Syllabus For TUEE 2024
Syllabus For TUEE 2024
Syllabus For TUEE 2024
Undergraduate programme
◾ DC Circuit Analysis: Electric Circuits Laws: Basic electric circuit
terminology, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s
Voltage law (KVL), circuit parameters (resistance, Inductance and
capacitance), series and parallel combinations of resistance,
Inductance and capacitance , Nodal analysis. Energy Source, Ideal and
Practical voltage and current sources and their transformation,
Dependent voltage sources and dependent current sources, D.C.
Circuit Analysis, Power and energy relations, Analysis of series and
parallel DC circuits, mLoop and Nodal methods of circuit analysis,
Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, maximum
Power theorem, Delta - star (Y) Transformation.
◾ A.C. Circuit Analysis: Basic terminology and definitions, Phasor and
complex number representation, solutions of sinusoidally excited RLC
circuits, Power and energy relations in A.C. circuits, Applications of
network theorems to A.C. circuits, Resonance in series and parallel
circuits, Concepts of active & reactive powers.
◾ Steady State A.C three phases Circuits: Concept of a 3-phase
voltage, wye (Y) circuits. Delta (Δ) circuits, Current and voltage
relations in Y and Δ Circuits, Characteristics of a 3-phase system,
Magnetically Coupled circuits, Mutual inductance.
◾ Single Phase Transformers: Introduction, classification,
construction, electromotive force (e. m. f.) equation, Equivalent circuit
model, Phasor diagrams, Losses and efficiency, Voltage regulation,
Transformer tests (polarity test, open circuit test and short circuit
test), Auto-transformers
◾ Direct current Generators: General introduction, principles of
operation of D.C Generators, construction of D.C Generators, Types of
DC Generators, e.m.f equation, Types of windings, power stages and
efficiency, commutation and armature reaction, characteristics of D.C
◾ Direct current Motors: Principles of operation of D.C Motors,
construction of D.C Motors, Types of DC Motors, Back e.m.f and
Torque equation, torque and speed of D.C Motors, characteristics of
various types of D.C motors, speed control of D.C motors.
◾ Induction Motors: Construction and working principle of 3 phase
Induction motors, types of rotors, rotating magnetic field, slip, effect
of slip on rotor parameters, torque equation, torque-speed
characteristics, effect of rotor resistance on torque-speed
characteristics, Single phase induction motors, staring and
Vector Analysis, Collision of particles, Vibration and acoustics,
Electromagnetic Theory, Maxwell’s equations, Quantum mechanics, Solid
state physics, Superconductivity, Diffraction, Special Theory of Relativity.
Differential Calculus, ordinary, linear and non-linear differential equations,
Partial Differential Equations, Fourier series, Matrices.
4. Electronics and 1. Materials and Components: Structure and properties of Electrical 206
Communication Engineering materials: Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators,
Engineering Magnetic, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Ceramic, Optical and Super
conducting materials. Passive components and characteristics Resistors,
Capacitors and Inductors; Ferrites, Quartz crystal Ceramic resonators,
Electromagnetic and Electromechanical components.
2. Physical Electronics Electron Devices and lCs: Electrons and holes
in semiconductors, Carrier Statistics, Mechanism of current flow in a
semiconductor, working principle and basic structure of BJTs and FETs.
3. Network Theory: Network analysis, Loop Analysis, Mesh Analysis;
Network Theorems, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem,
Notron’s Theorem,Reciprocity Theorem, Millman’s Theorem, Star-Delta
Connections, Two port networks.
4. Electronic Measurement sand Instrumentation: Basic concepts,
standards and error analysis; Measurements of basic electrical
quantities and parameters; Electronic measuring instruments and their
principles of working; analog and digital, comparison,characteristics,
application Transducers; Electronic measurements of non-electrical
quantities like temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.
5. Analog Electronic Circuits: Transistors biasing and stabilization,
small signal analysis, power amplifiers, frequency response, wide
banding techniques, feedback amplifiers, Tuned amplifiers, Oscillators,
Rectifiers and power supplies, Op Amp.
6. Digital Electronic Circuits: Binary number system, Octal,
Hexadecimal and BCD numbers system, Boolean algebra, simplification
of Boolean functions, Karnaugh map and applications, IC logic,
Combination logic circuits, Halfadder, Full adder, Digital comparator,
Multiplexer, De multiplexer, Flip Flops,R-S,J-K,D and T flip - flops,
different types of counters and registers,A/D and D/A converters,
semiconductor memories.
7. Control Systems: Types of Control system, Open Loop and Closed
Loop Control system, Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity;
Block Diagram Reduction Technique, Signal Flow Graph, Stability
Analysis, Routh’s Stability Criterion.
8. Communication System: Basic Mathematical Tools like Fourier
Series, Modulation and detection in analogue and digital system;
Sampling and data reconstructions; Propagation of signals at HF, VHF,
UHF and microwave frequency.
9. Computer Engineering: Number system, Data representation
Programming; Elements of a high level programming language
PASCAL/C, use of basic data structures, Fundamentals of computer
architecture, processer design, control unit design, memory
organization, I/O system organization, microprocessors, architecture
and instruction set of microprocessors 8085, Assembly language
1. Engineering Mechanics: Force systems, force, moment of a force about 207
a point and about an axis, couple moment as a free vector,equivalent
force systems; Equilibrium, free body diagram, equations of
equilibrium, problems in two and three dimensions; Kinematics and
Kinetics of particles, particle dynamics in rectangular coordinates and
in terms of path variables,Newton’s law for rectangular coordinates,
Newton’s law for path variables, central force motion; Energy, kinetic
energy, potential Energy, conservation of energy.
2. Solid Mechanics: Introduction, stress at a point, types of stress,
strain, shear and normal strain. stress-strain diagram, true stress and
true strain, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, material properties for
isotropic materials and their relations, generalized Hooke’s law, stress-
strain relationship;Elas- tic constants, Young’s modulus, shear
modulus, Poisson’s ratio, relationships between elastic constants.
3. Machine Design: Static and dynamic loading, threaded joints, riveted
joints, welded joints, de- sign of gears, belt drives, brakes, bearings.
4. Theory of Machines: Mechanism and machines, flywheel, friction,
gears, kinematic analysis. Thermodynamics: Basic definitions,
thermodynamic systems and properties, thermodynamic processes and
cycles; Different types of work and heat transfer; First law of
thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, non-flow and flow
processes; steady state, steady flow energy equation(SFEE); Second
Mechanical law of thermodynamics, Kelvin Plank and Clausius statement,
Engineering irresistibility,Carnot cycle and Carnot’s theorem, applications of
secondlaw to closed and open systems, heat engine, heat pump and
refrigerator, entropy, Clausius the- orem, Clausius inequality, entropy
principle and its application, entropy generation in closed and open
system, absolute entropy; Available energy; Vapour power cycles.
5. Heat Transfer: Steady state heat conduction, 1-D heat conduction
equations in plane wall, heat generation, conduction through multilayer
walls, heat conduction in cylinders and spheres, critical radius of
insulation, heat transfer through extended surfaces, fin efficiency;
Radiation heat transfer, radiation intensity, emissive power etc.,
radiation shield, shape factor; Convection heat transfer: introduction to
natural and forced convection, internal and external flow, various
dimensionless numbers; Heat exchangers: parallel flow, counter flow,
cross flow heat exchangers, multipass shell and tube exchangers,
phase change heat exchangers, LMTD and NTU methods; Introduction
to mass transfer, Fick’s law of mass diffusion.
6. Fluid Mechanics: Concept of fluid and fluid properties, Newton’s Law
of viscosity; Fluid Statics, forces on fluid element, different types of
pressure and measuring instruments, hydrostatic forces on plane and
curved surfaces, buoyancy and stability of submerged and floating
bodies; Fluid kinematics, steady, unsteady, uniform and non-uniform
flow, laminar and turbulent flow, stream- line, path line, streak line;
Equations for conservation of mass, momentum and energy, Euler’s
and Bernoulli’s equation, measurement of flow through pipes and
different flow measuring de- vices; Dimensional analysis, kinematic and
dynamic similarity, various dimensionless numbers; Potential flow,
stream function, vorticity, velocity potential, uniform flow, major and
minor losses, friction factor; Boundary layer equations, the flat plate
boundary layer; Introduction to compressible flow,; Impulse and
reaction turbine, Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplanturbine, Rotodynamic
and positive displacement pumps, reciprocating pump, centrifugal
pump, specific speed, cavitation.
7. IC Engine: Construction and working principle of SI and CI engines,
Construction and working principle offour stroke and two stroke
engines, theoretical cycles used in IC engines, performance analysis of
IC engines.
8. Materials Science: Classification and properties of engineering
materials, bonds in solids and characteristics of metallic bonding,
general classifications, properties and applications of alloy steel,
stainless steel, cast iron and non-ferrous materials; Crystal systems and
imperfections, crystallography, Miller Indices for directions and planes,
voids in crystals, packing density, crystal imperfections, point, line,
surface and volume defects; Phase Diagrams and Phase Rules,
principles and various types of phase diagrams, Fe- Fe3C diagram, TTT
and CCT diagrams; Heat treatment in steels, pearlitic, bainitic and
martensitic transformations.\
9. Manufacturing Technology: Rolling, extrusion, sheet-metal
forming, forging, welding, mechanism of metal cutting, machining
processes, machinability; Modern machining processes.
10. Industrial Engineering: Work study, method study and work
measurement; Plant layout, types of production, types of layout, tools
and techniques for plant layout; Project scheduling, PERT and CPM;
Production control, Gantt chart; Material handling.
Part-I: General Engineering: Thermodynamics, Heat & mass 208
transfer, Fluid mechanics (weight age: 40%)
M.Tech/MA/MSc Programmes
Name of the
Sl. No
Syllabus code
Civil Engineering
M. Tech. in Civil
M. Tech. in Food
M.Tech in Electrical
11. Same as the GATE 2024 syllabus of Electrical Engineering (EE). 311
Assamese Literature
• A brief history of Assamese Literature (From beginning to present
Assamese Language and Script
• A brief history of Assamese Language (From beginning to present
M.A. in Assamese
• Evolution of Assamese Script
12. • Dialectology and dialects of Assamese Language
• Assamese Phonology and Morphology
Assamese Culture
• Assamese Folklore
• Cultural History of Assam
• Fairs and Festivals of Assam
• Ethnic groups of Assam and their cultural contributions
Critical Theory (Eastern and Western)
Cultural Studies
M.A. in Cultural
stratification etc.
◾ Psychological Perspective in Education: Educational Psychology
and Theories, Learning, intelligence, personality, child’s growth and
14. 314
development etc.
◾ Educational Technology: Concept and scope of Educational
Technology, Educational Communication, Emerging technologies in
education- ICT in Education, Technology based learning, MOOCs,
and Language
Basic grammar (syntax, morphology, phonetics, semantics), language and
animal communication, English grammar (+12 level), sociolinguistics,
17. language and society, bilingualism, multilingualism, languages and
linguistic situation of Northeast, scheduled languages and non-scheduled
languages, language endangerment, language policies and planning.
M.A. in Hindi
Hindi Vyakaran, Hindi Bhasha, Hindi Sahitya, Bharatiya Aur Paschatya
Kavya-Shastra, Hindi Patrakarita. 318
19. 319
offences relating to marriage and offences affecting reputation.
Family Law: Concepts in Family Law, Sources of Family Law in India,
Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship,
Succession, Maintenance, Matrimonial Remedies and Uniform Civil Code
Public International Law and Human Rights: Nature and definition
of international law, Sources of International Law, Relationship between
international law and municipal law, State recognition and state succession,
Treaties: Formation, application, termination and reservation, UNO and its
organs, Concept and Development of Human Rights, International Bill of
Human Rights and Implementation of Human Rights in India.
Current Legal Affairs.
English language and grammar, Current affairs, General knowledge, a basic
ation and
ation and
M.A. in
20. 320
international level for objective type questions. Observational, analytical
and creative writing skills for descriptive questions.
Current affairs, Logical Reasoning, Awareness on Social welfare schemes,
Social Reform movements, Contemporary Social Issues, Rights Based
M.A. in Social
Social Work
and the world.
and Travel
◾ History and mythology of Northeast India and India.
◾ Current Affairs. 324
◾ English - English Grammar; Sentence formation.
◾ Reasoning.
27. Earth and Environmental Science from Undergraduate level curriculum of 327
Indian Universities.
S. Department/ TUEE
Syllabus for TUEE24
No Centre Code
◾ Social Work
◾ Social work and allied social science theories
Ph.D in Social ◾ Social science research and statistics
8. 408
Work ◾ General knowledge and aptitudes
◾ Developmental issues
• Civil society issues
Research Methodology: Philosophy, science and research, Theory and field,
Social research strategies, Research designs and sample designs, Planning a
research project and formulating research questions, Reviewing the literature,
Ethics in social science research, Nature of quantitative research, Nature of
qualitative research, Participant observation and ethnography, Triangulation:
mixed methods research, Problem ofobjectivity and subjectivity.
Sociological Theory: Classical sociological traditions: Marx, Durkheim, Weber,
Ph.D in
9. Approaches to social reality: Positivism, Hermeneutics, Post- structuralism, 409
Post- modernism, Functionalism and its critiques, Neo- functionalism,
Structuralism, Social structure as model, Structuration, Critical theory and
Frankfurt School, Symbolic Interactionism, Phenomenology,
Ethnomethodology, Dramaturgy.
Indian Society: Theories of Social Change in India, Caste, Varna and Class,
Kinship systems, Secularism and Communalism, Nationalism, Nation Building,
Ph.D. in
Women’s history, feminist research methodology, women and development,
10. Women 410
women and health
18. Ph.D in Physics M.Sc. Physics syllabus of any Indian University (Quantum Mechanics, 417
Classical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Condensed matter Physics,
PhD in Applied Statistical Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Nuclear and Particle
19. Physics, Astrophysics,Electrodynamics, Electronics) 417A
Soil formation, Soil structure, Soil properties, Permeability and seepage,
Stress distribution in soils, Compaction, Consolidation, Shear strength, Soil
exploration & site investigation, Shallow foundations, Deep Foundations,
Ground improvement techniques,Lateral earth pressure, Stability of slope,
Introduction to soil dynamics & machine foundation, Liquefaction of soils,
Pavement material.
Section II :
Product Design: Product life cycle and stages. Design Toolkits, Design
selection and concept development : intuitive and directed methods.
Product architecture and its types, importance of aesthetic and usability.
Prototyping -Tools, materials, and techniques.
Ergonomics : - Overview, objective, and application. MME interaction;
Human Factors and its fundamentals, mutual task comfort.
Anthropometry - Human body, various postures, and movements,
measuring techniques; Biomechanics and its applications.
Design Research Methodologies: Design Research Strategies,
Methodologies, Techniques and Procedures. Systematic literature review;
Interviews: types & techniques; Questionnaires; Observation techniques;
Participatory methods; Cognitive Task Analysis; Mental model elicitation;
Contextual inquiry; Needs assessment; Thematic analysis; Think-aloud
Verbal Aptitude: Basic English grammar: tenses, articles, adjectives,
prepositions, conjunctions, verb-noun agreement, and other parts of speech.
Basic vocabulary: words, idioms, and phrases in context Reading and
comprehension Narrative sequencing.
Quantitative Aptitude: Data interpretation: data graphs (bar graphs, pie
charts, and other graphs representing the data), 2-and 3-dimensional plots,
maps, and tables Numerical computation and estimation: ratios, percentages,
powers, exponents and logarithms, permutations and combinations, and
series Mensuration and geometry Elementary statistics and probability.
Analytical Aptitude: Logic: deduction and induction, Analogy, Numerical
relations and reasoning.
Spatial Aptitude: Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling,
mirroring, assembling, and grouping Paper folding, cutting, and patterns in 2
Ph.D in
and 3 dimensions
23. Electrical 421
General & Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential
Equations, Linear Equation, Quadratic Equations, Complex Variables,
Geometry, Probability and Statistics
Ph.D in Food Food Engineering; Food Chemistry & Nutrition; Food Microbiology;Food Product
26. Engineering & technology (As per the outline of GATE syllabus for Food 424
Technology Technology)
Mathematics: Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability,
mean value theorems, indeterminate forms; Fourier series; gradient,
divergence and curl, directional derivatives, applications of Gauss, Stokes
and Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear); higher
order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; initial and
boundary value problems.
Applied Mechanics and Design:
Engineering Mechanics: Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; friction and
its applications including rolling friction, kinematics and dynamics of rigid
bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and
energy formulations.
Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson’s
ratio; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending
and shear stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts.
Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of
plane mechanisms; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors;
balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses.
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems,
effect of damping; vibration isolation; resonance.
Machine Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories;
fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine
elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling
and sliding contact bearings.
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences:
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, forces on submerged
bodies, stability of floating bodies; control-volume analysis of mass,
Ph.D in
momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of
27. Mechanical 425
continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis;
viscous flow of incompressible fluids, boundary layer, flow through pipes.
Heat-Transfer: Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction,
resistance heat transfer through fins; lumped parameter system,
dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer,
heat transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes,
effect of turbulence; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU
methods; radiative heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of
pure substances, behavior of ideal and real gases; Zeroth and first laws
of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various processes;
second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and
tables, availability and irreversibility; thermodynamic relations.
Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power
cycles, concepts of regeneration and reheat. I.C. Engines: Refrigeration
and air-conditioning.
Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, Pelton-wheel, Francis
and Kaplan turbines; steam and gas turbines.
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials,
phase diagrams, heat treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering
Casting, Forming and Joining Processes: Different types of castings,
solidification and cooling; plastic deformation and yield criteria;
fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; Principles of welding,
brazing, soldering and adhesive bonding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining; basic
machine tools; tool life and wear; Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits
and tolerances.
General aptitude in research as evidenced by comprehensive knowledge on
issuesrelated to scientific thinking, research ethics (Good Academic Research
Practices), sustainability, development, economy, technology, environment,
peace, conflict, and harmony.
Comprehensive understanding of programmes and policies of Government of
Indiarelated to welfare and development, food security, access to education
Ph.D in Multi- including provisions of NEP2020.
28. Disciplinary Basic understanding of major challenges faced by mankind including global, 426
Research national, and regional initiatives to combat such challenge (for example, not
limited to, modern lifestyle vis-à-vis mental health, exploitation of natural
resources vis-à-vis climate change) including SDG and Net Zero targeting.
Fundamental knowledge in mathematics, science, statistics, history, creative
arts subjects and geography. Working knowledge on ethical use of ICT, and
ofLanguage and communication, basic understanding on education as a mean
ofattaining higher order thinking skills and a driver of self-directed learning.
Research Methodology
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
29. Ph.D in Law 427
Public International Law
Human Rights Law
Family Law
Current Legal Affairs