698 00789139 Maneshkumar
698 00789139 Maneshkumar
698 00789139 Maneshkumar
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Company is working 365 day in the year. The company's manufacturing and R&D employee’s
working in 4 shifts 8 hours per day, and 6 days in a week.
General Shift: - 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
A-Shift: - 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
B-Shift: - 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM
I have also collected data Sajjan India Limited accident records and found there are repetitive
accidents for Vibration from the drilling machine while making numbers of round hole on the wall
for fitting grill and found the details of investigation too.
I have spoken to the workers from the chemical plant who were eating lunch due to canteen is far
from the plant so that they eat there. This was indicating to the worker supervisor to arrange a
make shift portacabin /canteen for the workers to avoid from chemical or other contamination.
I have visited the PESO storage area and find there are many polybags and garbage material is
spread near PESO storage tank there may be possibility of fire accident – therefore this was
According to risks assessment, I have reviewed the existing controls and decided on further
controls with the help of ILO conventions such as ILO convention C170 – Chemicals Convention,
1990- Article-6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 for activities chemical hazardous category; ILO
convention C148 - working environment 1977-Article 12 for activities vibration categorially
Convention C174 – Prevention of Major Industrial accidents convention 1993, local city
regulations, national & international rules for environment, health and safety than ensured these
are finished on the base of Sajjan India Limited company.
Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? are required? further actions person’s job
to be completed title
(within …)
1. Noise People- 1 Technical staff The area had a noise survey Engineering control-To be Installation2 Workshop
& 2 workers. recently. Installed silencer around the months (It can be manager
(Element 5) Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling delay for
The workers were made aware machinery. transportation
High level of noise How – Likelihood- The of the noise hazards six from outside of
created from the rock cutting work takes months ago. the country).
Reverse place usually in the
Circulation (RC) morning shifts, staff & Tool box talk provided. Administrative controls-Standard Installation10 Workshop
drilling machine helper removed their ear operating procedures to be days. manager.
that is being used defenders during the The operation procedure developed to use the silencer
rock cuttings while activity. provided. around the Reverse Circulation
surface repairing. (RC) drilling machinery.
Drilling machine
7.Work equipment Who-1 Fitter and 1 Hexa blade was ISI mark. Engineering control-Purchase 1-month (this Workshop
and machinery worker. hand saw frame to keep the Hexa timescale raising manager
(Element 9) The equipment was CE blade. the purchase
How – Likelihood -The Marked. order and
Using of Hexq Hexa blade may be procuring).
blade for cutting break or slip from the The work area has adequate
the corrosion bold work point it may space to work proper. Administrative controls-Train the Schedule in The engineer
First aid and rescue kit kept near 3 Day Shift incharge
The workers need to get protected from any incident and suffering that may arise from their work
activities, working conditions, and equipment and chemicals that is being used. It is the duty of
Sajjan India Limited to ensure the incident are reduced and control in the workplace.
The workers come to Sajjan India Limited to work and earn money for own dependent family, If the
worker is not looked after, they may sustain harm to health which may cause the loss to their
morale, loss of job and subsequent effect on their family.
E.g.-Workers using the hazardous chemicals for manufacturing of fluorosspecialists chemical and
handling need to be provided Personal protective equipment with full body suit to protect them from
chemical hazardous. Failure can lead to major accident and subsequent effects on his personal life
Financial Argument: -
Sajjan India Limited may impact on financially from poor risk management in the workplace. This
may result in incident, fatality, ill health, and property damages, etc.
Sajjan India Limited may insure some of the costs that may be assessed however there will be
many more costs such as image and reputation of the Sajjan India Limited cannot be insured.
Worker’s confidence, morale and trust cannot be insured either.
Legal Argument:-
With reference ILO Convention C155– Article 16 employer is expected to foresee the Safe
workplace and surveillance and provide adequate controls to reduce the mental ill-health to the
workers involved in the workplace activities – by providing a Safe workplace and surveillance, a
safe system to developed, safe plant and equipment etc.
Sajjan India Limited has to follow the legal policy that may affect health and safety in the company
by following local rules, national rules and international rules and standards.
The non-compliance can also lead to the organization to suffer many financial implications and may
also suffer imprisonment of management, blacklisting, cancellation of business license to operate
This further may affect the organization’s reputation and image in the global market. E.g.-Failure to
comply with the legal requirement in provision of hazardous chemicals storage and provide suitable
measures to protect worker may lead to an accident and subsequent non-compliance action from
the enforcing authority
As per ILO convention C167 – ARTICLE 28, C174 – ARTICLE 10, also insists that the employer to
fulfil his responsibilities to protect worker by providing a safe plant and equipment to ensure they
are well inspected, maintained and of good quality.
Sajjan India Limited is legally obligated to ensure certain the compliance are met and accompanied
for enhancing safety in the workplace.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood Justification: -
types of injury or ill health The likelihood of rock cutting from drilling machine the 1 Technical staff & 2 workers to loss hearing
number of workers at risk from noise hazards are very likely because This is daily basis of cutting operation. The maximum
time in the shift is spent in cutting work – approximately 3 to 4 hours. Presently operator is using the
how often the activity is carried
silencer and generally this is used by the operator to get a better prospective. This makes the noise
of drilling machine coming in contact with the operator’s ear. If this is not controlled similar
how widespread the risk is
equipment’s being used in other parts of the organization without silencer will also cause harm to
the workers using it.
Severity categories: -
Sajjan India Limited has already set the following categories to decide on the intensity of the harm
received by the workers – No treatment given – only report generated for investigation Minor – first
aid treatment at Sajjan India Limited Major – hospital treatment Severe – disabling injury / fatality.
Severity Justification: -
Opinion: -
Use of the silencer in conjunction with the other control measures, training to the drilling machine
operators, regular maintenance of the machine and supervision for the operators to work safely and
lastly provision of ear plug can definitely reduce the risk fully.
Sajjan India Limited is legally obligated to ensure certain the compliance are met and accompanied
for enhancing safety in the workplace.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood Justification: -
types of injury or ill health The likelihood of the 1 Project supervisor, 4 welders and 5 workers to suffer the fire related harm
number of workers at risk during the activity is very likely. This is daily basis of welding operation. The maximum time in the
shift is spent in welding work – approximately 4 to 5 hours. As of now the activity is being done
how often the activity is carried
without any control of spark emission. There is flammable solvent, flammable material stored
nearby. These materials can catch fire very quickly thereby resulting in major fire.
how widespread the risk is
Severity categories: -
Sajjan India Limited has already set the following categories to decide on the intensity of the harm
received by the workers –
No treatment given – only report generated for investigation
First aid treatment – first aider providing treatment
Major – hospital treatment
Severe – disabling injury / fatality
Severity Justification: -
I have categorized the consequence from fire to be ‘severe’ as the injuries intensity may be varying
from burn injuries to disabling and fatality. The property and environment may also get affected.
The smoke emitting from the fire can also lead to smoke inhalation and subsequent brain damage
to the workers involved.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Impact: -
controlling the risk. This should include:
Fitting a spark Arrestor will ensure the spark emission are controlled within the equipment and do
the intended impact of the action; not let them emit outside. This will reduce the risk of likelihood of the combustible and flammable
justification for the timescale that solvent coming in contact with the heat / sparks. Subsequently, the welders are also at reduced risk
you indicated in your risk of suffering injuries and harm from fire. The welding activities in the solvent storage area done on
Planned review date/period with I plan to review the risk assessment along with the health and audit findings review which is due on
reasoning 4.01.2024.
I actually have decided on this date as our auditors advised to combine health and safety audit and
evaluate of any relevant health and safety documents along with the audit review on yearly basis.
However, previous to the assessment date if Sajjan India Limited calls for any modifications such
Change in process
Purchase of latest equipment and instrument.
Change in local rules that are applicable for Sajjan India Limited operations
Professional advice
How the risk assessment findings will be I will set up a proper assembly with our dealing with director who's specifically liable for Sajjan India
communicated AND who you need to tell Limited Health and safety. I will present an in-depth document at the risk findings, the extra manage
measures introduced and the information of timescale and accountable persons. I will take the
acclaim for allocation of sources and implementation of the controls suggested.
Upon approval from the Top management, I can set up a safety committee in which in all of the
accountable persons. Example- area in charge, plant manager, area supervisor, training officer, are
The good-sized findings will be displayed as posters in health and Safety notice board, cafeterias,
reception regions etc.
The supervisors can be knowledgeable to encompass danger findings of their tool box talks given
to the worker at each day basis.
The worker may also be given up to date risk assessments, procedures, manual for referring
A formal training and meeting can be prepared in small organizations to make sure their information
at the work activity is up to date with the changes.
The workers will also be given an opportunity to put forth their concerns through the safety briefing
Sajjan India Limited business enterprise portal may also be up to date with the brand-new hazard
findings for easy access to all worker.
How you will follow up on the risk I will ensure to set reminders on my smart phone. I will prepare a spreadsheet with the
assessment to check that the actions implementation dates against the responsible persons.
have been carried out Closer to the completion time, I will personally follow up with the responsible person to understand
the situation of the control action implementation.
I will personally visit the work areas, call the responsible persons, send those emails, and create a
WhatsApp group for regular contact.
While checking the progress, if I search any pending action, I will make sure to find the reason and
as a consequence take in with the better control to assist in imposing the manage action.
I will make sure all of the manage moves are completed, applied effectively and monitored for in
addition continual improvement.