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Conference Paper · December 2016


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3 authors:

S.M.C.M Randiligama Shiroshi Jayathilake

Queensland University of Technology Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau


Kushan Wijesundara
University of Peradeniya


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The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016



S.M.C.M. Randiligama*, R.G.S.N. Jayathilake and K.K. Wijesundara
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
*E-Mail: chathurangimadusha7 @ gmail.com, TP: +94775158479
Abstract: It is a challenge for structural engineers to analyze complicated structural forms
effectively using conventional analytical methods. Therefore, structural engineers prefer to
use a commercial finite element software rather than using analytical methods. Many finite
element software are based on the displacement based finite element method. As it is an
approximate method, many drawbacks have been identified in applications in structural
engineering due to misconceptions of users. Therefore, the objective of this study is to
identify the limitations of using different finite elements to model structural components in
buildings such as trusses, beams, slabs, foundations and their connections. To achieve the
above objective, several case studies are selected and analysed using SAP2000 software.
Based on the results, proper guidelines have been proposed for structural modelling. It is
important to note that this study was limited to materials in linearly elastic behaviour.
Keywords Displacement based Finite Element Method; Guideline; Structural Engineering
1. Introduction compatibility relationships. In the second
Many finite element software are based on step, stresses can be obtained by using
constitive law. In the final step of the
the approximate method of analysis called
the displacement based finite element procedure, the element stiffness matrix can
procedure (DBFE). The misconception that be found by applying principle of virtual
the DBF provides exact answers could result
in malpractices by structural engineers [3]. Problems and limitations of finite element
formulation of different elements had been
Assume a Nodal identified when assuming a displacement
displacement displacements/ function and when obtaining the stiffness
function matrix. Problems can be occurred due to the
Forces assumption of lower order displacement
polynomial function and use of a numerical
integration to obtain stiffness matrix [3].

Principle of Furthermore, analysing a structural system

the different elements may have to be
Compatibilit Virtual
connected together. Elements are connected
y displacement at the nodes. As number of degree of
freedom having at a node varying from
Constitutive element to element, there may be problems
Strain law occurred in connecting different element into
function one structure [2].
h-refinement and p–refinement are the two
methods to minimize the errors in the
Figure 1: Main steps in DBFE procedure
displacement based finite element method
Displacement based finite element method [1]. The main objective of this study was to
can present as a three step procedure as identify those drawbacks and propose
given in Figure 1. In the first step, a guidelines to structural engineers by using
displacement polynomial function is h–refinement through case studies. This
assumed based on the independent degrees study was limited to the linearly elastic
of freedom in an element and hence, strain behaviour of material.
function can be obtained by using
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


2. Selected case studies A prismatic beam with rectangular cross

section was considered in this case study.
As discussed before there are two methods to
minimize the errors in displacement based Depth (a) is varied from 0.1m to 0.5m in 0.1m
finite element method. They are called h- intervals while length of the truss (L) is
varied from 1m to 5m in 1m intervals
refinement and p–refinement. h-refinement
resulting 25 case studies. The width (b) of the
increases the accuracy of results by
cross section for all case studies is remained
increasing the number of elements while p-
in constant. They were analysed by
refinement increases the accuracy of by
restraining all the degrees of freedoms at one
changing the order of the displacement
end and applying a vertical force at the free
polynomial function. However, it is
end as shown in Figure 4.
important to note that following case studies
are selected only considering the h– P
refinement to improve the results.
2.1Case study 1: Modelling of truss elements h a

h Figure 5: Elevation of cantiliver curved tapered

a P
A curved tapered beam with rectangular
cross section was considered in this case
Figure 2: Elevation of doubly tapered truss study. Height (h) and width (b) are remained
in constant for all case studies. Height (a) is
varied from 0.1m to 0.5m in 0.1m intervals
b2 while length of the truss (L) is varied from
1m to 5m in 1m intervals resulting 25 case
studies. They were analysed by restraining
all the degrees of freedoms at one end and
Figure 3: Plan view of doubly tapered truss applying an axial force at the free end as
shown in Figure 5.
A doubly tapered truss with square cross
section was considered in this case study.
Height (h) and width (b1) are remained in 2.3Case study 3: Modelling of plate bending
constant for all case studies. Height (a) and problem by using plate, shell and solid
width (b2) are varied from 0.05m to 0.15m in elements
0.025m intervals while length of the truss (L)
is varied from 1m to 5m in 1m intervals
resulting 25 case studies. They were analysed
L2= L4=4m
by restraining all the degrees of freedoms at
one end and applying an axial force at the 3m
free end as shown in Figure 2. L1=6m L3=4m
2.2Case study 2: Modelling of frame elements
Figure 6: Pin supported one way and two
P way slabs
a 2.3.1 Effect of mesh size of the slab
L A one-way and a two-way slabs shown in
Figure 6 were modelled by using square
Figure 4: Elevation of cantilever prismatic beam mesh with the mesh size varying from 0.1 m
to 2 m of shell and solid elements. All the
lengths (Li) and thicknesses of the slabs
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


were constant. They were analysed for a 2.3.5. Analysis of slab panels
uniformly distributed area load acting
perpendicular to the plane of the slabs by y
restraining all the translational degrees of
freedoms at boundaries. When the slabs
were modelled by using solid elements, the y
restrained conditions were given at nodes in
the centre of the slab thickness. X X X

2.3.2 Effect of span/depth ratio of the slab

Figure 8: Plan view of slab panel
The one-way and the two-way slabs were
modelled by using the converged square

mesh size from the previous case study by = 1.5m
varying the span-to-depth ratio from 2 to 40. ℎ
The span-to-depth ratio is varied by only 2
= 1.5m
changing the thickness of the slab from 0.1m
to 1.5m resulting 14 case studies. They were
also analysed by restraining all the Figure 9: Sectional elevation of slab pan
translational degrees of freedoms at One floor slab including interior, exterior
boundary and applying a vertical uniformly and corner slabs was extracted from a three
distributed area load. dimensional building model as shown in
2.3.3 Effect of shear locking of the slab Figure 8. In the extracted model far end of the
half height columns were assumed to be pin
For the same models of the slabs used in the restrained as shown in Figure 9. A vertical
section 2.3.1, the span-to-depth ratio was uniformly distributed area load was applied.
further increased up to 350 by varying the Frame and shell elements with and without
thickness of the slab. They were modelled insertion option were used for two models
separately by using thin shell, thick shell and and solid elements were used for one model.
solid elements and analysed for a uniformly Compare the results of two models with
distributed load acting perpendicular to the solid model.
plane of the slabs by restraining all the
translational degrees of freedoms at 2.4 Case study 4: Element connectivity
boundary. problems

2.3.4 Effect of distorted angle of the slab As discussed before, analysing a structural
system the different elements may have to be
connected together. As number of degree of
freedom having at a node varying from
α element to element. Therefore some degrees
of freedom are not restrained. To improve
that connections following methods were
Figure 7: Mesh refinement by using distorted used in that case studies.
2.4.1 Frame to solid connectivity
For the same case study, effect of distorted
Column to foundation connection was
angle was analysed by using distorted
considered in this case study. Foundation
element with varying the angle of the
was modelled by using solid elements. And
element (α) from 100 to 900. All the
the column was modelled by using frame
translational degrees of freedoms at
element. Then the frame element insert in to
boundary were restrained and applied a
the solid mesh by layer and layer. Then, the
vertical uniformly distributed area load.
horizontal force and vertical force were
applied at the top of the column as shown in
Figure 10.
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭−𝐒𝐚𝐩 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭

500 kN EP= 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭
∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
kN 40

Error percentage of
Displacement %
Improvement a=75mm
2 5m 30
400*400 mm a=100mm
0.6 m
2 0 5 10 15 20
2*2 m foundation Number of elements

Figure 10: Frame to solid connection Figure 12: Selection of number of element for
the double tapered truss.
2.4.2 Shell to solid connectivity
It is observed that when number of elements
Retaining wall was considered in this case
getting increase (greater than 10), finite
study. Wall was modelled by using shell
element solution is given the exact solution.
elements and the foundation part was
However significant deviation of the results
modelled by using solid elements. Then, the
is observed when number of element less
shell element insert in to the solid mesh by
than 10.
layer and layer. Then, the uniformly
distributed area load was applied to the wall 3.2Case study 2: Modelling of frame elements
as shown in Figure 11.
Cantilever prismatic beam was analysed by
0.4 m varying the span/depth ratio and results
were compared with theoretical solutions.
Figure 13 shows the displacement deviation
Improvement with respect to the span / depth ratio of the
10 kPa beam.
10 a=100mm
Deviation percentage

of displacement %

0.6 m 5 a=500mm
1% error line

Figure 11: Shell to solid connectivity 0 10 20 30 40
3. Results and Discussion Span / depth ratio (L/a)

3.1Case study 1: Modelling of truss elements Figure 13: Deviation percentage vs. span/depth
ratio for prismatic beam
Cantilever doubly tapered truss element
(width and height varying along the length) Closed form solution can be obtained for
was analysed by increasing the number of prismatic beam using the stiffness matrix
elements. Results were compared with derived by beam theories. It is observed that
theoretical solutions. Figure 12 shows that significant deviation of the results is
variation of error percentage versus the observed when span/depth ratio is less than
number of divisions. The error percentage 10. If span/depth ratio is lower than 10,
(EP) is calculated using the following displacement due to shear effect is dominant.
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


In sap2000 tapered option is only limited to m for moments and it can be obtained less
the linear, parabolic and cubic functions of than 1 m for displacement.
“EI” variation. EI function of curved tapered
beam element has 6th order variation. Middle Displacement
Therefore it is necessary to do the h-

Deviation percentage (%)

refinement for the curved tapered beam 30
element analysis. If the displacement based
finite element software has EI function of 6th
order variation in the tapered option, curved 10
tapered beam can be analysed by using a
single element.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Therefore, the curved tapered beams were Mesh size/ (m)
analysed by increasing the number of
Figure 15: Effect of mesh size for slabs
elements. Results were compared by using
theoretical solutions only considering 3.3.2Effect of span/depth ratio of the slab
flexural deformations. Figure 14 shows the
displacement deviation.
100 L=1 m shell elements
Deviation Percentage

L=2 m
of Displacement %

Displacement deviation %

80 120
L=3m solid elements
60 100
L=5m 80
40 1% error line
1% ERROR 60
20 40
0 20
0 5 10 15 20 0
Number of elements 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 14: For b/a = 6 ,deviation percentage vs
Shorter span/ depth ratio
number of elements for curved tapered beam.
It is observed that, the number of elements Figure 16: Effects of span/depth ratio for slabs
are getting increased, finite element solution Figure 16 shows the variation of the results
is given the exact solution. Hence Single due to aspect ratio in the one way slab.
element should be discretised at least to 16 Theoretical values were obtained
elements for span/depth ratio 2-50 to obtain considering effect of flexure only to identify
results with less than 1% error. the limit for shear effect. It is observed that
3.3Case study 3: Modelling of plate bending shear effect is dominant when shorter span/
problem by using plate, shell and solid depth ratio of the slab is less than 15 0

elements 3.3.3 Effect of shear locking of the slab

3.3.1 Effect of mesh size of the slab
Artificial moments are induced due to the
Pin supported one way and two way slab shear effect. Hence moments and stresses are
panels subjected to a uniformly distributed increased infinitely when span to depth ratio
area load were analysed. Figure 15 illustrates became larger. This phenomenon is called
the effects of mesh size on the mid shear locking. Effect of the shear locking is
displacement and the mid moment of the also included when the Span / Depth ratio
two-way slab. getting large in the slab as shown in Figure
It is observed that accurate results can be
obtained by using the mesh size less than 0.5 When span/ depth ratio is greater than 100,
shear locking problem is occurred.
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


Therefore, a slab which having span/depth

ratio greater than 100 cannot be analysed by 60

Percentage Deviation
Compared to Solid
using thin shell elements accurately.

Slab %
Percentage deviation

20 S11
15 0





5 Shell Insertion
0 100 200 300 400 Figure 19: Effect of restrain conditions for
Span/depth Corner Slab

Figure 17: Effects of shear locking 3.4 Case study 4: Element connectivity
3.3.4 Effect of distorted angle of the slab
Frame element and shell element were
Converged number of elements were used in inserted in to the solid foundation by layer
the analysis by varying the angle of the by layer to resist rotation. Table 1 shows that
element (α). Theoretical values were deviation percentage of horizontal
obtained by using basic plate theory and displacement with theoretical solutions.
deviation percentages of stresses, moments
and middle displacement were shown in Table 1: The deviation percentage of horizontal
Figure 18. displacement with theoretical solutions

30 M11 Embedded Frame to Shell to

Percentage error %

M22 length/ solid solid

20 DISPLACEMENT thickness connectivi connectivi
ty ty
0 4.73E+17 4.48 E+12
0 20 40 60 80 100 0.25 79.46 36
Distorted angle (α)

Figure 18: Effects of distorted angle-two way 0.5 30.51 15

0.75 22.17 13
Due to the distorted element, there was a
large variation in Jacorbian matrix. It imply 1 20.63 12
highly distorted mappings and affects the
accuracy of results. Least distorted angle ∝ > 4. Conclusion
400 gives the results with less than 5% error. 4.1Guidelines for modelling linear elements
3.3.5 Analysis of slab panels Closed form solution can be obtained for
Slab panels were analysed by using Shell, prismatic and linear tapered elements using
Plate (using insertion option) and solid the stiffness matrix derived by beam theories
elements. Results were obtained by using the finite element method with direct
considering interior, corner and edge slabs. stiffness approach.
Figure 19 shows the effect of the centerline Modelling of truss elements
modeling and the neutral axis shift of the
shell to beam connectivity. It shows the effect a). For doubly tapered truss element (width
of the neutral axis shift is higher in middle and thickness varying along the length):
displacement. But it is not that much of Single element should at least be discretised
affected on the moments.
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 th to 18th December 2016


into 10 for span/depth ratio 6-100 to obtain IV). Minimizing errors by neutral axis shift
results with less than 1% error.
It is necessary to use INSERTION option
Modelling of frame elements when obtaining the results for
a). Prismatic beam - If the span / depth ratio Displacements.
is lower than 10, displacement due to shear When obtaining results for moments and
effect is dominant and shear locking problem stresses, insertion is not necessary.
is not included in prismatic beam element.
4.3. Guideline for element connectivity
b). If the displacement based finite element problems
software has EI function of 6th order variation I). Insertion of frame element into solid mesh
in the tapered option, curved tapered beam is proposed to improve the frame to solid
can be analysed by using a single element. connectivity. (As an example: when
Otherwise, discretization should be used for
designing Foundations)
modelling of curved tapered frame elements.
Single element should be discretised at least II). Insertion of shell elements into solid mesh
to 16 elements for span/depth ratio 2-50 to is proposed to improve the frame to solid
obtain results with less than 1% error. connectivity. (As an example: when
designing Retaining Wall).
4.2. Guidelines for modelling plate bending
problem Acknowledgement
I). Optimum mesh size can be obtained from We take this opportunity to thank all the
figure 20 by using square elements. people who help us to finish this research
project successfully.
4.0 First we wish to thank Department of Civil
Element size /

Engineering, University of Peradeniya to


giving such an opportunity to conduct a

research project.
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When using the quadrilateral elements, least
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