5551 13868 1 PB
5551 13868 1 PB
5551 13868 1 PB
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
Abstract: Intussusceptions, defined as insertion of proximal part of intestine into distal one, it is
the second most common acute abdomen pathology after appendicitis. Acute intussusception is
one of the common causes of acute intestinal obstruction in children, but on seldom occasions
associated with leading points to the intussusceptions. The symptoms are the result of
intussusception, like intestinal obstruction, volvulus due to subserosa lipoma and hemorrhage
due to ulcerations of the overlying mucosa caused by direct pressure from the lipoma or the
intussusception itself. Intussusception in adults is very rare. Most intussusception cases must be
treated surgically. In patients who present with a vague history and constellation of abdominal
symptoms pointing towards obstruction and are found to have a short segment intussusception, it
is a valid option to apply a conservative approach with caution. Based on the available literature,
CT scan evaluation seems to have both diagnostic and prognostic value, as it provides enough
evidence with regards to signs indicating the need for surgery. Herewith, we describe a rare case
of intussusception in Indonesian adult which was successfully treated non-surgically.
Keywords : intussusception, obstruction, non-surgically
Buletin Farmatera 34
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)
Vol 6 No 1 February 2021
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
A 32-year-old man presented with Figure 1. Plain abdominal x-ray shows an abdominal
distension by increased air distribution in intestine, and air
acute abdominal pain for three days at a
fluid level showed.
general hospital. He also complained nausea,
and vomiting for a week. The patient had no We added amino acids in dextrose
fever, no change in stool frequency and solution for intravenous infusion 1000
consistencies, or any other illnesses. He only mL/24 hour by turns with sorbitol solutions.
consumed prescribed medication from We also replaced proton-pump inhibitor
hospital to treat the pain. injection with histamine H2-receptor
On physical examination, we found a antagonist injection (ranitidine 50 mg/12
normo-weight patient with normal vital hours). We also added metoclopramide
signs. Beside mild epigastric pain on injection 10 mg/24 hours. Patient received
palpation, the increase peristaltic in injection of intravenous antibiotics with
auscultation was found. The rest of his ceftriaxone 1 gr/24 hours, and steroids with
dexamethasone injection 5 mg/24 hours.
Buletin Farmatera 35
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)
Vol 6 No 1 February 2021
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
Buletin Farmatera 36
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)
Vol 6 No 1 February 2021
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
can also give indirect signs of bowel All patients need to be observed for
ischemia like free fluid and fluid or gas progression or regression of their clinical
collection in the intestinal wall. CT scan has pictures in order to avoid potential
a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of up to complications such as ischemia, and
87% in adults.15 potential necrosis of the affected bowel
In our case, CT scan showed the segment. For patients presenting a vague
atypical characteristics of invagination with clinical picture and symptoms at the time of
no further complications after the admission, short intussusception length on
medicaments were given. The localization of imaging studies, simultaneous nature of
intussusception in the gastrointestinal tract is intussusceptions in different locations, and
also important: colo-colonic intussusception the absence of a lead point in the
is >70% caused by a malignancy.10,11 pathogenesis based on follow-up imaging
Neoplasia is also a leading lesion in 57% in studies, conservative management is
the small bowel but malignancy here is less appropriate, albeit with caution. If the
frequent (30%). Seventy percent of adult patients had developed signs of obstruction,
small intestine intussusception is caused by bowel ischemia or necrosis, exploratory
benign entities.13 In our case report, the fatty surgery is indicated.17,18
lesion was located in the terminal ileum. No
pathologic lymph nodes were detected in the CONCLUSION
CT scan. In patients who present with a vague
In the literature, there is no consensus history and constellation of abdominal
on safety and efficacy of laparoscopy symptoms pointing towards obstruction and
application in adult intususception.16 In the are found to have a short segment
present case, we selected non-operative intussusception, it is a valid option to apply
managements for the following reasons: the a conservative approach with caution. Based
patients clinical condition was good. on the available literature, CT evaluation
Clinically and radiologically, the bowel was seems to have both diagnostic and
not distended too much so that an prognostic value, as it provides enough
observation and non-operative approach was evidence with regards to signs indicating the
still possible and safe. There were no signs need for surgery.
of ischemia of the bowel segment. Except an If exam and CT findings, as described
open appendectomy, patient did not undergo earlier, hint or point towards a self-limiting
previous surgery; thus, the possibility of intussusception, then conservative
intra-abdominal adhesions was low. Intra- management with caution is appropriate
operatively, the affected bowel segment of with serial abdominal exams, bowel rest, IV
our patients appeared short with a mild fluids, and appropriate labs on an as needed
image of an ileus. There are other case basis, along with a follow-up imaging
reports described that an open surgery was studies to assess the etiology and the status
necessary because preoperative findings of the intussusceptions. In recurrent cases,
suggested the necessity of large resection further GI evaluation is warranted.
such as hemicolectomy.16 With this conservative approach and in
the light of absence of evidence of other
Buletin Farmatera 37
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)
Vol 6 No 1 February 2021
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
Buletin Farmatera 38
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)
Vol 6 No 1 February 2021
E-ISSN: 2528-410X
Buletin Farmatera 39
Fakultas Kedokteran (FK)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)