REET Level 2 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

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jktLFkku v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk (REET)&2021

ek/;fed f’k{kk cksMZ] jktLFkku] vtesj

Lrj & II ¼Level – II)
¼d{kk 6 ls 8 rd½

ç'u i= II [k.M&I [k.M dk 'kh"kZd &cky fodkl ,oa f'k{k.k fof/k;k¡

dqy ç'u % 30
dqy vad % 30

 cky fodkl : o`f) ,oa fodkl dh ladYiuk] fodkl ds fofHkUu vk;ke ,oa fl)kUr] fodkl
dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd ¼fo'ks"k :i ls ifjokj ,oa fo|ky; ds lanHkZ esa½ ,oa vf/kxe
ls mudk lac/a k A
 oa'kkuqØe ,oa okrkoj.k dh Hkwfedk

 O;fäxr fofHkUurk,¡ : vFkZ] çdkj ,oa O;fäxr fofHkUurkvksa dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
 O;fäRo : ladYiuk] çdkj o O;fäRo dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA O;fDrRo dk ekiuA
 cqf) : ladYiuk] fl)kUr ,oa bldk ekiu] cgqcqf) fl)kUr ,oa blds fufgrkFkZA

 fofo/k vf/kxedrkZvksa dh le> % fiNMs] foeafnr] çfrHkk'kkyh] l`tu'khy] vykHkkfUor&
oafpr] fo'ks"k vko';drk okys cPps ,oa vf/kxe v{kerk ;qDr cPpsA
 vf/kxe esa vkus okyh dfBukb;‚
 lek;kstu dh ladYiuk ,oa rjhds] lek;kstu esa v/;kid dh Hkwfedk

 vf/kxe dk vFkZ ,oa ladYiukA vf/kxe dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
 vf/kxe ds fl)kUr ¼O;ogkjokn] xSLVkYVokn]laKkuokn] fufeZfrokn½ ,oa buds fufgrkFkZA
 cPps lh[krs dSls gSA vf/kxe dh çfØ;k,¡A fpUru] dYiuk ,oa rdZ ¼fufeZfroknh mikxe]
vkuqHkfod vf/kxe] ladYiuk&ekufp=.k] vUos"k.k ,oa leL;k lek/kku½]
 vfHkçsj.kk ,oa blds vf/kxe ds fy, fufgrkFkZA

 f'k{k.k vf/kxe dh çfØ;k;sa] jk"Vªh; ikBîp;kZ :ijs[kk&2005 ds lanHkZ esa f'k{k.k vf/kxe dh
O;wg jpuk ,oa fof/k;k¡A
 vkdyu] ekiu ,oa ewY;kadu dk vFkZ ,oa mís';] lexz ,oa lrr~ ewY;kadu] miyfC/k ijh{k.k
dk fuekZ.kA lh[kus ds izfrQy
 fØ;kRed vuqlU/kku
 f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e&2009 v/;kidksa dh Hkwfedk ,oa nkf;RoA

Syllabus - Level – II
( For a person who intends to be a teacher for Class VI to VIII)
Paper-II, Section-I, Paper- Child Development and Pedagogy
Total Question:30
Total Marks : 30

 Child Development : Concept of growth and development, Dimensions and
Principles of development. Factors affecting development (especially in the context
of family and school) and their relationship with learning.
 Role of Heredity and environment.

 Individual Differences :- Meaning, types and Factors Affecting Individual
 Personality : Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for
shaping it. Its measurement.
 Intelligence : Concept, Theories and its measurement. Multiple Intelligence. Its

 Understanding diverse learners: Backward, Mentally retarded, gifted, creative,
disadvantaged-deprived, CWSN, children with learning disabilities.

 Learning Difficulties.
 Adjustment : Concept and ways of adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.

 Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes. Factors Affecting learning
 Theories of learning (Behaviourism, Gestalt, Cognitivism, Constructivism) and their
 How Children learn. Learning processes, Reflection, Imagination and Argument
constructivism, experiencial learning, concept mapping, investigatory, approach,
problem solving.
 Motivation and Implications for Learning

 Teaching learning processes, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the
context of National Curriculum Framework 2005.
 Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.
Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation. Construction of Achievement Test,
Learning Outcomes.
 Action Research.
 Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)

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