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Document 2
Reeti Agarwal
In today’s competitive market scenario, organizations increasingly understand the importance of building
and effectively managing the relationship with its customers. For building and maintaining a healthy rela-
tionship with the customer, organizations need to understand and meet the expectations of its customer. The
organizations today should aim not only at satisfying the customer but should also focus on delighting him.
Thus it has become imperative for organizations to identify parameters that cause customer satisfaction or
dissatisfaction and consciously measure them so as to try and bring about the necessary changes on the
basis of customer perceptions. The present study has been undertaken to find the factors related to Indian
Railway services that have an impact on customer satisfaction. The study was conducted using the survey
method. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire from a sample of 500. Factor and regression
analysis was used to analyse the data and identify the effect of customers’ perception about the quality of
performance of various factors on customer satisfaction. The major findings of the study depict that out of
the various factors considered, employee behaviour has the maximum effect on satisfaction level of customers
with Indian Railways as a whole.
Reeti Agarwal, Lecturer, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010.
GLOBAL BUSINESS REVIEW, 9:2 (2008): 257–272
SAGE Publications Los Angeles/London/New Delhi/Singapore
DOI: 10.1177/097215090800900206
the service sector. The rapid growth of ser- satisfaction is the customer’s perception that
vice sectors all over the world and the a vendor has met his expectations fully, effi-
deregulation of many service industries have ciently and promptly.
led researchers with an interest in quality Carrying an average 13 million passengers
issues to recognize the importance of acquir- in 8,250 passenger-trains daily, the Indian
ing more understanding about service per- Railways is one of the world’s largest trans-
formance. A surge in the services sector is porters of passenger traffic. Until now Indian
seeing an increase in the number of players Railways has enjoyed a near monopoly pos-
operating and entering into the services ition in the sphere of public transportation.
industry. Amidst the increasingly cut throat But the situation is undergoing a change.
competitive environment, only those com- Already one can see some form of competi-
panies who can better satisfy the customer tion being given by the low cost carriers. With
and maintain the quality of their services can the lowering of airfare and the introduction
survive and prosper. It is increasingly being of low cost airlines in the Indian skies there
recognized that high quality service is es- is a high possibility that Indian Railways will
sential for firms that want to be successful in lose out on some of its customers.
their business (Parasuraman et al. 1988; Rust At this stage what is required is a proper
and Oliver 1994). understanding of the various factors that
To survive and prosper, organizations affect customer evaluation and satisfaction
must carefully assess the changes and condi- with a public service like Indian Railways.
For consumers, evaluation and consequently
tions in their given environment. All categor-
the satisfaction with a service like railways
ies of businesses, whether private or public,
often depends on their perception of the
service or manufacturing, have realized the
quality of performance of a number of fac-
need to measure the various indicators of
tors. Knowledge and understanding of these
their performance. One of the most import-
factors is critical, particularly at a time when
ant indicators of a company’s performance is
competition for attracting and retaining cus-
customer satisfaction. The customer alone
tomers is intense. The purpose of this study
can pass the final verdict on the performance is to identify and analyse the importance
of a company and it is on him alone that customers attach to the various dimensions
the success of a business depends. An under- of Indian Railways services. The study also
standing of customer satisfaction is therefore aims to identify how customers’ perception
becoming increasingly significant. In order of performance of these dimensions affects
to gain a competitive advantage, organiza- their satisfaction level with the services of
tions need to identify parameters that cause Indian Railways as a whole. Consequently,
customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction and the study aims to identify the areas where
consciously measure them. In general, cus- attention needs to be given by the Indian
tomer satisfaction is a feeling of satisfaction Railways authorities in order to increase the
over a job well done in the past. Customer satisfaction of its customers.
Table 2
Mean Rank
(Table 2 continued)
(Table 2 continued)
Mean Rank
In order to analyse the effect of these KMO measures the magnitude of ob-
dimensions on customer satisfaction with the served correlation coefficients to the magni-
services of Indian Railways as a whole, the tude of partial correlation coefficients. A
first step involved reducing the number of value greater than 0.5 is desirable. Bartlett’s
statements to a smaller number of variables test measures the correlation of variables. A
which could then be used for further analy- probability of less than 0.05 is acceptable. The
sis. Factor analysis was used for this purpose. hypothesis formulated is as follows:
Ho: (Null Hypothesis): There is insignifi-
Judging the Appropriateness of Factor Analysis cant correlation between the variables.
H1: (Alternate Hypothesis): There is sig-
In order to find out the appropriateness of nificant correlation between the
factor analysis for the set of statements variables.
(variables), Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) and
Bartlett’s test was used. The results are As can be seen from Table 3, the KMO
shown in Table 3. value is greater than 0.5 and the significance
Table 3
KMO and Bartlett’s Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .794
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 30852.520
Df 1275
Sig. .000
level also came out to be 0.000 which shows .589∗(x33) + .819∗(x34) + .763∗(x35) +.751∗
that the KMO value is significant at 5 per cent (x36) + .859∗(x37)
level of significance. Hence the alternate
hypothesis is accepted, denoting that factor Factor 3:
analysis is appropriate. .675∗(x12) + .636∗(x13) + .569∗(x14) +.558∗
(x15) + .605∗(x16) + .534∗(x17) + .827∗(x18) +
Computing the Number of Factors and .835∗(x19) + .786∗(20)
Identifying the Variables under Each Factor
Factor 4:
Factor analysis was run on the 47 statements
used to judge customers’ perception about .530∗(x3) + .799∗(x4) + .586∗(x5) + .771∗(x6)
the quality of performance of the different Factor 5:
aspects of Indian Railways services. The
number of factors to be taken into account .666∗(x21) + .742∗(x22) + .487∗(x23) +.420∗
was chosen on the basis of an eigenvalue (x24) + .696∗(x25) + .649∗(x38)
greater than 1.2 and a percentage of variance Factor 6:
greater than 75 per cent. Table 4 shows the
rotated component matrix obtained on the .619∗(x1) + .585∗(x2) + .594∗(x7) + .794∗(x8) +
basis of factor analysis. .884∗(x9) + .547∗(x10) + .626∗(x11)
On the basis of factor analysis, the num-
ber of factors came out to be six in number The variables in the factor have been selected
as shown by the rotated component matrix. on the basis of the highest loadings for the
particular factor. On the basis of the variable
Variables Under Each of the Factors composition of each factor the factors have
Identified been named as follows:
Factor 1:
.819∗(x39) + .637∗(x40) + .467∗(x41) + .661∗ Factor 1-Employee Behaviour
(x42) + .685∗(x43) + .870∗(x44) + .788∗(x45) + Factor 2-Tangible Platform Amenities
.710∗(x46) + .830∗(x47) Factor 3-Services on Train
Factor 4-Availability of Trains and Tickets
Factor 2: Factor 5-Customer-Oriented Basic Plat-
.483∗(x26) + .487∗(x27) + .567∗(x28) +.716∗ form Services
(x29) + .520∗(x30) + .628∗(x31) + .549∗(x32) + Factor 6-Reservation Counters
1 2 3 4 5 6
x1. Duration/Timing of ticket counter .052 .039 –.040 .574 .205 .619
x2. Queue/Waiting Time at ticket counter .255 –.057 .140 .480 .122 .585
x3. Number of Trains on a route .068 .161 .076 .530 .033 .137
x4. Timing of Trains .186 .067 .219 .799 .114 .154
x5. Ticket availability through multi channels –.023 –.063 –.100 .586 .165 –.173
x6. Enquiry handling at ticket counter .030 .185 .173 .771 –.004 –.009
x7. Security & Safety at ticket counter .037 .130 .049 .203 .176 .594
x8. Number of Reservation counters –.094 –.027 –.044 .230 .162 .794
x9. Waiting space at ticket counter –.035 .047 .091 .149 .090 .884
x10. Seating facilities at ticket counter .102 .133 .020 .469 –.072 .547
x11. Proper Ventilation at ticket counter .210 .039 .157 –.017 .137 .626
x12. Food facility on train .038 –.025 .675 –.170 .078 .319
x13. Water facility on train .501 .140 .636 –.003 .159 .636
x14. Security on train .198 .076 .569 .214 .265 .454
x15. Safety on train .170 .078 .558 .305 .272 .471
x16. Cleanliness on train .456 .041 .605 .175 .063 .337
x17. Coach maintenance .347 .141 .534 .254 –.146 .470
x18. Updated information about status of train on train .179 .111 .827 .048 .012 .081
x19. Availability of Coach Attendant/Helper on train .192 .188 .835 .202 –.058 .062
(Table 4 continued)
Public Transportation and Customer Satisfaction 265
(Table 4 continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
The Effect of Various Factors on Customer the dependent variable. Looking at the stand-
Satisfaction with Indian Railways as a Whole ardized beta values it can be said that in abso-
lute terms, Factor 1, i.e., Employee Behaviour,
In order to find out the effect of the factors has the maximum effect on overall satis-
identified above on the overall satisfaction faction of the customer while Factor 4, i.e.,
of customers with Indian Railways, regres- Availability of Trains and Tickets has the least
sion analysis was done with the six factor effect.
scores as the independent variables and Thus, it was found that, hierarchically, em-
customer satisfaction with Indian Railways ployee behaviour, customer-oriented basic
as a whole as the dependent variable. platform services, reservation counters, ser-
The value of adjusted R2 was found to be vices on train, tangible platform amenities,
0.733 which shows that the model is a good followed by availability of trains and tickets,
fit. The significance of the F-value came out were amongst the significant factors having
to be 0.000, which indicates that the model is an impact on the overall satisfaction/dis-
statistically significant at 5 per cent level of satisfaction of the customer with the services
significance. of Indian Railways.
The unstandardized and the standardized On the basis of the values obtained, a re-
beta values and the significance levels of gression equation can be formulated to get the
t-tests for the significance of individual inde- value of the dependent variable as follows:
pendent variables are given in Table 5.
As can be seen from the table, all variables Customer Satisfaction with Indian
are statistically significant in the model at Railways as a Whole = 0.501 +.050∗ (Em-
5 per cent significance level. Looking at the ployee Behaviour) +.009∗ (Tangible Plat-
‘B’ values for all the variables it can be seen form Amenities) +.019∗(Services on Train)
that all the factors are positively related to +.002∗(Availability of Trains and Tickets)
Table 5
Coefficients (a)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Sig.
Model B Beta Std. Error
Figure 1
Proposed Model of Customer Satisfaction with Indian Railways as a whole
The estimated increase in overall satis- Since safety and security during the jour-
faction with Indian Railways for every unit ney are considered to be highly important
increase or decrease in these variables is by the customers, they should be afforded
given by the beta values of the respective more attention by the railways authorities.
variables. Thus if satisfaction with employee The proposed model of customer satisfaction
behaviour increases by one unit, overall satis- with Indian Railways means that careful
faction is estimated to increase by 0.355, if attention should be paid by the railway
all other variables are unchanged. authorities to each aspect of the services of
Indian Railways, to ensure that customers are
Managerial Implications satisfied—not only with the primary service,
but also with the holistic service experience.
and Recommendations
As reflected in the proposed model of cus-
In today’s ever-increasing globalization of tomer satisfaction, employee behaviour has
services and brands, a public transportation been assigned the greatest relative import-
service business like Indian Railways needs ance by the respondents. This implies that
to attend to the satisfaction of their cus- the behaviour of employees—their friend-
tomers, particularly with respect to those liness, politeness, cooperation, promptness,
variables considered important by customers efficiency, knowledge level, trustworthiness,
in their evaluation and choice. The study appearance, etcetera—can reinforce or de-
provides a reference framework for under- crease the satisfaction level of the customers.
standing and describing the importance of Within the constraints imposed by legal
different variables in affecting customer’s obligations and skill requirements, service
satisfaction with Indian Railways as a whole. firms should seek to recruit staff to fill spe-
The basic premise of this study has been cific roles, train them to effectively handle
that the satisfaction level of customers with the customers, and enable systems to moni-
the services of Indian Railways is strongly tor their speech, behaviour and performance.
influenced by perceptions of customers re- After employee behaviour, the next most
garding their satisfaction with the various important dimension was that of customer-
dimensions of Indian Railways. The results oriented basic platform services, which
showed that when the subjects perceived the include dimensions such as: announcement,
performance of various dimensions to be of information display system and enquiry
superior quality, they were more satisfied system on the platform, seating and waiting
with the Indian Railways as a whole. On the facility on the platform, and the complaint
other hand, when respondents perceived the handling system. This implies that although
performance of various dimensions to be of tangible amenities are beneficial to the
poor quality, they were less satisfied with customers, a focus on customer convenience
Indian Railways as a whole. These findings and providing the required support to cus-
would appear to be generalisable to other tomers on the platforms are considered to be
cities as well since the dimensions remain more important. These services are import-
more or less the same. ant to give direction and guidance to the
customers so that they are aware of what journey a customer undertakes. If the journey
needs to be done and how. These dimensions itself is not comfortable it will lead to core
help to guide customers through the environ- service failure and would ultimately result
ment. Customers tend to become disoriented in the customer being dissatisfied with the
when they cannot derive clear information, overall experience. Railway authorities there-
resulting in anxiety and uncertainty about fore need to ensure proper safety and
how to proceed in order to obtain the desired security on the train. Contracts can be en-
service. Inexperienced customers can easily tered into with other parties to provide better
feel lost in a confusing environment and ex- facilities of food and drinks on board the
perience anger and frustration as a result. train. The railway authorities should also en-
The challenge for railway authorities is to sure that proper service in terms of up-to-
have proper customer-oriented services on date information and clean bedsheets and
the platforms to guide them well. blankets is being provided to customers.
The initial contact of customers with the Finally, in the model of customer satisfaction,
railways services is when they have to get the last dimension affecting the overall
their reservations made. Thus the third im- satisfaction of customers is tangible platform
portant dimension affecting the satisfaction services, which includes cleanliness, safety
level of the customers as per the model is and security on the platform, availability of
reservation counters under the preview of food and water, miscellaneous services such
which we have: the duration and timing of as ATMs, telephones, etcetera. Tangible as-
ticket counter, queue/waiting time at ticket pects like fans and lights, bridges and con-
counters, security and safety at ticket coun- nectivity are also included in this dimension.
ters, number of reservation counters, waiting These aspects in the service environment act
space, seating facilities, and proper ventila- as explicit or implicit signals to communicate
tion at the ticket counter. These aspects add the service’s image. In particular, first-time
to the convenience and the feeling of well- customers will automatically try to draw
being among customers. Proper consider- meanings and will form their perceptions
ation along these dimensions can reduce the from these tangible cues. With reference to
feeling of discomfort among customers and, platform amenities, security and safety, along
consequently, increase their satisfaction with general cleanliness and pleasant atmos-
levels. Services on trains is the next important pheric conditions prevailing on the platform,
factor affecting the satisfaction level of cus- was also accorded a high degree of import-
tomers. This factor includes the availability ance by the customers. In conclusion it can
of food and water on the train, proper secur- be said that although individuals often form
ity and safety, cleanliness and maintenance perceptions about particular aspects or indi-
of the train, availability of status information, vidual dimensions of a service, it is the total
availability of attendants, bedding etcetera. configuration of all these aspects that deter-
The core service of Indian Railways is the mines consumer responses and satisfaction
with the service as a whole. Consumers per- Directions for Future Research
ceive a service performance holistically,
and consumer responses to a physical en- The sample for this research was based on
vironment depend on ensemble effects or the respondents of a specific geographical
configurations. Services have to be seen area (Lucknow City). The study, therefore, is
holistically, which means that no dimension limited to the extent that this sample cannot
of the design can be optimized in isolation. be projected to the entire state, country or
All aspects need to be given attention to, foreign countries. There is no denying the fact
depending on the importance attached to that, because of socio-economic and cultural
them by customers. This will ensure a high differences, there is a variation in the percep-
level of customer satisfaction with the service tions of people. Thus the study could be
as a whole, which will consequentially lead extended to other parts of the country so that
to customer loyalty and repatronage. the findings may be more useful.
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