA
R 2K
2.2.3 Reverse bias
In reverse bias, we may assume that the diode current is zero (if it is not a zener diode). The diode
voltage is determined by the electronic circuit.
Example b):
ID = IR 2K
V = VR +
V 12V VD
Figure 2-8
+ VD = I ⋅ R + VD = 0VD
VD = V = 12V
Example c):
2K R1
V -
4K R2 VD
Figure 2-9
The diode is under forward bias.
VR 2 = VD = 0.7V
V = VR1 + VD = I ⋅ R1 + VD
V − VD 6 − 0.7
I= = = 2.65mA
R1 2K
I 2 ⋅ R 2 = VD
VD 0.7
2I= = = 0.175mA
R 2 4K
I = I2 + ID
I D = I − I 2 = 2.65m − 0.175m = 2.475mA
Step 1: Connect the TPS-3321 to the power supply.
Step 5: Change VS according to the following table and register the measured values of V R and VD.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
VS [V] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
VR [V]
VD [V]
IR [mA]
Step 6: Calculate or measure IR for each column in the table in the table.
Step 8: Replace the silicon diode with the germanium diode 1N270 (i.e. D5).
Step 9: Change VS according to the following table and register the measured values of VR and VD.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
VS [V] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
VR [V]
VD [V]
IR [mA]
V 12V VD
Step 18: Measure VR and VD.
Step 20: Compare the measured results with the calculated results.
Step 22: Implement the following circuit on the main plug in board.
1K R
12V -
100Ω R6 V D
Step 30: Compare the measurement results with the calculation results.
2. What are the two ratings that determine the maximum operating condition of
semiconductor diodes?