Tayy - Different Categories of Hadith Books
Tayy - Different Categories of Hadith Books
Tayy - Different Categories of Hadith Books
2. Tabaqat
A book arranged by the generation (tabaqa) of the
Eg, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd
3. Musnad
A book arranged by the narrators.
Eg Musnad Imam Ahmad
4. Mu'jam
A book arranged by the names of the one at the end
of the chain who narrated it to the author (ie his
Eg Mu'jam Al-Kabir of Al-Tabaraani
5. Sunan
A book where the topics and chapters are arranged
according to the chapters of fiqh, intending to gather
proofs on a topic for the Fuqaha.
Eg, Sunan Abi Dawood, Sunan Nisa'i
6. Al-Jaami'
A book containing eight topics of Hadith: Siyar (military
expeditions), Tafsir (of the Quran), Adaab (etiquette),
Aqeedah (creed), Fitan (trials), Ashraat (signs of
qiyama), Ahkaam (rulings), and Manaqib (virtues of
Eg. Sahih Bukhari and Sunan Tirmidhi
7. Al-'Arbaeeniyat
Books contain 40 Hadith, following the weak Hadith
about preserving 40 ahadith from Rasulullah .
Eg, 'Arbaeen al-Nawawi, 'Arbaeen Imam Ibn Mubarak
8. Mustadrak
A book containing ahadith that fulfill the same
conditions as another book, but are not found in that
Eg, Mustadrak 'alaa Al-Sahihayn by Haakim, which
'claims' to have ahadith according to the conditions of
Bukhari and Muslim, that they both missed out.
9. Mustakhraj
A book containing ahadith from another book, but with
each the author cites his own additional chains of the
same Hadith.
Eg, Mustakhraj of Abu Awwanah on Sahih Muslim
10. Ajzaa/Juz
A book dedicated to a single masa'lah (fiqhi issue)
Eg, Bukhari's Juz Rafu'l Yadayn, which pertains to the
issue of raising the hands during salaat.
11. Afraad wa Ghara'aib
A book containing tafarudaat (exclusive ahadith) of a
muhaddith or a region (ie this Hadith is only found
from them and nowhere else).
Eg, Kitaabul Afraad of Daraqutni
12. Tajreed
A book where the isnaad (chains of narrators) and
repeated ahadith are omitted.
Eg, Zubaidi's Tajreed of Bukhari
13. Takhreej
A book wherein it gathers the chains of narration for
ahadith found in another book which had originally
omitted them.
Eg, Al-Hafidh Al-Iraaqi's takhreej of Ghazali's Ihyaa
ulum al din.
14. Al-Jama'
A book gathering ahadith from a number of other
books without any repetition.
Eg, Humaydi's Jama' Bayna Al-Sahihayn (gathering
ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim)
15. Atraaf
A book in which the ahadith are ordered by their Tarf
(beginning part such as I saw Rasulullah , I heard
Rasulullah , I was with Rasulullah , etc).
Eg, Al-Mizzi's Tuhfatul Ashraaf fi Ma'rifatul Atraaf
16. Faharis
Books in which one or more Hadith collections are
indexed to make research easier.
Eg, Miftah Al-Kunuz which is an index on the six major
17. Mawdhu'aat
A collection of fabricated ahadith.
Eg, Mawdhu'aat Al-Kubra of Mulla Ali Qari
20. I'lal
Books where chains of ahadith that are problematic
are researched and discussed.
Eg, i'lal Kabir of Tirmidhi
21. Al-Adhkar
Books gathering ad'iyaa of Rasulullah .
Eg, Al-Hafidh Al-Nawawi's Al-Adhkar, or Adhkaar Al-
Sabaah wa Al-Masaa by many contemporary Salafi
22. Zawa'id
A book adding additional ahadith to another.
Eg, Ibn Rajab's Zawa'id on Arba'een Al-Nawawi
23. Ahadith Ahkam
A book containing ahadith that a madhab uses as
adillah (evidence)
Eg, Umdat Al-Ahkam by Abdulghani Al-Maqdisi for the
hanbali madhab
24. Al-Sahih
A book containing only sahih ahadith (according to the