Business Studies
Business Studies
Business Studies
3 Paragraphing
4 Page setting
5 Memorandum
6 E – mail
8 Office equipment
9. Office procedure
10 & 11 REVISION
Rhythm means the striking of keys with the same time interval between strokes.
The greatest advantage of typing by rhythm is that the typists can affair greater accuracy in
a s d f g j I k h q w e r t p o l u y z x c v b / ; m n 1 2 3 4 5 0 9 8 7 6.
2. Ask pad jyj lkn dpn dnd sop abc dep figure drill.(type in double line spacing)
You are required to type each sentence four times using single line spacing
(If errors are more than ten pages, type the exercise again for better mastery)
The essence of one- line sentence drills is for the typist to type a sentence on a line before
proceeding to the next one.
Exercise 1: you are required to type the following sentences, one on each line three times
using single line spacing.
Margin – pica 10 & 70
Elite12 & 80
Speed and accuracy enable typist to identify the number of words he/she can type per
minute and the errors made while typing.
At the end of a page or exercise given circle the errors and count. If the error exceeds ten, it
is advisable to repeat the exercise.
Nnamdi, who is from the eastern part of Nigeria refused a scholarship to further his
education to the university. According to him, it is more profitable to serve as an apprentice
under the tutelage of his father for three years and be on his own thereafter.
Keyboarding is a skill that helps in rising in the chosen profession. The goal to be aimed at is
to be able to type as fast as possible.
In typewriting, some of the techniques that must be effectively mastered in typing for
expedient and neat typing are:
1. Tabular key operation – it consist of three tabular control keys which are:
+ Tab Key -
Tabulator key is used for paragraphing and when items are typed in columns.
2. Live space regulator – is used to provide the desired spacing between typed lines when
the carriage return lever is turned. Most typewriters have regulators for single, double, and
treble line spacing e.g. ½ , 1, 1 ½, 2, 2 ½, 3.
3. Carriage return lever – is used to move the carriage back to the left margin and the next
line of typing as set by the line space regulator.
4. Margin release lever – is used to temporarily unlock the margins to enable typing beyond
the margin set.
In Computer studies – create tables
To make a table from the tables and boarders toolbar. The following points must be
To make a table from the insert table dialogue box. Follow these steps:
1. Click on table from the menu bar, select insert and then on table – a dialogue box
will appear.
2. Enter the desired number of rows and columns.
3. Choose auto fit behaviour if the table’s cells are to be expanded. Auto format can
also be chosen.
4. Click OK to insert your table.
Enter key: it is used to command line, window form, or dialog box to operate. It can be used
as an alternative to pressing an OK button
< enter > key is used to begin a new line. It can also be used in place of the mouse for other
tasks on the computer in order to save time.
1. BLOCKED PARAGRAPH: All lines including the first line of the paragraph begin from the
left margin e.g. business or official letter.
2. INDENTED PARAGRAPH: The first line begins after five space (pica) six spaces for elite
from the left.
3. HANGING PARAGRAPH: This is one in which the first line of each paragraph begins three
spaces of the left of the subsequent lines. With this method, typing can be on single line
spacing as well as double line spacing. E.g. legal matters, poem, drama.
1. Define paragraphing
2. Explain the following term with the format
3. Blocked paragraph
4. Hanging paragraph
5. Indented paragraph
Page setup means parameters which are normally defined by a user and which help to
determine how a printed page will appear.
These parameters can include everything from margins, quality print, size etc.
Text Alignment
This is found in the program’s toolbar. It may be shown as a row of four icons:
1. LEFT ALIGNED: it is also called flush left or left justified. It is used just as blocked style,
each line begins along the left margin of the document. A straight margin is formed on the
left and an uneven margin is formed on the right
2. RIGHT ALIGNED: it is also known as right justified of flush right. Each line of text begins
along the right margin of the document in this kind of setting. The text expands to the left of
the cursor. If more than one line is typed, the next line begin along the right margin.
3. CENTRED ALIGNED: text that is centred text is placed in the centre of each line. The text
expands equally to the left and right and it leaves the same amount of space on either side.
4. JUSTIFIED ALIGNED: it combines left and right aligned text, when a block of text is
justified, each line fills the entire space from left to right the text occupies 100% of the
NO: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
SUB: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1. Define memorandum
2. State 5 features of memorandum
E-mail means electronic mail or e- mail. It is used on the internet to send written messages
between individuals or groups of individuals.
E-mail messages are sent from and received by mail servers computers that are dedicated to
processing directing e-mail.
Feature of e-mail
E-mail is sent on a specific format which appears automatically on the computer screen
when you click the e-mail button on the section of screen, called the toolbar
From CC
BC – to whom blind copies are to be sent (names may not be sent with the message).
Attach – attachments sent with the message if any, the date and time of sending the
message will appear automatically.
Creating a web-based e-mail account one can create one’s web-based free e-mail account
upon many sites.
They are:
You can log on to any of these sites and register there as a new user.
You can reply to the sender immediately by clicking on the rely button. When you write the
reply mail message and send it.
1. Define e-mail.
2. Outline 5 features of e-mail
Correction signs are signs that are made by editors and typesetters to mark corrections
before goes for printing.
Run on run on
New paragragh NP
Office equipment is any office item which is operated either manually, mechanically, or
electronically to aid the office worker perform their duties faster, neater and efficiently.
Office equipment consists of stationery as well as the machines present in the office.
Stationery are the products that used daily by the employees like staplers, gum, notebook,
pins, pen, clip, markers etc. whereas, machines are the big costly instruments used by
employees like Xerox machine, printer, scanner, pen drive,e.t.c.
Below mentioned are few office equipment that every office requires
An office with at least one computer must have a printer to make hard copies of files and
documents. Business documents such as product list, financial dealings, invoices, letters,
reports, etc. need to be stored as hard copies.
In addition to transferring the electronic files to paper format, they can also create
composite documents containing scanned images and digital information.
While a printer is used to convert electronic documents into paper format, a scanner does
just the opposite- converting hard copies into digital format. These include photographs,
cash receipts, hand-filled forms, drawings, identification proofs of employees and even
pages from print publications.
Scanners copy these images created on paper and convert them to electronic format so that
they can be stored on a computer or emailed.
Photocopying or fax was the most commonly used format before scanners were invented.
Photocopying is still followed today at many places.
This is one of the best ways of replicating a document and maintaining a hard copy
especially if it is hand-written. There was a time when offices used to employ clerks called
‘scribes’ to create a duplicate copy of a document by typing or rewriting it again.
However, this was a very difficult task and the printing press was not an easy, practical
solution. Some offices made use of small printing presses while most of them outsourced
the work to large printing presses. Slowly this passed away and offices started using carbon
papers, cyclostyling, etc.
Eventually, copying options like roller copiers, copy pads xerographs etc. came into practice.
Xerography and copiers are popular copying options – both in black and white as well as
color, even today.
Dictation Machines:
Many offices do not find it important to have this equipment. However, this is one of the
most important equipment.
Speech recognition software is available but it is not as efficient and reliable. Typically, in an
office, the audio is first recorded by someone, processed into file format by an employee,
transcribed by another employee who later emails or prints it.
Typing out every word cannot be done as fast and fluently as speaking. Drafting memos and
letters are best done through dictation and recording- especially because it is easier to
speak while performing other tasks.
Cassette tapes were popular dictation equipment but modern digital versions are more
popular owing to the ease and convenience.
Making presentations are an integral part of any office work whether it is building a
strategy, providing training to employees or even making a business proposal.
Simple lecturing and talking is often confusing and needless to say- boring. Using the age-old
traditional method of chalk and board is cumbersome since making notes is difficult. Going
back to a particular point to clarify doubts is also difficult.
In addition, people find it difficult to keep a record of the meeting. Presentations throw
clarity into the picture simply because it is easier to maintain records, clear doubts and also
make notes.
Simple- it helps project the presentations on a bigger screen thus grabbing everybody’s
attention. You can also share the presentations with colleagues, attendees simply by e-
mailing the same to them.
Like dictation machines, shredders also fall into the ‘most important’ office equipment
category when it comes to protecting the confidentiality, business and trade secrets.
Ironically, shredders are used to destroy the very same documents that the employees work
so hard to produce. Hand tearing is time-consuming and tiring in addition to being
Shredders cut papers such that putting them back and recovering the lost information is
almost impossible. They are extremely necessary when confidential information and reports
relating to human resources are documented.
If the office is involved in binding operations, then they will require a good office equipment
for binding because all the customers demand perfect binding for their documents. This
shows that every office has its own needs and requirements and if the proper office
equipment is not available in order to carry out that operation, then the entire task will not
be completed successfully. Every office requires furniture for their employees that they can
use in order to finish their tasks and duties. However, these are just the general needs of
any office. Office equipment is the main factor that every office needs for the successful
finishing of any project or job and this may not be same for every office and varies with
respect to the nature of the business and the requirement of the office.
Proper care of your office equipment will keep your business running smoothly. A good
cleaning every few months will keep keyboard keys from sticking and equipment from
overheating. Regular maintenance may reduce downtime and maintenance calls for your
computers, printers and fax machines.
Open removable parts of the printer and wipe the insides with a dry, clean cloth.
Keep computers in a dry environment, away from sources of excessive heat or
Do not place a computer next to a heating source or drink your coffee while at the
Wipe screen and keyboard regularly with a static-free cloth and cleaner designed for
use on computers.
Use compressed air to clean debris from between the keys on the keyboard.
Keep ventilation holes on the computer clear of blockages from dust or other items
on the desk to prevent overheating.
Office procedure or system can be defined as the sequence of steps or operations in which activities
are performed or done. Every organization do produce office manual or procedure manual which
contain in a summarized form, all the activities or- things in an organization.