One Click LCA - LCA Made Easy

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Main > TAG Alaya Modified Design > Proposed TAG Alaya Design > LCA for BREEAM Int´l/ES/NOR/SE

Proposed TAG Alaya Design - LCA for BREEAM Int´l/ES/NOR/SE Project basic information

Result report: Proposed TAG Alaya Design

Project TAG Alaya Modified Design - Proposed TAG Alaya Design

User Balwinder Singh - 30/07/2024


Details This is officially approved LCA in compliance with BREEAM International NC 2013 and 2016 and latest New Construction v6.0 version as well as BREEAM-NOR
2016, BREEAM SE 2017, BREEAM España (Nueva Construcción and Vivienda) for Mat 01 Life cycle impacts, and allows achieving full 100 % of the potential score
in the Mat 01 calculator (including exemplary credit) in all the above schemas. Environental impacts considered in this LCA report are global warming potential,
stratospheric ozone depletion, acidification of land and water sources, eutrophication, formation of tropospheric ozone, and waste processing. This LCA software
covers life cycle stages from cradle to grave with separate reporting to product stage, construction process, use stage, operational energy, and end of life. This LCA
software and related datasets are compliant with ISO 14040/14044 or EN 15804

General information

Type One-dwelling buildings

Address Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Country United Arab Emirates

Gross Floor Area (m²) 210749.58

Number of above
ground floors

Frame type notDetermined

BREEAM International New Construction 2016

Project number /

Investor / final client

Year of construction
(if refurbishment,
original build year)

Building function(s)

Technical, functional
and qualitative

 1,737,350 Tonnes CO e
2  144.6 kg CO e / m 2
2 / year  86,867,513 € Social cost of

Carbon Heroes Benchmark

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Embodied carbon benchmark 

Cradle to grave (A1-A4, B4-B5, C1-C4) kg CO2e/m2

(< 400) A
(400-480) B

(480-560) C
C 536
(560-640) D

(640-720) E
(720-800) FF

(> 800) G
United Arab Emirates all building types excl. 
 Download as image


Life-cycle assessment results for BREEAM International versions as per EN 15978 Download Results Summary

Non Biogenic
Ozone Formation of
Global hazardous carbon
Acidification Eutrophication Depletion ozone of lower
Result category warming waste storage
kg SO2e kg PO4e kg atmosphere
kg CO2e disposed kg CO2e
CFC11e kg Ethenee
kg bio

A1-A3 Construction Materials 9.32E+07 3.46E+05 3.25E+04 1.37E+00 1.93E+04 2.97E+07 4.28E+05 Details

 A4 Transportation to site 2.82E+06 5.09E+03 1.06E+03 4.83E-01 3.93E+02 1.52E+04 Details

 A5 Construction/installation process 4.96E+06 1.80E+04 1.97E+03 1.27E-01 1.04E+03 2.12E+07 Details

 B4-B5 Material replacement and refurbishment 8.06E+06 3.94E+04 8.30E+03 7.41E-01 4.37E+03 1.54E+07 Details

B6 Energy consumption 1.62E+09 3.18E+06 6.49E+05 1.39E+02 1.47E+05 2.32E+08 Details

B7 Water use 7.89E+06 5.39E+04 1.26E+04 5.65E-01 1.90E+03 1.38E+07 Details

 C1-C4 End of life 3.21E+06 1.76E+04 3.78E+03 6.11E-01 3.53E+02 3.92E+08 Details

 D External impacts (not included in totals) -4.84E+07 -1.70E+05 -2.50E+04 -2.14E+00 -2.50E+04 -2.66E+06 Details

Total 1.74E+09 3.66E+06 7.09E+05 1.43E+02 1.74E+05 7.05E+08 4.28E+05

Results per denominator

Gross Internal Floor Area (IPMS/RICS) 200243.3275 m2 8.68E+03 1.83E+01 3.54E+00 7.15E-04 8.71E-01 3.52E+03 2.14E+00

Assessment period fixed to 60 years.

 Methodologically consistent and regionally representative LCA data

BREEAM Mat 01 calculator asks you to document Region for all LCA data used and Methodology for all LCA data used.

For region for all LCA data used, if you have not selected LCA data from a single region, or used the local compensation feature, you need to mark ´N´ to the BREEAM Mat 01 calculator (2016
version only) to the question ´Using local LCA data or LCA data that has been compensated to a comprehensive range of regional differences´

For methodology for all LCA data used, if you have not selected LCA data with a consistent methodology, you need to mark ´N´ to the section in the BREEAM Mat 01 calculator (2016 version only)
to the question ´Are all assessed to the same publically available AND peer reviewed methodology/PCR that is compliant with ISO 21930 or EN 15804.´

These methodologies include the following:

BRE - Global Methodology for Environmental Profiles of Construction Products,
Oekobau.dat - Methodische Grundlagen,
IBU - General Programme Instructions for the Preparation of EPDs,
International EPD System - General Programme Instructions and EN 15804,
INIES - XP P 01 064/CN,

Compensation to local conditions, if applied by the user, is made according to CEN/TR 15941 and One Click LCA´s BRE-approved methodology.

 Mat 06 Materials efficiency

 Mat 01 EPDs for the additional and exemplary credits

 Man 03 Site impacts (energy, water, transportation monitoring)

Completeness (%) and plausibility checker (-)

Most contributing materials (Global warming)

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Overview Bubble Sankey Treemap Life-cycle stages Annual Spidergram Stages - stacked Materials - stacked Classifications All graphs… 3/10
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Life-cycle overview of Global warming

Pie Bar Column Treemap

Global warming kg CO2e - Life-cycle stages Global warming kg CO2e - Classifications

A1-A3 Materials - 5.4% A4 Transport - 0.2% External walls (envelope, structure a… Foundations (including excavation) - …
A5 Construction - 0.3% B4-B5 Replacement - 0.5% Internal floor finishes (incl. access flo… Structural frame (vertical) - 1.5%
B6 Energy - 93.1% B7 Water - 0.5% Upper floors (including horizontal str… Internal walls and partitions - 0.8%
C2 Waste transport - 0.1% C3 Waste processing - 0.0% Internal wall finishes - 0.4% Electricity use - 93.1%
C4 Waste disposal - 0.1% Total water consumption - 0.5% Other classifications - 0.6%

Global warming kg CO2e - Resource types Mass kg - Classifications

This is a drilldown chart. Click on the chart to view details

Electricity - 93.1% Ready-mix concrete for structures (b… Not defined - 0.2% External walls (envelope, structure a…
Reinforcement for concrete (rebar) - … Aerated/Autoclaved concrete produc… Foundations (including excavation) - … Internal floor finishes (incl. access flo…
Water - 0.5% Paints, coatings and lacquers - 0.4% Structural frame (vertical) - 20.5% Upper floors (including horizontal str…
Mortar (masonry/bricklaying) - 0.3% Aluminium frame windows - 0.2% Internal ceiling finishes (incl. suspen… Internal walls and partitions - 12.1%
Concrete masonry units (CMU) - 0.1% Other resource types - 0.6% Internal wall finishes - 0.5% Other classifications - 0.3%

Show data table: Global warming kg CO2e - Life-cycle stages Global warming kg CO2e - Classifications Global warming kg CO2e - Resource types Mass kg - Classifications

Global warming kg CO2e - Life-cycle stages

Item Value Unit Percentage %

A1-A3 Materials 93,000,000 kg CO2e 5.36 %

A4 Transport 2,800,000 kg CO2e 0.16 %

A5 Construction 5,000,000 kg CO2e 0.29 %

B4-B5 Replacement 8,100,000 kg CO2e 0.46 %

B6 Energy 1,600,000,000 kg CO2e 93.09 %

B7 Water 7,900,000 kg CO2e 0.45 %

C2 Waste transport 2,100,000 kg CO2e 0.12 %

C3 Waste processing 56,000 kg CO2e 0.0 %

C4 Waste disposal 1,000,000 kg CO2e 0.06 %

Global warming kg CO2e - Classifications

Item Value Unit Percentage %

External walls (envelope, structure and finishes) 11,000,000 kg CO2e 0.63 %

Foundations (including excavation) 14,000,000 kg CO2e 0.82 %

Internal floor finishes (incl. access floors) 5,500,000 kg CO2e 0.32 %… 4/10
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Structural frame (vertical) 26,000,000 kg CO2e 1.49 %

Upper floors (including horizontal structure) 24,000,000 kg CO2e 1.39 %

Internal walls and partitions 15,000,000 kg CO2e 0.84 %

Internal wall finishes 7,000,000 kg CO2e 0.41 %

Electricity use 1,600,000,000 kg CO2e 93.09 %

Total water consumption 7,900,000 kg CO2e 0.45 %

Other classifications 9,800,000 kg CO2e 0.56 %

Global warming kg CO2e - Resource types

Item Value Unit Percentage %

Electricity 1,600,000,000 kg CO2e 93.09 %

Ready-mix concrete for structures (beams, columns, piling) 46,000,000 kg CO2e 2.64 %

Reinforcement for concrete (rebar) 27,000,000 kg CO2e 1.56 %

Aerated/Autoclaved concrete products 10,000,000 kg CO2e 0.58 %

Water 7,900,000 kg CO2e 0.45 %

Paints, coatings and lacquers 7,200,000 kg CO2e 0.41 %

Mortar (masonry/bricklaying) 5,400,000 kg CO2e 0.31 %

Aluminium frame windows 3,100,000 kg CO2e 0.18 %

Concrete masonry units (CMU) 2,300,000 kg CO2e 0.13 %

Other resource types 11,000,000 kg CO2e 0.65 %

Mass kg - Classifications

Item Value Unit Percentage %

Not defined 1,100,000 kg 0.24 %

External walls (envelope, structure and finishes) 75,000,000 kg 15.69 %

Foundations (including excavation) 81,000,000 kg 16.95 %

Internal floor finishes (incl. access floors) 32,000,000 kg 6.75 %

Structural frame (vertical) 98,000,000 kg 20.46 %

Upper floors (including horizontal structure) 120,000,000 kg 24.49 %

Internal ceiling finishes (incl. suspended/access ceilings) 12,000,000 kg 2.54 %

Internal walls and partitions 58,000,000 kg 12.08 %

Internal wall finishes 2,300,000 kg 0.48 %

Other classifications 1,600,000 kg 0.32 %

Data sources


Technical EPD Environment Data

Resource name Product Manufacturer EPD number Standard Verification Yea
specification program Source

Acrylic copolymer 1.3 g/cm3, Fenomastic Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-1646-659-EN EPD Fenomastic My EN15804+A1 Internally 201
based emulsion paint 40% My Home Home Smooth Silk, verified
solids/volume, Smooth Silk Jotun Saudia Co. Ltd
dry/wet film Jotun A/S
thickness 35-
60 / 88-150… 5/10
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Technical EPD Environment Data

Resource name Product Manufacturer EPD number Standard Verification Yea
specification program Source

μm, 11.43-6.67

Acrylic copolymer 1.29 kg/l, 44% Fenomastic Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-1753-722-EN EPD Fenomastic Pure EN15804+A1 Internally 201
emulsion interior solids/volume, Pure Colours Colours Emulsion verified
paint dry/wet film Emulsion Semigloss, Jotun U.A.E.
thickness 35- Semigloss Ltd. (L.L.C.)
75 / 66-92 μm,
12.5-6 m2/l

Acrylic emulsion 1.43 kg/l, Fenomastic Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-1897-829-EN EPD Fenomastic Zero EN15804+A1 Internally 201
paint for interior theoretical Zero Silk Silk, Jotun U.A.E. Ltd. verified
application spreading rate: (L.L.C.)
9-15 m2/l

Acrylic water based 1.32 kg/l, 48% Jotashield Tex Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-1680-674-EN EPD Jotashield Tex EN15804+A1 Internally 201
emulsion paint, for solids/volume, Medium Medium, Jotun U.A.E. verified
exterior application 4-2 m2/l Ltd. (L.L.C.) Jotun A/S

Aluminium façade 2.5 kg/m2, One Click LCA One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1, Internally 202
cladding panel, 30% recycled LCA EN15804+A2 verified
anodized content

Aluminium frame 1230 x 2180 WICSTYLE Hydro Building IBU EPD-HBS-20180148-IBD1-DE EPD WICONA EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
glass door mm, frame 75 evo Systems Türsystem WICSTYLE verified (as
rate = 32.58%, Germany 75 evo per ISO
110.67 kg/unit 14025)

Aluminium frame 82.93 kg/unit, K/SVGS; Hydro Building IBU EPD- EPD K/SVGS; EN15804+A1 Self 202
glass door, two 1170x2090 YD2:2086 Systems K/SVGS.26.11.2020.14:16:12 YD2:2086 Door 1 Leaf declared
panes mm Door 1 Leaf Open OUT 086 Hydro
Open OUT Building Systems

Aluminium frame 52.09 kg/unit, AWS 75.SI Schüco IBU EPD 2082-201902- EPD Schüco AWS EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
window 1230x1480 International 20190214133716-EN 75.SI+ W x H: 1230 mm verified (as
mm x 1480 mm for project: per ISO
eco2018\2019_01_0130 14025)
- Item: _009

Aluminium frame, size: 3.00 x Hi-Finity, type Reynaers European EPD EUROPEAN ALUMINIUM EPD Hi-Finity Sliding EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
double glazing sliding 2.18m, HFP 147 Aluminium 2017 – REYNAERS 9 Door verified (as
door, with two vents, glazing: 2 x per ISO
per unit 11mm glass, 14025)
57.74 kg/m2,
377.62 kg/unit

Aluminium framed 90% glass, 9% Optima 117, Optima International S-P-00481 EPD Aluminium Framed EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
glazed partition aluminium, 217, EPD System Glazed Doors verified (as
systems, double width 3.0m; Revolution per ISO
glazed, per unit height 2.70m, 54,100, 14025)
glazing Kinetic,
thickness Technishield

Aluminium handrails 1.48 kg/m G2-3500 Inpro UL 13CA36257.103.1 EPD IPC Handrails EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
Environment verified (as
per ISO

Amine cured epoxy 1.7 kg/l, 98% Jotafloor EP Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-2404-1198-EN EPD Jotafloor EP SL, EN15804+A1 Internally 202
coating, solvent free solids/volume, SL Jotun U.A.E. Ltd. verified
dry/wet film (L.L.C.) Jotun A/S
thickness 1500
- 5000 / 1500 -
5000 μm, 0.7 -
0.2 m2/l

Amine cured epoxy 1.7 kg/l, 98% Jotafloor Jotun EPD Norge NEPD-1738-714-EN EPD Jotafloor EPSL, EN15804+A1 Internally 201
coating, solvent free solids/volume, EPSL Jotun U.A.E. Ltd. verified
dry/wet film (L.L.C.) Jotun A/S
thickness 1500
- 5000 / 1500 -
5000 μm, 0.7 -
0.2 m2/l… 6/10
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Technical EPD Environment Data

Resource name Product Manufacturer EPD number Standard Verification Yea
specification program Source

Anodized aluminium Aluminum UL 11240237.101.1 EPD Aluminium EN15804+A1 Third-party 201

extrusions Extruders Council Environment Extrusions verified (as
(AEC 2016) per ISO

Autoclaved aerated 460-760 kg/m3 Aircrete BPCF IBU EPD-BPC-20170093-CCD1-EN EPD UK Manufactured EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
concrete blocks Precast Aerated verified (as
Concrete Blocks as per ISO
produced by members 14025)
of the Aircrete Products
Association (APA) a
product group of British

Autoclaved aerated 100 mm, 57.75 Carreau XELLA INIES INIES_INYM20220112_170015, FDES EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
concrete masonry kg/m2, 578 Siporex 10 THERMOPIERRE 28750 verified (as
slabs kg/m3 per ISO

Carbon steel 7850 kg/m3 Conares, March BRE BREG EN EPD 000180, issue EPD Carbon Steel EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
reinforcing bar (2024) 05 Reinforcing Bar verified (as
(secondary (secondary production per ISO
production route – route – scrap), Conares, 14025)
scrap) issue 03

Cement boards, with 2.4 kg/m2 DUROCK USG International S-P-01424 EPD Cement board EN15804+A1 Internally 201
polymerized EPD System verified
fiberglass mesh

Cement mortar gross density: OKOBAUDAT - ÖKOBAUDAT 2021-II EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
2000 kg/m3, (25.06.2021) verified (as
EN15804+A1, per ISO
ref. year 2018 14025)

Concrete masonry béton classes CERIB INIES INIES_CBLO20170626_135016, FDES EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
unit, hollow, for B40/B60, 26904 verified (as
concrete filling, 200x200x200- per ISO
excluding the filling 250mm, 177 14025)
concrete kg/m2 mur

Concrete masonry Lightweight, Vollstein Bundesverband IBU EPD-BVL-20131321-IAE1-DE Oekobau.dat 2017-I, EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
units, solid blocks, with trass schwer Leichtbeton EPD Mauersteine aus verified (as
German average cement , 1800 Leichtbeton aus per ISO
kg/m3 natürlichen Zuschlägen 14025)
mit Trass-Zement -
Vollstein schwer -
Leichtbeton e.V.

EPS insulation L= 0.033 One Click LCA One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1, Internally 202
panels, graphite W/mK, R= LCA EN15804+A2 verified
3.03 m2K/W,
100 mm, 3
kg/m2, 30
strength 220
kPa, 10%

Electricity, United One Click LCA study for country Internally 202
Arab Emirates LCA specific electricity mixes verified
based on IEA,
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Technical EPD Environment Data

Resource name Product Manufacturer EPD number Standard Verification Yea
specification program Source

Epoxy coating for 0.279 kg/m2 EPOVIC SOCIETE INIES INIES_ISNA20220629_104852, FDES EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
industrial flooring LM03 ; EUROPEENNE 33525 verified (as

External wood door, One Click OneClickLCA EN15804+A1 Internally 201

2,1 x 1 m LCA verified

Fibre cement boards 1300 kg/m3 One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1 Internally 201
(81.16 lbs/ft3) LCA verified

Galvanized steel 2335 kg/unit PROLIGHT z Mercor ITB 259/2021 EPD Klapy iswietliki mcr EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
framed smoke vents, klapami PROLIGHT Klapy I verified (as
skylights swietliki mcr ULTRA per ISO
THERM Psama 14025)
swietlne mcr
PROLIGHTz klapami

Glass partitioning 31.93 kg/m2 NIBE NIBE2047 EPD 21002-NIBE2047 - EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
system with Aluminium klemprofiel, verified (as
aluminium clamping 25x25mm, boven- en per ISO
profile onderzijde; enkel glas, 14025)

Gypsum plaster 15.0 mm, FireStop Saint-Gobain International S-P-01566 EPD FireStop EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
board, fire resistant 11.60 kg/m2, plasterboard Gyproc EPD System plasterboard verified (as
773 kg/m3, L = per ISO
0.24 W/mK, 14025)
Fire resistance
class = A2-s1,

Gypsum plaster 10% recycled One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1, Internally 202
board, regular gypsum, 6.5- LCA EN15804+A2 verified
25 mm (0.25-
0.98 in),
10.725 kg/m2
(2.20 lbs/ft2)
(for 12.5
mm/0.49 in),
858 kg/m3
(53.6 lbs/ft3)

HS2 baseline - Cementitious - - EPD-FEI-20160043-IBG1-EN EPD Modified mineral EN15804+A1 Self 201
Cement grout modified mortars, group 3 FEICA declared
mineral mortar - Association of the
European Adhesive and
Sealant Industry

High density 30-213 mm, ENAIRGY Pladur Gypsum INIES INIES_IPLA20201222_091956, FDES EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
plasterboards for 9.7 kg/m2 ISOPOP S.A.U. 26616 verified (as
suspended ceilings per ISO

Modified bitumen 3.54 mm, 4.25 One Click LCA One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1, Internally 202
waterproofing kg/m2, 1200 LCA EN15804+A2 verified
membrane kg/m3… 8/10
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Technical EPD Environment Data

Resource name Product Manufacturer EPD number Standard Verification Yea
specification program Source

Mortar, cementitious, 1600 kg/m3 Mapelastic Mapei International S-P-00912 EPD for Mapelastic, EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
for (mixture), Smart EPD System Mapelastic Smart, verified (as
waterproofing/surface 2200 kg/m3 Mapelastic Foundation, per ISO
protection (with spray) Mapelastic Turbo 14025)

PU thermal insulation L = 0.023 OKOBAUDAT - ÖKOBAUDAT 2021-II EN15804+A1 Third-party 202

boards with multi- W/mK, 31 (25.06.2021) verified (as
layer aluminium kg/m3, per ISO
facing EN15804+A1, 14025)
ref. year 2018

Precast concrete wall C30/37 One Click - One Click LCA EN15804+A1 Internally 201
elements (solid, (4400/5400 LCA verified
uninsulated), generic PSI), 0%
binders in
cement (300
kg/m3 / 18.72
lbs/ft3), incl.

Proximity sensor for 0.185 kg/unit 1841233A SOMFY INIES SOMF-00078-V01.01-FR, 31275 PEP EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
remote control of Cells Master verified (as
gate/garage doors PRO bi-tech per ISO

Ready-mix concrete C40, OPC + D09885 Transgulf International S-P-02209 EPD Ready Mixed EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
GGBS 50%, Readymix EPD System Concrete from Transgulf verified (as
2490.5 kg/m3 Concrete Co Readymix Concrete Co. per ISO
LLC 14025)

Ready-mix concrete, C8/10 Concrete Tavellin Greenline EPD Italy EPDITALY0028 Tavellin Greenline SRL EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
lightweight Green Concrete Green® 0317 verified (as
per ISO

Reinforcement steel 0.662 kg/m2 MDEGD INIES INIES_DTRE20180307_173222, MDEGD_FDES EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
fine mesh, French 8071 verified (as
average per ISO

Steel doors, with 94.383 kg/unit, Prometal ASSA ABLOY IBU EPD-ASA-20190125-IBA1-EN EPD ASSA ABLOY EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
mineral wool core U = 0.74 Mineralwool Mineralwool Core Steel verified (as
W/(m2.K) Core Steel Door Set per ISO
Door 14025)

Vapour-proof 0.15 mm, 140 Baca Baca Plastindustri EPD Norge NEPD-2100-951-NO EPD Baca Dampsperre EN15804+A1 Third-party 202
membrane g/m2 Dampsperre verified (as
per ISO

Wooden door set, 45 x 1100 x ASSA ABLOY IBU EPD-ASA-20190123-IBA1-EN EPD ASSA ABLOY EN15804+A1 Third-party 201
with solid chipboard 2200 mm, 8- Solid Chipboard Core verified (as
core 12% moisture Wooden Door Set per ISO
content, ASSA ABLOY Security 14025)
72.343 kg/unit Solutions Wooden
Doors & Windows
Manufacturing LLC… 9/10
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