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 Library Management System

 Matrimonial Website
 Job Portal
 Human Resource Management System
 Online Payroll and Attendance management Systme
 Hospital Management System
 Content Management System
 Institue (educational) Management System
 School Management System
 Customer Relationship Management System
 Fianancial Account management Management System
 Retail Store Chain Management System
 Clinical Laboratory Management System.
 Ticket Reservation System
 Import Export Schemes Management System
 Purchase Management Inventory System
 Online Trading of Wedding Decorative Items (Website).
 Mobile Billing & Customer Care System,
 GCET - Online Searching System.
 Hotel Management System using VB6,ASP & ORACLE 9i
 'Ticket Booking System' for Multiplex
 'Online Courier Management System' using VB,ASP & ORACLE
 Multilevel Marketing using VB6, ASP, MS Sql Server 7.0, Crystal Report
 Classified website

Dot Net Inventory Management System Project Report

This is a good MCA project report on simple client server Inventory Management System made in
reference to Border Road Organization (BRO)and developed to keep track of detail regarding the
equipments. The current product is a window-based. To provide the basic services related to the Supply
of the equipments to maintain their PRE-SO (Supply Order) and POST-SO details. This project uses
Microsoft-SQL Server 2000, Microsoft Windows 2000 & Visual Studio .Net 2003 Technologies. This is a
semester training report done at National Informatics Centre New Delhi. You can also Subscribe to FINAL
YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.
The goal of the proposed system is to prepare PRE-SO on the basis of order made. This module contain
two stages: SO Sheet & Pre_SO Worksheet. This report includes Functional Flow/Flow Chart, ERDiagram,
Data Flow Diagram, Database Design, Data Dictionary, User Manual And Screen Shots etc. Use this
report only for your reference and study work only. Thanks to the Authors.

E-Books & Sales Monitoring Online System PHP Project Report

This is a good Computer science related project report on The E-Books and Sales Monitoring System
which is a online website. The system is developed through HTML, PHP and a little Java script scripting
codes using Dreamweaver CS3 software, PHPMyadmin and Apache in Xampp software. This system is
especially intended for storage of data covering all the transactions in the clinic, for the on-line sharing
of each branch of the company and to advertise the its services being offered. You can also Subscribe to
FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The objective of the project is to develop an E-Book and Sales Online Monitoring System that is
searchable through the use of the net, to make the system user-friendly, to lessen the difficulties while
searching files for follow-up, to monitor the sales and generate reports of the company etc. The report
includes Data FlowDiagram, Layout of Forms, Entity Relationship Diagram,UML, Source code etc. Use
this project work for your reference and study only.

Telephone Directory Management VB Project Report

This is a good Visual Basic Project report on Telephone Directory Management which was submitted in
partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration. The project is based on an
application which eases the work of directory oriented user work. It contains vast information for the
user. The user’s first name, middle name, last name, telephone number, address are contained in
it.Telephone directory Application is used to manage and search the telephonic details with regard to
users name and address. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such
Projects and Seminar.

This report includes the VB project coding of Telephone Directory Management, its Data Flow Diagram,
flow chart, Application Form Printouts etc. The project uses VB at front end and MS Access as Back end
Software. You can use this report for your reference and study work.

Virtual Manufacturing System (VMS) Development & Modeling Project Report

This is a good thesis project report on Study Of Modeling And Development Environment For Virtual
Manufacturing Systems (VMS). Based on analyzing modern manufacturing systems, according to the
characteristics and requirement of VMS, in this paper, the architecture, the key technologies and the
implement way of VMS were explored, and development environment for VMS was put forward, which
is a powerful tool for building VMS. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more
such Projects and Seminar.
VMS is called as the new production paradigm, which is effective technology to meet challenge of 21
century's manufacturing industries. VMS is description of formulated, computerizing and modularizing
for the RMS (Real Manufacturing System).It consists of the corresponding models which are mapped on
VMS by models of the RMS, and the manufacturing procedure can be simulated with these models in
the computers. Use this report for your reference and study only.

Training Report On Networking (MCSE & CCNA) At Jetking

This is a 6 month Electronics & communication Industrial Training Report On Networking (MCSE & CCNA)
At Jetking and was submitted as the part of ECE course. The report start with the Introduction to
networking, Models of Networking & Categories of network. This report also focus on IP Addresses And
Mac Addresses, Networking Media, Working Of DHCP Server, Virtual Private Network (VPN) etc. Routing
is a process or technique to identify the path from one network to another. You can also Subscribe to
FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

Above fig shows a Structure of domain forest and domain tree. Networking is a practice of linking of two
or more computing devices such as PCs, printers, faxes etc., with each other Connection between two
devices is through physical media or logical media to share information, data and resources. Campus
Area Network is a computer network made up of two or more LANs within a limited area. Use this
report only for your reference and study purpose only.

Indexing XML In Oracle M.Tech IT Project Report

This is a good M.Tech IT project report on Indexing XML In Oracle. The report start with the introduction
of Various kinds of Indexes in Oracle and XMark benchmark. The report also covers topic likes Creating
Function Based Indexes, Oracle Text Indexes on XML Type columns etc. In this report, the indexing
capabilities of Oracle for XML type of content is studied. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR
PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

Oracle XML DB is the module for managing XML type of content in Oracle. It derive its strength from
Oracle Object-Relational Database and Oracle Text. Use this report for your reference and study.

ERP Based e-Governance At Pune Municipal Corporation IT Project Report

This is a good IT project report on ERP Based e-Governance At Pune Municipal Corporation. The National
e-Governance Plan (NeGP) approved by the Government of India includes many high impact e-
Governance initiatives and projects that have been identified as Mission Mode Projects (MMP’s). The
present document is a DetailedProject Report for the e-Governance Project at Pune Municipal
Corporation and has been prepared as per the guidelines published by Govt. of India (GoI). You can also
Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The project approach behind this project is Detail study of the PMC departments and preparation of AS-
IS document, Preparation of Functionality Scope for the To-Be processes in consultation with the
department. Use this report for your study and reference work only.

Fault management system On cloud Computer Science Project Report

This is a good Computer science project report on Fault management system On cloud which starts with
the definition of Cloud Computing and is anything that involves delivering hosted services over the
Internet. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides re-sizable compute
capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. The report
includes UML diagram, Structural Diagrams, deployment Diagrams etc. You can also Subscribe to FINAL
YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

Fault Management System helps in increasing network availability, reduce network downtime and
restore network failure quickly. In this project once error is reported, first step is to detect the fault and
make a report of it. The Scope of the project is the vendor need not maintain their own fault
management system. They can use centralized fault management system which would help them
reducing overall cost. JAVA and SQL technology are used in this project. Use this report for your
reference work only.

Online Library Management System Project Report

This is a good computer science project report on Online Library Management System. The purpose of
this project and application are i) The software is for automation of library. It provides many facilities to
Operator like he Can enter details related to a particular book, Can provide membership to members.
Servlets, HTML, Java script are used as front end and MS Access, Apache Tomcat server are used as back
end software. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and

Report include Data Flow Diagram (DFD), E-R Diagram etc. Project is related to library management
which provides reading services to its members. Any person can become a member of the library by
filling a prescribed form. Use this report for your reference and study purpose only.

VB Source Code Daily Activity Monitoring System

This is a Computer Science Project Code on Daily Activity Monitoring System which is a Visual basic code.
The aim of this project is to implement a Daily Activity Monitoring mechanism which is suitable and
necessary for any organization or a company. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email
for more such Projects and Seminar.

Daily Activity Monitoring Software is designed for company administrators to monitor and supervise all
their employee computers in real-time from one centralized position. Use this project code for your
reference and study.

Blood Bank VB Project Report - Major Project

This is the good Project report on Blood bank which is a VB project and can be used by students who
want to build there final year Major project on Visual Basic. The whole project report is divided into
many chapters and covers topic like Current System and Limitations, Proposed System and its Scope, E-R
Diagram, Data Flow Diagram(DFD) etc. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for
more such Projects and Seminar.

The system will provide the user the option to look at the details of the existing Donor List, Blood Group
and to add a new Donor. Use this project for your reference and project help. The report also include
the source code of the project.

Rules Modeler M.Tech Software Engineering Project Report

This is a good Project report for Master Of Technology In Software Engineering on Rules Modeler and
was Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of of Master Of
Technology In Software Engineering. The project is carried out at Unisys Global Service- India. Unisys
Rules Modeler is a software development tool that will enable business analysts, management, and
other users to define the rules of their business in a structured, natural language format. You can also
Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The software requirement for this project are Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2,
Visual studio .NET 2005 with 1.1 or higher .NET framework, SQL server 2000, Rules Modeler Developer.
Use this report for your study and reference work only. Thanks to the Author.

Project Report On Railway Reservation System (C++)

This is a good Computer science project report on Railway Reservation System which is made for Object
Oriented Programming Term Paper. This project explains how reservation is being done in Indian
Railways. This project is developed in c ++ language. The systems development life cycle is a project
management technique that divides complex projects into smaller, more easily managed segments or
phases You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

In this report source code of Railway Reservation System on C++ is also given with Data Flow Diagram,
Advantages Of Railway Reservation System, Hardware Requirements, Software Requirements Etc. Use
this report and project for your help and project making reference only.

Mobile Company Database C Project Code

This is a good Computer science related project on Mobile Company where it can add customer details
in there software or application. The project can also be used by other branch students like MCA, IT etc.
This is a C based project which can be used as a mini project. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR
PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The project code should be used only for educational purpose and thanks to its author.

Bank Transaction Management VB Project Code

This is a good Computer science project and source code on Bank Transaction Management system
which is a VB project. This project application is for personal use of people and help in management of
bank transaction of different banks. You can view reports about your accounts and the balance for each
one plus the transactions made on each account. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by
Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The project uses VB as a front end. There are two types of users, Regular users and Administrators. As a
regular user you can only add accounts and transactions for your account. Administrators can do all but
they cannot add transactions. The Default Administrator is Login ID/Password is Admin/Admin. Use this
source code for your reference purpose only.

VB Project Code On Blood Bank

This is a good computer science project code on VB Blood bank and any students can use this project for
there major project. The proposed system is entitled ‘Blood Bank’. It is developed using Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0 as the front end and Microsoft Access as the back end. The basic purpose of the system is to
accommodate and maintain the records of Donor, accounts and Staff details You can also Subscribe to
FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The blood bank Source code contains Login, form source code, midi form, New User, change password,
add blood group etc. Use this source code for your help and reference work only.
MCA Seating Arrangement Project Report

This is a good MCA project report on Seating Arrangement and Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the awards of the degree of Master of computer application- Software Engineering.
The purpose of this documentation is to present the Software Requirement Specification for Seating
Arrangement for the Examination department. It uses VB as front end and MS access as Back end. You
can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

The application “seating Arrangement” design and arranges seat matrix in MS Access format. This
application is general purpose that is it takes the information about database to create of any size and
can be added any number of tables to MS Access database. The report also contains the coding of the
project seating arrangement. Use this report for your help and reference work only.
VB Hospital Management System Project Report

This is the Project report on Hospital Management System for computer related branches. The Software
is for the automation of Hospital Management and tt maintains two levels of users are Administrator
Level & User Level. It can be used in any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs for maintaining
patient details and their test results. It uses VB 6 as front end software and Ms Access as back end. You
can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

Above image shows the patient form of Hospital management system. The report contains detail about
Feasibility Study,Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagram,Data Tables etc. Use report for your
study and reference work only.

Eye-Gaze Communication Systems Computer Science Project Report

This is a good CS project report on Eye-Gaze Communication Systems and this is a technical Report
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor Of
Technology In Computer Science & Engineering.The Eyegaze System is a communication and control
system for people with complex physical disabilities. You run the system with your eyes. By looking at
control keys displayed on a screen, a person can synthesize speech, control his environment (lights,
appliances, etc.), type, operate a telephone, run computer software, operate a computer mouse, and
access the Internet and e-mail. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such
Projects and Seminar.
Eyegaze Systems are being used to write books, attend school and enhance the quality of life of people
with disabilities all over the world. The Eyegaze System is a direct-select vision-controlled
communication and control system. It was developed in Fairfax, Virginia, by LC Technologies, Inc.. Use
this report for your reference and study only.

Daily Activity Monitoring System Dot Net Project Report

This is a good Project report On Daily Activity Monitoring System Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering. This project uses Dot Net as front
end and SQL as back end for database. This software represents the requirements analysis effort to
define technical and business process requirements for Daily Activity Monitoring System (DAMS) for any
financial company. This document is produced to detail design and development of the application. You
can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.
The aim of this project is to implement a Daily Activity Monitoring mechanism which is suitable and
necessary for any organization or a company. With the help of daily activity monitoring system an
employee can report to his higher officials by sending key reports and responses received from his
bosses. Report also include Employee Use Case Diagram, HoU Use Case Diagram, CMD Use Case
Diagram,Activity Diagram for login. Use this report for your study and reference work only. Thanks to
the author.

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