Lecture 1 - Week 1
Lecture 1 - Week 1
Lecture 1 - Week 1
Grading Policy
Grading Policy (Subject to change):
Suggested Readings:
1. Haddock, K. 2017. Modern Earthmoving Machines, Enthusiast
Books, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2. Haycraft, W. R. 2002. The Story of the Earthmoving Equipment
Industry. Library of Congress cataloging, USA.
3. Mehta, M. L., S. R. Verma and S. K. Mishra. 2016.Testing and
Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery, DAYA Publishing House, New
Dehli India.
4. Singh, T.P. 2016. Farm Machinery, PHI Learning Private Limited,
Dehli, India.
Area of land which a farmer holds on which different
agricultural activities are taking place.
Replacement of human and animal power by means of
machines is called mechanization.
Farm mechanization means performing farm operations
with the help of machines e.g. tillage, seeding,
fertilization, weeding, harvesting, threshing, conveying,
etc. 7
Farm Mechanization may be classified into two groups;
1. Farm Power
2. Farm Machinery
Constraints in mechanization
Farm mechanization has shown good results as of
raising the agricultural production and improving the
standard of living of cultivators. However, a number of
arguments have been advanced against farm
mechanization such as:
1. Small size and scattered holdings of the farmers stand in
the way of mechanization. As a result of this, farm
machinery generally remains under-utilized.
2. Majority of small cultivators are poor who are not in a
position to purchase the costly machinery like tractors,
combine harvesters etc.
3. The farm machinery have large turning radius and thus
require comparatively larger farm for economical use.
Constraints in mechanization
4. Lack of proper knowledge of farmer to purchase farm
machinery, operate and maintain it properly leads to
wrong choice, makes it uneconomical and risky too.
5. There is great shortage of diesel in the country as a
whole. Thus, to use so extensive oil based farm
machinery is not desirable for many farmers.
6. The lack of repair and replacement facilities especially in
the remote rural areas is another hindrance in efficient
small farm mechanization.
7. Due to the seasonal nature of the agriculture, the farm
machinery remains idle for much of the time. Thus, idle
machinery means unnecessary high costs unless proper
alternate use of such machinery in the off-season is made.
Policy Measures/Future Prospectus
Some policy measure for the wide spread adaptation of
farm machinery should be taken as follows:
1. The total use of the farm machinery is much less.
Therefore, there is need to enhance its productive use as
a result of which, the fixed cost can be reduced
2. The use of the tractor for custom hiring should be
encouraged through legislative measures.
3. The distribution of tractors from area to area should be
normalized so that the custom hiring is increased.
Further, the small farmers having operational holding of
less than 4 hectares need to be discouraged to own the
tractors unless they have substantial grounds to make
economical use of it. 14
Policy Measures/Future Prospectus
However, to solve the problems of mechanization of smaller
holdings, the possibilities can be:
(a) Cooperative management of farm machinery;
(b) Financing of second hand tractors for small farmers;
(c) Extension services to advise the suitability of various
makes, models and horse powers for different size of
operational holdings;
(d) Devising smaller machinery suitable for small farms
which constitute the vast majority of farmers but the
machinery has to be effective and less costly.
4. Suitable crop planning on the farm and in the area can
be quite useful to gainfully employ the tractor. The
monoculture of crops and varieties in the area results in
high seasonal fluctuation in its use. 15
5. Technical know-how should be provided to the farmers with
respect to appropriateness of farm machinery for the
situation and for its proper use.
6. A standardization and quality-marking stations of farm
equipment should be established in potential areas of the
7. The farm machinery suitable for different types of soil and
operations for important crops should be developed and
9. The useful farm equipment should be identified and imported
to cut down time and expenditure on research.
10. Training relating to farm machinery and equipment should
be imparted to the farmers and artisans.
11. Service units should be encouraged and mobile service units
should be started. Adequate and soft loans for such purposes
should be provided. 16
Objectives of Tillage
The main objectives of tillage are;
Types of tillage implements
Tillage operations are often classified as;
Primary tillage
Secondary tillage
Primary tillage:
The initial breaking up of soil after crop harvest is
generally called as primary tillage.
Secondary tillage:
The operations carried out after primary tillage such as
breaking/pulverization of clods to prepare seed-bed
ready for planting is called as secondary tillage.
Primary tillage implements:
These implements are used for initial/major soil working
operation. They are normally designed to cut and invert the
soil and thereby reduce soil strength, cover plant materials
and rearrange aggregates. The primary implements are
given as;
Secondary tillage implements:
These implements are used after primary tillage
implements mainly to cut and pulverize the soil and to
some extend invert the soil.
The secondary implements work at comparatively shallow
depths ranging from 3 to 6 inches.
Secondary tillage implements are;
i. Disc harrow
ii. Bar harrow
iii. Tine cultivator
iv. Sweep cultivator
v. Rotavators
Primary tillage implements
1. Mould Board (MB) Plow:
It is used after harvesting the crop to cut/loosen and
invert the soil into furrow slices with varying degree of
pulverization depending upon type of mould board
plow, soil type and speed of plowing. The specific
functions of MB Plow are;
To cut and break the soil.
To lift the soil.
To turn the soil.
To pulverize the soil (To some extent).
To burry weeds, trash and manure.
To plough deep. 29
Mould Board Plow
Parts of Mould Board Plow
i Share:
It is the first part of the plough to enter the soil and
cut a furrow slice.
ii Mould board:
The cut soil is lifted upward to the mould board
where it is inverted by the curvature of this
iii Land side:
Assist in making a neat furrow. It presses against
furrow wall absorbing the side way thrust of the
plough. It may have detachable heel.
Parts of Mould Board Plow
iv. Frog:
The component that joins the share, mould board and
land side.
v. Beam:
Provides connection between the plough and source of
Types of mould board
a) Stubble type:
It is short but broader mouldboard with a relatively abrupt
curvature which lifts, breaks and turns the furrow slice.
This is best suited to work in stubble soil that is under
cultivation for years together.
This type of mouldboard is not suitable for lands with full
of grasses.
b) Sod or Breaker type:
It is a long mould board with gentle curvature which lifts
and inverts the unbroken furrow slice. It turns over thickly
covered soil. This is very useful where complete inversion
of soil is required by the farmer.
This type has been designed for used in sod soils (soil with
much of grass)
c) Slat type:
It is a mouldboard whose surface is made of slats placed
along the length of the mouldboard, so that there are gaps
between the slats.
This type of mouldboard is often used, where the soil is
sticky, because the solid mouldboard does not scour well
in sticky soils.
d) General purpose:
It is a mouldboard having medium curvature lying between
stubble and sod types. The sloping of the surface is
gradual. It turns a well defined furrow slice and pulverizes
the soil thoroughly.
e) Hydraulic Reversible M.B Plough
Plough accessories
Small irregular piece of metal of shape of an ordinary plough
bottom. purpose is to turn over a small ribbon like furrow
slice directly in front of the main plough bottom.
to cut the furrow slice vertically from the land ahead of the
plough bottom.
It cuts the furrow slice from the land and leaves a clear wall.
It also cuts trashes which are covered under the soil by the
Gauge wheel:
Auxiliary wheel maintain an uniform depth.
Jointer Coulter
Throat clearance
It is the perpendicular distance between point of share and
lower position of the beam of the plough
Bottom Mould Board Plow
2. Disc Plow
It has similar functions as M.B. Plow but disk plow is
preferred in stony, rocky, and sticky soils (Clay soil)
because the disk rolls over the stones. Due to rolling action
of disks, the soil that is stuck with discs is removed
Advantages Disadvantages:
It is used in stony and It does not turn and
rocky areas pulverize the soil so
In obstruction, this effectively as mould
plow will ride over. board plow
In sticky soils (Clay) It does not cover
the soil would be vegetation and trash
removed and cleaned by effectively
rolling action of disk. It is more costly
It penetrate deeper than Since it goes to deeper
mould board plow depth, it requires more
Its maintenance cost is horsepower.
less since there are no It leaves the soil cloddy
share or shin and rougher.
Design and Construction
It consists of round, concave, heat treated disks with
sharp edges in order to cut the soil.
Diameter of disks varies from 20-40 inches(50-100 cm).
Size of plow is specified by diameter of disk.
Thickness of disk varies from 0.5cm to 1.0cm.
The disks are placed 22.5-30cm apart.
Disc Plow
Disc Plough
(3)Chisel Plow:
The implement such as mould board plow, disk plow work
in top soil but chisel plow is used for subsurface tillage.
• Chisel plow goes upto a depth of 25-38cm.
• In erodable soils the chisel plow has been considered the
best to overcome the problem of run-off.
• It consist of two and three shanks fixed to a box type
• The shank may be straight, curved, or tapered.
• It works in hard pan below level of plowing.
Chisel Plow
• It is identical in shape to a chisel plow except that a
single shank is used.
• It works upto a depth of 100cm.
• It goes much deeper.
• It is simple and ridge in construction.
• It is operated in sub-soil below to break hard pan and
make soil suitable for root development.
• It is usually operated after 3-5 years.
• It should be operated in dry and hard land, if it is
operated in wet soil, it will produce a compacted path
in soil.
• The horsepower required to pull sub soiler is 65-85hp.
Secondary Tillage Implements
1.Disk Harrow:
Disc harrow is similar in shape as disc plow except they
are smaller in size. Five or six disks are mounted on one
axle to make a gang. The concavity of disk harrow is less
as compared to disk plow, which results into less soil
inversion and more pulverization.
Disc Harrow
Disc harrows are general purpose tillage tool as their 2
passes are just equivalent to 5 passes of tine cultivator.
It is used after plowing to cut up vegetative matter that
may be on the surface, such as stalks, cotton stalks and
weeds, and to pulverize the soil.
It is used after plowing to pulverize the soil to put in
better tilth for the reception of the seed.
It is used for cultivating of crops.
It is used for summer fallowing (ploughed but left
When seeds are broadcasted it is used to cover them.
Types of Disk Harrow
The gangs of disk harrow may be arranged to form
following types;
• Single acting disk harrow
• Double acting disk harrow
• Off-set disk harrow
Single acting disk Double acting disk
harrow: harrow:
It consist of two sets of It consists of front
gangs of disks (one set to and rear gangs of
the left and other to the disks.
The front gangs throw
The left hand gang will the soil outward while
throw soil to the left and the rear gangs throw
right hand gang will throw the soil inward.
soil to the right i.e. in
opposite direction. The implement will
pulverize the soil
This type of soil, therefore, better and leave the
throws the soil outwards. field almost even.
It leaves the field in an
uneven condition.
Double Acting Disc Harrow
Off-set disk harrow:
It consist of two gangs of disks, off-set from line of
The front gang throws the soil to the right and the
rear gang to the left.
This type of harrow can be used in gardens with low
hanging branches of trees.
It leaves the soil better.
2.Field Cultivator/Narrow tine Cultivator
Important Features:
It is just like chisel plow except that it is light in
It goes to a shallow depth.
It breaks clods and pulverizes the soil.
If narrow tines are used, the soil between the tines is
skipped, therefore a greater number of operations are
Tine Cultivator
This implement does not invert the soil.
A greater number of tines (from 9-17) may be used
with field cultivator depending upon size of cultivator.
These are classified into two categories;
i. Rigid tine cultivator
ii Spring tine cultivator (These are preferred as they
absorb shocks when hit an obstruction)
The depth of operation may be altered by;
Changing the position of shovel on the tines by raising
or lowering it.
Changing the pitch by means of the top link (in case of
mounted cultivator).
Using the land wheel.
Using the hydraulic system of the tractor
Spring tine cultivator
Rigid tine cultivator
3. Sweep Cultivator:
Important Features:
It is just like a narrow tine cultivator but instead of
narrow tines, sweep shovels are used.
With the use of sweep shovels, no soil is skipped.
Other features are the same as those of narrow tine
Narrow tine cultivator and sweep tine cultivator are
used for secondary tillage as well as for intercultural
Sweep Cultivator
4. Bar Harrow:
The bar harrow are of two types;
i. Spike tooth bar harrow ii.Spring tooth bar harrow
Spike tooth bar harrow:
It consists of sections.
The width of section is usually from 1.5-2.0m.
The section is rectangular in shape, containing the rods
on which pegs or spikes are mounted or welded.
The thickness of peg varies from 0.25 to 0.75inches.
The pegs are made of heat treated steel and may be
replaced or sharpened when worn out.
The pegs are slightly tilted from vertical.
No. of pigs in a section varies from 20-30
Length of peg is around 9inches. 67
Bar Harrow
Spring tooth harrow:
It consists of section on which curved bars are mounted.
The thickness of the curved bar is 0.25 to 0.50 inches.
The curved bar is made of spring steel.
The number of curved bars in a section is around 12.
The number of sections may vary according to horsepower
The length of curved bars may be upto 10 inches.
Spring Tooth Harrow Uses:
Because of spring action it can move easily on rocks
and stones.
Because of curved bars it can pull out weeds.
It can break up crust.
It is used to increase moisture retention capacity of soil.
It pulverizes the soil to greater extent.
4. Rotavator
It consist of number of curved blades fitted on horizontal revolving shaft.
The shaft rotates with 200-300 rpm.
It is operated with P.T.O shaft of tractor.
Uses and Advantages:
It is used particularly for puddling operations.
It cuts and invert the soil.
It pulverizes the soil.
It mix crop residue and organic matter with the soil. These operations like
cutting, inversion, pulverization are carried out in one operation.
• It requires more horsepower.
• It is expensive implement.
• Rotating blades may destroy useful bacteria.
• It destroys structure of soil, therefore it effects the aeration of soil.
• It is particularly used for puddling operation in rice zone and since it has to work
in flooded area, its working parts must be covered.
• It is used for mixing of crop residue in the soil.
Rotary Tiller is ideal for smooth & speedy preparation for
root crops, fodder crops, orchards & cash crops.
Enhances the soil fertility by mixing the residue of crops
like cotton, sugarcane, wheat and paddy.
Results in time & fuel saving. Lesser wear & tear of the
tractor as the soil preparation is accomplished in one or
two passes.
111 33
1100 77
55 44
1212 99
(6) Pulverizers