LS2000 Maintenance

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Warning: Do not service the generator

Maintenance or other electrical machinery without de-

energizing and tagging the circuits as out of
Schedules service. Dangerous voltages are present,
A regular preventive maintenance schedule will ensure peak which could cause serious or fatal shock.
performance, minimize breakdowns and maximize generator life. The
schedule listed below is a guide for operating under standard conditions.
SpeciÞc operating conditions may require reduced or increased
maintenance intervals. Also, if there is a different or more speciÞc
schedule for your generator than the schedule provided below, it will be
included as a supplement to the manual package.

Every day
Visually check generator bearing housings for any sign of grease/oil

Check the operating temperatures of the generator stator windings.

Check the control panel voltmeter for proper stability and voltage output.

Monitor the power factor and generator loading during operation.

Every week
Visually inspect the bearing exterior for dirt, and clean if necessary.

Inspect any generator air Þlters for build up of contaminants, and clean or
replace as required

Every 2000 Hours or 6 months of operation

Remove generator outlet box cover. Visually inspect the stator output
leads and insulation for cracking or damage. Check all exposed electrical
connections for tightness. Check transformers, fuses, capacitors, and
lightning arrestors for loose mounting or physical damage. Check all lead
wires and electrical connections for proper clearance and spacing.

Clean the inside of the outlet box, air screens, and air bafßes with
compressed air or electrical solvent if needed.

Check machine vibrations and bearing condition with a spectrum

analyzer or shock pulse.

Regrease the optional regreaseable-type bearings.

Every 8000 hours or 1 year of operation

Check insulation resistance to ground on all generator windings,
including the main rotating assembly, the main stator assembly, the
exciter Þeld and armature assemblies, and the optional PMG assembly.

Check the space heaters for proper operation.

Check the rotating rectiÞer connection tightness.

Page 33
Every 20,000 hours or 3 years of operation
Remove the endbrackets, and visually inspect the generator end windings
for oil or dirt contamination. Excessive contamination may necessitate
surface cleaning with compressed air and electrical solvent.

Replace the bearing(s) if dictated by operating conditions, otherwise

inspect them for any indiction of wear or damage, and replace as needed.

Inspect the fan and fan hub for damage.

Every 30,000 hours or 5 years of operation

Disassemble the generator (this includes rotor removal).

Clean the generator windings using either (depending upon the severity
of contamination) 1) compressed air and electrical solvent or 2) de-
greaser and high pressure hot water wash. Dry the windings to acceptable
resistance levels (see the dry out procedure).

Inspect the rotor shaft bearing journals and bracket bearing cavity for
wear or scoring.

Replace the bearings.

Maintenance procedures
Visual inspection of windings
Electric machines and their insulation systems are subjected to
mechanical, electrical, thermal and environmental stresses that give rise
to many deteriorating inßuences. The most signiÞcant of these are the

Thermal aging: This is the normal service temperature deteriorating

inßuence on insulation.

Over temperature: This is the unusually high temperature of operation

caused by conditions such as overload, high ambient temperature,
restricted ventilation, foreign materials deposited on windings, and
winding faults.

Overvoltage: This is an abnormal voltage higher than the normal service

voltage, such as caused by switching or lightning surges or non-linear
loads. Operating above rated nameplate voltage will reduce insulation

Page 34
Contamination: This deteriorates electrical insulation by 1) conducting
current over insulated surfaces 2) by attacking the material to reduce
electrical insulation quality or physical strength, or by 3) thermally
insulating the material so the generator operates at higher than normal
temperatures. Such contaminants include water or extreme humidity, oil
or grease including unstable anti-wear and extreme pressure lubricants,
conducting and non-conducting dusts and particles, industrial chemicals
such as acids, solvents, and cleaning solutions.

Physical damage: This contributes to electrical insulation failure by

opening leakage paths through the insulation. Physical damages can be
caused by physical shock, vibration, over-speed, short-circuit forces or
line starting, out-of-phase paralleling, erosion by foreign matter, damage
by foreign objects and thermal cycling.

Ionization effects: Ionization (corona), which may occur at higher

operating voltages, is accompanied by several undesirable effects such as
chemical action, heating, and erosion.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, set up a direct visual inspection

program initially to those areas that are prone to damage or degradation
caused by the inßuences listed above. The most suspect areas for
deterioration or damage are 1) ground insulation, which is insulation
intended to isolate the current carrying components from the non-current
bearing components, and 2) support insulation, which includes blocks
and slot wedges and are usually made from compressed laminates of
Þbrous materials, polyester, or similar felt pads impregnated with various
types of bonding agents. Look for the following:

Deterioration or degradation of insulation from thermal aging: Coils with

a general pufÞness, swelling into ventilation ducts, or a lack of Þrmness
of the insulation, suggesting a loss of bond with consequent separation of
the insulation layers from themselves or from the winding conductors or

Abrasion: Abrasion or contamination from other sources, such as

chemicals and abrasive or conducting substances, which damages coil(s)
and connection surfaces.

Cracking: Cracking or abrasion of insulation resulting from prolonged or

abnormal mechanical stress. In stator windings, looseness of the bracing
structure is a certain sign of such phenomena and can itself cause further
mechanical or electrical damage if allowed to go unchecked.

Erosion: Foreign substances impinging against coil insulation surfaces,

which may cause erosion.

Page 35
Warning: When using cleaning solvents, Cleaning
ensure adequate ventilation and user Remove dust, preferably using a vacuum cleaner to prevent the
protection. redistribution of the contaminant. A small non-conducting nozzle or tube
connected to the vacuum cleaner may be required to reach dusty surfaces
Warning: Exercise safety precautions when or to enter into narrow openings. After most of the dust has been
using compressed air. removed, a small brush can be afÞxed to the vacuum nozzle to loosen
and allow removal of dirt that is more Þrmly attached.
Caution: Use only manufacturer-approved
cleaning fluids.
If compressed air must be used, exercise care in the application of
pressure to prevent damage to the insulation. If available, (30 PSI (2
Bars) or less) instrument air should be used. In any case, the air must be
clean, oil-free and dry.

Wipe all exposed surfaces with clean cloths to remove any remaining
oil or dirt. It may be necessary to use a cleaning solution made of mild
soap and water in order to effectively remove the dirt. Use clean water to
remove any soap residues.

Any cleaning ßuid is more or less a solvent for insulating compounds,

hence avoid the application of these ßuids in large quantities. They
should not be allowed to remain in contact with the winding any longer
than necessary to remove the oil and dirt. Also avoid excessive wetting
because it washes impurities into inaccessible crevices.

Dry the machine according to the procedure in this manual until normal
insulation resistance values are obtained at room temperature.

Inspect the generator for any signs of deterioration.

Clean electrical contacts, switch contacts and terminals with an approved

contact cleaner. Do not Þle contacts.

Insulation resistance tests at low voltage

Insulation tests are conducted for two reasons: to discern existing
weakness or faults or to give some indication of expected service

Insulation resistance tests are based on determining the current through

the insulation and across the surface when DC voltage is applied. The
leakage current is dependent upon the voltage and time of application,
the area and thickness of the insulation, and the temperature and
humidity conditions during the test.

The insulation resistance test is used to determine the insulation

condition prior to application of more extensive testing measures. Refer
to the following electrical measurement procedures for testing detail.
Contact the factory or refer to IEEE Standard. 432-1992 when more
extensive insulation tests are required.

Page 36
Exciter Þeld (stator) and PMG armature (stator) Caution: The insulation resistance tests are
usually made on all or parts of an armature
1. Disconnect the exciter leads from the terminals in the terminal box or or field circuit to ground. They primarily
from the voltage regulator. indicate the degree of contamination of the
insulating surfaces or solid insulation by
2. Connect exciter leads to one clamp of 500-volt megger, and connect moisture and other conducting influences
and will not usually reveal complete or
the other clamp to the generator frame.
uncontaminated ruptures.
3. Apply 500 V from the megger, and measure the resistance reading Note: The insulation resistance value
after 1 minute. The reading must be a minimum of 1 megohm. If it is increases with decreasing winding
not, refer to the cleaning or dry out procedures. temperatures. All readings must be
corrected to winding temperatures. Use
4. Ground the exciter Þeld leads to the generator frame for several Table 6 for converting megger readings to
minutes after the megger has been disconnected. This will allow the other temperatures (e.g., 100 megohms at
voltage build up to be properly discharged. 50º C is converted to 170 megohms at 40°
C: 1.7 x 100).
Exciter armature
1. Disconnect the exciter armature leads from the rotating rectiÞers. Temp Conversion
(º C) factor
2. Connect the leads of the exciter armature to one clamp of a 500-volt 10 0.23
megger, and connect the other clamp to a suitable connection on the 20 0.37
shaft. 30 0.6
40 1
50 1.7
3. Apply 500 V from the megger, and measure the resistance reading 60 2.7
after 1 minute. The reading must be a minimum of 1 megohm. If it is 70 4.5
not, refer to the cleaning or dry out procedures. 80 7.5
90 14
100 23
4. Ground the exciter leads to the shaft after disconnecting the megger.
110 38
This will allow the voltage build up to be properly discharged. 120 61

Main rotor
Table 6: Temperature conversion
factor for resistance readings
1. Disconnect the generator Þeld leads from the positive and negative
terminals of the rotating rectiÞer assembly.
Warning: Never apply the megger to the
2. Connect the positive and negative leads to one clamp of the 500-volt rotating rectifier, the voltage regulator or
generator accessories (eg., temperature
megger, and connect the other clamp to the shaft.
detection devices, space heaters).
3. Apply 500 V from the megger, and measure the resistance reading
after 1 minute. The reading must be a minimum of 1 megohm. If it is
not, refer to the cleaning or dry out procedures.

4. Ground the Þeld leads to the shaft after disconnecting the megger.
This will allow the voltage build up to be properly discharged.

Page 37
Main stator

1. Disconnect power connections and all control apparatus from the

generator terminals.

2. Measure insulation resistance of each phase separately with the two

other phases shorted to the frame.

3. Use a 500-volt megger connected between the leads of the phase to

be measured and generator frame. The minimum 1-minute insulation
resistance must not be less than that given by the following formula:

in megohms = Rated generator voltage + 1000

If it is less than above, refer to cleaning or dry out procedures.

4. Ground the leads to the frame after the 1-minute megger test. This
will allow the voltage build up to be properly discharged.

5. Repeat with the other phases.

Caution: Do not apply heat too rapidly. It Dry out procedures

could damage the windings. If the insulation resistance readings are below the recommended
minimum values speciÞed previously, use one of the dry out procedures
described below. Select the procedure based on the size and location
of the unit, available equipment, and experience of personnel. Before
drying, remove the voltage regulator.

Drying with external heat: Place heat lamps or space heaters (in addition
to the ones already supplied). Monitor winding temperatures. Raise
winding temperature gradually at a rate of 50° F (28° C) per hour up
to 200° F (93° C). Measure insulation resistance at 1-hour intervals.
Typically the insulation resistance will slowly drop while the temperature
is coming up, and then gradually increase and level out.

Drying with AC current in the armature: Short circuit the generator

terminals. Provide DC excitation to the brushless exciter Þeld winding.
Insert a current transformer and an ammeter to read full load current.
Run the generator at rated speed. Apply excitation to the exciter Þeld
until rated current is developed. Monitor winding temperatures until they
stabilize. Continue running until insulation resistance values level off.
Monitor winding temperatures. Raise winding temperature gradually at
a rate of 50° F (28° C) per hour up to 200° F (93° C). Measure insulation
resistance at 1-hour intervals. Typically, the insulation resistance will
slowly drop while the temperature is coming up and then gradually
increase and level out.

Page 38
Bearing lubrication
Shielded or sealed ball bearings: Shielded or sealed ball bearings are
factory packed with lubricants and generally can be operated several
years without requiring replenishment or change of the grease.

Regreaseable ball or roller bearings: In applications where regreaseable

bearings are used, grease Þll Þttings and relief valves are incorporated
into the bearing housing. Lubricate the bearings in accordance with the
lubricating instructions attached to the generator.

Rectifier tests
If a failure of a rotating rectiÞer is suspected, remove the exciter cover.
Test the entire rectiÞer assembly with an ohmmeter or test lamp as

Different designs of rotating rectiÞer assemblies can be used.

Diode cubes: They consist of three or six diodes depending on the

generator frame. The Þgures below show how the rotating rectiÞer
assemblies are assembled and wired for each frame. Locate and
disconnect all terminals on the rectiÞer/heat sink assemblies to test
the rectiÞers inside the diode cubes. See Figures 22, 23, and 24 for an

Six discrete diodes: Remove the nut and washer holding the rectiÞer in
the heat sink, and remove the diode lead wire. Lift the rectiÞer from the
heat sink. See Figures 25 and 26 for an overview.

!# !#





Figure 22: 40 Frame rotating rectifier assembly

Page 39
!# !#



!# !#


Figure 23: 50/500 Frame rotating rectifier assembly

!# !#

!# !#




!# !#
!# !#








Figure 24: 60/600-80/800 Frame rotating rectifier assembly

Page 40



Figure 25: Rotating rectifier assembly, special designs

Ohmmeter method:

Diode cubes: Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between one of

the AC terminals and the (-) terminal on the negative (-) rectiÞer / heat
sink assembly. Note the resistance reading and reverse the ohmmeter
probes. Note the second resistance reading. One of these resistance
readings should be high and one should be low. A low resistance in both
directions indicates a short. A high resistance in both directions indicates
an open rectiÞer. Repeat this procedure with the other two AC terminals
and the (-) terminal on the negative (-) rectiÞer / heat sink assembly.
Replace the rectiÞer / heat sink assembly if defective. Repeat the above
procedure with each of the three AC terminals and the (+) terminal on the
positive (+) rectiÞer/heat sink assembly.

Discrete components: Connect the ohmmeter leads across the rectiÞer in Caution: Failure to properly secure the
one direction (see Figure 26). Note the meter reading. Reverse the leads, leads can cause equipment damage or
and note the meter reading. The meter should indicate a low resistance failure.
when the leads are across the rectiÞer in one direction and a high
resistance when the leads are across the rectiÞer in the opposite direction.
A low resistance in both directions indicates a short. A high resistance in
both directions indicates an open rectiÞer. Replace the rectiÞer / heat sink
assembly if defective.




Reverse Standard
diode diode
Figure 26: Testing the rotating rectifier with an

Page 41
Test lamp:

Connect the leads of a test lamp built as shown in Figure 27, consisting
of standard ßashlight batteries and a ßashlight. Test the rotating rectiÞers
as described above but using the two test probes of this makeshift tester
instead of the ohmmeter probes. The light should light in one direction
but not in the other. If the light lights in both directions, the rectiÞer is
shorted. If the light does not light in either direction, the rectiÞer is open.
Replace the rectiÞer/heat sink assembly if defective.

Figure 27: Test lamp

Replace defective rectiÞers with rectiÞers of the same operating
characteristics as rectiÞers installed in the generator at the factory.
Order rectiÞers by part number, including the model, serial number and
generator part number.

Surge protectors may be included on the rotating rectiÞer assembly.

Disconnect one lead of the surge protector, and connect the probes of an
ohmmeter or makeshift test lamp as shown in Figure 23, across the surge
protector in either direction. If the light comes on, the surge protector is
defective. Order surge protectors by part number, including the model,
serial number and generator part number. Following replacement, make
Caution: Failure to properly secure the sure that the revolving Þeld, exciter armature, and rotating diode leads
leads can cause equipment damage or are properly secured.

Overall disassembly
Note: The following procedures are meant 1. Remove the terminal box cover, and disconnect the load leads and
to be a general guide. Procedures for your all other generator leads. Tag the leads to ensure they are correctly
unit may vary. connected when the generator is reassembled.
Warning: Ensure the generator has stopped 2. Remove the bolts securing the generator to the base and the engine,
and is de-energized before disassembly.
and move the generator to an area that allows sufÞcient room for
Warning: Use a hoist and slings or chains disassembly.
to support components during removal. Use
lifting devices that are selected for generator 3. Remove the coupling or drive plates.
component weights, which can be found on
the mechanical data sheet. Be extremely 4. Remove the exciter cover, rotating diode assembly, optional PMG if
careful not to damage components. necessary, and the exciter assembly as explained later.

5. Support the shaft. Remove the exciter-end bracket bolts, and remove
the bracket. Tap lightly with a rubber or Þber mallet to loosen
the bracket if necessary. Repeat with the drive-end bracket (if
Page 42
6. Remove the fan from the hub where applicable. If necessary, make Warning: Make sure the pipe is strong
sure to mark the location of the fan for reinstallation. enough to support the weight of the rotor
and that it does not have rough edges on
7. Float out the rotor (see Figure 28). First attach a thick-wall pipe over the inside, which could damage the shaft.
the shaft on the drive end. Attach slings around the pipe on one end
and around the shaft on the opposite end. Lift up the rotor, and move Caution: To prevent tension on the shaft,
put the slings around the largest shaft step
it out, resting the rotor as the slings are moved down the pipe for the
next lifting stage. Finally attach slings to each side of the core for
moving the rotor to the Þnal work space. Caution: Make sure the rotor does not
rest on the stator during the stages of
Drive end Exciter end movement. Make sure the rotor does not hit
the stator.

Figure 28 Floating the rotor

Exciter removal (see Figures 29 and 30)

1. Remove the exciter cover.

2. Remove the rotating diode assembly and/or PMG, if needed, as

explained separately. Disconnect the exciter stator leads.

3. Locate and remove the four bolts in the end of the shaft that hold the
retaining washer. Remove the retaining washer.

4. Remove the aluminum sleeve, and slide the exciter rotor off the shaft. Caution: Ensure the generator field wires
are flat in the wireway so they don’t tear
5. Remove the four bolts that hold the exciter stator to the bearing during pulling. Do not pull on the edges of
bracket. the heat sinks or on the exciter armature
6. Mark the location of the exciter for reassembly, and remove the
exciter stator. Warning: Pull the PMG and exciter rotor
straightly off. The assembly may pull toward
other steel components. Be careful that your
fingers or hands do not get pinched.

Page 43
Rotating diode Exciter stator
PMG stator
PMG rotor



Retaining Aluminum PMG rotor

washer sleeve spacer

Figure 29 Exciter armature assembly, PMG, 40, 50/500 Frames

armature Shaft

PMG rotor

PMG rotor

Rotating diode

Figure 30: Exciter armature assembly, 60/600 and 80/800 Frames

Page 44
Optional PMG removal
1. Remove the exciter cover.

2. Remove the rotating diode assembly and/or the exciter, if needed, as

explained separately.

3. Disconnect the PMG stator leads.

4. Remove the four bolts that hold the PMG stator to the bearing
bracket. Mark the location for reassembly, and remove the PMG

4. Remove the PMG rotor spacer if supplied, and slide the PMG rotor
assembly off the shaft.

5. Wrap the PMG rotor in plastic to avoid contamination as it will

attract metal particles.

Bearing removal
1. Remove the endbracket(s) to expose the bearing(s).

2. Use a puller to remove the bearing from the shaft end with a cap (see
Figure 31). Replace it with a new bearing.

Puller against Cap to protect shaft end


Outer ring Inner ring

Figure 31: Pulling the bearing

Page 45
Caution: Make sure all components are .Assembly
clean before assembly.
Bearing installation (done prior to installing the rotor)
Note: Torque fasteners to the values speci- 1. Heat the bearing to 220º to 250º F (104º to 121º C) in a clean oven or
fied in Table 5 unless otherwise specified. with an induction heater.

2. Start the heated bearing on the shaft. Then use a Þber or soft metal
tube to tap the bearing into place.

3. Ensuring that pressure is applied only to the bearing inner ring,

press the bearing onto the shaft until the inner ring seats against the
bearing shoulder on the shaft.

4. Grease the generator bearing and/or bearing bracket cavity after the
bearing has cooled according to bearing type as follows:

Warning: Grease migrates between the Shielded bearings are factory packed with grease. Fill the bearing
shields and into the bearing. The same bracket cavity to 40% with high quality ball bearing grease of NLGI
type of grease must be used. Grease #2 grade, which must be capable of lubricating satisfactorily over a
incompatibly can cause bearing and temperature range of the lowest ambient temperature to 250° F (121°
generator failure. C). Standard grease is Chevron SRI or Polyrex EM with mineral oil

With optional regreaseable ball or roller bearings, Þll the bearing

to 30% with grease. Fill the bearing bracket cavity to 60%, and
add 3 shots or 3 oz. (85 gr.) to the bearing cap with high quality
ball bearing grease of NLGI #2 grade, which must be capable of
lubricating satisfactorily over a temperature range of the lowest
ambient temperature to 250° F (121° C). Standard grease is Chevron
SRI or Polyrex EM with mineral oil base. Table 7 provides an
indication of the amount of grease to add to the bearing.

Frame Bearing type Grams

40 6016 C3 9±2
50/500 6217 C3 26 ± 3
60 6322 C3 146 ± 7
600 6321 C3 123 ± 6
80/800 6326 C3 219 ± 11
Table 7: Optional regreaseable ball or roller bearing fill of 30%

Page 46
Overall assembly
1. Float in the rotor until the rotor and stator laminations line up.
Position the rotor such that a full pole face is at the bottom.

2. Install the endbrackets. Support the rotor during installation. Put anti-
corrosion agent on the bare mating surfaces.

3. Install the exciter, rotating diodes and optional PMG as described


4. Install the covers.

5. Install the coupling or drive plates.

6. Reconnect the load leads, exciter leads and accessories, if applicable.

Exciter installation (see Figures 29 and 30)

1. Assemble the exciter stator to the bearing bracket with four retaining
bolts and washers.

2. Connect the exciter stator leads.

3. Clean the shaft and inside of the exciter laminations.

4. Place the key in the slot in the shaft, if applicable.

5. Lay the generator Þeld wires ßat in the wire slot with the wire ends
protruding past the end of the shaft if applicable.

6. Position the exciter armature assembly in line with the shaft, and Caution: Ensure the generator field wires
turn the assembly to the position where the keyway in the exciter are flat in the wire slot so they don’t tear
laminations is in line with the key in the generator shaft. during assembly. Do not pull on the edges
of the heat sinks or on the exciter armature
7. With hand force, push the exciter armature assembly over the shaft, windings.
so the edge of the armature is against the shoulder on the shaft or
Caution: Do not pound on the rectifier or
sleeve. armature windings.

8. Route the main rotor leads through the retaining washer.

9. Secure the exciter rotor assembly using the retaining washer and four
retaining bolts at the end of the shaft.

10. Connect the exciter armature and evolving Þeld wires to the rectiÞer Note: To measure air gap, measure com-
terminals. pletely around the gap between the exciter
armature and exciter field with a feeler
11. Measure the air gap between the exciter armature and exciter Þeld. gauge. Keep the gauge at the tightest point,
Nominal values are shown in Table 8. If the air gap is less than 0.02 and turn the generator over to measure the
inch (0.058 mm), 1) check generator-engine alignment, 2) check for air gap as the rotor turns.
bearing wear, 3) check for misalignment of the exciter armature or
Caution: Do not pry on the fan.

Page 47
Optional PMG installation (See Figures 25 and 26)
1. Attach the PMG stator to the bearing bracket.

2. Place the main rotor leads in the shaft slot.

Caution: Ensure the generator field wires 3. Carefully slide the PMG onto the shaft. Avoid contact between the
are flat in the wire slot so they don’t tear rotor and stator that could damage the windings or the permanent
during assembly. Do not pull on the edges magnets.
of the heat sinks or on the exciter armature
windings. 4. Connect the PMG stator leads.

5. Measure the air gap between the PMG rotor and PMG stator.
Nominal values are shown in Table 8. If the air gap of the PMG
is less than 0.020 inch (0.508 mm), 1) check generator-engine
alignment, 2) check for bearing wear, 3) check for misalignment of
the armature, PMG or stator.

40 Frame 50/500 Frame 60/600 Frame 80/800 Frame

Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm
Exciter stator ID 6.446 163.7 6.446 163.7 10.125 257.2 10.125 257.2
Exciter rotor OD 6.318 160.5 6.318 160.5 9.98 253.5 9.98 253.5
Exciter air gap* 0.0624 1.63 0.064 1.63 0.0725 1.84 0.0725 1.84
PMG stator ID 7.187 182.5 9.9925 253.8 9.9925 253.8 9.9925 253.8
PMG rotor OD 7.116 180.7 9.893 251.3 9.893 251.3 9.893 251.3
PMG air gap* 0.0355 0.90 0.04975 1.26 0.4975 1.26 0.04975 1.26
*Nominal values do not include varnish and red sealer buildup.

Table 8: Exciter and PMG air gap

Page 48
If the generator is not installed in its operating location as soon as
received, store it in a clean, dry area, not subject to vibrations or sudden
temperature or humidity changes. Make sure the storage area temperature
is between 10º F (-12º C) and 120º F (49º C) and the relative humidity is
less than 60%. If possible, storage should be in an ambient temperature
of approximately normal room temperature. Protect the shaft from
corrosion by applying an anti-corrosion agent. Cover the unit with a
durable cover.

Prepare units that cannot be stored in a temperature and humidity

controlled area as follows:

Install desiccant bags in the exciter cover and inside the end bells.

Vacuum seal the unit in a covering of plastic or other material designed

for that purpose.

Adequately tag the generator to ensure that preservative greases and

desiccant bags are removed before the unit is placed in operation.

If space heaters are supplied, energize them to keep condensation from

the windings.

For storage longer than 2 months, rotate the shaft a minimum of 10 Warning: If necessary, remove the covers
revolutions every 60 days. around the space heaters to reduce the risk
of fire.

Caution: Grease used in ball and roller

bearing generators is subject to time
deterioration. Before placing the unit into
service after long-term storage, check the
bearings for corrosion, and replace the
grease or bearing(s).

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