Lab Report 2 Agr318.
Lab Report 2 Agr318.
Lab Report 2 Agr318.
(SESSION OCT2022 – FEB2023)
The lubrication system of the engine is intended to supply each component of the engine with
clean oil that is maintained at the appropriate temperature and pressure. Lubrication done
correctly can both boost performance and lengthen the life of an engine. The primary goal of
engine lubrication is to lessen the amount of friction between moving parts in order to minimise
erosion and power loss. Engine parts that have been eroded will not conduct electricity well,
which will lead to a drop in efficiency. Compression will cause engine parts that have
deteriorated over time to generate a leak if they are present inside the cylinder. Loss of power
is the inevitable consequence of all of these factors.
The oil mist and gasoline lubrication system, the force feed lubrication system, and the splash
lubrication system are the three methods. An engine can be lubricated using one of these
three methods, each of which is somewhat distinct depending on the architecture of the
engine. The bulk of today's engines make use of the most recent technological advancement,
which is known as forced lubrication.
I. Online platforms like Telegram and YouTube are used to tests and workshops.
II. The lecturer found some videos on YouTube about the engine's lubrication system and
sent them to the students through the Telegram app.
III. In order to make and turn in a workshop report, students need to watch the video and
understand how the engine's lubrication system works.
Time : 8:00 am
The lubrication system is made up of the six main oil lines with channels, the lube oil filter 17,
the oil cooler 8, the oil filler neck with cap 9, the oil level gauge 26, and other parts. Inside
crankcase 22 is where the lubrication system is.
When the pistons are revolving inside the cylinders, oil runs over them to lubricate the contact
area. The primary bearings that support the crankshaft receive oil from the crankcase as it
descends. The bearings are lubricated by oil that is sucked up and sprayed over the moving
i. Oil filter
- The oil filter keeps small particles from getting into the oil, so clean oil can get to all the
parts of the engine.
v. Oil galleries
- Oil galleries in an engine's lubrication system move oil quickly to all moving parts. So,
the speed at which oil gets to the parts of your engine depends on how well an oil
gallery works.
I. Oil filter - Keeping any dirt from getting into the lubrication oil by filtering it out.
II. Oil cooler - Preventing overheating of the lubricant oil.
III. Oil pump - Contributing to oil distribution throughout the engine.
IV. Oil pan - Holds the lubricating oil and keeps it in place.
V. Oil galleries - Spreading engine oil throughout the engine.
In splash lubrication systems, the cylinders and pistons are oiled by rotating dippers on the
connecting rod bearing covers. The dippers turn as they move through an oil-filled trough.
When the dippers go through the oil trough, they spray oil on the cylinders and pistons to keep
them from sticking.
Lubrication is a big part of how long an engine will last. If an engine didn't have oil, it would
quickly get too hot and stop working. Lubricants can help prevent this problem and make your
motor last longer if you keep an eye on it and take care of it.
III. What are the types of lubrication oil?
- Synthetic oil
- Solid lubricants
- Mineral oil
- High-mileage motor oil
- Conventional motor oil
IV. Why the oil filter needs to change during changing of the lubrication oil? What is the
use of an oil filter?
Using an oil filter can help maintain the cleanliness of the engine oil in your vehicle by
eliminating impurities that may accumulate over time. An uncleaned filter shortens the life of
the engine by accelerating the contamination and ineffectiveness of fresh, clean engine oil.
The ideal practise is to replace the oil filter whenever the engine oil is changed.
The engine lubrication system is a part of the engine that works to get oil to parts that move
to reduce friction. Lubrication is an important part of making an engine last as long as possible.
As the auto industry has grown, so has the importance of the engine's lubrication system. The
engine needs this system to be effective and work all the time, because if it doesn't, the engine
will overheat and not work as well as it should, as well as affecting the engine's activity. Engine
lubrication systems play a role in making cars and industrial machinery use less energy. So,
it's important to understand the technology behind this system to make sure that it keeps
getting better over time.