REET Level 2 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus
REET Level 2 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus
REET Level 2 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus
dqy ç'u % 30
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f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e&2009 v/;kidksa dh Hkwfedk ,oa nkf;RoA
Syllabus - Level – II
( For a person who intends to be a teacher for Class VI to VIII)
Paper-II, Section-I, Paper- Child Development and Pedagogy
Total Question:30
Total Marks : 30
Child Development : Concept of growth and development, Dimensions and
Principles of development. Factors affecting development (especially in the context
of family and school) and their relationship with learning.
Role of Heredity and environment.
Individual Differences :- Meaning, types and Factors Affecting Individual
Personality : Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for
shaping it. Its measurement.
Intelligence : Concept, Theories and its measurement. Multiple Intelligence. Its
Understanding diverse learners: Backward, Mentally retarded, gifted, creative,
disadvantaged-deprived, CWSN, children with learning disabilities.
Learning Difficulties.
Adjustment : Concept and ways of adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.
Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes. Factors Affecting learning
Theories of learning (Behaviourism, Gestalt, Cognitivism, Constructivism) and their
How Children learn. Learning processes, Reflection, Imagination and Argument
constructivism, experiencial learning, concept mapping, investigatory, approach,
problem solving.
Motivation and Implications for Learning
Teaching learning processes, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the
context of National Curriculum Framework 2005.
Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.
Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation. Construction of Achievement Test,
Learning Outcomes.
Action Research.
Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)