Disha Publication Panorama. CB1580967053
Disha Publication Panorama. CB1580967053
Disha Publication Panorama. CB1580967053
ISBN : 9789389645224
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Foundation day of States 15th November Jharkhand Day
1st January Nagaland Day (Jharkhand Diwas)
First Wax statue of a Living Indian Mahatma Gandhi at Madame Tussaud’s in 1939
First Exclusive internet magazine Bharat Samachar
First Miss India to participate in Indrani Rehman
Miss Universe
First Judge in International Court of Dr. Nagender Singh
First Graduate in Medicine Soorjo Coomar Goodeve Chukerbutty
India’s First University Nalanda University
India’s First Open University Andhra Pradesh Open University
India’s First Lok Sabha Member to P.V.Narasimha Rao
be elected with a record
maximum number of votes
First Indian to reach Antarctica Lt. Ram Charan
First British to Visit India Hawkins
First Test tube baby of India Indira (Baby Harsha)
First Post Office Opened in India Kolkata (1727)
Geographical Discoveries •• Kepler-Discovered the Laws of
•• Amundsen (Norwegian)- Planetary Motion in 1609.
Discovered South Pole in 1912. •• Magellan-Commanded the first
•• Byrd-American aviator and polar expedition in 1519 to sail round the
explorer. Flew over the North Pole world.
in 1926. •• Marco Polo-Venetian traveller who
•• Cabot (Venetian)-Discovered New explored China, India. He was the first
Foundland in 1494. European to visit China.
•• Captain Cook (English)-Discovered •• Nansen-Norwegian explorer who
Sandwich (now Hawaiian) Isles in explored across Greenland.
1770. •• Peary, Robert-First to reach the
•• Columbus-Discovered West Indies in North Pole in 1909.
1492 and South America in 1498. •• Pedro Alvares Cabral (Portuguese)
•• Copernicus-Discovered Solar - Discovered Brazil in 1500.
System in 1540. Propounded the •• Iksman-Dutch navigator, discovered
astronomical system which bears his the Tasmania Island and New Zealand
name. in 1642.
•• Edmund Hillary-Joint conqueror of •• Tenzing (Indian)-First to reach
Mount Everest with Tenzing. Mount Everest on 29th May, 1953
•• Ferdinand de Lesseps-Conceived along with Edmund Hillary.
the plan of the Suez Canal on which •• Vasco da Gama (Portuguese)-
work was completed in 1869 through Rounded the Cape of Good Hope and
his efforts. discovered the sea route to India in
Country Animals Country Animal
Afghanistan Snow Leopard Nepal Cow
Albania Golden Eagle New Zealand Kiwi
Australia Kangaroo Pakistan Markhor
Bangladesh Royal Bengal tiger South Africa Springbok
Brazil Macaw Spain Bull
Canada North American beaver United Kingdom Barbary Lion
China Panda, Red Crowned Crane United States Bald Eagle
Denmark Mute Swan India Bengal Tiger
Japan Green Pheasant Kuwait Camel
Myanmar Tiger Belgium Lion
Blue Book : An official report of the British Government
Green Book : An official publication of Italy and Persia
Grey Book : An official reports of the Government of Japan and Belgium
Orange Book : An official Publications of the Government of Netherlands
White Book : An official Publications of China, Germany and Portugal
Yellow Book : French official Book
White Paper : An official paper of the Government of Britain and India on a particular
Red Data Book: Russian official book which contains lists of species whose continued
existence is threatened
Detective Agency Country Detective Agency Country
Ministry of State Security China VAJA Iran
Australian Secret Australia MOSSAD Israel
Intelligence Service (ASIS)
FSB Russia Egyption Homeland Egypt
State Security Agency South Africa PSIA Japan
Inter Service Intelligence Pakistan Iraqi National Iraq
(ISI) Intelligence Service
MI (Military Intelligence) 5 UK Central Intelligence USA
and 6, Special Branch, Joint Agency (CIA),
Intelligence org. Federal Bureau of
investigation (FBI)
Research and Analysis Wing INDIA DGSE (Direction France
(RAW), Intelligence Bureau General Dela
(IB) Securite Exterieure
International Awards Magsaysay Awards
Nobel Prize • Instituted in 1957. Named after Ra-
mon Magsaysay, the former President
• It was set up in 1895 under the will of
of Philippines.
Alfred Nobel. • The award is given annually on August
• The Nobel prizes are presented annu- 31, the birth anniversary of Magsaysay,
ally on 10 December (The death anni- for outstanding contributions in Public
versary of the founder). service, Community Leadership, Jour-
• It is given in the fields of Peace, Lit- nalism, Literature & Creative Arts and
erature, Physics, Chemistry, Physi- International Understanding.
ology or Medicine (from 1901) and Man Booker Prize
Economics (from 1969). • Instituted in 1968, is the highest lit-
Nobel Prize (Indian/ Indian origin) erary award of the world, setup by
1913: L
iterature – Rabindranath Tagore; the Booker Company and the British
was also the first Asian to win the Publishers Association along the lines
prize of the Pulitzer Prize of USA.