FC14 A2 User Manual GB
FC14 A2 User Manual GB
FC14 A2 User Manual GB
Fancom FC14 Copyright
Note: The original, authoritative version of this manual is the English version produced by
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Table of contents
About this manual..........................................................……......... 1
1. Introduction .......................................................................... 2
2. Safety instructions and warnings .............................................. 3
3. Working ................................................................................ 4
3.1 General.................................................................. 4
3.2 Ventilation control ................................................... 4
3.2.1 Ventilation systems ................................................. 4
3.2.2 Ventilation control ................................................... 6 Combi-table............................................. 6
3.2.3 Influences .............................................................. 8
3.3 Heating control ....................................................... 8
3.4 Thermal control....................................................... 8
3.5 Using curves........................................................... 9
4. Operation .............................................................................10
4.1 Front ....................................................................10
4.2 Display (A) ............................................................11
4.3 Keyboard (B) .........................................................11
4.4 Option keys 1 ... 16 (C) ..........................................12
5. Curves .................................................................................13
5.1 What is a curve? ....................................................13
5.2 Setting the curve ...................................................15
5.3 Offset ...................................................................17
6. Keys....................................................................................18
7. Alarm ..................................................................................31
7.1 Alarm messages.....................................................31
7.2 Switching off an alarm ............................................32
7.3 Blocking the alarm .................................................32
7.4 Overview alarm codes .............................................33
7.5 System alarms.......................................................35
Fancom FC14 About this manual
Fancom has written this manual for the computer user. There is also an
installer's manual available
Fancom helpdesk
For any questions and support, please contact the Fancom helpdesk:
http://www.fancom.com. This site contains the answers to many FAQs
about how Fancom products work.
Fancom FC14 Introduction
1. Introduction
The FC14 controller is used for climate control in the agricultural sector.
It regulates ventilation and heating for one section.
Fancom FC14 Safety
6. Important
Do not switch off the computer when houses are unoccupied; this is
to protect the computer against condensation.
Fancom FC14 Working
3. Working
3.1 General
1. Ventilation control
2. Heating control
3. Thermal control
The FC14 can be used with various ventilation systems. Fancom will first
describe these systems before explaining how the ventilation control
1. ProFlow
The Fancom ProFlow ventilation system regulates the fan with the
triac and the vortex damper with a 10–0V output. The FC14
automatically calculates the vortex damper position to prevent any
irregular ventilation. If there is no wind influence, the FC14 opens
the vortex damper. The fan runs with the lowest possible energy
consumption. If the natural thermals present are sufficient to provide
the required level of ventilation, the fan will deactivate.
Fancom FC14 Working
2. NatuFlow
The Fancom NatuFlow ventilation system is a combination of natural
and mechanical ventilation. If the natural thermals present are
sufficient to provide the required level of ventilation, the fan will
deactivate. The vortex damper regulates the volume of air. If the
natural thermals fail to provide the required level of ventilation, the
fan will activate. The controller achieves the correct volume of air
using the vortex damper and fan control (triac–control). It
continually checks the level of ventilation using the airflow
transmitter. NatuFlow ventilation control always ensures the correct
levels of ventilation, even with wind influence.
3. EasyFlow
With the Fancom EasyFlow ventilation system, a fan with direction
sensitive RPM feedback regulates ventilation.
4. CentralFlow/CentralControl
If the FC14 is used in a central air exhaust, the analog output is used
for controllable inlet control.
Fancom FC14 Working
Control is with or without feedback. Feedback can be the RPM of the fan,
or better, an airflow measurement. An airflow transmitter measures the
volume of air. With control using feedback the controller will give an
alarm if ventilation fails or differs too much from the calculated
ventilation. If the Direction Sensitive RPM feedback (DSR feedback) fails,
the controller will automatically switch to control without DSR feedback,
until the DSR feedback is operational again. Combi-table
Fancom FC14 Working
Example CombiTable
As an example we will take a house with one controllable fan, two extra
fans and one air inlet. At a calculated ventilation percentage up to and
including 90% the controllable fan is linear controlled between 1 and
100%. The air inlet is linear controlled between 1 and 90%. At 95%
ventilation, the first extra fan will activate and the air inlet will open to
95%. At 100% ventilation the second extra fan will activate and the air
inlet will open to 100%.
120 6
100 5
80 4
60 3
40 2
20 1
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Relay Controllable (%) Air inlet (%)
Relay Controllable (%) Air inlet (%)
Fancom FC14 Working
3.2.3 Influences
The heating control ensures it does not become too cold in the section. If
the temperature drops below the set value, the computer will make a
Fancom FC14 Working
1. Setpoint heating
2. Start temperature ventilation
3. Bandwidth
4. Minimum ventilation
5. Maximum ventilation
6. Setpoint thermal control
Fancom FC14 Operation
4. Operation
4.1 Front
a b
Fancom FC14 Operation
The front of the FC14 computer has an illuminated display. The display
consists of two fields of respectively one and three positions.
Fancom FC14 Operation
The front of the computer has 16 option keys. The display shows more
information about the subject at the selected key. A lamp in the key
shows which key has been selected.
1. Select the option key concerned (part C, key ... ). The LED in
the selected key will illuminate and the corresponding value will
appear on the display.
2. Press . The value on the display will flash. The display will not
flash if the value cannot be changed.
3. Press or until the value to be entered appears on the display.
4. Press to confirm the entered value.
If the controller is no longer operated, the value of the first key will
appear again on the display after about five minutes.
Fancom FC14 Curves
5. Curves
Enter the required temperature and the minimum/maximum ventilation
values for a number of days in the cycle. These days in the cycle have a
number, the day number. For the day number use, for example, the age
of the animals (piglets) or the number of days the animals have been in
the section (fatteners). For example, enter the required values for days
1, 50 and 150. The controller calculates the correct values for the days in
between. Fancom calls these 'in-between' days the bending points. A
bending point consists of a day number and a number of settings for
temperature, minimum and maximum ventilation. Fancom will explain
how a curve works using the following values.
Bending point 1 2 3
Day number 1 50 150
Setpoint heating 23.0 19.0 17.0
S.temp.ventilation 25.0 21.0 19.0
Bandwidth 5.0 4.0 3.0
Minimum ventilation 10 20 30
Maximum ventilation 30 50 100
Setpoint therm. ctrl. 35.0 20.0 20.0
Fancom FC14 Curves
The controller calculates for day 100 in the cycle that Start temperature
ventilation should be 20.0°C. Day 100 is precisely between day 50 and
day 150; Start temperature ventilation is also precisely between 21.0°C
and 19.0°C. When the bending points for your situation have been set,
all you have to do is enter the day number. The day number indicates
where the computer must look in the curve.
Day number
The day number is a counter increased by the controller each day at
midnight by one up to a maximum of 999. If the day number is 0 it will
not change. The FC14 then controls without the curve, even if the
bending points have been set.
If a curve is used, the day number is the basis used to calculate the
setpoints from the relevant curve. If a negative day number is set, the
FC14 will control without using the curve, until the day number is a
positive number. A negative day number is also increased at midnight by
one, except the jump from day –1 to day +1 (a jump of 2).
Empty settings
F curve control is used, the following is important. If a section is
unoccupied set the day number to 0 (or a negative number). The FC14
will remember the climate settings entered, the empty settings. In the
next cycle curves are used again. Next time the section is empty all you
have to do is set the day number to 0. The FC14 will control based on
the empty settings.
Fancom FC14 Curves
There are 10 bending points. At a bending point start by entering the day
number; the settings at this bending point apply to this day number.
Then make the settings for the following keys:
Start temp. ventilation
Minimum ventilation
Maximum ventilation
Thermal control
Set the day number to 0 for all unused bending points. If the curve is
used, all settings above must be included in the curve.
Fancom FC14 Curves
6. Press to select the next bending point. The flashing bending point
number in the left field of the display will increase by one. Use to
select the previous bending point.
7. Select bending point 2 and select Day number again. Repeat
steps 3 thru 6 for each bending point (in the example bending points
2 and 3).
8. Press Enter curve to finish setting the bending points. You can
now operate the FC14 normally again.
The day number can also be set as a negative value. The controller will
control without the curve as long as the day number is negative. The
controller will increase a negative day number by 1 each midnight,
except for the jump the day number makes from –1 to 1. After this
jump, the controller will control again according to the set curve.
Fancom FC14 Curves
5.3 Offset
If you want to know later what has been changed or you want to undo
the changes, use option OFS (offset = difference).
Fancom FC14 Keys
6. Keys
(Range = –9.9 ... +99.9°C)
Fancom FC14 Keys
(Range = 0.0 ... 99°C)
(Factory setting = 18.0°C)
Enter the Setpoint heating. The controller controls the heating based on
the average value of the sensor and extra sensor. If the extra sensor has
not been connected, the controller will control based on the measured
value of the sensor.
+ For extra security Setpoint heating cannot be set higher than the
Absolute maximum alarm (key ). If the setting is made too
high, the controller will make the setpoint equal to the absolute
maximum alarm limit.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Ventilation (%)
Bandwidth ventilation
Temperature (°C)
18 20 22 24
Heating Start temp.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Ventilation (%)
Influence Bandwidth
Temperature (°C)
18 20 22 24 27
Set Set Influenced Influenced
heating Start temp. heating Start temp.
ventilation ventilation
Fancom FC14 Keys
Bandwidth ventilation
(Range = 0.0 … 25.0°C)
(Factory setting = 5.0°C and no outside temperature influence)
Enter the bandwidth. The bandwidth is the set number of degrees from
start temperature ventilation, within which ventilation goes from
minimum to maximum position. A low or high outside temperature can
influence the bandwidth. The influence depends on the settings made by
the installer.
Ventilation (%)
10 Bandwidth Influence
Influenced bandwidth
Temperature (°C)
18 20 22 24 26
Heating Start temp.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Minimum ventilation
(Range = 0 … 100%)
(Factory setting = 50%)
If several fans are used set the required minimum ventilation based on
the total installed capacity. This means that with two identical fans the
minimum RPM of the first fan will be double the capacity set here.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Ventilation (capacity%)
(Range = 0 … 100%)
If the FC14 measures the RPM or air volume, it will give a minimum
ventilation alarm if ventilation control is maximum and the measured
value is lower than the control value.
If the FC14 notices that RPM feedback is not functioning, it will
automatically switch to control without RPM feedback. The following will
appear on the display:
Fancom FC14 Keys
Maximum ventilation
(Range = 0 … 100%)
(Factory setting = 100%)
Thermal control
(Range temp. therm. ctrl. = –9.9 … +99.9°C)
(Range therm. ctrl. setting = 0.0 … +99.9°C)
(Factory setting = 18.0°C)
If thermal control uses the same sensor as the ventilation control and
the installer has set a high outside temperature influence on start
temperature ventilation, the thermal control setpoint will also be
+ For extra security the setpoint thermal control cannot be set higher
than the absolute maximum alarm (key ). If the setting is made
too high, the controller will make the setpoint equal to the absolute
maximum alarm limit. The security measure above does not apply if
the installer has switched off the alarm on the thermal control
sensor (sensor 3).
Outside temperature
(Range = –30.0 … +150°C)
The measured outside temperature in °C. The FC14 registers the highest
and lowest measured outside temperatures of the past 24 hours.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Day number
(Range = –99 … 999C)
If curve control is used, enter the day number here (see section 5.2).
(Range = 00.00… 23.59)
Enter curve
(Range = CUR, OFS)
Set the various curves here and undo any temporary adjustments (see
section 5.2).
An absolute maximum alarm limit can be set for the temperature and for
the thermal control temperature (if a sensor is connected and assigned).
If Absolute max. alarm is pressed, the LED in this key will illuminate
as well as the LED in Temperature or Thermal control.
Press again to select a different temperature.
An absolute maximum alarm will be given if the value measured by the
room sensor, extra room sensor or thermal control sensor is higher than
this setting for longer than one minute.
Fancom FC14 Keys
Example 1
Fancom FC14 Keys
On hot summer days the temperature in a section can be very high. This
can result in a maximum alarm or the difference alarm will have to be
set high. This is not desirable with lower temperatures; the maximum
alarm limit would then be unnecessarily high.
Example 2
Example 3
Fancom FC14 Keys
On hot summer days certain conditions (for example storms) can cause
the outside temperature to suddenly drop. The alarm limit will drop
accordingly. However, the temperature in the building will not usually
drop as suddenly. Normally this would result in a max. difference alarm.
In this case the alarm limit will drop with a delay and the computer will
check if the section temperature also drops.
The maximum difference alarm for thermal control can also be used
without outside temperature influence. The installer makes this setting
After key has been selected, the calculated minimum alarm limit will
briefly appear on the display followed by the minimum difference. This is
the set number of degrees the temperature may drop below Setpoint
heating or Setpoint thermal control.
Fancom FC14 Keys
(Range = 0… 10)
During an alarm situation the type of alarm can be read out here.
Table 2 shows an overview of the values that can be read out/set at
Press Alarm again to show the activation time of the alarm. After this
time the alarm will activate again.
Example: You set the alarm to 8 (blocked) and the activation time to
3:00 hrs. After 3 hrs the FC14 will automatically place the
alarm from 8 to 0 (active).
Fancom FC14 Alarm
7. Alarm
In an alarm situation, the LED in the Alarm key will flash, as well as
the key relating to the alarm. The alarm code will appear on the display,
preceded by the letter A (climate alarm) or E (system alarm).
If the FC14 has been set as Master, it will transmit the alarm messages
to the other controllers connected in the loop. The alarm message
concerned and the number of the controller giving the alarm will appear
alternately on the display.
The Master does not give an alarm. The alarm can only be switched off
on the controller where the alarm occurred.
Fancom FC14 Alarm
During an alarm, the alarm code usually appears on the display. Even if
the alarm code is not shown on the display, it can be switched off.
Press x1
Method Alarm code
on display
No Press 2x
When the alarm signal has been switched off (alarm status = 7), the
LEDs will keep flashing. The LEDs will stop flashing when the alarm has
actually been cancelled (alarm status = 0).
+ As long as the LEDs flash, the alarm relay will not repeat the alarm
for this alarm situation - only if a different alarm occurs. The last
alarm will remain visible on the display until the computer is
operated again. This applies even if the alarm situation has been
+ Only do this if houses are unoccupied for any length of time. Do not
forget to reset the alarm to 0 to unblock the alarm.
Fancom FC14 Alarm
Fancom FC14 Alarm
Temperature A12–A13–A14–A22–A23–A24–A32–A33–A34
If the fan or airflow transmitter uses RPM feedback (DSR feedback), the
controller continually checks the RPM.
Fancom FC14 Alarm
Fancom FC14 Appendix 1
EG-declaration of compliance
Manufacturer : Fancom B.V.
Address : Industrieterrein 34
Place : Panningen (the Netherlands)
(Signature) (Signature)