698 00789139 Maneshkumar

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Sajjan India Limited.
Site location* Plot No-6102, Ankleshwar GIDC. Dist.- Bharuch. India-393002
1000 (200 contractual worker,150 daily wage workers,50 maintenance worker third party
Number of workers
agency,600 company employees)
General description of the organisation Sajjan India Limited is an Indian chemicals company with over 30 years of expertise & annual torn
over 2600 core. Sajjan India Limited manufacturing of Fluoropolymers, speciality chemicals, wind
energy and renewables. Sajjan India Limited is largest Refrigerant manufacturing in India. Sajjan
India Limited global footprints are represented by three manufacturing sites in India. Sajjan India
Limited products are established in international markets with business in across the world.

Sajjan India Limited is manufacturing in Fluoropolymers (PTFE,PFA,FEP,FKM,PVDF etc.),

Refrigerants (R22,R32,R142B,R407C,R410A), Fluoro-specialities (HF,TFE,KF, etc.) chemicals
( caustic soda, carbon tetrachloride ,chlorine, MDC, HCl, Hydrogen gas etc.) & pharmaceuticals
ingredients (EDFA, TEOF, BTFM, DFMMSC etc.). Sajjan India Limited manufacturing of
Refrigerants, pharmaceuticals ingredients & agriculture.

Company is working 365 day in the year. The company's manufacturing and R&D employee’s
working in 4 shifts 8 hours per day, and 6 days in a week.
General Shift: - 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
A-Shift: - 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
B-Shift: - 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM

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C-Shift: - 11 PM to 7:00 AM
Holidays are fixed for general shift employees which is on Sunday
Operation and R & D employees, holidays are allocated turn wise in every week.
The risk assessment reviews the areas carrying out the activities like gas & electric welding
Description of the area to be included in the
works, in the fabrication yard, Piping & structure modification in the engineering workshop, checks
risk assessment
portable electric tools in the service section, Review and modification in the New Project section.
The company has been appointed with a Chief Operation Head, who mainly holds the integrity,
management, responsibility, Health, Safety and Environment. The Chief Operation Head
Any other relevant information
oversees the Appoint competent people in company, infrastructure arrangements, Manufacturing,
Zero discharge effluent, legal compliances, etc.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried For finishing the risk assessment, I have mentioned many legal requirements, legislation relating
out this should include: to the risk assessed areas. I have mention ILO conventions applicable to the work activities in my
 sources of information consulted; organization. For example – For assessing the hazardous chemicals by using of strong acid
 who you spoke to; and oleum manufacturing of fluorospecialists chemicals. I have taken reference from ILO
 how you identified: CONVENTION C170, chemicals convention, 1990 (Hazardous substances) (No. 170) Article-6, 7,
- the hazards; 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?
- what is already being done; and p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C170
- any additional controls/actions that
may be required. For using oleum in the process section, I have collected the safety information from the material
safety data sheet (MSDS), internet browser & EHS department of organization.

I have also collected data Sajjan India Limited accident records and found there are repetitive
accidents for Vibration from the drilling machine while making numbers of round hole on the wall
for fitting grill and found the details of investigation too.

I have spoken to the workers from the chemical plant who were eating lunch due to canteen is far
from the plant so that they eat there. This was indicating to the worker supervisor to arrange a
make shift portacabin /canteen for the workers to avoid from chemical or other contamination.

I have visited the PESO storage area and find there are many polybags and garbage material is
spread near PESO storage tank there may be possibility of fire accident – therefore this was

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reported to the PESO area in charge to immediately get the waste disposal organized and
improve the monitoring of the PESO area.

According to risks assessment, I have reviewed the existing controls and decided on further
controls with the help of ILO conventions such as ILO convention C170 – Chemicals Convention,
1990- Article-6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 for activities chemical hazardous category; ILO
convention C148 - working environment 1977-Article 12 for activities vibration categorially
Convention C174 – Prevention of Major Industrial accidents convention 1993, local city
regulations, national & international rules for environment, health and safety than ensured these
are finished on the base of Sajjan India Limited company.

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Sajjan India Limited
Date of assessment: 05/01/2024
Scope of risk assessment: Activities in the Manufacturing of chemicals, Engineering workshop, Modification, Project work, welding on storage area.

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
1. Noise People- 1 Technical staff The area had a noise survey Engineering control-To be Installation2 Workshop
& 2 workers. recently. Installed silencer around the months (It can be manager
(Element 5) Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling delay for
The workers were made aware machinery. transportation
High level of noise How – Likelihood- The of the noise hazards six from outside of
created from the rock cutting work takes months ago. the country).
Reverse place usually in the
Circulation (RC) morning shifts, staff & Tool box talk provided. Administrative controls-Standard Installation10 Workshop
drilling machine helper removed their ear operating procedures to be days. manager.
that is being used defenders during the The operation procedure developed to use the silencer
rock cuttings while activity. provided. around the Reverse Circulation
surface repairing. (RC) drilling machinery.
Drilling machine

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
sound exposure This can be done in consultation Depend on the Workshop
level more than What – Severity-This with workers. installation – 10 manager,
105 dBA impacts on the staff & days.
helper hearing in the
long run, may sustain To be display the signage on the 5 days. Workshop
Noise induced hearing silencer for using it. manager
loss, may have difficulty
in hearing the sounds
and alarms. May suffer Train the workers how to wear the Schedule ‘weekly’ Line manager.
psychological stress too. ear plug. and implement on
The workers ear suffers ‘monthly’ basis.
Tinnitus temporary or
permanent threshold Workshop
shift. Readings are monitored on Schedule in manager
weekly basis and Check the ‘weekly’ and
average exposure in 48 hours. implement on
‘monthly’ basis.
health staff.
Ensure the regularly check out 3 months.
the health condition of the
workers with a surveillance
program - a schedule to be

I have referred – ILO convention

C148 - working environment (Air
pollution, noise and vibration)
convention, 1977 (no. 148) Article
2. Vibration Who- 1 fitter & 1 Job rotation in work place for Engineering control-Install Installation3 Workshop

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
(Element 5) worker. every 1-2 hours. antivibration on Drilling machine. months (It can be manager
delay for
The fitter and helper provided transportation
Vibration from the with training on action. from outside of
Drilling machine How – LikelihoodThe the country).
while making fitter Hand continue
numbers of round vibrate for making hole Position were displayed
hole on the wall for on the wall. showing right pose of handling Administrative controls-A Depend on the Service area
fitting grill. & straight stand. schedule to be provide for Installation of incharge.
checking the arrestor. vibration arrestor
What – SeverityThis on machine – 10
impacts on the hand arm days.
vibration syndrome as
the fitter need to bend to
check the drilling Training to be provided to fitter Schedule in The line
machine function The and helper for operation with ‘weekly’ and manager.
symptoms may be correct work position. implement on
numbness in hand, body, ‘monthly’ basis.
arms, spine, joint pain
and nerve damage etc.
Collect worker feedback on the Depend on the The machine
ergonomic working position & Installation – 15 maintenance
monitoring. days. engineer.

I have referred-ILO convention

C148 - working environment (Air
pollution, noise and vibration)
convention, 1977 (no. 148) Article
3. Equipment Who-1 Crane Driver, 2 The hydra crane driver Engineering control -The 1 month (May be Project
Lifting. (Element 6) riggers on ground floor. operation is planned. equipment to be lifted with delay for arrange engineer.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
tandem operation using another tandem Team
hydra crane. and crane)
Hydra crane is
used for equipment Movement of equipment area
How- Likelihood Administrative controls-SOP to be Depend on Site incharge
lifting & shift from Equipment lifting & is defined & barricaded. planned and tested for tandem another crane15
plant to workshop shifting without checking lifting. Days
area load capacity of hydra
Experience worker is selected. Permit to work to be issued after On the day of Site incharge
What – Severity-This physical review. crane lifting &
impact fall, sling of shifting 8 hr.
equipment on head
The SOP & crane check list is
injuries to fatality injuries. Training to be provided PTW Schedule in Safety
prepared. system. ‘weekly’ and Incharge
implement on
‘monthly’ basis.
The emergency SOP and
training provided in workplace Ensure the checklist to be On the day of Site incharge
area followed. crane lifting &
shifting1 day.

I have referred – ILO convention

C167 - Safety and Health in
Construction Convention, 1988
(No. 167) Article-15.
4.Hazadrous Who-1 Supervisor, 2 MSDS provided in workplace Engineering control-Fume hood 1 months The
Chemical Chemists & 2 Operator. area for awareness. to be installed to protect expose (Approval, Purchasing
(Element 7) of chemical on workplace area. Purchase and Manager
How – Likelihood - The installation).
chemicals are used

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
The manufacturing highly irritant and
of fluorochemicals corrosive. The operator Personal protective equipment On the basis of Installed fume Depend on the Site incharge
by using of strong may come in contact provided mask, shoes, goggles hood ensure the hood proper installation5 days.
acid Oleum. Bulk while transferring the and hand gloves. working.
quantity of Oleum chemicals to equipment
used. from storage vessel for Administrative controls-Training Depend on the Chemicals.
manufacturing of other Emergency SOP and Training to provide for using of fume hood installation15 Safety in
fluorochemicals. provided. in workplace. days. charge
Generally at risk if the
operator is not cover the
body with PPE’s & Lime and sand kept near Dedicated Cartridge mask, Full 15 days (market Purchasing
equipment vent not workplace. body PVC suit & PVC hand availability near Manager
connect to scrubber gloves to provide with Full body sit and delivery
system. suit PVC. time).
Half yearly medical check-up
What – Severity conducted. Training to be provided to used Depend on the Safety
Exposure to Oleum can Emergency PEEs. purchase1 day incharge
causes severe skin
burns and eye damage Cartridge mask manufacturing Schedule in Safety
over, respiratory burns date to be ensued. ‘weekly’ time and incharge
with permanent lung and implement on
tissue damage. The I have referred -ILO convention monthly basis.
Strong inorganic acid C170 - Chemicals Convention,
mists containing Oleum 1990 (Hazardous substances)
acid is classified as (No. 170) Article-6, 7, 8, 10, 11,
carcinogenic to humans. 12, 13, 14, 15.
5.Fire Who- 1 Project Equipment cleaning done. Engineering control-flash back 1 month (Depend The
supervisor, 4 welders arrestor to be fitted on the on the purchase – Purchasing
(element 10) and 5 workers. welding equipment/ M/C. workers need to Manager
Fire extinguishers kept near be well trained in
work place. using the spark
Welding activities arrestor).
How – Likelihood -The

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
for equipment and gas cylinder using for
structure equipment and structure Fire hydrate line positioned in Administrative controls-As Depend on the Site incharge,
modification near modification. Welding the close proximity. mentioned in the previous hazard project Project.
solvent storage all activities to be stop till hot work completed15
spark can be creating
area spreading the completed. Example loading, days.
spark emission and major fire due to near the Fire fighter team available. unloading, transferring or
fire.. solvent storage area receiving of solvent.
from the work place. Area well ventilated.
Ensure the solvent storage vessel 3 days. Site incharge
What – Severity- The valve closed and open flange
modification work can The work areas have fire blinded.
alarms fitted in with a control
result in major fire like
panel installed at the Security
cause burns, smoke Office.
inhalation, death, Ensure the solvent storage area Schedule in Site incharge
property damage, Fire booth on the defined work foam system working (Trail to be ‘weekly’ and
environmental harm area. taken before hot work). implement on
monthly basis.

Welding cylinder kept on The solvent storage area to be Weekly Housekeeping

cylinder stand. well maintained and inspected for monitoring on the Manager.
safe usage and away from the management
Face shield used while heat system.
Fire Safety In
charge –
Hot Work Permit to be adhered Weekly Permit issuer.
Training to be given to the monitoring on the
workers in following the rules of management
PTW system.

I have referred -ILO

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
ConventionC167 - Safety and
Health in Construction
Convention, 1988 (No. 167)
6.Working at height Who-1 Supervisor, 6 The ladder was good condition Engineering control- Scaffolding 2 months (this Site Head
(Element No 8) workers who are working and certified. to be installed for work from needs approval
at height and below the heights. from the top
Repairing of roof working area The ladder fit with hand rail. management
sheet at a height of
10 meters of How – Likelihood - The Administrative controls-The Depend on the Service
ground floor to workers continue change The surface was clean and development of SSOW upon approval of department.
protect the Plant the position for repairing barricade with signed board. consultation with the workers for scaffolding
from rain and sun of roof sheet, it may be using of scaffolding. installation15
light. possibility of fall from days
heights to ground
Ensure the design of scaffolding Depend on the Safety
What – Severity- This as per guide line (Gap between installation3 days incharge.
may lead to major head horizontal and vertical length of
injuries, fractures, bracing).
disabling injuries and
fatality. -Ensure the toe guard provided After installation3 Site in charge
on the end of platform of day.

-Ensure the status and sign off 2 months (this

current situation of scaffolding. needs approval Site in charge
from the top
management and

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
-Training to conduct to work at Schedule in
heights. ‘weekly’ and Training
implement on officer.
monthly basis.

Safety harness to be provide and 3 days

using method also explain. Site in charge
and Safety
Life line provide in case of safety 3 days
harness failure on work at Site in charge
heights. and

PTW to be checked. Training to 3 days

conduct on work at heights. Safety
SOP to be provide on workplace. After review of
Management – 2 Site in charge

I have referred -ILO Convention -

C167 - Safety and Health in
Construction Convention, 1988
(No. 167) Article 14 and 18

7.Work equipment Who-1 Fitter and 1 Hexa blade was ISI mark. Engineering control-Purchase 1-month (this Workshop
and machinery worker. hand saw frame to keep the Hexa timescale raising manager
(Element 9) The equipment was CE blade. the purchase
How – Likelihood -The Marked. order and
Using of Hexq Hexa blade may be procuring).
blade for cutting break or slip from the The work area has adequate
the corrosion bold work point it may space to work proper. Administrative controls-Train the Schedule in The engineer

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
for replace the possibility of cut the workers in using the Hexa blade. ‘weekly’ time and incharge.
gasket. worker fingers or hand. implement on
Protective hand gloves, monthly basis.
goggles and helmet used.
What – Severity-The Ensure the Hexa blade fit with 1 day The engineer
operator may sustain hand saw frame proper. incharge.
entanglement, cuts and
pinch point injuries from
the Hexa blade. Kevlar gloves to be provided. 1 Month Purchase

Train the workers in using the Schedule in Safety

Kevlar gloves. ‘weekly’ time and incharge.
implement on
monthly basis.

Cold work permit (PTW) to be 1 Day safety

checked. incharge

I have referred -ILO Convention -

C119 - Guarding of Machinery
Convention, 1963 (No. 119)
Article 6 – 11.
8.Electricity Who-1 Electrician and 2 Ensure the Grinding machine Engineering control-The cables of 15 days (As per The Electrical
worker. good condition. the portable grinding to be ISI mark-depend Engineer.
replaced with well insulated on the purchase
(Element 11) cables. and delivery).
How – Likelihood –The
work is being on electric The worker involved is highly Administrative controls-Ensure Depend on the The Safety
Grinding machine panel room to removed experienced. the checklist has to be followed. delivery15 days. incharge

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
(440 volt) being unwanted cable tray and
used for cutting cable joint with area Prepared SOP and training to be 5 days. Electrical
cable tray and congested. given worker. Engineer.
cable joints from
First Aid arrangement is in
the panel room. The workers have to be trained. Depend on Electrical
What – place. replace– 5 days Engineer.
SeverityElectrocution to
the worker can lead to The work area has to be kept dry 3 day Housekeeping
tissue burns, cardiac Earthing connections provided to remove the flammable material Manager.
arrest, heart fibrillation, to the entire building power from workplace.
cut of any part of body distribution system.
Regular monitor and clean prior Schedule in Electrical
to the activity ‘weekly’ time and manager
implement on
Ensure the LOTA system ‘monthly’ basis.
Identify the sources to replace the Schedule in Electrical
voltage with low voltage ‘weekly’ time and manager
Ensure the Grinding machine equipment implement on
monthly basis.
good condition.
I have referred -ILO Convention -
C167 - Safety and Health in
Construction Convention, 1988
(No. 167) Article-26.
9.Radiation Who–1 Supervisor, 1 Welding goggles provided to Engineering control-to be 1 month Workshop
(Element 5) welders and 2 workers the welder but not being used Installed of Perspex screen to Manager
correctly. reduce exposure to the radiation.

Welding activities How – Likelihood –

for weld between Welding flash light, arc Administrative control-Formal Every 3 months Service
two different from welding activities for Radiation safety is been training given to the workers in engineer.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
flanges to make weld between two discussed in every safety addition to the safety briefing on
single piece different flanges to make briefing. Radiation safety.
emitting single piece the workers
nonionizing who are not using face Quarterly refresher training 2 weeks safety
radiation of shield. The area is classified from should also be given to the incharge.
Ultraviolet Rays other workers to use. welding staff.

What – Severity- The

exposure may result in The area is barricaded.
eye losses, skin burns To be used Appropriate Personal Depend on the Service
and blisters, reddening of protective equipment’s, Face purchase1 week engineer
the skin, wrinkles, shield. Apron heat resistant
leathery skin, liver spots, The experience welder Kevlar gloves Fire safety boots
actinic keratosis, and recruited for these works.
solar elastosis etc. Training to be provided to the Depend on the Service
welding staff in wearing, using, purchase3 days engineer
storing them. Training also to
cover the information on
inappropriate use of PPE and the

I have referred -ILO Convention -

C115 - Radiation Protection
Convention, 1960 (No. 115) -
Article 5, 11, 13.
10. Safe working in Who- 1 Shift incharge, 1 Ensure the trained person Engineering control-Gas detector 1 months Purchase
confined spaces. Operator and 1 worker. enter the vessel. to be provided. (Depend on the manager
(Element 8) purchase
Ensure the worker health is department).
Storage or process How – Likelihood –The good.
vessel cleaning for storage vessel cleaning Administrative control-Ensured 1 week. Site manager
Finished good the worker can be fall or Ensure Safety harness is the cleaning SOP is review and

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
product store. loss of consciousness. used. signoff with management.
Chemical hazardous if
line not isolate. Ensure the oxygen The workers to be trained to enter - Schedule in Safety
concentration between 19- in the vessel, inspection, ‘weekly’ time and Manager
20.9%. maintenance and cleaning by implement on
What – Severity- The external professional bodies. monthly basis
vessel cleaning may be Ensure cleaning SOP provided Ensure the follow the PTW 3 days. Shift incharge
oxygen deficiency can work place. system.
affect the infection,
asthma, chemical
Ensure the work proceed on day Schedule in . Shift
shift. ‘weekly’ time and incharge
implement on
monthly basis.

First aid and rescue kit kept near 3 Day Shift incharge

I have referred -ILO Convention -

C167 - Safety and Health in
Construction Convention, 1988
(No. 167) Article- 13

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral Argument: -
Moral, general legal and financial
Sajjan India Limited dealing with morals and humanitarian responsibility of all the employee who
work with the organization and all those who may have to come to the organization for different
purposes – delivery drivers, Trainer contractors, housekeeper and members of public

The workers need to get protected from any incident and suffering that may arise from their work
activities, working conditions, and equipment and chemicals that is being used. It is the duty of
Sajjan India Limited to ensure the incident are reduced and control in the workplace.

The workers come to Sajjan India Limited to work and earn money for own dependent family, If the
worker is not looked after, they may sustain harm to health which may cause the loss to their
morale, loss of job and subsequent effect on their family.

E.g.-Workers using the hazardous chemicals for manufacturing of fluorosspecialists chemical and
handling need to be provided Personal protective equipment with full body suit to protect them from
chemical hazardous. Failure can lead to major accident and subsequent effects on his personal life

Financial Argument: -

Sajjan India Limited may impact on financially from poor risk management in the workplace. This
may result in incident, fatality, ill health, and property damages, etc.

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Accident/Incident to the workers will cost: -Hospitalization, sick pay, rehabilitation, first aid,
recruitment of new workers – train them, overtime payment to done, new tools to the workers.
Property and material damages may cost: -Equipment repair, tools replacement, maintenance of
damaged part, purchase of new equipment, structural repair.
Enforcement action due to legal non-compliances: -For example not take license of hazardous
chemicals with the Factory act - can result in accident and subsequent enforcement action such as
fines, penalties – improvement or prohibition notice issued etc. compensation – civil claim, court
fees and lawyer fees.

Sajjan India Limited may insure some of the costs that may be assessed however there will be
many more costs such as image and reputation of the Sajjan India Limited cannot be insured.
Worker’s confidence, morale and trust cannot be insured either.

Legal Argument:-

With reference ILO Convention C155– Article 16 employer is expected to foresee the Safe
workplace and surveillance and provide adequate controls to reduce the mental ill-health to the
workers involved in the workplace activities – by providing a Safe workplace and surveillance, a
safe system to developed, safe plant and equipment etc.

Sajjan India Limited has to follow the legal policy that may affect health and safety in the company
by following local rules, national rules and international rules and standards.

The non-compliance can also lead to the organization to suffer many financial implications and may
also suffer imprisonment of management, blacklisting, cancellation of business license to operate

This further may affect the organization’s reputation and image in the global market. E.g.-Failure to
comply with the legal requirement in provision of hazardous chemicals storage and provide suitable
measures to protect worker may lead to an accident and subsequent non-compliance action from
the enforcing authority

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk To be Installed silencer around the Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling machinery.

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assessment) (Hazardous category “Noise”)
Relevant ILO convention to match the hazard category: -
Specific legal arguments
As per ILO convention C148 - working environment (air pollution, noise and vibration) convention,
1977 (no. 148) Article 12-The employer is expected to provide a safe plant and equipment and
therefore provide all the control measures to protect worker from the machinery related risks.

Any other relevant ILO conventions:-

As per ILO convention C167 – ARTICLE 28, C174 – ARTICLE 10, also insists that the employer to
fulfil his responsibilities to protect worker by providing a safe plant and equipment to ensure they
are well inspected, maintained and of good quality.

Company Legal Obligation: -

Sajjan India Limited is legally obligated to ensure certain the compliance are met and accompanied
for enhancing safety in the workplace.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood Justification: -
 types of injury or ill health The likelihood of rock cutting from drilling machine the 1 Technical staff & 2 workers to loss hearing
 number of workers at risk from noise hazards are very likely because This is daily basis of cutting operation. The maximum
time in the shift is spent in cutting work – approximately 3 to 4 hours. Presently operator is using the
 how often the activity is carried
silencer and generally this is used by the operator to get a better prospective. This makes the noise
of drilling machine coming in contact with the operator’s ear. If this is not controlled similar
 how widespread the risk is
equipment’s being used in other parts of the organization without silencer will also cause harm to
the workers using it.

Severity categories: -
Sajjan India Limited has already set the following categories to decide on the intensity of the harm
received by the workers – No treatment given – only report generated for investigation Minor – first
aid treatment at Sajjan India Limited Major – hospital treatment Severe – disabling injury / fatality.
Severity Justification: -

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The severity category I would like to allocate for the harm received by drilling machine operator is
‘severe’. This is because the high noise can cause hearing in the long run, may sustain noise
induced hearing loss, may have difficulty in hearing the sounds and alarms. Which may lead to
disabling injuries to the operators.
How effective the action is likely to be in Impact: -
controlling the risk. This should include:
By purchasing and installing a silencer over drilling machine will be helpful in reducing the risk of
 the intended impact of the action;
exposure to the sharp blades. The silencer cannot be easily bypassed or removed therefore the
 justification for the timescale that operators are safe when using the drilling machine. The silencer therefore will reduce likelihood of
you indicated in your risk exposure to the high noise and subsequent possible injuries to the workers.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will Time scale: -
fully control the risk
To purchase the fixed silencer for the drilling machine, I have given a timescale of two month. This
time period includes, taking the approval from senior management, requesting quotation from the
manufacturer, placing order and receiving the delivery. One month is sufficient to go through the
protocols in ordering the silencer.

Opinion: -

Use of the silencer in conjunction with the other control measures, training to the drilling machine
operators, regular maintenance of the machine and supervision for the operators to work safely and
lastly provision of ear plug can definitely reduce the risk fully.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Flash back arrestor to be fitted on the welding equipment.
(Hazardous category ‘Fire’)
Relevant ILO convention to match the hazard category: -
Specific legal arguments
As per ILO convention C -167, Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167)
Article 29 - this requires the employer to take adequate measures to protect the workers from fire
related hazards in the workplace with the help of engineering controls.
Any other relevant ILO conventions: -

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As per ILO convention 155 – article 16, the employer is required to provide a safe place of work
hence any hazards need to be assessed and controlled.

Company Legal Obligation: -

Sajjan India Limited is legally obligated to ensure certain the compliance are met and accompanied
for enhancing safety in the workplace.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood Justification: -
 types of injury or ill health The likelihood of the 1 Project supervisor, 4 welders and 5 workers to suffer the fire related harm
 number of workers at risk during the activity is very likely. This is daily basis of welding operation. The maximum time in the
shift is spent in welding work – approximately 4 to 5 hours. As of now the activity is being done
 how often the activity is carried
without any control of spark emission. There is flammable solvent, flammable material stored
nearby. These materials can catch fire very quickly thereby resulting in major fire.
 how widespread the risk is
Severity categories: -
Sajjan India Limited has already set the following categories to decide on the intensity of the harm
received by the workers –
No treatment given – only report generated for investigation
First aid treatment – first aider providing treatment
Major – hospital treatment
Severe – disabling injury / fatality
Severity Justification: -
I have categorized the consequence from fire to be ‘severe’ as the injuries intensity may be varying
from burn injuries to disabling and fatality. The property and environment may also get affected.
The smoke emitting from the fire can also lead to smoke inhalation and subsequent brain damage
to the workers involved.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Impact: -
controlling the risk. This should include:
Fitting a spark Arrestor will ensure the spark emission are controlled within the equipment and do
 the intended impact of the action; not let them emit outside. This will reduce the risk of likelihood of the combustible and flammable
 justification for the timescale that solvent coming in contact with the heat / sparks. Subsequently, the welders are also at reduced risk
you indicated in your risk of suffering injuries and harm from fire. The welding activities in the solvent storage area done on

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assessment; and
regular basis. The assets and environment are also free from fire risk.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk Time scale: -
I have allocated a timescale of one month to complete this action. This time period includes, taking
approval from the management, raising an indent with the purchasing section, placing the order
with the manufacturer and arranging the delivery of the arrestor to the worksite. Therefore, one-
month time is sufficient timescale.
Opinion: -
Use of spark Arrestor will reduce the risk of spark emission but not totally control the risk. To ensure
to control the remaining risk, it is important to use other controls too such as getting a hot work
permit for the activity, training to the worker in using the spark arrestor correctly, identifying
alternate storage area for combustible and flammable solvent etc.

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Scaffolding to be installed for work at heights.
(Hazardous category “Working at height”)
Specific legal arguments Relevant ILO convention to match the hazard category: -
As per ILO convention C167-safety and health in construction convention, 1988, Article 14 and 18 –
the employer is required to provide a safe means of access for working at height. This should be a
robust working platform and other controls that can resist the workers from falling down.
Any other relevant ILO conventions: -
As per ILO convention 155 – article 16 and C174- prevention of major industrial incident/accident
convention, 1993 (no. 174) Article 9 – the employer is needed to provide plant and equipment
which he has to be thinking about the height work equipment to be secure for employees
Company Legal Obligation: -
Sajjan India Limited is legally obligated to ensure certain the compliance are met and accompanied
for enhancing safety in the workplace.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood Justification: -

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 types of injury or ill health The likelihood of the 1 Supervisor & 6 workers having access to the height for repairing of roof
 number of workers at risk sheet at a height of 10 meters above the ground floor are at risk and as they over reach during the
repair of roof sheet the fall from height is very likely. This is daily basis of work from heights– each
 how often the activity is carried
worker is required to work for 5 to 6 hours. The overreaching may make the worker to lose the
balance and working on the wall may not control the fall.
 how widespread the risk is
Severity categories: -
Sajjan India Limited has already set the following categories to decide on the intensity of the harm
received by the workers –
No treatment given – only report generated for investigation
First aid treatment – first aider providing treatment
Major – hospital treatment
Severe – disabling injury / fatality Severity
Justification: -
I have categorized the consequence for heights work, this particular situation as major in addition to
the hospital treatment the worker may suffer disabling injuries therefore it can be ‘major & severe’
too broken bones, fractures etc. Depending upon the height the person falls down, it can also lead
to fatal injuries to the worker.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Impact: -
controlling the risk. This should include:
By using the scaffolding installation with toe guard in place of ladder is increasing the safety by
 the intended impact of the action; reducing the likelihood of person falling over. The toe guard will resist the person falling from height.
 justification for the timescale that The working platform of toe guard will help worker not to over reach thereby not losing the balance
you indicated in your risk while working at height. Therefore, the dent work can be done in safer manner.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will Time scale: -
fully control the risk I have taken timescale 2 month turned into allotted to finish this action. The purchase of scaffolding
desires finances allotted from the company control after which the approval might be despatched to
the buying department. Then the order is placed. The scaffolding this is being purchased comes
from a unique city with inside the country. Due to the contemporary pandemic, delays can be
expected hence included additional time period too.
Opinion: -

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In my opinion, the use of scaffolding will reduce the worker’s need to over reach and lose balance
which is indeed reducing the major part of risk effectively. However, while this scaffolding is utilized
in aggregate with the other controls, the residual risk is also controlled more effectively, these are
developing safe system of working for using the scaffolding, preparing the emergency procedures,
training to the workers, additionally providing them with the safety harness and lifeline should help
reducing the risk to a greater extent.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with I plan to review the risk assessment along with the health and audit findings review which is due on
reasoning 4.01.2024.

I actually have decided on this date as our auditors advised to combine health and safety audit and
evaluate of any relevant health and safety documents along with the audit review on yearly basis.

However, previous to the assessment date if Sajjan India Limited calls for any modifications such
 Change in process
 Purchase of latest equipment and instrument.
 Change in local rules that are applicable for Sajjan India Limited operations
 Professional advice

I will make sure to study the hazard findings to maintain it up-to-date.

How the risk assessment findings will be I will set up a proper assembly with our dealing with director who's specifically liable for Sajjan India
communicated AND who you need to tell Limited Health and safety. I will present an in-depth document at the risk findings, the extra manage
measures introduced and the information of timescale and accountable persons. I will take the
acclaim for allocation of sources and implementation of the controls suggested.
Upon approval from the Top management, I can set up a safety committee in which in all of the
accountable persons. Example- area in charge, plant manager, area supervisor, training officer, are

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invited to understand the hazard findings. All the important elements of hazard findings, the controls
and their implementation will be discussed. Upon of entirety of the meeting, i can make certain time
of conferences and duplicate of hazard evaluation is circulated to all of the accountable persons.

The good-sized findings will be displayed as posters in health and Safety notice board, cafeterias,
reception regions etc.
The supervisors can be knowledgeable to encompass danger findings of their tool box talks given
to the worker at each day basis.
The worker may also be given up to date risk assessments, procedures, manual for referring
A formal training and meeting can be prepared in small organizations to make sure their information
at the work activity is up to date with the changes.
The workers will also be given an opportunity to put forth their concerns through the safety briefing
Sajjan India Limited business enterprise portal may also be up to date with the brand-new hazard
findings for easy access to all worker.
How you will follow up on the risk I will ensure to set reminders on my smart phone. I will prepare a spreadsheet with the
assessment to check that the actions implementation dates against the responsible persons.
have been carried out Closer to the completion time, I will personally follow up with the responsible person to understand
the situation of the control action implementation.
I will personally visit the work areas, call the responsible persons, send those emails, and create a
WhatsApp group for regular contact.
While checking the progress, if I search any pending action, I will make sure to find the reason and
as a consequence take in with the better control to assist in imposing the manage action.
I will make sure all of the manage moves are completed, applied effectively and monitored for in
addition continual improvement.

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