Doubly Reinforced Beams: Chapter 4 (Continuation)

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CE 134- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Doubly Reinforced Beams

Beams reinforced with tension and compression
steel are often called doubly reinforced beams.
Chapter 4 (Continuation)
Part III – Doubly Reinforced Compression steel

Tension steel
Instructor: Richelle G. Zafra, PhD

Doubly Reinforced Beams Doubly Reinforced Beams

Uses and Advantages Uses and Advantages (Cont.)
• If a given cross-section is limited because of
• Very effective in reducing long-term
architectural or other considerations,
deflections due to shrinkage and plastic flow.
compression steel is needed to increase the
flexural capacity of the beam if the concrete • Continuous compression bars are helpful for
cannot develop the necessary compression positioning stirrups and keeping them in place
force to resist the given loads. during concrete placement and vibration.
• Increases the ductility of the beam section by
increasing the amount of curvature that a
member can take before flexural failure.
3 4

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.)

εc= 0.003 k1 f’c 0.85 f’c • The analysis of such section is best carried out
d’ f’s f’s a/2 Cs by assuming first that all the steel is yielding,
A’s c a Cc
d modifying the calculations later if it is found that
some or all of the steel is not at the yield
As εs fs fs
T strength.

Strain Actual Equivalent Resultant • If all the steel is yielding, fs = fs' = fy

Stresses Stresses internal where: fs = stress in the tension steel
fs' = stress in the compression steel
The tension (As) and compression steel (A’s) may or
may not yield when the maximum moment is fy = yield strength of the steel
5 6


Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.) Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.)
εc= 0.003 k1 f’c 0.85 f’c
d’ f’s f’s a/2 Cs Thus, depth of compression block a is determined as:
A’s c a Cc
d N.A. C = Cc + Cs = T
As εs fs fs
T 0.85fc' ab + As' fy = As fy
Strain Actual Equivalent Resultant
Stresses Stresses internal forces
(As − As' )fy (20)
From equilibrium where: 0.85fc' b
∑ Fx = 0 Cc = 0.85fc' ab (17) (Comp. in the concrete)

Cs = As' fy (18) (Comp. in the steel)

C = Cc + Cs = T
T = Asfy (19) (Tension in the steel)7 8

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.) Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.)

Check for the strain using the strain diagram

If conditions (23) and (24) hold, the assumption of
b c − d' a − β1d '
εc= 0.003 ε s' = 0.003 = 0.003 (21) all steel yielding is correct and the flexural strength
c a is
A’s c ε’s
d −c β d −a
d ε s = 0.003 = 0.003 1 (22)
 a
( )
As N.A. c a Mn = 0.85fc' ab d −  + As' fy d − d ' (25)
 2
εs a − β1d ' fy
Strain ∴ fs' = fy if 0.003 ≥ (23)
a Es
β d − a fy
and fs = fy if 0.003 1 ≥ (24)
a Es 9 10

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.) Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beams (Cont.)

In general, from the equilibrium equation

Four Possible Modes of Failure
As fs − As' fs'
a= (26) • Under-reinforced failure
0.85fc' b – ( Case 1 ) Compression and tension steel yields
where, from the strain diagram – ( Case 2 ) Only tension steel yields
a − β1d ' • Over-reinforced failure
fs' = ε s' Es = 0.003 Es or fy (27)
a – ( Case 3 ) Only compression steel yields
β d −a – ( Case 4 ) No yielding. Concrete crushes
fs = ε s fy = 0.003 1 Es or fy (28)
Then, Mn = 0.85fc' ab d −  + As' fs' d − d ' ( )
 2 11


Example 6 Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams

A typical cross-section of a d’ f’s

A’s Cs=A’sfy
reinforced concrete beam is As1 = A’s
shown in the figure. The beam is AsTOTAL d - d’

450 mm
500 mm
reinforced with four-25 mm φ bars 2-25mm φ As1 fs

50 mm
T1=As1fy Mn1
in the tension zone and two-25
4-25mm φ A’sfy
mm φ bars in the compression b 0.85f’c
zone. For analysis purposes, use a/2
an effective depth d of 450 mm Singly
a Cc=0.85f’cab
400 mm
and d’ of 50 mm. Concrete f’c = Reinforced As2 d - a/2
28 MPa and steel fy = 414 MPa. Beam fs
Find the factored moment Mn2
Equivalent Resultant
resistance of the beam section. 13
Mn = Mn1 + Mn2 14
Stresses internal forces

Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams

• Compression steel is used wherever a given • Any necessary additional moment M1 can be
beam requires more tension steel than the resisted by additional tension As1 and
engineer thinks desirable in a beam, either from compression steel A’s.
consideration of approaching brittle failure
condition or from consideration of excessive
• In either case, designer knows how much
moment the beam must carry or desires to carry
without compression steel and this moment is
designated as M2 with steel As2 (singly
reinforced beam). 15 16

Design Procedure Design Procedure

1. Calculate the maximum moment that can be 2. Find the excess moment, if any, that must be
resisted by the tension-reinforced section with resisted from
ρ = ρmax = 0.75 ρb . The corresponding tensile
steel area is As 2 = ρmax bd . Mn1 = − Mn 2
 a
Mn 2 = As 2fy  d −  3. Assume that f’s = fy. Then,
 2
As 2fy
where: a= Mn1
As' =
0.85fc' b
fy d − d ' ) = As1
If Mn 2 < Mu , design as doubly reinforced.
φ 17 18


Design Procedure Example 8

Design a rectangular beam for maximum moment and
4. The total tensile steel area, AsTOTAL then select the corresponding steel required. You are
restricted to use the following beam dimensions and
other pertinent information:
AsTOTAL = As1 + As2
h = 650 mm
w LL = 20 kN/m
b = 350 mm
5. Review the doubly reinforced beam to see if the w DL = 30 kN/m (inclusive of
Concrete cover = 40 mm beam
tension and compression steel yields (f’s = fy).
φmain = 32 mm weight)
φstirrup = 12 mm 3m 12 m 3m
f’c = 28 MPa
19 fy = 414 MPa 20

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