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Ranker Test Schedule

Test Date Day TOPIC

Physics - Units & Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line

Chemistry - Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
UT -1 25-05-2024 Saturday
Botany - Cell: The Unit of Life
Zoology - Structural Organisation in Animals - Animal Tissues

Physics - Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion

Chemistry - Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
UT -2 08-06-2024 Saturday
Botany - Cell Cycle and Cell Divison, The Living World
Zoology - Biomolecules, Breathing and Exchange of Gases

PT-1 29-06-2024 Saturday Test on Topics covered in Test -1 & Test -2

Physics - Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Chemistry - Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics
Botany - Biological Classification, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of
UT -3 17-08-2024 Saturday
Flowering Plants
Zoology - Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their Elimination,
Locomotion and Movement, Neural Control and Coordination

Physics - Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Chemistry - Equilibrium
UT -4 07-09-2024 Saturday Botany - Plant Kingdom, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Zoology - Chemical Coordination and Integration, Animal Kingdom- General Account
and Non-Chordates

PT-2 21-09-2024 Saturday Test on Topics covered in Test -3 & Test -4

CT-1 05-10-2024 Saturday Test on Topics covered in Test -1 to Test -3

Physics - Thermal Properties of Ma er,Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory

Chemistry - Redox Reactions, The p-Block Elements (XI)
UT-5 23-11-2024 Saturday Botany - Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development
Zoology - Animal Kingdom (General Account & Chordates), Structural Organisation in
Animals - Animal Morphology

Physics - Oscillations, Waves

Chemistry - Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons
UT-6 14-12-2024 Saturday Botany - Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development
Zoology - Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products
and their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement, Neural Control and Coordination

PT-3 02-01-2025 Thursday Test on Topics covered in Test -5 & Test -6

CT-2 04-01-2025 Saturday Test on Topics covered in Test - 4 to Test - 6

FST-1 11-01-2025 Saturday Complete Syllabus Test - NEET Pa ern (Class XI)

FST-2 18-01-2025 Saturday Complete Syllabus Test - NEET Pa ern (Class XI)

FST-3 25-01-2025 Saturday Complete Syllabus Test - NEET Pa ern (Class XI)

UT- Unit Test | PT- Part Test | CT- Cumulative Test | FST- Full Syllabus Test
The Schedule for 2nd Year (Class XII) shall be provided in April, 2025
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Units & Measurements:- Introduction, International system of units, Measurement of length, Mass,
1 Physics Daily Test-1
Time, Accuracy, Precision of instruments, Errors in measurements.

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:- Importance of chemistry, Nature of ma er, Properties of

ma er and their measurement: Mass and weight, volume, density, temperature, Uncertainty in
measurement, Scientific notation, Multiplication and division, Addition and subtraction, Significant
2 Chemistry Daily Test-1 figures, Dimensional analysis, Laws of chemical combination: Law of conservation of mass, Law of
definite proportions, Law of multiple proportions, Gay Lussac's law of gaseous volumes, Avogadro
law, Dalton's atomic theory, Atomic and molecular masses: Atomic mass, Average atomic mass,
Molecular mass, Formula mass.

Cell: The Unit of Life:- Introduction, What is a cell?, Cell theory, An overview of cell, Prokaryotic
3 Botany Daily Test-1 cell-structure, Gram staining, Eukaryotic cell structure, Di erence between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell, di erence between plant cell and animal cell.

Structural Organisation in Animals–Animal Tissues:- Epithelial Tissue: General features,

4 Zoology Daily Test-1 Basement membrane, Types of Epithelial tissues-Simple, Compound Epithelium, specialized
epithelial tissues, glandular epithelium, Types of simple & compound gland.

5 Physics Daily Test-2 Units & Measurements:- Significant figures.

6 Chemistry Daily Test-2 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:- Mole concept.

Cell: The Unit of Life:- Plasma membrane, Cell wall, endomembrane system– endoplasmic
7 Botany Daily Test-2
reticulum, golgi body, Lysosome, Vacuole

Structural Organisation in Animals–Animal Tissues:- Connective Tissue: Connective tissue proper,

Loose connective tissue, Dense connective tissues- characters with examples. Supportive connective
tissue: Cartilage, Types of cartilage-Hyaline, Elastic, white fibrocartilage & Calcified cartilage,
8 Zoology Daily Test-2
Supportive Connective Tissue: Bone, its structure & composition, Types of bones: Compact bone,
Spongy bone, Di erences between cartilage & bone: Dried bone & decalcified bone. Cartilage,
Investing bone, Sesamoid bone and Visceral bone.

Units & Measurements:- Dimensions of physical quantities, Dimensional formula & dimensional
9 Physics Daily Test-3
equations, Dimensional analysis and its applications.

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:- Percentage composition, Empirical formula, Stoichiometry

10 Chemistry Daily Test-3
and Stoichiometric calculations.

11 Botany Daily Test-3 Cell: The Unit of Life:- ; Mitochondria, Plastid. Ribosome, Cytoskeleton
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Structural Organisation in Animals–Animal Tissues:- Muscular Tissue: Types of Muscles: Striated

and non-striated/Smooth muscles (Single unit & Multiunit smooth muscles; Cardiac muscle), Nervous
12 Zoology Daily Test-3
Tissue: Structure of neuron and its parts, Di erent types of neuron; Myelinated & Nonmyelinated
neurons, Neuroglia cells-Types of glial cells.

Motion in a Straight Line:- Introduction, Position, Path length and displacement, Average velocity
13 Physics Daily Test-4
& average speed.

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:- Calculations regarding limiting reagents, Reactions in

14 Chemistry Daily Test-4
solutions: Mass percentage or weight percentage, Mole-fraction, Molarity, Molality.

Cell: The Unit of Life:- Centrosome and centrioles, Cilia and flagella, Nucleus, Chromosomes,
15 Botany Daily Test-4

Biomolecules:- Primary and secondary metabolites, Carbohydrates, Saccharides,

Monosaccharides, Triose, Pentose, Hexose, Heptose, Derivatives of monosaccharides,
16 Zoology Daily Test-4
Oligosaccharides, Functions of small carbohydrates, Polysaccharides-homopolysaccharides &
heteropolysaccharides storage & structural polysaccharides.

Motion in a Straight Line:- Di erential calculus, Integral calculus, Applications of calculus, Graphs
17 Physics Daily Test-05
(slope, area etc.), Instantaneous velocity & speed, acceleration.

Structure of Atom:- Sub-atomic particles: Discovery of electron, Charge to mass ratio of electron,
Charge on electron, Discovery of proton and neutron. Thomson model of atom, Rutherford's nuclear
model of atom, Atomic and Mass number, Isobars and isotopes, Particle nature of electromagnetic
18 Chemistry Daily Test-5 radiation: Plank's quantum theory, Photoelectric e ect, Dual behaviour of electromagnetic
radiation, Emission and absorption spectra, Line spectrum of hydrogen, Bohr's model for hydrogen
atom, Explanation of Bohr's model, Dual behaviour of ma er, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle,
Significance of uncertainty principle, Reason for the failure of the Bohr model.

Cell Cycle & Cell Division:- Introduction, Cell cycle–phases of cell cycle, Mitosis–definition,
19 Botany Daily Test-5
Karyokinesis, cytokinesis, significance, Meiosis–definition.

Biomolecules:- Aminoacids: Structure, types, Polar, Non polar, acidic, basic, neutral, alcoholic
aromatic, heterocyclic, functions of amino acids. Peptide bond formation, Structure of protein-
Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, Properties of protein; Types of proteins and their functions,
20 Zoology Daily Test-5
Lipids: Structure and classification of lipids, simple lipids, conjugated lipids, derived lipids, functions of
lipids, Nitrogenous bases, nucleosides, nucleotides, higher nucleotides, types of nucleotides,
functions of nucleotides, Nucleic acid-DNA, RNA structure, types of it and function

21 Physics Daily Test-6 Motion in a Straight Line:- Kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion.

Structure of Atom:- Quantum mechanics, Hydrogen atom and the Schrodinger equation, Orbitals
22 Chemistry Daily Test-6 and Quantum numbers, Shapes of atomic orbitals, Energies of orbitals, Filling of orbitals in atom:
Aufbau principle.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

23 Botany Daily Test-6 Cell Cycle & Cell Division:- Meiosis-I, Meiosis-II, significance of meiosis.

Biomolecules:- Enzymes: Importance, activation energy, chemical nature, active site, Classes of
enzymes: Oxidoreductase, Transferase, Hydrolase, Lyase, Isomerase, Ligase; Properties of enzymes,
24 Zoology Daily Test-6 Working of enzymes-Lock & Key model, Induce fit theory, Enzymes: Factors a ecting the enzyme
activity: substrate concentration, Km value, Product concentration, Temperature, pH; Enzyme
inhibition-competitive, Non competitive, Allosteric enzymes, Isoenzymes and proenzymes.

25 Physics Daily Test-7 Motion in a Straight Line:- Motion under gravity.

Structure of Atom:- Pauli exclusion principle, Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity, Electronic
26 Chemistry Daily Test-7
configuration of atoms, Stability of completely filled and half filled sub-shells.

The Living World:- Introduction, What is living?, Characteristics of living beings, Diversity in the
27 Botany Daily Test-7
living world, Nomenclature, Need for classification, Classification -Taxonomy, Systematics.

Breathing & Exchange of Gases:- Respiratory passage, structure of larynx, sound production,
28 Zoology Daily Test-7
lungs, pleurae, external structure of lungs, Internal structure, alveoli.

29 Physics Daily Test-8 Motion in a Straight Line:- Relative velocity.

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties:- Genesis of periodic classification, Modern

periodic law and the present form of the periodic table. Nomenclature of elements with atomic
30 Chemistry Daily Test-8
numbers > 100, Electronic configurations in periods, Groupwise electronic configuration, s, p, d & f-
block elements, Metals, Non-metals and metalloids.

The Living World:- Taxonomic categories, Taxonomical aids- Herbarium, Botanical gardens,
31 Botany Daily Test-8
Museum, Zoological parks, Key, Flora, Manual, Monographs, Catalogues.

Breathing & Exchange of Gases:- Mechanism of breathing-Inspiration, expiration, thoracic &

32 Zoology Daily Test-8
abdominal breathing, Respiratory/Pulmonary volumes/ Respiratory capacities.

Motion in a Plane:- Introduction, Scalars & Vectors, Multiplication of vectors by real numbers,
33 Physics Daily Test-9
Addition & subtraction of vectors, Resolution of vectors.

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties:- Trends in physical properties: Atomic

radius, Ionic radius, Ionisation enthalpy, Electron gain enthalpy, Electronegativity, Periodic trends in
34 Chemistry Daily Test-9
chemical properties: Oxidation states, Anomalous properties of second period elements. Periodic
trends and chemical reactivity.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Biological Classification:- Introduction, Kingdom system of classification- two kingdom, three

35 Botany Daily Test-9 kingdom, four kingdom, five kingdom, Six kingdom, Domains of life, Kingdom Monera- Characters of
monera, Shape of bacteria, Bacterial Life process - Respiration, Nutrition.

Breathing & Exchange of Gases:- Exchange of gases between alveoli & blood; exchange of gases
between blood & tissue cells, Transport of oxygen, Bohr’s e ect; Transport of carbon dioxide, Chloride
36 Zoology Daily Test-9 shift (Hamburger’s phenomenon), Haldane e ect, Regulation of respiration: Neural regulation,
chemical regulation, Respiratory disorders, Bronchitis, Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational
respiratory disorder.

37 Physics Daily Test-10 Motion in a Plane:- Motion in plane, Motion in a plane with constant acceleration.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:- Kossel-Lewis approach to chemical bonding, Octet
38 Chemistry Daily Test-10 rule, Covalent bond, Lewis representation of simple molecules, Formal charge, Limitations of octet
rule: Incomplete octet of the central atom, odd-electron molecule, The expanded octet.

Biological Classification:- Reproduction- Asexual, Sexual recombination, Economic importance of

39 Botany Daily Test-10 bacteria, Archaebacteria-methanogens, halophiles, thermoacidophiles, Eubacteria –
Cyanobacteria, Mycoplasma.

Body Fluids & Circulation:- Fluid connective tissue–Blood & composition of blood-blood cells &
40 Zoology Daily Test-10
plasma, blood coagulation, clo ing factors, lymph.

41 Physics Daily Test-11 Motion in a Plane:- Relative velocity in two dimensions.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:- Ionic or electrovalent bond, La ice enthalpy bond
parameters: Bond length, Bond angles, Bond enthalpy, Bond-order, Resonance structures, Polarity
42 Chemistry Daily Test-11 of bonds: Dipole moment, Percentage ionic character, The valence shell electron pair repulsion
theory, Valence bond theory: Orbital overlap concept, Directional properties of bonds, Overlapping
of atomic orbitals.

Biological Classification:- Protista-General characters, Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates, Euglenoids,

43 Botany Daily Test-11
Slime moulds, Protozoans-major groups with some salient features.

Body Fluids & Circulation:- Circulatory pathways, Human circulatory system-external structure of
44 Zoology Daily Test-11
heart, Internal structure-Atria, Ventricle, Valves, Histology of heart wall, working of heart.

Motion in a Plane:- Projectile motion – Equation of path of projectile. Maximum height of

45 Physics Daily Test-12
projectile, Horizontal range of projectile. Time of flight

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:- Types of overlapping and nature of covalent bonds.
46 Chemistry Daily Test-12 Strength of s & p-bonds, Hybridisation: Features and conditions, Types of hybridisation: sp, sp2, sp3,
dsp2, sp3d, sp3d2 and hybridisation.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Biological Classification:- Fungi-general characters, Reproduction in fungi, Characters of di erent

47 Botany Daily Test-12 classes of fungi - Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Salient features of Agaricus &
Puccinia, Deuteromycetes

Body Fluids & Circulation:- Cardiac cycle, Heart sounds, conducting system of heart, ECG-Normal
48 Zoology Daily Test-12
ECG & changes as indication of heart diseases.

49 Physics Daily Test-13 Motion in a Plane:- Uniform circular motion.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:- Molecular orbital theory: Features, Linear
combination of atomic orbitals, Conditions for the combination of atomic orbitals, Types of molecular
50 Chemistry Daily Test-13
orbitals, Energy level diagram for molecular orbitals, Electronic configuration and molecular
behaviour, Bonding in some homonuclear diatomic molecules, Hydrogen bonding.

Biological Classification:- Virus–introduction, discovery, structural components, Structure of some

51 Botany Daily Test-13 viruses (TMV, bacteriophages), Reproduction in virus, Diseases, Sub-viral agents – Viroids, Virusoids,
Prions; Lichens, Mycorrhiza.

Body Fluids & Circulation:- Double circulation, heart beat, regulation of heart beat- Neural
regulation, hormonal regulation, Blood Vessels-Aorta, Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules,
52 Zoology Daily Test-13
Veins, Vena Cava, Lymphatic system, Disorders of circulatory system-Hypertension, Coronary
artery diseases, Angina, Heart failure.

Law of Motion:- Introduction, Aristotle's fallacy, The law of inertia, Newton's first law of motion,
53 Physics Daily Test-14
Momentum, Conservation of momentum (Rocket Propulsion).

Thermodynamics:- Thermodynamic terms: System and surroundings, Types of system, The state
54 Chemistry Daily Test-14 of the system, The internal energy as a state function: Work & Heat, First law of thermodynamics,
Isothermal and free expansion of an ideal gas. Extensive and intensive properties.

Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Introduction, Root–types, function, regions, modifications,

55 Botany Daily Test-14
Introduction of stem, bud, function of stem, modification of stem.

Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Mode of excretion- Ammonotelism, Ureotelism,

56 Zoology Daily Test-14 uricotelism (brief account), Di erent types of excretory structures in various animals, Human
excretory system-structure of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder.

57 Physics Daily Test-15 Law of Motion:- Newton's 2nd law of motion.

Thermodynamics:- Heat capacity, Relation between Cv & Cp for an ideal gas; Calorimetry, enthalpy
58 Chemistry Daily Test-15 and thermochemical equation. Hess's law of constant heat summation, Enthalpy of combustion,
Atomization, Bond-dissociation, Solution, La ice and neutralisation.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Leaf–introduction, parts, venation, types (simple and

59 Botany Daily Test-15 compound leaf), Leaf-Phyllotaxy, Modifications, Inflorescence – racemose and cymose, Flowers-
terminology, symmetry.

Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Nephron: Structure including glomerulus, Bowman's
60 Zoology Daily Test-15
capsule, PCT, Loop of Henle & DCT; and its types i.e., cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.

61 Physics Daily Test-16 Law of Motion:- Newton's third law of motion, Equilibrium of a particle.

Thermodynamics:- Spontaneity and entropy, Second law of thermodynamics, Free energy change
62 Chemistry Daily Test-16
and criteria for spontaneity, Third law of thermodynamics.

Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Position of floral parts on thalamus, parts of flower (calyx and
63 Botany Daily Test-16 corolla), aestivation, Androecium- adhesion, cohesion; Gynoecium, Placentation, Fruits–parts,
types, edible parts.

Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Urine formation: Glomerular filtration- Structure of
Malpighian body, Ultra filtration mechanism, glomerular filtration rate, filteration fraction,
64 Zoology Daily Test-16
autoregulation of glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption & secretion, countercurrent

65 Physics Daily Test-17 Law of Motion:- Common forces in mechanics.

Equilibrium:- Chemical equilibrium: Liquid-vapour, Solid-liquid and solid-vapour equilibria, General

characteristics of equilibria involving physical and chemical process, Law of chemical equilibrium and
equilibrium constant, Application of equilibrium constants. Predicting the extent and the direction of
66 Chemistry Daily Test-17
reactions. Calculating equilibrium concentrations, Relationship between equilibrium constant,
Reaction quotient and Gibb's energy, Change in concentration, pressure, temperature and e ect of
catalyst and e ect of addition of inert gas.

Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Structure of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous seed,

67 Botany Daily Test-17
Families– brassicaceae, fabaceae, solanaceae, liliaceae.

Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Regulation of kidney function: Osmoregulation, control
68 Zoology Daily Test-17 by juxta glomerular apparatus, Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) Atrial Natriuretic
factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus.

69 Physics Daily Test-18 Law of Motion:- Friction.

Equilibrium:- Acids bases: Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concepts, Ionisation of acids and
70 Chemistry Daily Test-18 bases, Ionisation constant of water and its ionic product, The pH scale, ionisation constants of
weak acids and weak bases, Relation between Ka and Kb. Di and Polybasic acid and bases.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Tissue, meristematic tissue - characters, types, shoot and root apex
organisation, Primary permanent tissues i.e., parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma w.r.t.
71 Botany Daily Test-18 nature, distribution, cell wall and cell structure and functions, Complex permanent tissue-Xylem -
components of xylem and their structures, Primary and secondary xylem, primary xylem–
protoxylem and metaxylem.

Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Urine: Its composition, micturition mechanism, role of
72 Zoology Daily Test-18 other organs like, kidney, lungs, liver and skin in excretion. Disorders-uremia, renal failure, renal
calculi, nephritis. Dialysis and artificial kidneys & kidney transplantation.

73 Physics Daily Test-19 Law of Motion:- Circular motion.

Equilibrium:- Factors a ecting acid and bases - Strength, Common ion e ect in the ionisation of
74 Chemistry Daily Test-19
acids and bases, Bu er solution, Salt hydrolysis and solubility product.

Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Phloem- components, types of phloem (on the basis of position
75 Botany Daily Test-19
and origin), Tissue system - epidermal, ground and vascular; Types of vascular bundles.

Locomotion & Movement:- Types of movements: Ciliary, protoplasmic streaming, flagellar,

muscular; Types of muscles and their structures. Muscle contraction-structure of contractile
proteins-actin, myosin, troponin and tropomyosin. Mechanism of muscle contraction-Sliding
filament theory, role of calcium and regulatory proteins, power stroke, role of ATP, various stages in
76 Zoology Daily Test-19
cross bridge formation & break down, Properties of muscle contraction: All or none principle, single
muscle twitch, energy source of muscle contraction, Cori’s cycle, Rigor mortis, red and white muscle
fibres, Isometric and isotonic contraction. Treppe or staircase phenomenon, disorders of muscles-
Myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, tetany.

Work, Energy & Power:- Introduction, Scalar Product. Notions of work & kinetic energy, Work, Kinetic
77 Physics Daily Test-20
energy, Work done by a variable force, work energy theorem

Redox Reactions:- Classification idea of redox reactions, Redox reactions in terms of electron
transfer reactions, Competitive electron transfer reactions, Oxidation number and its calculation,
78 Chemistry Daily Test-20
Fractional oxidation number, Types of redox reactions: Combination, decomposition, Displacement
and disproportionation reactions, Balancing of redox reactions.

79 Botany Daily Test-20 Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Internal structures of root, stem and leaf.

Locomotion & Movement:- Axial skeleton: Skull-cranial bones, facial bones, Hyoid, Ear ossicles
malleus, incus, stapes, Vertebral column-cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx vertebrae, curves
80 Zoology Daily Test-20
of the vertebral column. Ribs-vertebrosternal/True ribs, vertebrachondral/False ribs,
Vertebral/Floating ribs, rib cage, sternum.

Work, Energy & Power:- The concept of potential energy, Various forms of energy, The potential
81 Physics Daily Test-21
energy of a spring.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Redox Reactions:- Redox reactions as the basis for titrations, Limitations of concept of oxidation
82 Chemistry Daily Test-21 number, Redox reactions and electrode potentials, Redox couple, Working of Daniell cell,
Electrochemical series.3

Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Secondary growth in dicot stem-annual rings, heartwood and
83 Botany Daily Test-21 sapwood, Formation and activity of cork cambium in extrastelar region, Secondary growth in dicot

Locomotion & Movement:- Appendicular skeleton: Pectoral girdle, bones of upper limb (Humerus,
radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges), pelvic girdle, bones of lower limb (femur, patella,
84 Zoology Daily Test-21
tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges). Joints-fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial (Ball and
socket, hinge, pivot, gliding and saddle joint), Bone & Joint disorders-Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout etc.

Work, Energy & Power:- The conservation of mechanical energy, (Motion in a Vertical Circle) The
85 Physics Daily Test-22
law of conservation of energy.

The p-Block Elements:- General electronic configuration and oxidation states of p-block elements,
Inert pair e ect, The boron family: Physical and chemical properties, Compounds of boron: Borax,
86 Chemistry Daily Test-22 Orthoboric acid and diborane, Uses of B, Al and their compounds, The carbon family: Physical
properties. ; Chemical properties of group 14 elements, Allotropes of carbon, Compounds of C and Si:
CO, CO2, SiO2, silicones, silicates and geolites.

Plant Kingdom:- Introduction of plant kingdom, Classification systems– artificial, natural and
87 Botany Daily Test-22
phylogenetic, Branches of taxonomy, Algae-general characters.

Neural Control & Coordination:- Human neural system: Central and peripheral neural system, neuron
as structural and functional unit of neural system, di erent types of neurons and their location. Nerve
impulse, generation and its transmission-Resting membrane potential, spike potential, action
88 Zoology Daily Test-22
potential, depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization, Synapses: Electrical and Chemical,
synaptic transmission, mechanism of transmission of nerve impulse through electrical and chemical
synapse. Neurotransmi ers; excitatory and inhibitory.

89 Physics Daily Test-23 Work, Energy & Power:- Power.

Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Tetravalence of carbon, Structure of
organic compounds, Classification of organic compounds, Some Basic Principle & Techniques:-
90 Chemistry Daily Test-23
Nomenclature of organic compounds (excluding functional group), Some Basic Principle &
Techniques:- IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds including mono and bi functional groups.

Plant Kingdom:- Economic importance of algae, Characters of di erent classes of algae-

91 Botany Daily Test-23
chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae.

Neural Control & Coordination:- Structure of Brain: Forebrain, cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus,
92 Zoology Daily Test-23 limbic system and their functions, mid brain (corpora quadrigemina and crura cerebri), hind brain
(cerebellum, pons, medulla) ventricles of brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Work, Energy & Power:- Collisions – elastic and inelastic collision, Collision in one dimension, Collision
93 Physics Daily Test-24
in two dimensions.

Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Isomerism: Structural isomerism including
94 Chemistry Daily Test-24 tautomerism, Stereoisomerism (Definition), Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Fundamental
concepts in organic reaction, Mechanism: Bond fission, Nucelophile and electrophile.

Plant Kingdom:- Bryophytes–general characters, Bryophytes & Pteridophtes, Pteridophytes–

95 Botany Daily Test-24
general characters, classes, Economic importance.

Neural Control & Coordination:- Spinal cord & Peripheral nervous system: Cranial nerves (name,
origin, distribution, nature and their functions), Spinal nerves-branches, (posterior, anterior,
meningeal and visceral) plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal). Autonomic
96 Zoology Daily Test-24 nervous System- sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and their functions, Reflex
action: Reflex arc, characteristics of reflexes, types of reflexes-unconditioned, conditioned,
monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex and their examples. Detail of knee jerk reflex, importance of
reflex action.

System of Particles & Rotational Motion:- Introduction, Centre of mass, Motion of centre of mass,
97 Physics Daily Test-25
Linear momentum of system of particles.

Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Inductive and electromeric e ect,
98 Chemistry Daily Test-25 Resonance e ect, Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Hyperconjugation, Aromaticity and anti-

Plant Kingdom:- Gymnosperms – General characters, Salient Features, Economic importance,

99 Botany Daily Test-25
Angiosperms - general characters, Economic importance, Life cycle pa erns.

Neural Control & Coordination:- Sensory perception and processing: Human eye, coats of eye, part
of eye, content of eye ball (lens, aqueous humour, vitreous humour), extra occular eye muscle and
their nerve supply. Mechanism of vision, accommodation, protective structures of eye, eyebrows,
100 Zoology Daily Test-25 eyelids, Defects of eyes: Myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism, cataract and glaucoma.
Nose: Olfactory receptors, its structure and mechanism/working. Tongue: Di erent types of papillae
& taste buds, its structure and working. Di erent types of receptors in skin- Tangoreceptor,
algesireceptor, thermoreceptor.

System of Particles & Rotational Motion:- Vector product of two vectors, Angular velocity & its
101 Physics Daily Test-26
relation with linear velocity, Torque & angular momentum.

Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Reaction intermediates: Carbocation,
102 Chemistry Daily Test-26
Carbanion, Carbon free radicals, Carbene.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants:- Introduction, Importance, What do we know?, Historical account,

103 Botany Daily Test-26 Photosynthetic pigments, Absorption spectrum and action spectrum, What is light reaction?,
Electron transport system, Spli ing of water, Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

Neural Control & Coordination:- Elementary Structure, and functions of sense organs - Ear,
104 Zoology Daily Test-26
Endocrine Glands and hormones, hypothalamus, pitutary and thyroid gland.

System of Particles & Rotational Motion:- Equilibrium of rigid body, Moment of inertia, Theorems
105 Physics Daily Test-27
of perpendicular and parallel axis.

Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Types of organic reactions and mechanism:
106 Chemistry Daily Test-27 Substitution reactions, Some Basic Principle & Techniques:- Purification of organic compounds,
Qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants:- Chemiosmotic theory, Dark reaction– C3, C4 cycles, Di erence
107 Botany Daily Test-27
between C3 & C4-plants, Photorespiration, factors a ecting photosynthesis.

Chemical Coordination & Integration:- Parathyroid glands: Structure, location, hormone and
mechanism of regulation of calcium homeostasis, disorders. Adrenal gland: Structure, location,
108 Zoology Daily Test-27 hormones and their functions, disorders-Addison’s disease, Cushing syndrome, aldosteronism,
adrenal virilism. Pineal and its hormone, Thymus and its hormone. Pancreas-structure, location,
hormone with their principal actions and disorders-hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus.

System of Particles & Rotational Motion:- Kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed, Dynamics
109 Physics Daily Test-28
of rotational motion about a fixed axis, Angular momentum in case of rotation about a fixed axis.

110 Chemistry Daily Test-28 Hydrocarbons:- Alkanes: Nomenclature and isomerism, Preparation and Properties.

Respiration in Plants:- Introduction, Respiratory substrates, Do plant breath?, Glycolysis

111 Botany Daily Test-28
(mechanism), Fermentation, Aerobic respiration– link reaction, Krebs cycle.

Chemical Coordination & Integration:- Gonads(Ovary and testis-structure, location, hormones,

principal action and disorders: hypogonadism, precocious puberty eunuchoidism, gynalcomastia)
112 Zoology Daily Test-28 hormones of heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract, mechanism of hormone action (protein and
steroid hormone) role of hormones as messengers and regulations, amplification of signals,
synergistic and antagonistic e ects, hormone receptor complex.

113 Physics Daily Test-29 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:- Rolling motion.

114 Chemistry Daily Test-29 Hydrocarbons:- Alkenes: Nomenclature and isomerism, Preparation & Properties.

Respiration in Plants:- Electron transport system and oxidative phosphorylation, Respiratory

115 Botany Daily Test-29
balance sheet, Amphibolic pathway, Respiratory quotient.
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Basis of classification, Levels of

organisation, Symmetry, Body-plan, Protostomous, Deuterostomous, Coelom-its types,
116 Zoology Daily Test-29
Open/closed vascular system, Segmentation, Notochord, Broad classification of Kingdom Animalia
based on common fundamental features.

Gravitation:- Introduction, Kepler's laws, Universal law of Gravitation, Gravitational constant,

117 Physics Daily Test-30 Acceleration due to gravity of the earth, Acceleration due to gravity below & above the surface of the

Hydrocarbons:- Alkynes: Nomenclature and isomerism, Preparation, Properties of Alkyne,

118 Chemistry Daily Test-30
Aromatic hydrocarbons: Nomenclature, Preparation.

Plant Growth and Development:- Growth, di erentiation and development. Growth -

characteristics, phases of growth, growth curve, growth rates - arithmetic growth and geometric
119 Botany Daily Test-30
growth, Absolute growth rate and relative growth rate. Di erentiation, Dedi erentiation and
Redi erentiation, Development, plasticity

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Porifera: General characters, Body wall,
120 Zoology Daily Test-30 Types of cells, Skeleton: Spicules and spongin fibres, Canal system-(General outline), Reproduction:
Larva stages with examples.

Gravitation:- Gravitational potential energy, Escape speed, Earth's satellite, Energy of an orbiting
121 Physics Daily Test-31
satellite, Geostationary & polar satellite, Weightlessness.

122 Botany Daily Test-31 Plant Growth and Development:- Growth hormones: Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinin

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Cnidaria: General characters, Body wall,
123 Zoology Daily Test-31 Nematoblasts-Structures, Hydra-General characters, Polymorphism, Types of Zooids, Polyps,
Medusa, Metagenesis, Corals.

Mechanical Properties of Solids:- Introduction, Plastic behaviour of solids, Stress & strain, Hooke's
124 Physics Daily Test-32
law, Stress-strain curve.

Plant Growth and Development:- Growth hormones - Ethylene, abscisic acid, Dormancy - cause of
dormancy, breaking of dormancy, seed germination, vivipary, Photoperiodism: Definition and
125 Botany Daily Test-32
discovery, LDP, SDP and DNP Vernalisation - introduction, discovery, site, requirements,
features/characters, examples.

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Ctenophora; General characters, Comb
plates, examples, Platyhelminthes: General characters, Symmetry, Parenchyma, Flame cells, Ladder
126 Zoology Daily Test-32
like nervous part, Reproduction, Life cycle of Fasciola hepatica (outline), Life cycle of Taenia solium
with general features, Pseudosegmentation, Strobilation, Apolysis, Taenia saginata.

Mechanical Properties of Solids:- Elastic Potential Energy, Elastic moduli, Applications of elastic
127 Physics Daily Test-33
behaviour of materials.
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Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Aschelminthes / Nematode: General

characters, Rene e cells, Reproduction with examples, Life cycle of the Ascaris (outline), other
128 Zoology Daily Test-33 nematodes-Ancylostoma, Wuchereria, Enterobius, etc., Annelida: General characters,
Reproduction, Larval form, Nereis–Heteronereis, Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Pontobdella, Botryoidal
tissue in leech.

129 Physics Daily Test-34 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:- Introduction, Pressure, Pascal's Law, Archimedes Principle.

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Arthropoda: General characters of

arthropods, Chitinous exoskeleton, Types of respiration, excretory structures, reproduction, Types of
130 Zoology Daily Test-34 mouthparts in insects, Types of metamorphosis in Insects, Economic importance-Mosquito, Housefly,
silkmoth, Termites, Lac insect, Mollusca: General characters with examples, Larval form, Pearl

131 Physics Daily Test-35 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:- Streamline flow, Bernoulli's principle.

Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates:- Echinodermata: General characters, Water
ambulacral system. Hemichordata: General characters, stomochord, examples., Chordates:
132 Zoology Daily Test-35
General characters, 3 subphyla-Urochordata, Cephalochordata, Vertebrata. Urochordata-General
characters with examples. Cephalochordates-General characters with examples.

133 Physics Daily Test-36 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:- Viscosity, Reynolds number.

Animal Kingdom-Chordates:- Vertebrata: Agnatha & Gnathostomata: Cyclostomata-General

characters with examples Petromyzon, Myxine, Pisces: General characters, Classes-Placodermi,
134 Zoology Daily Test-36
Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes: Di erences between cartilaginous & bony fishes, Scoliodon,
Chimaera, Exocoetus, Labeo, Lateral line system, Neuromast organs, Types of scales.

135 Physics Daily Test-37 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:- Surface tension.

Animal Kingdom-Chordates:- Amphibia: General characters, Parental care and examples, Reptilia:
136 Zoology Daily Test-37 True land vertebrates, General characters, Rhynocephalia, Squamata, Crocodilia, Chelonia,
Poisonous & non poisonous, Snakes.

Thermal Properties of Ma er:- Introduction, Temperature & Heat, measurement of temperature,

137 Physics Daily Test-38
Ideal gas equation & Absolute temperature, Thermal expansion.

Animal Kingdom-Chordates:- Aves: General characters, Mammalia: General characters,

138 Zoology Daily Test-38
Subclasses-Prototheria, Metatheria, Eutheria.

139 Physics Daily Test-39 Thermal Properties of Ma er:- Specific heat capacity, Calorimetry, Change of state.

Structure Organisation in Animals – Animal Morphology:- Earthworm-Morphology, anatomy

140 Zoology Daily Test-39
(digestive system)
Ranker Test Schedule

Sr.No. Test Name Test Syllabus

141 Physics Daily Test-40 Thermal Properties of Ma er:- Heat transfer–Conduction, Convection.

Structural Organisation in Animals– Animal Morphology:- Earthworm: Circulatory System,

142 Zoology Daily Test-40
Excretory System, Nervous System, Reproductive System, Economic Importance.

Thermal Properties of Ma er:- Heat transfer – Radiation, Stefan's Law, Newton's law of cooling,
143 Physics Daily Test-41
Wien's law.

Structural Organisation in Animals– Animal Morphology:- Salient features of the Periplaneta,

144 Zoology Daily Test-41 Habitat, External features, exoskeleton, Head-mouthparts, thorax-thoracic appendages,

Thermodynamics:- Introduction, Thermal equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Heat internal

145 Physics Daily Test-42 energy and work, First law of thermodynamics, Specific heat capacity. Thermodynamic state
variables & equation of state.

Structural Organisation in Animals– Animal Morphology:- Digestive system of Cockroach-

146 Zoology Daily Test-42 peritrophic membrane, Respiratory system and mechanism respiration, Circulating system: Heart,
blood sinuses and circulation.

147 Physics Daily Test-43 Thermodynamics:- Thermodynamic processes.

Structural Organisation in Animals–Animal Morphology:- Malpighian tubules, Nerve cord, Sense

148 Zoology Daily Test-43 organs of cockroach, Reproductive system of Cockroach-male & female system, fertilization,
Development, Moulting.

Thermodynamics:- Heat engines, Refrigerators & heat pumps, Second law of thermodynamics,
149 Physics Daily Test-44
Reversible and irreversible process, Carnot's Engine.

Structural Organisation in Animals– Animal Morphology:- Frog: Morphology, Anatomy, Digestive

150 Zoology Daily Test-44 System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Excretory System, Nervous System, Reproductive
System, Economic Importance.

Kinetic Theory:- Introduction, Molecular nature of ma er, Behaviour of gases, Kinetic theory of an
151 Physics Daily Test-45
ideal gas, Law of equipartition of energy, Specific heat capacity, Mean free path.

Oscillations:- Introduction, Periodic & oscillatory motions, Simple harmonic motion and uniform
152 Physics Daily Test-46
circular motion.

Oscillations:- Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion, Force law for simple harmonic
153 Physics Daily Test-47
motion, Energy in simple harmonic motion.

154 Physics Daily Test-48 Oscillations:- Some systems executing SHM, Damped simple harmonic motion.

155 Physics Daily Test-49 Waves:- Introduction, Transverse & Longitudinal waves.

156 Physics Daily Test-50 Waves:- Displacement relation in a progressive wave, The speed of a travelling wave.

157 Physics Daily Test-51 Waves:- The principle of super position of waves, Reflection of waves.

The Schedule for 2nd Year (Class XII) shall be provided in April, 2025
st nd
1 Year 2 Year
Year Syllabus
Class XI Class XII

AIATS 9 16

Unit Tests 6 6

Part Tests 3 2

Cumulative Tests 2 -

Full Syllabus Tests 3 6

NCERT Practice Tests 157 112

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