IRCON Recruitment 2024 Gujarat
IRCON Recruitment 2024 Gujarat
IRCON Recruitment 2024 Gujarat
Issued on 21.06.2024
Regd. Office: C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110 017 (India)
(CIN – L45203DL1976GOI008171)
Age limit : SAG level – Not exceeding fifty eight years on the
closing date of receipt of application.
Whether the company/ : The Ministry of Railways has conveyed their approval
organization has been for continuance of Railway Officers on deputation on
exempted from the rule of exemption from the rule of immediate absorption to
permanent absorption and if IRCON vide their letter dated 04.03.2024.
so, the date upto which the
exemption is valid
Candidates may apply through proper channel for selection on deputation basis to the above-
mentioned vacancies in the prescribed proforma attached herewith. A scanned copy of application
in the enclosed format duly filled may also be sent by candidate in advance through e-mail to so as to reach us by 20.07.2024.
( Sumit Yadav )
Dy. General Manager/HRM
(Please note that this is a system generated letter and does not need signature of issuing authority.)
Dated: 01.04.2023
Allowances payable to deputationists working in Ircon at Indian projects have been revised w.e.f.
01.04.2023. Details of applicable allowances are as under :
S.No. Allowances
1. Medical Allowance As per IRCON Rules.
2. Reimbursement of A re-imbursement of Rs.6000/- per month for
Entertainment expenses Entertainment expenses for E9 & E8 level officers on
deputation in Ircon.
3. Reimbursement of ED, CGM/GM working in HAG, NFHAG, SAG, NFSAG or SG
expenses # (Pay matrix level 13, 14 & 15):
Rs. 13584/- (*)
In terms of RBE No. 80/2017 dated 03.08.2017 & RBE No. 96/2017 dated 17.08.2017 (Ann-
F) Transport Allowance to Railway employees has been revised w.e.f. 01.07.2017 as under :
(i) Officers drawing pay in Level 14 and above (CGM and above) in the Pay Matrix, who are
entitled to the use of official car in terms of Board's letter No. E(G)95 AL 4-9 dated
06.11.1995 shall be given the option to avail the official car facility or to draw.
Transport Allowance at the rates of Rs.15750/- p.m. plus Dearness Allowance thereon.
(ii) Those employees who are drawing pay of Rs. 24200/- & above in Pay Level 1 & 2 of the
Pay Matrix, shall be eligible for grant of Transport Allowance @ Rs. 3600 plus D.A.
thereon at the cities mentioned in the Annexure to the above cited Board's letter and @
Rs. 1800 plus D.A. thereon at all other places.
5. Grant of House Rent Allowance:
House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Railway employees has been revised w.e.f. 01.07.2017 in
terms of RBE No.71/2017 dated 19.07.2017 (Ann-B) as under:-
The rate of HRA will not be less than Rs. 5400/-, 3600/- and 1800/- at 'X', 'Y' & 'Z' class cities
The rates of HRA will be revised to 27%, 18% and 9% for 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' class cities respectively
when Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25% and further revised to 30%, 20% and 10% when DA
crosses 50%.
6. Medical benefits (Indoor)- Deputationist can opt for medical facilities under the Railways
or medical facilities admissible under IRCON's Medical Rules.
7. Mobile phone and land line at Office/Residence for offices and projects in India.
Monthly entitlement for all telecom services (mobile/mobile data, landline and broadband)
(in Rs.)
10. Birthday gift/ Diwali gift - The Deputationists are entitled for Birthday/ Diwali gift as per
policy of Ircon.
11. Resorts facilities – The deputationists are entitled to avail the Resorts facilities at Old
Anchor Dalmia Resorts Goa and Sterling Holiday Resorts at forty locations in India & One in Sri
Lanka as per policy of Ircon.
Affix latest
passport size
5. Community : _________________________________
E-mail ID :
Post held Scale of Pay Name & address PERIOD Brief detail
of the Employer of work
From To Total handled
date date Duration (Attach
sheet if
My total work experience is _______ years _______ months and my current pay scale is
_____________________ since _________________
I declare that the information furnished above by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
and that nothing material has been concealed.
Place : _________
Date : _________
Signature of the Candidate
(Name of candidate)
Certified that the information / details provided in the above application by the
applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on record. He possesses educational
qualifications and experience mentioned in vacancy circular. If selected, his relieving shall be
subject to exigencies of work.
2. It is also certified:-
(i) That there is no vigilance/ disciplinary case or criminal case pending or contemplated
against Shri __________________________.
(iii) That his APAR dossier for the last five years, duly attested by a Competent Officer are
(iv) It is certified that no major/minor penalty has been imposed on him during last ten
(v) That the cadre controlling authority has no objection to the consideration of the
applicant for the post mentioned in this advertisement.
Signature __________________
Name _____________________