Computer Package1
Computer Package1
Computer Package1
ICT 302
Unit: 2 (Two)
Level: HND 1
Prerequisite: NIL
Introduce students to the concept of computer application packages
To enhance students skills in data base creation, storage and query
To enhance students skill in the usage and application of Autocad
Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often
broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-task-specific
functions of the computer, and application software which is used by users to accomplish
specific tasks. Computer software contrasts with computer hardware, which is the physical
component of computers. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither
can be realistically used without the other. Using a musical analogy, hardware is like a
musical instrument and software is like the notes played on that instrument.
Application software, which uses the computer system to perform special functions
beyond the basic operation of the computer itself. There are many different types of
application software, because the range of tasks that can be performed with a modern
computer is so large.
Still in line with the definition earlier given, application software (and most often refers to
as computer packages) help users solve particular computing problems.
Computer packages are often called end-user programs because they enable the user to
complete tasks such as creating documents, spreadsheets, databases, and publications, doing
online research, sending email, designing graphics, running businesses, and even playing
games! Application software is specific to the task it is designed for and can be as simple as
a calculator application or as complex as a word processing application.
Popular Computer Packages with examples
Word Processor Ms Word, Wordpad, Notepad, Lotus Word, Worperfectetc
Spreadsheet Ms Excel, Lotus 123,Google Doc Spreadsheets, Quatro Pro
Graphics Ms Paints, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw etc
Database MS Access ,MySQL, Oracle, , MS-SQ
Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint. Other examples include Apple Keynote,
OpenOffice Impress, Corel Presentations, Adobe Persuasion,
Flowboard, Kingsoft Presentation etc
Email Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express,Thunderbirdetc
Web Browsers Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozzilaetc
A database can be summarily described as a repository for data. In a broader term, database,
also called electronic database, is any collection of data, or information, that is specially
organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate
the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-
processing operations.
The importance of record-keeping and filing systems cannot be too highly stressed. A well-
planned system contributes significantly to efficiency of operation as well as to an
organization image. Whether records are filed in a computer or in a steel cabinet, they have
to be readily accessible. Information Storage has been a challenge throughout human
history and existed long before modern computer systems.
A manual filing system is filing documents using paper and cabinets. The documents are
filed within a folder and then stored, by some means of categorization or another, in a
cabinet for later retrieval.
This is the opposite of storing documents within folders on your computer's hard drive. In
the computer world the documents are stored in a digital filing system, as opposed to the
physical filing system in the manual way.
However electronic database has numerous advantages over manual filing systems,. Some
of the advantages are:
Searching speed: electronic database with powerful server can be searched through a
query in couple seconds on many millions of records. Imagine how much time it
would take to go manually.
Flexibility on the data level. Having structurized data you can build different
template for the same data. Template will show data in a different way (let say first
name + last name versus last name + first name). On a manual database you wouldnt
have that kind of flexibility.
Consistency and forced harmony of data - in manual database you may put some
information that does not really match like you post some text in date only field
(then you cannot search).
Archiving advantage. You can have 20 years old database with billions of records,
as long as it has been properly designed and maintained, it will still search rapid and
return result fast versus manual where each growing record slows down end point of
search drastically.
Future grow advantage. With electronic database you can always build it up,
redesign etc, like add another column with let say 4-digit zip to 5-digit stored,
without having a reason to rewrite everything like I assume would happen with
manual database.
Various of sharepoints. I dont know about manual, but electronic database can be
accessed by many users the same time, in the same of different ways. Very flexible.
According to the definition above, a simple phone book, a record of household expenditure
and the sales data from a shop are in theory at least, all a form of a database. The common
factor amongst all of these examples, is that the data is arranged in the form of a table with
rows and columns, as you would find in an excel sheet.
Please note that all databases may use any of these models for data arrangement and
management. The kind of model also determines the various operations that can be
performed on the data stored in a database model.
1. Flat Model-A flat model consists of a two-dimensional array of rows and columns where
the column data is of similar nature; be it date and time, integers, character data or floating
point number. The most widely known example of a flat model is an excel spreadsheet.
2. Hierarchical Model-A hierarchical model stores data into a reversed tree-like or parent-
child structure where each record has one single upward link. There is one table which acts
as a root for all other tables, which in turn may further act as branches from which some
more tables originate. This model was used in Information Management System (IMS) by
3. Network Model-This is an improvement over the hierarchical model where a record can
have more than one upward linking. Instead of a regular parent-child model where a child
can have only one parent, the network model allows linking to more than one parent.
5.0 Dimensional Model-The Dimensional model is used for representing data in data
warehouses. The database under this model consists of a large table that uses the
dimensions of a cube to represent key data entities. The data stored in this model has very
fast response time for drilling down or rolling up the table.
6.0 Objectional Model-The Objectional model is the object-oriented approach to database
technology. This model ensures that the database uses the same type-system as its
application program. This helps in avoiding any kind of mismatch during the process of
software development when the information in the database representation is being
converted into application representation. It has found its application in engineering
databases and molecular biology databases.
There are several software-based products that help you build and maintain databases.
These software products are known as database management systems
(DBMS).A database management system (DBMS) is a set of related software
applications that provide end users and application programmers with a systematic way to
create and manage databases. Data in DBMS are store in files. It was introduced during
It was also termed as Navigational Database Management System. When the database is
opened, the program will be handed back a link to the first record in the database, which
also contained pointers to other pieces of data. To find any particular record the
programmer had to step through these pointers one at a time until the required record was
During 1970′s Relational database management system RDBMS came into existence.
RDBMS avoided the navigation model as in old DBMS and introduced Relational model.
The relational model has relationship between tables using primary keys, foreign keys and
indexes. Thus the fetching and storing of data become faster than the old Navigational
model. So RDBMS is widely used by the enterprises and developers for storing complex
and large amount of data.
The key difference is that RDBMS (relational database management system) applications
store data in a tabular form, while DBMS applications store data as files. Though there are
tables DBMS , but there will be no “relation” between the tables, like in a RDBMS. In
DBMS, data is generally stored in either a hierarchical form or a navigational form. This
means that a single data unit will have one parent node and zero, one or more children
nodes. It may even be stored in a graph form, which can be seen in the network model.
In a RDBMS, the tables will have an identifier called primary key. Data values will be
stored in the form of tables. The relationships between these data values will be stored in
the form of a table as well. Every value stored in the relational database is accessible. This
value can be updated by the system. The data in this system is also physically and logically
You can say that a RDBMS is an in an extension of a DBMS, even if there are many
differences between the two. Most software products in the market today are both DBMS
and RDBMS compliant. Essentially, they can maintain databases in a (relational) tabular
form as well as a file form, or both. This means that today a RDBMS application is a
DBMS application, and vice versa. However, there are still major differences between a
relational database system for storing data and a plain database system.
The basic processes that are supported by a DBMS and RDBMS are:
Data: a set of discrete objective facts about an event or a process which have little use by
themselves unless converted into information. Data for example are numerical quantities or
other attributes derived from observation, experiment, or calculation. Cost, speed, time and
capacity are quantitative data.
Information: data endowed with relevance and purpose. It has meaning and it is organized
for some purpose. Information for example, is a collection of data and associated
explanations, interpretations, and other textual material concerning a particular object,
event, or process.
Information and data are therefore different. Information is understood by a person. Data
are values stored on a passive medium like a computer disk while Information may be
defined as data represented in a meaningful form. Same data shown in different ways will
provide different information to different viewers.
In relational databases and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using
a model of vertical columns (which are identified by their name) and horizontal rows, the
cell being the unit where a row and column intersect. A table has a specified number of
columns, but can have any number of rows.[2] Each row is identified by the values
appearing in a particular column subset which has been identified as a unique key index.
In the context of a relational database table, a column is a set of data values of a particular
simple type, one for each row of the table.[1] The columns provide the structure according
to which the rows are composed.
Still in the context of a relational database, a row—also called a record or tuple —represents
a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. Each row in a table represents a set of
related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.
A primary key is a special relational database table column (or combination of columns)
designated to uniquely identify all table records.
A primary key is either an existing table column or a column that is specifically generated
by the database according to a defined sequence.
In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one
table that uniquely identifies a row of another table. In simpler words, the foreign key is
defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key in the first table. For example, a
table called Employee has a primary key called employee_id. Another table called
Employee Details has a foreign key which references employee_id in order to uniquely
identify the relationship between both the tables.
The table containing the foreign key is called the referencing or child table, and the table
containing the candidate key is called the referenced or parent table.
3.1 Introduction
A database is a collection of information that's related. Access allows you to manage your
information in one database file. Within Access there are four major areas: Tables, Queries, Forms
and Reports
• Reports allow you to print data based on queries/tables that you have created
1) Start Access
2) Select Blank Database
3) In the File Name field enter a name for the database
4) Click Create
Microsoft Access automatically creates a new table in the database called Table1. This is a
temporary name until the table is saved.
3.3 Understanding the Views
There are 2 basic views when you work in a table: Design View and Datasheet View. Design View is
used to set the data types, insert or delete fields, and set the Primary key. Datasheet View is used
to enter the data for the records. By default, Access places you in Datasheet View.
Before proceeding, it is important to understand common Microsoft Access Data Types. (Explained
in the table below)
To Enter Fields in a Table:
Continue this until all necessary fields have been entered into the table.
Note: The order that you enter the field names is the order the fields will appear in the table and
on a form.
The Primary Key is the unique identifier for each record in a table. Access will not allow duplicate
entries in a Primary Key field. By default, Access sets the first field in the table as the Primary Key
field. An example of a Primary Key would be your BVN. This is something unique about you and
should not be duplicated.
Once you have entered the fields and set the data types it is now time to enter the records in a
When inputting data into the table, Access automatically saves the data after each new record.
Use the arrows at the bottom of the table to navigate among records.
You are able to navigate from the first record, previous record, next record, last record, and create
a new record (as shown in the picture below).
Notice that the total number of records in the table is shown at the right end of the navigation
By sorting your records in a table, you are easily able to view/locate records in your table.
1) Position your cursor in the field that you wish to sort by, by clicking on any record
in that field.
2) Click either the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending icon
Notice, the table above has been sorted by the Last Name field in ascending order
3.8 Queries
A query is a request for data results, and for action on data. You can use a query to answer a
simple question, to perform calculations, to combine data from different tables, or even to add,
change, or delete table data.
You use Queries to view, change, and analyze data in different ways. You can also use them as a
source of records for forms and reports.
To Create a Query:
In order to control which records are displayed, you must define criteria in a Query. The most
common type of Query is the Select Records Query which will be discussed below.
1) Position your cursor in the criteria row in the field for which you wish to define the
criteria for
2) Enter the criteria
The result of a query is called a recordset. A recordset can be sorted, printed or filtered in the same
manner as a table.
You are able to navigate using the navigation arrows at the bottom of the form.
Note: The form feeds the table. If you edit a record on the form, or create a new record, that data
will be passed to the table it is associated with.
1) Click the View button on the Ribbon to switch from Layout View to Form View
2) Enter the data for each field in the record, pressing the Enter key to move to the next
3) Press Enter after you have entered data for the last field
3.11 Reports
Reports can be based on tables or queries and can be made with the Report Wizard.
To Print a Report
1) Open the report by double clicking on the object in the Navigation Pane
2) By default, the report opens in Print Preview.
Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the
productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through
documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the form of
electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.
Computer-aided design is used in many fields. Its use in designing electronic systems is known
as electronic design automation, or EDA. In mechanical design it is known as mechanical design
automation (MDA) or computer-aided drafting (CAD), which includes the process of creating a
technical drawing with the use of computer software such as AutoCAD
4.2 AutoCAD
Ability to Draw to Scale: The advantages of CAD include: the ability to producing very
accurate designs; drawings can be created in 2D or 3D and rotated; other computer programmes
can be linked to the design software. With manual drafting, you must determine the scale of a
view before you start drawing. This scale compares the size of the actual object to the size of the
model drawn on paper. With CAD, you first decide what units of measurement you will use, and
then draw your model at 1:1 scale.
Ability to Organize Drawing Information: With manual drafting, you can separate information
onto individual transparent overlays. For example, a building plan might contain separate
overlays for its structural, electrical, and plumbing components. With CAD, layers are equivalent
to transparent overlays. As with overlays, you can display, edit, and print layers separately or in
combination. You can name layers to help track content, and lock layers so they can't be altered.
Assigning settings such as color, linetype, or lineweight to layers helps you comply with industry
standards. You can also use layers to organize drawing objects for plotting. Assigning a plot
style to a layer makes all the objects drawn on that layer plot in a similar manner.
Ability to Draw Efficiently: With manual drafting, you use drawing tools that include pencils,
scales, compasses, parallel rules, templates, and erasers. Repetitive drawing and editing tasks
must be done manually. In CAD, you can choose from a variety of drawing tools that create
lines, circles, spline curves, and more. You can easily move, copy, offset, rotate, and mirror
objects. You can also copy objects between open drawings.
Ability to Draw Accurately: With manual drafting, you must draw objects carefully to ensure
correct size and alignment. Objects drawn to scale must be manually verified and dimensioned.
With CAD, you can use several methods to obtain exact dimensions. The simplest method is to
locate points by snapping to an interval on a rectangular grid. Another method is to specify exact
coordinates. Coordinates specify a drawing location by indicating a point along an X and Y axis
or a distance and angle from another point. With object snaps, you can snap to locations on
existing objects, such as an endpoint of an arc, the midpoint of a line, or the center point of a
Ability to View Your Drawing: With manual drafting, the size and resolution of your drawing
is fixed. With CAD, the size and resolution of your drawing can be changed as needed. To do
detailed work, you can increase display size by zooming in. You can zoom out to display more
of the drawing. To move to another section of a drawing, you pan the drawing without changing
magnification. You can zoom and pan to create the best working conditions. This can be
invaluable when working on large and detailed drawings, such as this health spa plan.
Create Dimensions and Text: With manual drafting, if you resize any part of the drawing, you
must erase and then redraw the dimensions. Changing text can often involve relettering the
whole drawing. With CAD, you create associative dimensions and text on the layout in paper
space. Associative dimensions are tied to the underlying model. Changes to the model
automatically update the dimension values. Standard types of dimensions include linear, radial,
ordinate, angular, baseline, and more. You can easily revise the content, font, size, spacing, and
rotation of text in dimensions and notes.
Ability to Modify Your Drawing: Revisions are a part of any drawing project. Whether you
work on paper or with CAD, you will need to modify your drawing in some way. On paper, you
must erase and redraw to make revisions to your drawing manually. CAD eliminates tedious
manual editing by providing a variety of editing tools. If you need to copy all or part of an
object, you don’t have to redraw it. If you need to remove an object, you can erase it with a few
clicks of the mouse. And if you make an error, you can quickly undo your actions. Once you
draw an object, you never need to redraw it. You can modify existing objects by mirroring,
rotating, scaling, stretching, trimming, and more. You can also change object properties, such as
linetype, lineweight, color, and layer, at any time
Let’s start your AutoCAD and get familiar with the AutoCAD interface elements, what they do,
and where you can access them.
4.3.2 Command Line. We can activate tools and change the tool
settings by typing in command line. Command line is also
providing information what you should do next.
Click the tool you want to use on the ribbon. AutoCAD drawing tools is on home tab.
1. You will see the dynamic input near your pointer. It will tell you what you need to do
next. Most of drawing tools will ask you a point location. We will learn how to input the
coordinate precisely later. Just click anywhere on your drawing area.
2. Again, dynamic input will tell you what to do. Another point location. Click anywhere
again. Pay attention that information in dynamic input is also shown in command line.
4. When you finish drawing line segments, press [enter] to finish it. Many veteran
AutoCAD users like to use [space] as an alternative.
7. And just like line tool, it will ask next point. But don’t click your mouse yet. Press down
arrow on your keyboard, or click the small arrow next to ‘specify other corner point or’
In a Nut Shel
Some tools will end after you define points, like rectangle and circle. Some other
tools require you to end it manually, press [Enter] to do it.
The next thing you should get familiar with is using navigation tools. You will want to see your
drawing closer, move it to see another part of your drawing, see your model from different angle
(for 3D), etc.
Using Mouse
This is probably the most common way in many applications. You can zoom
in/zoom out your drawing by scrolling your scroll button. The drawing will be
zoomed in/out about your pointer position. You can pan by click the mid button,
hold it, and move your mouse.
You can find the navigation tools in view tab, navigate panel. There are pan
button, orbit (we will not discuss this until 3D tutorial), and zoom. There are
several zoom tools you can use. The tool name should self explain what it’s for.
But you might want to try them by yourself. Click the tool you want to use, then
use it by hold your left mouse button. [Enter] to end the tool.
Steering wheel is the navigation tool that stick to your mouse. You
can find the navigation tools here, like: zoom, pan, and rewind. If
you want to try the navigation tools other than those three, try in 3D
model. You can show/hide the steering wheel by pressing [shift]+W.
Or click the steering wheel button on the try, right side of your status
bar. (see animation below)
Suggested Readings/References:
Akinyokun, O.C, (1999). Principles and Practice of Computing Technology.International
Publishers Limited, Ibadan.
Balogun, V.F., Daramola, O.A., Obe, O.O., Ojokoh, B.A., and Oluwadare S.A., (2006).Introduction
to Computing: A Practical Approach. Tom-Ray Publications, Akure.
Tunji and Dokun (1993).Data Processing, Principles and Concepts.Informatics Books, Lagos.
Ayo, C. K. (2001). Information Technology: Trends and Applications in Science and Business.
Concept Publications.