Probiotics America VSL Transcript

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My name is Dr. Cary Nelson and even after 10 years of practicing medicine and doing my best t eat
healthy, I found myself suffering from digestive issues.

I know firsthand how miserable they can make your life. They can make you afraid to eat the food you
love, afraid something might you give you a bad reaction and afraid it will always be this way. Pain from
cramps or the feeling being bloated can out you in a terrible mood.

They can affect your workday, your responsibilities at home and work of all your social life. I created this
video to help the estimated 50 million Americans suffering from digestive issues many who are
otherwise in great health.

I am going to share the solution that finally worked for me. The one thing that gave me relief after
everything else I tried failed. Fiber, tea, probiotics, antacids, Tums, pepto, even diet suggestions my
fellow doctors recommended did nothing.

What gave me relief is a not a diet or a meal plan. It takes just 45 seconds a day and even if you don’t
suffer from severe digestive issues, I now believe it is the single most important thing you can do each
day for your health. Yes, that means I put this ahead of getting exercise as I found those who don’t do
this often find themselves too tired to exercise.

So if you regularly feel fatigued or overworked, then I have created this presentation to help you. The
solution has now helped literally thousands of people to have more energy, a less sensitive stomach, the
ability to eat more of the foods they enjoy without feeling bloated, gassy, or getting heartburn.

Along with more regular bathroom habits, less cramping and abdominal pain, feeling less bloated which
leads to a slimmer looking tummy, even better looking skin. So if this so beneficial, why doesn’t
everybody know about it? Well soon, thank to you they will. I am flattered that since I first published this
video on May 10, 2015 it’s gone viral. Thousands of people are watching the same presentation you are
every single day. I have been asked to appear on morning talk shows and I have received emails from
men and women all over the world thanking me for this solution that has allowed them to free
themselves from digestive issues quickly and without having to stop eating their favorite foods.

You see, once you fixed your digestive problems, you’re essentially fixing the fuel tank of your entire
body. So you’ll begin to see huge benefits throughout your entire body. Imagine feeling more rested,
getting better sleep at night, getting through the day without having to rely on caffeine. Having more
energy to do physical activity and feeling more focused, productive and overall happier. It’s amazing just
how great we can start to feel when our body is processing food the way it was designed to. This not
only robs of you of your energy but can weaken your immune system. Weight gain is another common
side effect as digestive issues can cause your body to store fat adding inches to your waistline. Carrying
that extra weight around can make you feel even more fatigued and begin to put undue stress on your
joints and muscles. Mental problems can arise as well as your brain doesn’t get what it needs to thrive.
Lack of concentration, anxiety, even depression as you miss out on what your body needs to produce
serotonin, the happy hormone that regulates your moods. So if you have been feeling down lately or
stressed out, an out of balance digestive system could actually be the reason why. In a moment, I am
going to reveal to you a culprit that could be responsible for your digestive problems and what to do
about it.
I created this video because I know firsthand how it can strike even those of us who do our best to eat
healthy. You see there too many myths going around about what is healthy and what isn’t. I am going to
set the record straight today and guess what, I am not going to tell you to stop eating carbs, dairy, or
even gluten. I am however, going to reveal four foods to you that I consider to be digestive destroyers.
These are foods I recommend you never eat, so please pay close attention as 90% of the people
watching this will have at least two of these digestive destroyers in their cupboards at home. And if
you’re like most people I think you’ll be surprised at what they are. Why? Well because two of them are
labeled as health foods. Another is actually banned in nearly every first world country except the United
States. Scary right? So grab a pen and paper and a trashcan because throwing these four foods away and
out of your diet can result in instant digestive relief. Yes, they are that bad. Now I know your time is
valuable so I packed a lot of information into this short video. Be sure to watch it all the way through the
end and put away your cell phone and get ready to take some notes as you’re going to want to write
these four digestive destroyers down. Are you ready? Oh, and before we begin I must warn you. With
the amount of exposure this video is getting, the companies who manufacture the four foods I am about
to call out as terrible for your gut may try to have it remove from the internet. So be sure to watch it to
the very end while you still can. Okay, let’s begin.

A 2013 survey by NYU. Langone Medical Center showed 74% of Americans suffer from some sort of
digestive issues. However, as a practicing doctor myself I never thought it would happen to me. That’s
why what I am about to reveal to you is a little embarrassing. I completed my undergraduate degree at
UCLA and received my medical degree from New York Medical College. I also studied internationally at
Universidad Autonoma De Guadalajara. Today I have my own private medical and anesthetic concierge’s
practice in Los Angeles, California. People think of Los Angeles as a land of sunny skies, healthy food and
fit bodies. That’s why for years I was surprised to discover why my patients who seemed healthy who
scored high marks on their test will report suffering from indigestion, gas and bloating. I know because
that’s what happened to me. And here’s the part I didn’t understand. I was eating what I thought was a
healthy diet. I had switched from regular to diet soda. I had traded in whole milk for non-fat. Whenever,
I would eat brown rice instead of white and also brown bread. I didn’t overdo it on sweets and I never
eat fried food or fast food. And like many of my patients, it wasn’t as though I woke up one day and my
stomach hurt. It started with a few pains here and there and then as the years went on my issues
became progressively worst. So it became so severe that they were taking the happiness away from my
life. What’s worst, even with my medical training I wasn’t exactly sure of what to do.

You see, if you’re to walk into 10 different doctor’s offices and ask for help dealing with indigestion,
you’d walk out with 10 different answers. I know because that’s exactly what I did. I tried a few of the
ideas given to me by my colleague’s fibers, teas, probiotc supplements and even though the taste didn’t
agree with me at all, I even tried drinking Kombucha. However, nothing seemed to work. So I cut out
dairy and nothing. I stopped eating carbs and went gluten free. That was a tough one and it still didn’t fix
the problem. I completely stopped eating sweets. This made a bit of difference but not much. I was told I
should cut out red meat and coffee. However, I love grilling up a grass-feed steak on the weekends and I
have been drinking coffee since I did my residency training at USC - PIH. It’s the only I could get through
those 12 hours shifts in the E.R. However as much as I love those things I decided fixing my gut was more
important. So as tough as it was, I cut out red meat and coffee for 60 days. Some of my problems went
away however, I was still experiencing gas, bloating, and indigestion. And on some days the symptoms
were worst then when I was still drinking coffee eating red meat. I later discovered it was because of an
unknown digestive destroyer I was still consuming every single day, which I will reveal to you in a
Now, as a graduate with three degrees from UCLA, the New York Medical College, and the University of
Guadalajara, I consider myself an expert on the human body. However, my motto in medicine is never
stop learning. I know that since I graduated from medical school over 10 years ago, many new advances
had been made in the area of gastrointestinal biology. So now, I want to reveal to you these newly
discovered digestive destroyers. Some of them you may have been consuming for years. Oh, and if I
happen to read off one of your favorite treats right now, don’t flinch because later I am going to show a
solution that will allow you to still enjoy one or two of these things on occasion without having to worry
about digestive pain. Digestive destroyer number one, Azodicarbonamide. Azodicarbonamide has been
making waves lately as a chemical that is banned in Europe and Australia. If a food manufacturer is
caught using Azodicarbonamide in Singapore, they can receive up to $450,000 in fines and up to 15
years in prison. That’s how dangerous some scientist now believe Azodicarbonamide is. However, guess
what, it’s still legal right here in the U.S. A. Azodicarbonamide is a chemical used with a foaming agent in
plastics. However, some American food manufacturers uses it as a whitening agent in flour. An NBC
news report listed McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Jack in the Box and Chick-Fil-A as
companies who use it to bake their bread. Subway has recently made headlines by removing it from
their bread-baking process. Way to go, Subway. If you’re going to eat at one of the other restaurants I
just mentioned, I highly recommend you get your sandwich, protein style which means, wrapping it in
lettuce and skipping the bun.

That brings me to digestive destroyer number two. This digestive destroyer masquerades as a health
food yet it may be the most potent digestive destroyer of all. The seemingly innocent beverage is what I
blame for my digestive issues. You see, even after I cut many other potential other problems items out
from my diet, I was still having digestive issues. I attribute them to my not knowing just how bad this
digestive destroyer actually was. You see it[‘s only recently that studies were completed showing its
main ingredient to be one of the worst things you can put in your system. I am going to reveal it to you
now and you’ll see why so many Americans suffer from digestive issues. You see, a new study recently
showed that this drink is consumed daily by 90 million Americans and its number is increasing. It goes by
the name of diet soda.

Diet soda is a great example of a product that’s being marketed to us as a health food, however, it’s
really quite bad for us. How can something with zero calories and zero sugar be so hard on our digestive
system? The issue comes from its large concentration of artificial sweeteners. Shocking new studies now
show a direct link between artificial sweeteners and obesity. In the now famous 2008 San Antonio
Heart’s Study, a clinical trial was conducted with 3,682 adults. The study lasted eight years during which
scientist concluded those who regularly consumed artificial sweeteners were twice as high to become
obese as those who did not. Overall, adjusted body mass indices were 47% greater among artificial
sweetener users than non - users. Another study finally completed in March 2015 showed drinking diet
soda linked to a widening waistline with age. Dr. Sharon PG Fowler and her team at the University of
Texas Health Science Center followed people over the age of 65 for an average of nine years. They
discovered people who reported not drinking diet soda gain an average .8 inches in waist circumference
over the nine-year period. However, those who reported drinking even occasional diet soda gained an
average of 1.83 inches. And those who drink diet soda every day, they experienced an average waistline
increase of three full inches. As Scientific American reported, people over age 65 who drink diet soda
daily tend to expand their waistlines by much more than peers who prefer other beverages possibly
contributing to chronic illnesses that go along with excess belly fat.

So now we know these beverages can make you gain weight but how? How can something with zero
calories impact your waistline? It’s actually the same reason why they do such a number on your
digestive system. Let me explain. This is your gastrointestinal tract or your GI tract for short. You don’t
often think about this however, did you know your GI tract is home to over 25 trillion bacteria? Some of
these bacteria are good for you. They help you digest your food and fight disease. On the other hand,
some bacteria in your gut arte what we call bad bacteria. This here the candida is one of them. A
candida is a fungal yeast that lives in your digestive tract. These gut yeast fall into the category of bad
bacteria. Think of them like vagrants. They are simply in your GI tract because it’s a nice warm place with
food passing through it all the time. For gut yeast this is a great place to be. And actually it’s totally
normal and okay to have some bad yeast among your bacteria. Most experts agree that so long as you
have more good bacteria in your gut than bad yeast, your system is going to function fine. The suggested
ratio is 80% good bacteria and no more than 20% yeast. The problem is when the gut yeast begins to
grow out of control and you see artificial sweeteners are one of gut yeast favorite foods. These
sweeteners are like rocket fuel for gut yeast. And if you’re drinking regular soda that could be even
worse for gut yeast other favorite food is you guess it, sugar. Now, I am not going to tell you you have to
completely give up on all the things sweet, however, do know that eating too many foods containing
sugars and sweeteners as well as foods containing carbs and preservatives can all cause your gut yeast
to swell. Once your balance is off, things can quickly spiral out of control. Large gut yeast over grows can
begin snacking on your good bacteria and before you know it, you’re a walking yeast farm.

Do you find yourself craving sugary foods? Breads, Pizza, or regular or diet sodas? Does your belly feel
normal in size or do you find excess fat around your waistline? Do you suffer from indigestion,
constipation, bloating, or gassiness? All of these things could be signs your gut yeast is overgrowing.
Other signs include lack of energy, fatigue, inability to focus without caffeine, along with skin rashes,
fungal infections, and breakouts? However, here is perhaps the biggest problem cause by gut yeast. If
you’re like most people you felt cravings before for foods you know are bad for you. Why? Have you
ever wondered why would your body want something that isn’t going to do it any good? Why would
your body want fried foods that clog up your digestive system making you fatter and adding unhealthy
oils to the insides of your veins? Why would your body want a soda that contains more sugar in one
serving than your body was meant to have in one week?

As a well-known TV doctor, Mark Hyman recently stated, “Food addiction is a real thing. It’s not a
metaphor it’s a biological fact. Studies show that your brain lights up with sugar just like it does with
cocaine or heroin. In fact, sugar is eight times more addicting than cocaine. What makes it so addicting?
Well what you need to know is that it’s not you having these cravings it’s very likely your hormones have
been hijacked by this invader. It’s not that you weren’t discipline, have bad genetics or naturally a bad
eater it’s that gut yeast causes you to have cravings to eat the foods it wants overriding your logical
senses to eat healthy. I am taking about sugars, carbohydrates, fried foods, and heavily sweetened
products like candies, colas, and artificially sweetened diet sodas. Do you ever find yourself eating more
of these than you know you should? If so, you need to know it’s because you may be eating for two.

For example, have you ever told yourself just one bite of a dessert then you at the entire thing? That’s a
sure sign gut yeast wants to be fed. That’s why sticking to a diet of real health food when you have gut
yeast is like trying to roll a boulder up a mountain. You can resist the craving for a while but then
eventually they become too heavy and you’re right back to eating sugars. So while gut yeast is not a
disease, it’s no surprise many health experts are now calling it the number one cause of obesity. Like
weight loss coach and certified holistic health practitioner Sarah Anne Stewart, “Most men and women
have no clue their weight gain could be caused by gut yeast. The number of people who come to me
blaming themselves for failing is astonishing. Once the yeast is under control, my clients often finally
lose the unwanted weight quickly, have more energy to exercise and eat healthier without having to
force it.
And that brings me to my third digestive destroyer, coffee. Coffee is stimulates acid production in the
stomach which can cause inflammation and result in heartburn. Caffeine can cause dehydration, which
can lead to constipation. However, my main issue with coffee is the large amounts of sugar most people
put in it. Adding sugar or sweeteners can turn it into just as much of a gut yeast feeder as a can of Coca-
Cola. And if you’re getting fancy coffee drinks from places like Starbucks, forget about it. Would you
believe that a medium sized café latte from Starbucks contains as much sugar as four sugar glazed
Dunkin’ Donuts? Yes, you heard e right, scientist rare just now discovering how taking in this much sugar
can cause gut yeast to begin to grow out of control. It was the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates, the
father of Medicine who coined the phrase, “All health begins in the gut” when gut yeast is in your GI
tract, your entire health can begin to suffer. Think of your gut as your body’s fuel tank. Living your life
with an overgrowth of yeast in there is like trying to drive your car with sand in your tank. As the yeast
grows, it’s particles and waste begin to spill out into your bloodstream making their way into your
internal organs, muscle tissue, brain tissue and joints. This is what we medical professionals call “leaky
gut” as it spreads through your internal organs, it can clog them up and cause them to malfunction. The
symptoms you’ll experience from the outside weight gain, lack of energy, indigestion, and skin problems
could be dangerous warning signs that your gut is leaking east. When you ate your last meal, did you
feel more full that you should? Do you see your skin looking dull or with adult acne, age spots, or rashes
appearing and you don’t know why? You ever experienced brain fog, ADD, or have difficulty
concentrating? These are all signs that can be caused by leaky gut. Whenever you’re experiencing those
symptoms, what I remind my patient is that it’s not their fault. You see, the amount of sugars and
sweeteners added to our food supply has risen dramatically over the last 60 years. It can be impossible
to tell what is good for you and what isn’t.

Take these two yogurts for example. Both of these are labeled as healthy yet the Chobani brand
contains eight grams of sugar. The Fage total 0% Greek yogurt contains 29grams. As a frame of
reference the American Heart Association recommends we consume 5 – 8 grams of sugar per day. With
deceptive food marketing like this, it’s no surprise the average American now consumes 41grams of
sugar each day. With today’s modern diet being so full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, carbs and
preservatives, unless you are taking preventative measures gut yeast and leaky gut can happen to any of
us. The good news is once you fixed your fuel tank your entire body can naturally begin to perform
better. The first thing you may notice is your metabolism speeds up. You now digest food efficiently.
Imagine, no more food turning into ugly fat, no more cravings for bad food and your existing fat burned
into energy. As leaky gut retreats, many report a boost in libido as blood circulation is supported. Not to
mention when your tummy looks slimmer you feel sexier. Many skin problems clear up, digestion issues
become a thing of the past, and you think clear and have more energy without coffee. As now you
naturally get energy from foods, energy that yeast was previously stealing from you. It’s incredible just
how much more fulfilling our lives can be with a healthy gut. After all, your gut contains 60% of the cells
in your entire body. We all know an unhealthy gut can lead to weight gain, however, most have no idea
how many other problems can stem from there, Here is a list of common symptoms that can be relieved
by the gut yeast solution I am about to share with you. Fatigue, loss of energy, decreased libido,
sensitivity to food, chemicals or other allergens, upset bowels, toenail fungus, thrush, blowing and gas,
intestinal cramps, rectal itching, altered bowel function such as diarrhea or constipation, yeast
infections, frequent bladder infections, irritated bladder, thyroid dysfunction, irritability, inability to
concentrate, frequent allergies, chemical sensitivities and low immune function. The last one is
especially important. You see your digestive tract is also the home of your immune system. When it is
weakened so is your ability to combat sickness and disease. So if you found yourself getting sick more
often this could be why. And here’s something else interesting, in June of 2012 researchers found levels
of serotonin, the happy hormone that is responsible for your mood can be affected by yeast in your
digestive tract. When your stomach is clogged up with yeast, production of serotonin can slow down.
This can lead to depression, anxiety, anger, and feelings of loneliness. However, this finding does come
with some good news. The good news is that means you can be feeling dramatically better than you are
right now and it’s not a hard fix.

Now, you probably don’t want to imagine a life without sugar and I don’t blame you, I don’t either. I love
eating out at restaurants and a glass of smooth red wine. And I don’t think I can ever give up an
chocolate chip ice cream. Besides, while starving the yeast is an effective way to kill it this method can
take several months to notice any real effect. Instead, I am going to show you a dramatically more
effective solution that takes just a couple of minutes a day and allows your gut to run smoothly while
still eating the occasional treat, sweet, pizza or pasta. Before I do, it’s important I reveal to you my
fourth and final digestive destroyer, alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not turn to sugar in
your bloodstream. The reason alcohol is a digestive destroyer however is because it kills off the friendly
bacteria in your digestive tract. Have you ever noticed your carb or sugar cravings increase the day after
you had a drink or two? That’s because when your good bacteria are weaken the bad yeast begins to
thrive. This is why those who frequently drink alcohol are more often likely to be affected by gut yeast
and a leaky gut that can follow. Another thing that kills your good bacteria is antibiotics. You see the way
antibiotics work is by killing all of the bacteria in your system. If you take antibiotics then follow them
with a diet high in foods that make gut yeast thrive, it’s very common for the gut yeast to grow back
faster than your good bacteria. So, if you have taken antibiotics recently or frequently drink alcohol your
chances of gut yeast affecting you are greatly improved. Now again, the good news is you don’t have to
give up alcohol and you certainly shouldn’t stop taking antibiotics. Just know that if two of these things
are part of your life it’s even more critically important that you support and nourish your good bacteria
using the solution I am going to share with you now. Otherwise, your gut yeast can and will flourish
which can wreak havoc on your energy production, digestion, water balance and natural fat burning
mechanisms, not fun.

So now, I want to show you how to take care of this issue at its source. You see when most people
notice a health problem such a rash on your skin they try to treat where it appears. If we see acne or a
rash we apply an ointment or a cleanser. Suffering from indigestion, we take some sort of stomach
soother. Find yourself gaining weight, most try to eat less or burn it off with intense exercise. However,
all this is doing is treating the symptoms that’s why these fixes are often temporary. The acne or rash
may go away only to reappear later. Indigestion starts again with the next meal. We lose weight by
exercising but then our body makes more fat. It’s a never – ending cycle that can leave you frustrated
and feeling hopeless. With my patients I suggest something different. So if you only get one thing from
this report, let it be this, “Don’t treat the symptom, treat the source.” Unless you tackle your problem at
the source the symptom will only return and continue to bother you. However, when you address your
problem where it starts you can eliminate it completely and permanently. When you combat gut yeast
and leaky gut at their source your symptoms can begin to disappear on their own. You can get your body
back to the happy, healthy, thin, and energetic state that you’re meant to be in right now. And thanks to
advances in modern science it’s not that hard to do. Remember, all health begins in the gut. And just like
everything in life, the key here is proper balance. You don’t have to get rid of all the bad yeast.
Remember, a little down there is okay you just need to get the bacteria in your gut to the proper ratio of
80% good bacteria to 230% bad bacteria. That’s the tipping point when your gut begins to start turning
food into energy again. The cravings go away and your body starts getting the nutrients that you need to
perform at your best. Now again, you don’t have to completely stop eating sugars and sweeteners.
Actually, it probably wouldn’t help much if you did as the food corporation are just going to keep
sneaking them into your foods. However, I do recommend you cut down on sugars, sweeteners, and
foods containing preservatives whenever possible. That’s just good common sense.
And thanks to recent developments in biotechnology, there’s a solution to quickly balance your gut
while still enjoying the occasional dessert, cocktail or cheat day, it’s called probiotics. Probiotics are
beneficial good bacteria that go into your system and far outnumber the bad yeast. Now, it may come as
a surprise to hear me say this for as I said earlier, I tried probiotics to fix my digestive issues and they
were no help. I later found it was because I was making a critical mistake that was cancelling out their
effect. I am going to share with you the mistake I made in just a minute and this is important. Thousands
of people make the same mistake when trying probiotics. And if you tried them in the past and didn’t
feel an effect it could be because you made it also. You see, when you fight gut yeast correctly with
probiotics, the yeast then cannot grow. It’s like sending in billions of friendly troops to fight the war for
you. Probiotics were first discovered over 100 years ago by Elie Metchnikoff, a Nobel Prize winning
Russian biologist.

During the last couple of years, new studies at Harvard Medical School and John Hopkins University have
brought them into the spotlight. Many doctors are now saying that getting the correct amount daily is
more important than taking a multi-vitamin and for good reason. if having gut yeast is like having sand in
your fuel tank, having probiotics down there is like having ultra –premium fuel. Your entire system
begins to run more efficiently and the changes can be dramatic. Imagine feeling more energetic, being in
a better mood, and no longer relying on coffee. You’re now able to get energy from your food like your
body was designed as you digest easier and bathroom habits become more regular. That trouble areas
are targeted as metabolism return to its proper speed. A healthy metabolism targets those fat trouble
areas like love handles, your tummy, and waist hips and thighs which can be a welcome positive effect
from beneficial bacteria. One of the first things many of my clients tell me they notice is a new healthy
glow to their skin as when your gut is running properly so the cell regeneration is supported. You feel
the difference when you wake up in the morning and every time you look in the mirror.

I am not the only doctor who feels probiotics are the most important wellness discovery of our time. As
Dr. Michael McCann, M.D. physician and researcher puts it, “Probiotics will be to medicine in the 21 st
century as antibiotics and microbiology were in the 20th century. And as well noted wellness expert Dr.
Frank Lippmann has said, “What I love about quality probiotics is their almost miraculous ability to
transform sick people into healthy ones simply, quickly and effectively without drugs, negative side-
effects or dare I say it, much extra effort. And Dr. Mike Roussell, author of the “Six Pillar of Nutrition”,
“These bacteria have incredible abilities. Besides improving your digestive system they can impact your
immune system, influence the food you eat, improve blood sugar, and affect Leptin Sensitivity, a
hormone that regulates your appetite and metabolic rate. After all, considering your digestive tract
contains 60% of the cells in your body, it’s no surprise supporting those cells can make you feel like a
whole new person.

And here’s a letter I recently received from a patient named Holly Goodwin who’s a personal trainer in
New York City and used the probiotics I personally recommend Perfect Biotics to get her gut yeast under
control. “I am a 31-year old woman and I suffer with digestive problems for years as a result of extreme
dieting. As my body healed, bloating and constipation occurred as a result of being unkind to my body. I
tired countless teas, supplements, and probiotics to help but nothing worked. I never could have
imagined I that I would have been able to achieve a flat and healthy belly with just one simple pill. I am
so thankful to Probiotics America for providing me with helpful and comfortable digestion support.
I now recommend probiotics America to all my friends and clients. Thank you, I am your biggest fan.”

Now, let me share with you the mistake you must avoid with nourishing your gut with probiotics if you
want to five yourself the greatest chance of experiencing the full benefits. It’s the same mistake I made.
I tried to get my probiotics the wrong way. Remember those two yogurts I showed you earlier? I have
been told that yogurts were a good source of probiotics and I was mislead. As it turns out, even if they
do contain some beneficial bacteria, the added sugar will usually cancel out any positive effect. Many
companies are now labeling their yogurts as probiotics solutions, however be careful. Unless you’re
making yogurt yourself from scratch they could be hurting your digestion even further. And if it’s
pasteurized a process that’s’ designed to kill bacteria so the yogurt stays fresh longer then it’s even
more likely the good bacteria your body needs won’t be in there. Instead, I recommend you get your
probiotics in one of two other ways. Number one, eating kefirs or fermented vegetables like sauerkraut
and kimchi. If you can commit to three to four servings of these foods daily you’ll fill your gut with
enough beneficial bacteria to send gut yeast running. Number two, laboratory grade probiotics blends. I
say laboratory - grade because probiotics manufactured at the correct potency are like a silver stake to
the heart of gut yeast. However, as probiotics have gained popularity over the last two years, many
weak formulations have flooded the consumer market. Some own by the same large conglomerates that
make those sugar yogurts. These can come in the form of teas, shots. I have even seen manufacturers
claim to put probiotics into chocolate. What’s worse, are the many weak pill formulations. These can
provide a small boost and immune health to a small child, however most adults will see little to no
effect. You see, in order for probiotics to have any effect on your digestive health, they have to meet
three key criteria. Criteria of which as any probiotics researcher or scientist will tell you, 90% of over the
counter items claiming to be probiotics products, failed to meet.

Criteria number one, they must be able to get past your stomach acids and bile to populate your entire
digestive tract. Criteria number two, they must contain a large quantity of beneficial bacteria. Most
health practitioners now recommend consuming a minimum of 15 billion colony-forming units a day.
More if you regularly eat sugar foods, drink alcohol or have taken antibiotics recently. Criteria number
three, they must contain several unique strains of beneficial bacteria at least seven. Different probiotics
strains can have different positive benefits for your digestive system. So if you have tried probiotics and
haven’t had success it may just be because the supplement you tried got eaten by your stomach acids or
just didn’t contain enough clusters or strains to have any effect. When I began taking laboratory – grade
probiotics blend, I noticed an immediate and dramatic improvement in my digestion. I felt as though a
wave of relief came over me. I’d wake up every day expecting my symptoms to reappear yet they never
did. And since then I have held hundreds of patients that gain relief from digestive issues have more
energy, better mood, and be happier about their bodies all through the use of the simple solution that
takes just seconds a day. As Dr. Frank Lipman has said, “Just a few inexpensive capsules taken with
meals can help prevent and correct debilitating digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, colitis,
and irritable bowel syndrome.

Another 2007 study published in Pediatrics may make you smile. During the study, breast-feeding
mothers who took a daily probiotics supplement found their babies cried an average of 194 minutes less
than the group who didn’t. The study was done again in 2010 and the results were similar. It’s just one
more reason why I regularly encourage new moms to give probiotics a try. Fortunately, scientist have
now figured out how to put probiotics into a pill form so you can get your daily dose of healthy goodness
easily and conveniently. It used to be that probiotics supplements had to be refrigerated in order to
keep the bacteria alive. However, that is no longer necessary either. Scientist can now preserve them in
a freeze – dried solid state so you can store them without hassle, travel with them, and now have to
worry about them expiring too quickly. Best of all, scientist can now pack billions of organisms into one
tiny serving making it the fastest way to populate your gut with enough good bacteria to experience
dramatic results. So, really there is no reason not to give yourself this daily gift of good health.

Here’s what Amber from Portland, Oregon had to say after two weeks with supplementing the popular
probiotics, Perfect Biotics. “I tried Perfect Biotics after a nutrition coach suggested yeast could be the
reason I was having trouble losing weight. Since starting on them I no longer had the gross feeling in my
tummy after eating and my trips to the bathroom have become more regular. My bathing suit seems to
fit better and my husband even commented my tummy looks slimmer. I never thought one little thing
could make me feel so good.” Isn’t that amazing? I hear stories like this every single day. Like this one
from Greg in Forth Worth. “I recently turned 35 and couldn’t figure out why I was still having breakouts.
What the heck, I’m too old for this.”The creams and soaps didn’t help. I’d still have at least one big fat
annoying zip on my face at all times. I started taking probiotics to make my bathroom tips better within
two weeks, the zits were gone, and they haven’t come back. I am loving this.” And that’s just the start of
what probiotics can do for your health. Again, when choosing a probiotics supplement it’s important to
know what to look for. Most experts will tell you to get supplements that offer at least 10 different
strains includes lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium two super strains proven to be more
effective than many other strains combined. Contains at least 10 billion active bacteria per capsule.
Since I put this presentation together, I’ve gotten hundreds of letters from people asking me which
probiotics supplement I personally take and recommend.

So in January of 2015 I decided to do one better. I’d like to introduce you to a colleague of mine, Dr.
Gregory J. Leyer, PhD. Dr. Leyer has dedicated his entire adult life to the science of probiotics having
researched probiotics strains and their benefit for the last 20 years. He’s published numerous studies on
their effects and he’s best known for his 2009 study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics in
which he proved probiotics to aid in reducing instances and durations of fever in children aged three to
five years old. It was Dr. Leyer who guided me to the specific type of probiotics that was right form my
system and now I am pleased to be able to offer you the same opportunity. I am teamed up with Dr.
Leyer to create a new breakthrough probiotics blend that we truly believe to be the most potent and
effective in the world. When we created it we took an approach that has not been done before. First, we
assembled a team of researchers to pour through all 297 human clinical trials that have been done with
probiotics evaluating which strains had the biggest effect on different types of digestive issues. We
discovered which strain would show the most promise to support against obesity? Which supported
immune strength? Which supported against food sensitivity? Irritative intestines and colon and which
were most likely to support regular bathroom habits. We even located one strain that dramatically
reduced cases of diarrhea in adults taking antibiotics. By the time we were finished we have identified
15 super strains that appear to have incredible potency. While most blends on the market today will
contain five to seven strains, we decided to use all 15 in our laboratory –grade blend. The next step was
formulating them in an amount that would stop gut yeast from leaking or even growing in the first place.
We knew this would help our patients kick their sugar cravings. So without even trying, they would
better their diets and hopefully lose weight. So instead of using the recommended 10 billion colony
forming units, we combined these 15 strains into 30 billion colony-forming units, triple the amount
recommended by most doctors. Why do we make ours this powerful, the reasons are simple.

Number one, you cannot take too many probiotics. The more beneficial bacteria you put in your fuel
tank, the more health, and energy support it can give you. Number two, if gut yeast is overgrowing or
leaked, it takes a lot of beneficial bacteria to balance it out. It’s important to us that our patients
experience results in a matter of days not weeks. We know how ugly it can make you feel when gut
yeast is sucking the energy from your body so we formulated our blend to give you relief as quickly as
biologically possible and we did not stop there. We then set out to package this laboratory – grade
formula into a vegetarian capsule that was not only allergen – free, glucose - free, kosher and lactose -
free but would also allow the beneficial bacteria to get past your stomach acids and bile to populate
your entire GI tract combating gut yeast in any area it can be affecting. Seven different capsules were
tested before we found a winner and once we did, we decided to package it in a stay – fresh glass bottle
to ensure no dangerous chemicals made their way into the outsides of the pills. This is very common
with pills stored in plastic bottles and not a risk we wanted to take when it comes to a daily supplement
so critical to digestive health. We call the end result Perfect Biotics. Complete digestive relief.

You may have heard of Perfect Biotics as its already helped literally thousands of people just like you
improved the quality of their lives through better supported digestion and immune function. Each
capsule is engineered to give your gut the beneficial bacteria support it needs to quickly eliminate gut
yeast and keep bad fungi’s from coming back. Digest food cleanly and efficiently so you get the nutrients
you need from your food and the bad stuff is filtered out. Metabolize food properly and start turning
food into energy not fat. Balanced bowel movements and support regularity targeting IBS, indigestion,
heartburn, bloating, gas, cramps, and constipation. Give your immune system the ultimate support in
fighting off sickness and disease, combat yeast infections, fungal infections and fungal – related skin
problems. Support proper sleep cycles and promote healthy circulation eliminating brain fog, improving
concentration and supporting healthy serotonin production for better moods. There is no other
probiotics on the market engineered to be this effective and we are very proud of it. The results our
clients have speak for themselves. Here’s a story from Wendy in Minneapolis.

“As a working mother of two, I had no energy after long days at the office and then helping the kids with
their homework. I had no time for myself and didn’t feel present with my family. I started taking Perfect
Biotics and it was like a new me appeared. I now wake up with more energy and I have been jogging at
least three times a week. I feel stronger and more energized all day long. I no longer feel like I need
coffee to make it through the day. Best of all, I am better enjoying my time with my kids feeling present
and grateful. Thank you Perfect Biotics for giving me my life back.”

There is one other important factor that makes probiotics America’s Perfect Biotics unique and that is
third – party testing. Every batch of Perfect Biotics is tested twice for effectiveness once by our in –
house of Probiotic America and again by an independent third party ensuring your Perfect Biotics are
free from outside toxins and will perform at full potency. We see every bottle of Perfect Biotics as a
representation of Probiotic America. So for any reason a batch fails to meet our regular standards, it will
not make it to you. When we first created Perfect Biotics, we did so for our private nutrition clients.
They begin to tell their family and friends and it wasn’t long before we were getting inquiries for Perfect
Biotics from all across the world. Despite this, our unique formula is not easy to produce in mass
quantity. As it is engineered from actual living bacteria, the strains must be grown. It takes six weeks to
grow from start to finish that strains that make up each capsule of Perfect Biotics. Due to these
productions constraints, Perfect Biotics has never been made available to the public before. Yet finally,
after many months of searching, we found a process to produce Perfect Biotics to our rigorous
standards in a quantity that allows us to release a small quantity to the public for the very first time.

On that note, I along with my colleagues here at Probiotic America, would like to invite you to try Perfect
Biotics for yourself. When we’re at the capacity to sell in stores, Perfect Biotics will retail for $69.95 for a
30 –day supply. But since you stumbled across this special presentation, we’d like to invite you to try
Perfect Biotics at a special rate for new customers only. Because we want as many people as possible to
try Perfect Biotics, and experience the benefits for themselves, we decided for the next 24 hours only to
and for those who purchased through this presentation only to allow you to try Perfect Biotics for just
$39.95. you get an instant savings of 42%. So click on the link below to try Perfect Biotics today. Again,
this offer is only available to new customers who get Perfect Biotics through this presentation and for
the next 24 hours or while supplies last. When the first batch is sold out, we will remove this offer and
Perfect Biotics will return to its regular price moving forward. Right now, you pay just $1.33 a day to give
yourself the gift of a healthy properly functioning digestive system that makes you look and feel great.
That’s a whole lot less than buying a green juice every day. And the health benefits are not only more
widespread but more measureable. I don’t know about you, but the stores around here charge 8 or 9
bucks for one of those veggie concoctions. And hey, I know it’s good for me but wouldn’t you rather
spend your money on something that allows you to see and feel the difference? That’s why I am so
excited for you to try Perfect Biotics and wonder why you never felt so good before. Imagine waking up
with more energy, no more being a victim to cravings that aren’t yours, no longer having to worry about
indigestion after you eat. Imagine what regular bathroom habits, skin problems fading away and feeling
fresher, more energized, more alive. Your concentration feels heightened, you feel smarter, more
productive and more creative. Many patients report the real magic begins after a couple of weeks.
That’s when the yeast is in fast withdrawal and your new clean system can start to experience improved
metabolism burning that ugly fat into energy. Your tummy looks trimmer and you feel like a whole new
you. That’s why we designed Perfect Biotics to do for you. Oh, and it’s also why my wife and I don’t ever
let a day go by without taking it ourselves. We are so confident that you will love Perfect Biotics and that
you will feel a noticeable improvements within just days of getting started. We’d like to invite you to
take this challenge. Simply try Perfect Biotics for 60 days. If you don’t notice you’re feeling more
energized, experiencing gentler digestion, increased metabolism and less craving for sweets, simply
return the unused portion and we will refund every cent of your money. We’ll even honor this challenge
if you return the empty bottles. We feel you need to give it a least a month to work it’s full range of
magic so we want you to use it all. That’s how confident we are, you’ll love the way it makes you look
and feel. This 60 – day full money back guarantee allows you to try Perfect Biotics totally risk free. Here’s
how to get started.

When you click on the button below, you’ll be taken to our secure server which is 228 bit SSL encrypted
for your total security. If you see the Perfect Biotics package options that means we still have some of
the supply and the offer is still available. Select the package that is right for you and then fill out the
shipping and payment information on the next page. Your order will leave our laboratory within 24
hours or sometimes on the same day. Each bottle is fresh sealed for potency. You’ll be enjoying Perfect
Biotics within a few short days. So click on the button below and let’s get started. Remember, you must
act quickly as this new customer offer will not be around for long, so don’t delay. There is no investment
on the planet that gives you a bigger return than investing in your health. Oh, and another benefit of
Perfect Biotics is you begin to save on food costs as you no longer need those sugary snacks or feel the
need to eat as much as you are now only eating for yourself. It’s easy to see how Perfect Biotics pays for

Okay it’s time to wrap this up. Before I go, I feel it’s important we cover one more thing. I feel it’s
important we talk about the cost of not taking care of your digestive tract because unfortunately, this
isn’t a problem that fixes itself. Unless you are willing to make a serious change to your diet it’s likely any
fungal overgrowth you are experiencing will continue to worsen causing you misery that I feel is just
unnecessary, yet far too many people allow it to happen. While there is no direct proof that gut yeast
causes cancer a 1992 study of autopsies of leukemia victims discover 25% of them had huge amounts of
yeast in their body. Many experts now also believe gust yeast is responsible for the rise in diabetes in
the U.S. Diabetes is caused by excess sugar consumption and a person who is under control of gut yeast
can consume 5 to 10 cups of sugar every single day. Do you know how many cups of sugar you are
consuming per day now? If not, I suggest you try to measure. Our bodies were never designed to take in
a lot of sugar and that’s what makes gut yeast so scary. Think of it like the mould you can get in the walls
of your home if you’re not careful. Once it’s there it doesn’t go away on its own especially not if you
feed it. That’s why it’s critical you get this handled now before it gets any worse. Fortunately the
solution is easy and once you try it I promise you you’ll be so happy you did. As Dr. Anthony Komaroff,
Harvard medical School Professor and editor and chief of the bestselling book, “The Harvard Medical
School Family Health Guide” recently said, “The research on probiotics has been promising.
Potential benefits have been seen in the treatment or prevention of diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome,
h. pylori (the cause of ulcers), vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, infection of the gut caused by
C. difficile.” Imagine no more of that tired feeling after meals. No more annoying trips to the bathroom
and see if you also find yourself sleeping better and waking more rested ready to take on the world.
Weight often begins to fall off as your metabolism is fully supported and instead of craving bad food,
you find yourself craving healthy foods that make you feel great. See if you also notice your skin feeling
fresher as solar generation is now fully supported as your body now better bring the nutrients from your
food into your skin and everywhere else, your body needs them. Many of our long –time clients reports
a boost in libido and not just because they feel slimmer and sexier. So try Perfect Biotics now totally risk
free, you have nothing to lose. I want you to experience all this for yourself and you really have to feel it
to believe it. If for any reason you don’t, simply give us a call. Our toll – free number is at the top of the
screen. You can also dial that number to place your order by phone. It is our pleasure to bring Perfect
Biotics to you and I hope you will take this opportunity now and get started at a huge savings off the
regular price. Think about it. What is a better investment that the health of you and your family?
Without our health, it’s hard to enjoy anything else. As Dr. Frank Lippin recently said, “Probiotics
produce immunity boosting chemicals and kill off invading pathogens. They help protect against
stomach ulcers, food poisoning, lactose intolerance, yeast overgrowth, yeast infections, harmful
bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They even help improve your skin’s health and appearance. How many
things can do all that? Is short, probiotics offer a massive bang for your health buck. So do all you can to
help them flourish. So clink on the link below and give Perfect Biotics a try. Soon you’ll be looking back
on this day as the end of your digestive worries and you’d be very glad you did.

Still here? Okay, that’s probably because you have some questions, totally common. So I wanted to take
a minute and answer a few of those questions you may be having now. Question, are there any side
effects? Well, unless you call feeling great the answer is no. Probiotics are composed of entirely of
beneficial bacteria. If gut yeast is the bad guy, then these are the good guys. They can only help your
system and with our kosher, gluten-free allergen, free capsules you can take them no matter you’re
dietary restrictions. Question, do I have to refrigerate them? Nope. Biotics are freeze-dried in a solid
state and will stay that way until you ingest them. You can travel with them or mail them to a friend with
no hassles. Question, how long does it take to get rid of the fungus and when will I know it’s gone?
Everyone’s gut is different but we feel you should give Perfect Biotics at least 30 days to work it’s full
magic and some folks really start to feel better after 60 days. You’ll know it’s gone when you no longer
feel those nagging cravings. You save money by eating less and stay a whole lot healthier as well.
Question, do I have to take it with a meal? Men of our clients like to take them at breakfast as the
healthiest way to start your day but no meal is necessary. And in the event you miss a dose, don’t worry
just proceed as normal the next day.

And here’s a question from Susan in Rochester, New York., “Hi, I have been taking probiotics for four
months now and in just the last month, I have lost a lot of weight. IS this normal?” Great question Susan.
We don’t recommend Perfect Biotics as a weight lost cure simply because only around 70% of our
clients end up losing weight when they it and it doesn’t always happen right away as you’ve seen. Bad
yeast can reside quite deep in the gut and sometimes it takes a while before your metabolism speeds
up. When your metabolism does speed up you can expect to see the weight fall off for two reasons; the
more the food you eat burns into energy and your body now wants foods that are easy to turn into
energy so you begin to crave healthy foods. Often times these two things combine can result in a
slimmer feeling belly and lost pant or dress sizes. It’s totally normal and we receive a lot of letters like
this. Enjoy.
And here’s one from Lawrence in Dallas. “I have been on the Perfect Biotics protocol for one month. The
first week I didn’t feel anything and thought it was a scam but then something funny started to happen. I
started getting sexually turned on by just the smallest sight of a woman, which may sound normal to
you, but I am 74- years old. It may sound small to you but it made me feel like a youngster again. I am
enjoying this. Thank you.” Hey Lawrence, congrats on feeling younger, healthier, and it sounds like
happier. It’s no surprise to me that you are starting to feel those urges as often times when you’re
digestive tract begins performing at its peak your other organs follow suit. You see those other organs of
yours get their strength for your food. These include your reproductive organs, heart, liver, lungs and of
course the biggest organ in your body, your skin. It’s amazing the changes that can happen once you
allow your body to get the nutrients it needs and opens up the path to distributing them to the right
places. Many report feeling 10 years younger and it sounds like you’re on the path.

Next question, Jerry in San Diego wants to know, “Can I get Perfect Biotics to my children?” The answer
here is yes. We all know how hard it can be to get our children to eat healthy so I consider Perfect
Biotics an excellent way to ensure your kids are getting at least the digestive and immune support they
need. Since 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, it makes sense that kids who take Perfect
Biotics would get less sick often and miss less school. It’s a great habit to start your kids on and a good
way to teach your kids about the importance of taking care of your body so they go on to live a long and
healthy life. I highly recommend it.

And the last question, “Can I buy Perfect Biotics in the store?” the answer to this one is no. We deliver
Perfect Biotics straight to you the consumer cutting out the middleman so you save money. And now
with our special new customer offer, you can get them at the lowest possible prize. Best of all, when you
get them through this offer you’ll be grandfathered in at this price even if we have to raise cost in the
future. So what are you waiting for? Click on the button below and place your order now. And let me be
the first to welcome you to the Perfect Biotics family and congratulate you on the wise decision to invest
in your new, healthier life.


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