Ec-Cal01 Design Lca
Ec-Cal01 Design Lca
Ec-Cal01 Design Lca
Date 06/24/24
The MYCREST Embodied Carbon Calculator is design to calculate, in the proposed green building, the Baseline - Embodied Carbon Impact for Materials 0.0000 tCO2e
following points in MYCREST:
Proposed - Embodied Carbon Impact for Materials 0.0000 tCO2e
i) EC13 Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for Structural Elements
Carbon Reduction 0.0000 tCO2e
a) Baseline for total structural element embodied carbon is 0.40 tCO2e/m2.
b) All embodied carbon value taken from Inventory of Carbon & Energy Summary (ICE), Sustainable energy Research Team
(SERT) Deaprtment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, UK.
Project Details
Project Name
Date 6/24/2024
EC7: Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) - Building Works ICE database to be used for CO2 value.
Baseline LCA - Above Reference 0.00 tCO2e
kgCO2/kg Facilitator must convert all BoQ
Quantity Total kgCO2e Total tCo2e
Value Quantity to Unit kg
Unit of Conversion Note (from
No Item Description
materials supplier or Web
B= Extract from
A= from ICE C= see note for conversion D=C*A E=D/1000
1 Slab
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 20mmthick 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
2 Beam
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
3 Column
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
4 Roof Truss
0.47mm thick =
a) Metal Roofing - Lysaght trimdeck 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Low-E 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Thickness mm x 2.49375
0.00 0.00 = weight kg/m2
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Total tCO2e 0.00
Reduction of the Carbon Emission from baseline (%) 0.00%
General (Gravel or Crushed Rock) 0.083 0.0052 Estimated from measured UK industrial fuel consumption data
Aluminium Main data source: International Aluminium Institute (IAI) LCA studies (
Recycled 28 1.79
EXAMPLE: Single Brick 6.9 MJ per brick 0.55 Assuming 2.3 kg per brick.
Limestone 0.85 -
General 69.0 (?) 4.0 (?) Average of the only two references
Total weight of this carpet 4,123 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile These carpet tiles (inc. below) are a tufted surface pile made of
178 MJ per sqm 7.75 (GWP) per sqm
weight 300 g/m2 100% nylon (polyamide) fleece-covered bitumen backing and
flame-proofed on the basis of aluminium hydroxide
For per square meter see material profile. See Refs. 63, 201, 202
Wool 106.00 -
& 281 (Same author).
21-35% GGBS (CEM II/B-S) 4.77 to 4.21 0.77 to 0.65 See material profile for further details.
Cement stabilised soil @ 8% 0.83 0.084 Assumed 8% stabiliser contents (6% cement and 2% quicklime)
Tiles and Cladding Panels 12.00 0.78 Difficult to select, large range, limited data. See Ref. 292.
General (Simple Baked Products) 3.00 0.24 General simple baked clay products (inc. terracotta and bricks)
% Cement Replacement - Fly Ash 0% 15% 30% 0% 15% 30% Note 0% is a concrete using a CEM I cement (not typical)
GEN 3 (16/20 MPa) 0.81 0.75 0.68 0.123 0.112 0.100 Possible uses: garage floors.
RC 25/30 (25/30 MPa) 0.91 0.85 0.77 0.140 0.130 0.115 Possible uses: reinforced foundations.
RC 28/35 (28/35 MPa) 0.95 0.90 0.82 0.148 0.138 0.124 Possible uses: reinforced foundations, ground floors.
RC 40/50 (40/50 MPa) 1.17 1.10 0.99 0.188 0.174 0.155 Possible uses: high strength applications, precasting.
PAV1 0.95 0.89 0.81 0.148 0.138 0.123 Possible uses: domestic parking and outdoor paving.
PAV2 1.03 0.97 0.89 0.163 0.152 0.137 Possible uses: heavy duty outdoor paving.
RC 25/30 (25/30 MPa) 0.91 0.78 0.65 0.140 0.111 0.081 See fly ash mixtures
The first column represents standard concrete, created with a CEM I Portland cement. The other columns are estimates based on a direct substitution of fly ash or
blast furnace slag in place of the cement content. The ICE Cement, Mortar & Concrete Model was applied. Please see important notes in the concrete material
0.59 0.063
Block - 8 MPa Compressive Strength
0.67 0.078
Block - 10 MPa Estimated from the concrete block mix proportions, plus an
allowance for concrete block curing, plant operations and
0.72 0.088 transport of materials to factory gate.
Block -12 MPa
0.83 0.107
Block -13 MPa
Autoclaved Aerated Blocks (AAC's) 3.50 - Not ICE CMC model results.
NOMINAL PROPORTIONS METHOD (Volume), Proportions from BS 8500:2006 (ICE Cement, Mortar & Concrete Model Calculations)
1:1.5:3 0.99 0.155 Often used in floor slab, columns & load bearing structure.
0.71 0.104
0.54 0.074
BY CEM I CEMENT CONTENT - kg CEM I cement content per cubic meter concrete (ICE CMC Model Results)
120 kg / m concrete
0.49 0.064
1.37 0.224
500 kg / m3 concrete
Fibre-Reinforced 7.75 (?) - Literature estimate, likely to vary widely. High uncertainty.
Large data range, but the selected value is inside a small band of
Fibreglass (Glasswool) 28.00 -
frequently quoted values.
Recycled 10.00 0.58 Scrap batteries are a main feedstock for recycled lead
Felt General 36 -
Water 0.01 -
EXAMPLE: Single Coat 10.5 MJ/Sqm 0.44 Assuming 6.66 Sqm Coverage per kg
EXAMPLE: Double Coat 21.0 MJ/Sqm 0.87 Assuming 3.33 Sqm Coverage per kg
EXAMPLE: Triple Coat 31.5 MJ/Sqm 1.31 Assuming 2.22 Sqm Coverage per kg
Paperboard (General for Excluding calorific value (CV) of wood, excludes carbon
24.80 -
construction use) sequestration/biogenic carbon storage.
Wallpaper 36.40 -
See Ref [WRAP] for further info on GWP data, including disposal
Plasterboard 6.75 0.39
impacts which are significant for Plasterboard.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 54.3 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn’t include the
76.70 1.93
Resin final fabrication.
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 51.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn't include the
78.10 2.08
Resin final fabrication
Polypropylene, Orientated Film 99.20 3.43 55.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included).
General Purpose Polystyrene 86.40 3.43 46.3 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)
High Impact Polystyrene 87.40 3.42 46.4 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)
Thermoformed Expanded Polystyrene 109.20 4.39 49.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)
General 0.081 0.0051 Estimated from real UK industrial fuel consumption data
Melamine Resin 97.00 - Feedstock energy 18 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.
Phenol Formaldehyde 88.00 - Feedstock energy 32 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.
Urea Formaldehyde 70.00 - Feedstock energy 18 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.
Cement stabilised soil @ 8% 0.83 0.084 Assumed 8% stabiliser content (6% cement and 2% lime).
GGBS stabilised soil 0.65 0.047 Assumed 8% stabiliser content (8% GGBS and 2% lime).
Fly ash stabilised soil 0.56 0.041 Assumed 10% stabiliser content (8% fly ash and 2% lime).
Steel Main data source: International Iron & Steel Institute (IISI) LCA studies (
UK (EU) STEEL DATA - EU average recycled content - See material profile (and Annex on recycling methods) for usage guide
EU 3-average recycled content of 59%. Estimated from UK's
consumption mixture of types of steel (excluding stainless). All
General - UK (EU) Average Recycled
20.10 1.46 data doesn't include the final cutting of the steel products to
the specified dimensions or further fabrication activities.
Estimated from World Steel Association (Worldsteel) LCA data.
Virgin 35.40 2.89
Coil (Sheet) - UK (EU) Average Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
18.80 1.38
Recycled Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%
Coil (Sheet), Galvanised - UK (EU) Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
22.60 1.54
Average Recycled Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%
Pipe- UK (EU) Average Recycled Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
19.80 1.45
Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%
Plate- UK (EU) Average Recycled Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
25.10 1.66
Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%
OTHER STEEL DATA - 'R.O.W' and 'World' average recycled contents - See material profile (and Annex on recycling methods) for usage guide
General - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 25.30 1.95 Whole world 3 year average recycled content of 39%.
Stone Data on stone was difficult to select, with high standard deviations and data ranges.
General 1.26 (?) 0.079 ICE database average (statistic), uncertain. See material profile.
Note: These values were difficult to estimate because timber has a high data variability. These values exclude the energy
Timber content of the wooden product (the Calorific Value (CV) from burning). See the material profile for guidance on the new data
structure for embodied carbon (i.e. split into foss and bio)
Estimated from UK consumption mixture of timber products in
2007 (Timber Trade Federation statistics). Includes 4.3 MJ bio-
General 10.00 0.31fos+0.41bio
energy. All values do not include the CV of timber product and
exclude carbon storage.
Laminated Veneer Lumber 9.50 0.33fos+0.32bio Ref 150. Includes 3.5 MJ bio-energy.
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 15.00 0.45fos+0.54bio Estimated from Refs. 103 and 150. Includes 5.9 MJ bio-energy.
Veneer Particleboard (Furniture) 23(fos + bio) (?) Unknown split of fossil based and biogenic fuels.
Virgin 361 to 745 20.6 to 42.5 (??) lack of modern data, large data range, small sample size
Recycled 258.00 14.7 (??) lack of modern data, large data range, small sample size
Vinyl Flooring
Embodied Energy - MJ
PV Modules MJ/sqm
Construction 1,069 MJ/Sqm 32.8 KgCO2/Sqm 480 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)
Maintenance - 40 yrs 471 MJ/Sqm 12.3 KgCO2/Sqm 250 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)
Asphalt road - Cold construction 1,290 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Sum of construction,
3,030 MJ/Sqm 97 KgCO2/Sqm
method - 40 yrs maintenance, operation.
Construction 825 MJ/Sqm 28.2 KgCO2/Sqm 320 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)
Maintenance - 40 yrs 1,556 MJ/Sqm 14.8 KgCO2/Sqm 970 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)
Operation - 40 yrs 969 MJ/Sqm 54.0 KgCO2/Sqm See hot rolled asphalt.
Note: The above data for roads were based on a single reference (ref 145). There were other references available but it was not possible to process the reports into
useful units (per sqm). One of the other references indicates a larger difference between concrete and asphalt roads than the data above. If there is a particular
interest in roads the reader is recommended to review the literature in further detail.
NOTE: Not all of the data could be converted to full GHG's. It was estimated from the fuel use only (i.e. Not including any process related emissions) the full CO2e is
approximately 6 percent higher than the CO2 only value of embodied carbon. This is for the average mixture of fuels used in the UK industry.