Properties of Rendering Mortar

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Learning text part 12

Properties of rendering mortar

Contents page page

Introduction 1 Answers to self-assessment questions 7

Specifying rendering mortar 1 Learning text series 7

Properties of fresh rendering mortar 1

- Workable life 2
- Air content 2

Health and safety

Properties of hardened rendering mortar 2
All mortar mixtures, both wet and dry, are abrasive and alkaline. When
- Compressive strength 3
working with wet mortar, waterproof or other suitable protective clothing
- Durability 3
should be worn. Guidance on the use of these materials can be found in
- Capillary water absorption 3
MPA Mortar data sheet No. 20.
- Water vapour permeability 3
- Thermal conductivity 3
- Fire resistance and combustibility 3

Rendered finishes 3
- Smooth 3
- Scraped 3
- Textured 3
- Tooled 2
- Thrown 2
- Special ornamental 2

General 1
- Metal lathing and expanded metal 2
- Curing 2
- Fibres 2
- Polymers 2

New developments 4
- Organic binders 4

Glossary of terms 4

Bibliography 5

Self-assessment questions 6

Mineral Products Association

Introduction A satisfactory render depends not only
upon a knowledge of the properties of the

The nature and conditions of exposure
The functional requirements
Rendering mortar is an element of constituent materials, but also on selecting • The type of render
masonry construction and this learning suitable mix proportions so that the render is • The type of finish/appearance (eg,
text complements MPA Mortar learning compatible with the background to which it textured/smooth).
text number 6, Masonry Mortar. Content is applied.
includes how to specify rendering mortar The properties of the background that should
and describes its various properties in the The two principal reasons for using a be considered include:
fresh and hardened state. Also included is rendering mortar are:
an overview of rendered finishes, a glossary • To provide a barrier to prevent rain from • Strength - strong backgrounds generally
of terms and a bibliography, with the final penetrating into the background masonry require relatively strong rendering mixes
section being self-assessment questions and • To enhance the appearance of a plain • Mechanical key - some backgrounds
answers. masonry structure. have an inherently good physical
key, others require a key to be provided
Render An ideal rendering mortar should generally • Suction - the degree of suction can be a
Render is a mortar consisting basically of be slightly weaker than the background to significant factor in achieving
cement and fine aggregate, usually together which it is applied. This is also true in a multi- proper adhesion. It may be necessary to
with lime or a plasticizer, applied to a wall coat rendering system, where each successive adjust this by pre-treatment or the use of
surface, generally in two or more coats. When coat should be no stronger than the previous admixtures
correctly matched with the background, the coat. In practice this is frequently achieved by • Durability - some backgrounds are
hardened render provides a durable, weather- maintaining constant mix proportions, but inherently durable while others
resistant finish enhancing the surface of a using successively thinner coats. There are such as wood rely on the render to provide
building. some specially formulated rendering mortars the durability
available that can be applied in a single coat. • Resistance to damp penetration - many
Rendering is a traditional craft that has backgrounds are themselves resistant to
evolved over many centuries. Originally Confusion sometimes arises over the use moisture penetration while others rely on
wattle and daub was used to fill gaps in of the terms rendering and plastering. the render to provide this resistance.
walls constructed from wood or stone, to Rendering mortar is applied to external Additionally, some backgrounds
minimise the ingress of wind and rain. A surfaces, plastering mortar to internal. can themselves be degraded by the effects
drawback of these early mortars was their of saturation.
inability to prevent water ingress, which
was partially compensated for by having Specifying National annex to BS EN 13914-1, entitled
roof overhangs and adequate drainage at
the base of the wall. The development of
rendering mortar Design, preparation of external rendering
and internal plastering - Part 1: External
Portland cement led to a mixture of cement The principles for specifying a rendering renderings, lists mixes suitable for rendering.
and sand being applied to the external mortar are similar to those for specifying Table 1 is based on this.
walls of structures, both for protection and a masonry mortar, which are discussed in
decoration. Historically, in some countries greater detail in the MPA Mortar learning Table 2 (overleaf ) lists recommendations
suitable indigenous facing materials have not text 6: Masonry Mortar. The specification of a for prescribed render mixes for different
been available to construct external walls and rendering system should address: applications based on the advice in National
rendering has been used for this purpose. Annex to BS EN 13914-1.
A walk around some UK towns and villages • The nature and condition of the
will provide testimony to the wide range of background (i.e., its strength and
rendered finishes that may be produced. absorptivity).

Aesthetic fashions in the final coat of a

rendering system have changed over the
Table 1: Composition of rendering mixes
centuries and an examination of buildings
with a rendered finish provides an interesting Cement: Cement:
insight into construction history. The outer Mix Cement: lime: Ready-mixed Masonry
ready-mixed sand using
Designation sand lime: sand cement sand
walls of the Colosseum in Rome were covered material plasticiser
with stucco. Stucco or ashlar finishes are often
i. 1:_:3 1:12 1:3 - -
to be found on town houses. Pebbledash
and tyrolean finishes are both characteristic ii. 1:_:4 to 4_ 1:9 1:4 to 4_ 1:3 to 4 1:2_ to 3_
of more recently constructed properties,
iii. 1:1:5 to 6 1:6 1:5 to 6 1:5 to 6 1:4 to 5
especially semi-detached houses built
between 1920-1940. iv. 1:2:8 to 9 1:4 1:8 to 9 1:7 to 8 1:5_ to 6_
v. 1:3:10 to 12 1:4 1:10 to 12 - -

Table 2: Applications of rendering
Properties of
Rendering mix characteristics Typical Backgrounds hardened rendering
Strong, relatively impervious rendering Engineering bricks, in situ concrete, The properties required of a hardened
with high drying shrinkage dense blocks
rendering mortar are:
Calcium silicate bricks, some facing • Good adhesion
ii. Moderately strong
bricks • Fitness for purpose (i.e. weatherproofing
and appearance)
Medium strength, greater permeability • Durability.
Lightweight aggregate blocks, some
iii. than Designation i mixes but less likely
common bricks A rendering mortar does not attain its final
to crack and craze
characteristics until it has hardened after
Autoclaved aerated concrete, some application. As previously stated, different
iv. Moderately low strength
softer bricks exposure conditions require the use of
rendering mortars with different properties
v. Low strength Weak materials in sheltered locations
and performance levels.
An undercoat must compensate for uneven
Rendering is normally subjected to
environmental exposure (eg, frost, wind, Properties of fresh surfaces of the background, provide uniformly
moderate suction and good adhesion for
sun and rain). The location of the structure
to which the rendering has been applied
rendering mortar intermediate and/or finishing coats. The final
coat must act as the main barrier against rain
will also affect the ability of the rendering A fresh rendering mortar must have the
penetration and provide a visually acceptable
to withstand the environmental conditions. ability to adhere to the background to which
National Annex to BS EN 13914-1 provides it is applied.
The thickness of an undercoat should be
details of an exposure classification system. approximately 9-13mm. The final coat should
The categories of exposure are based on a Workable life
This property is a measure of the length of be thinner than the undercoat. Using the
driving rain index and cover: same general principle, where three-coat
time after mixing that the mortar remains
workable. There are many ways of testing for work is undertaken, each successive coat
• Sheltered conditions. These are classified should be no thicker and no stronger than
as areas of moderately low rainfall in which workable life, but all rely on the assumption
that it is taken to have been reached when the previous.
walls are protected from the weather by
a certain arbitrary laboratory test value has Differential drying, moisture and thermal
overhanging eaves and the close proximity
been attained. movements greater than those occurring
of other buildings. Typical examples are
internally, lead to shear and/or tensile stresses
ground and first storey buildings in urban
The test procedure given in the BS EN 1015-9, between the background and renders or
is simple to carry out, although a laboratory between coats. In persistently wet conditions,
• Moderate conditions. This classification
facility is generally required. Although sulfates emanating from the masonry units
applies to walls partially protected from
the time itself may not match exactly the or from the environment may attack Portland
the weather by overhanging eaves and by
time that a bricklayer might deem to be cement-based rendering.
adjacent buildings of similar height. Typical
examples are to be found in many urban appropriate, it is nevertheless a reasonable
compromise and represents a good way of Compressive strength
comparing different mortars. BS EN 998-1 lists four categories of
• Severe conditions. This applies to walls,
compressive strength:
exposed to the weather but not located on
hill or coastal sites Air content
• Very severe conditions. Buildings that are All factory-made mortars and many, but not
Table3: Compressive strength categories (BS
exposed to the full force of wind and rain. all, site-made mortars, are air entrained. The
EN 998-1)
Examples of this would be buildings on use of air entrainment produces mortars that
hill sites, near the coast and those have much improved working properties Category Strength range N/mm2
projecting above surrounding buildings in in addition to being far more durable and
built-up areas. resistant to the effects of freezing and CS i 0.4 - 2.5
thawing. Indeed, it is not recommended to
CS ii 1.5 - 5
The compilation of a specification for use mortars for rendering that are not air
entrained. This situation is reflected in current CS iii 3.5 - 7.5
rendering requires a number of factors
to be taken into account. These include British and European standardisation.
CS iv ≥6
the characteristics of the substrate or The topic of air entrainment in mortars is
background, the exposure conditions and the dealt with in MPA Mortar learning text 4:
type of finish. Admixtures.

Compressive strength is determined in Thermal conductivity However, this learning text discusses
accordance with BS EN 1015-11. The stronger The majority of rendering mortars have little rendered finishes under six main headings:
a rendering mortar is: direct effect upon the thermal transmittance
• The more impervious it is of an external wall. This is due to the fact that • Smooth
• The more susceptible it is to cracking only a thin coat of material is applied and • Scraped
• The greater its drying shrinkage the conductivity of the rendering mortar is • Textured
relatively high. • Tooled
Rendering mixes with a lower strength are
• Thrown
less liable to cracking and crazing.
However, it is possible to obtain thermal • Special ornamental
insulating mortars that have enhanced
properties. BS EN 998-1 has created a Smooth finishes
To ensure a durable render, a number
category of designed mortar entitled thermal The final coat is smoothed by using a float.
of factors have to be considered in its
insulating mortar. This material is further It should be remembered that a smooth
classified into two classes T/1 and T/2 based finish may become somewhat drab as time
• The penetration of rain and rising damp on their thermal conductivity. Thermal progresses. A variation on this type of finish
• Problems associated with soluble salts insulating render may be applied in thicker is to remove the surface matrix to expose
• The corrosion of embedded metal coats than normal renders. the fine aggregate. Traditionally, some plain
• Damage from abrasion and impact finishes were described as stucco finishes,
• Crazing and cracking. which were generally painted.
Fire resistance and combustibility
One of the principal functions of a render is Cementitious external rendering is classified
to assist in the exclusion of water. If a render as non-combustible when the organic Scraped finish
becomes cracked, rainwater can penetrate material content is less than 1%. Where the The aggregate is selected for its colour and
into the rendering system and may freeze organic material is greater than that, the grading and the render allowed to harden
during periods of cold weather causing partial render should be tested and classified in for a few hours. The surface is then scraped,
disintegration. In addition, rain penetration accordance with BS EN 13501-1. A render sometimes with a float faced with a piece of
may lead to adhesive failure between the contributes to the fire resistance of a wall, but expanded metal. This process removes some
render and the substrate. Render should not generally no separate values are calculated for of the cement-rich surface and drags some of
be applied to saturated walls as there is a high the rendering system. the coarser sand particles out of the matrix,
risk that it will become detached. whilst exposing others.

Capillary water absorption

A render should restrict the penetration of
Rendered finishes Textured finish
A plain, smooth finish can also be textured
Many types of finish can be produced, with a criss-cross pattern by scoring through
rain into the fabric of the building. Water
some of which are smooth while others are the finished mortar using a straightedge,
ingress can be a serious problem because
textured or mixed with coarse aggregate. trowel or hacksaw blade. An alternative finish
if the water freezes loss of adhesion to the
The decision on the type of finish is generally is to score the render to produce a stone
substrate may develop. In sheltered and
based on serviceability and aesthetic merit. block effect (ashlar finish). A stiff bristle brush
moderate exposure conditions a render
Local custom or tradition may favour a can also be used to give a textured finish.
conforming to the requirements of BS EN
particular finish, but in some locations
998-1 with a capillary water absorption of
the degree of exposure or the type of A texture that is popular in some areas is the
Class W/1 or W/0 should be used. Where
background may restrict the choice. Due so-called “English cottage” finish, which is
severe conditions of exposure exist, a render
to the fact that rendering has evolved as a achieved by hand texturing and produces
conforming to the requirements of BS EN
craft over hundreds of years, there are a wide a random rugged effect which looks old
998-1 with a capillary water absorption Class
variety of terms applied to finishes that can fashioned, hence the name. This type of finish
W/2 should be used.
be produced. Some renders textbooks and may be seen in many English villages and
guides classify rendered finishes into four contributes to the quintessential charm of the
Water vapour permeability types: surroundings. The workmanship in producing
BS EN 998-1 specifies that the water this finish is unique in that application of
vapour permeability shall be determined • Those applied with a trowel directly by the render begins at the bottom of the wall,
for mortar used in external situations. The hand while all the other types start at the top and
test is undertaken in accordance with • Those thrown onto the wall and left in this continue downwards.
the requirements of BS EN 1015-19 and state
determines the passage of water vapour • Those applied with a trowel and “Travertine” finish is achieved by incorporating
through a specimen under standard subsequently tooled or imprinted rounded particles of approximately 5mm in
conditions. • Those applied by machine. size, which move under the wooden float to

produce a dragged or torn surface, said to
resemble marble.
General a rendering of one or more layers, one of
which contains reinforcement, The rendering
Metal lathing and expanded metal is applied to the insulating panels without
A textured finish gives greater protection When applying rendering to steel- or timber- any air gap. ETICS are designed to give walls
against rain penetration and is less prone to framed structures or to other surfaces which superior thermal insulation.
cracking. provide an unsatisfactory bond/key (eg,
friable masonry or unsound renderings),
Tooled finishes support can be provided by metal lathing. To
The hardened render can be tooled with a minimise the risk of corrosion, the lathing may
needle gun or by abrasive blasting to expose be initially coated with a workable cement
the aggregate. rich mix, although a preferable alternative is
to use stainless or zinc-coated steel.
Thrown finishes
Thrown finishes can be sub-divided into wet- Curing
dash and dry-dash. In common with all cementitious materials,
adequate curing is essential to allow the
A wet-dash finish is achieved by strength of the render to develop. Fresh
incorporating 6-14mm coarse aggregate in rendering should be protected from the
the final coat, with the mortar being thrown effects of drying winds and wind funnelling
onto the wall and left untrowelled. The and from direct sunlight.
coarseness of the texture depends on the
aggregate size and shape. This type of finish Fibres
is known as roughcast in some parts of the Many ancient rendering mortars incorporated
country although traditionally in Scotland it is animal hair. The inclusion of fibres in a mix
known as harling. improves toughness and impact resistance.

A dry-dash finish is where dry aggregates in Polymers

the size range 6-14mm are thrown onto a Polymer dispersions may be incorporated in
freshly applied coat of mortar (often called a rendering mixes to improve bond strength,
butter coat) and left exposed. The aggregate resistance to rain penetration and durability.
can be selected in combination with a Care should be taken to utilise only those
pigmented mortar to give a range of colours. polymers that are known to be suitable for
In some areas this type of finish is referred external use.
to as pebble- or spar-dash (dependent on
particle characteristics).
New developments
Special ornamental finishes Organic binders
Although most renders are to some extent BS EN 15824 is the standard applicable to
ornamental, special techniques or materials factory-made rendering/plastering products
may be used to accentuate visual features. based on organic polymer binders. These
products are classified according to:
A variety of impressions can be made in • The chemical nature of the principal active
freshly applied rendering using profiled tools binder
or the base of bottles. This type of finish is • The type of finish obtained
called pargeting in some areas, the word • The properties and/or use.
being derived from medieval English and
meaning “ornamental plasterwork”. Organic binders can be applied by brush,
roller, trowel, spray machine or other special
A “Tyrolean” finish is a proprietary finish, tools.
which is supplied in a number of colours
and applied as thrown material, where a External thermal insulation composite
machine is used instead of hand application. systems (ETICS)
This type of finish cab be sanded down with External thermal insulation composite
a carborundum stone to produce a rubbed systems (ETICS) are popular in some parts
“Tyrolean” finish. Render may also be applied of continental Europe. The system consists
by spraying. The texture obtained will depend of prefabricated insulation products, which
primarily upon the render material used and are bonded and/or mechanically fixed onto
the type and size of spray nozzle. external walls. The insulation is faced with

Glossary of Terms Thermal insulating mortar
A designed mortar with specific thermal insulating properties.
Adhesive strength (bond strength)
The maximum adhesive strength of a mortar applied onto a substrate, Thermal resistivity
which can be determined by a shear or tensile strength test. The resistivity of a material is a measure of resistance to heat flow
through unit thickness and is the reciprocal of the
Ashlar finish conductivity value (i.e. 1/conductivity).
A plain rendered finish scored to simulate stone blocks.
Thermal transmittance
Butter coat Thermal transmittance (U value) is the rate of heat transfer through a
The soft final coat to which the aggregate is applied in dry-dashing. construction from air to air and is the reciprocal of the sum of all the
thermal resistances offered by a construction (i.e. all the components).
Cracking of the surface layer into small irregular shaped contiguous Undercoat
areas. Bottom layer or layers of a render system

Final coat
Ultimate coat of a multicoat rendering system.

Mesh which when fixed to a background provides a key for rendering
BS EN 13501-1:2007 Fire classification of construction products
and in some cases support and stability.
and building elements - Part 1: Classification using test data from
reaction to fire tests, excluding ventilation services.
Rendering coat
A layer applied in one or more operations or passes with the same mix,
BS EN 13914-1:2005 Design, preparation and application of
with the previous pass not being allowed to set before the next one is
external rendering and plastering - Part 1: External rendering.

BS EN 15824Specifications for external renders and internal

Rendering mortar
plasters based on organic binders
Mortar, which is applied in the fresh state to an external wall or other
surface and which hardens after application.
Good Concrete Guide 3: Rendering A practical handbook (Bill
Monks published by the Concrete Society).
Rendering system
A sequence of coats applied to a background which can be used in
BRE Digest 410 Cementitious renders for external walls.
conjunction with a support and/or reinforcement and/or a preparatory

Renovation render
Designed render for use on moist backgrounds containing water
soluble salts.

A smooth external rendering with a painted finish.
Surface coat
See Final coat

Thermal conductivity
A measure of the rate of heat transfer through unit thickness and
area of material and from face to face. The thermal conductivity (k)
of a material is technically defined as the quantity of heat that passes
through 1m2 of the material of 1m thickness for 1oC difference in
temperature of the inner and outer surface. The units used to measure
thermal conductivity are W/mK where W represents Watts and K
represents Kelvin.

Self-assessment questions
1 What standard is applicable to rendering mortar?

2 What type of finish is a stucco finish?

3 What is the principal difference between a dry-dash and a wet-dash finish?

4 What are the principal functions of a rendering mortar?

5 Complete the following:

i) A plastering mortar is applied to

ii) A rendering mortar is applied to

6 What is English cottage?

7 Above what level of organic content does a mortar have to be tested for reaction to fire?

8 In a two-coat rendering system what should be the approximate thickness of each coat?

9 What are the two main properties measured in a rendering mortar?

10 What parameters are exposure classes based on?

Answers to self-assessment questions

1 BS EN 998-1 (Specification for mortar for masonry - Part 1: Rendering and plastering mortar).
2 A plain rendered finish, which is generally painted.
3 In a wet-dash finish the aggregates are part of the mix, in a dry-dash the aggregates are applied while the final coat is still plastic (fresh).
4 To provide a barrier to the ingress of water and wind. To provide a decorative surface.
5 i) A plastering mortar is applied to an internal wall or other surface.
ii) A rendering mortar is applied to an external wall or other surface.
6 A textured rendered finish, in which the render is applied to the walling from the bottom upwards.
7 1% organic content. Undercoat 9 - 13mm.
8 Final coat Less than the above.
9 Workable life and air content.
10 Driving rain index.

MPA Mortar Learning Texts include:

1 Introduction to modern mortars
2 Cementitious materials
3 Aggregates
4 Admixtures, additives and water
5 Brick and block production
6 Properties of masonry mortar
7 Production, delivery and storage of mortar
8 Mortar testing
9 Specifications
10 Quality assurance
11 Construction
12 Properties of rendering mortar
13 Best practice - potential site problems

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