Earthquake Resistant Design of Installations Hilti 2014
Earthquake Resistant Design of Installations Hilti 2014
Earthquake Resistant Design of Installations Hilti 2014
resistant design
of installations
Edition 1.1 EN / February 2014
In recent years, the need to make allowance for the damage of equipment and
installations by seismic actions has increased in importance worldwide.
As a result of the density of populations in town and city agglomerations as well as
the high concentration of assets in industrialized states, the risk arising from
earthquakes has greatly increased. This does not apply solely to “classical”
earthquake regions, but also to Central Europe where, for example, the threat from
earthquakes has been underestimated so far.
Greater efforts are necessary to reduce this risk.
This guideline provides the information needed by those carrying out design work
for seismic restraint installations (non-structural building members) in field practice.
If, for example, chemical plants or infrastructure utilities, equipment, etc. are called
to mind whose continued operation after an earthquake is of vital importance, e.g.
hospitals, water supplies and telecommunication facilities, it becomes clear that
material damage and consequential damage as well as that due to the breakdown
or interruption of operations resulting from earthquake damage to non-structural
elements can be extreme.
Despite the possibly serious damage that can be caused, the practical information
available to engineers about this subject matter is limited. This guideline fills, so to
speak, the gap in the respective technical literature.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 1
From: Hilti AG
BU Installation Systems
Feldkircherstrasse 100
9494 Schaan
Version: 1.1 - EN
Summary: The document contains a guideline of seismic engineering and provides readily
comprehensible information about seismic restraint design of installations.
The calculation is based on the EN 1998-1:2004 – Eurocode 8.
For the seismic design the seismic horizontal forces related to the seismic risk
of the site are determinants, together with the specific factors of the building
in question.
The seismic hazard in Europe varies significantly from site to site: as a
consequence, seismic forces on installations may vary significantly.
Solutions proposed in this manual have been developed in order to cover
the main applications and, at the same time, to meet the different levels
of resistance required.
Installation systems for utilities, plants or equipment (nonstructural building
members) equipped with seismic resistant bracing, allow to transfer the
earthquake forces from the system to the main structure.
2 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Chapter 1 – Introduction 4
1.1 Seismicity in Europe 5
1.2 Seismicity in Italy 6
1.3 Code framework: Eurocode 8 7
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 3
1. Introduction
In recent years, the consideration to the damage caused by an earthquake to non-structural elements of buildings has
increased in importance worldwide.
Elements such as machinery, facades, interior decoration, piping and distribution lines, if designed only statically, generally are
not able to support the additional horizontal forces resulting from a seismic event, even if with relatively low intensity.
The action of an earthquake may cause displacements of machinery, such as transformers or distribution substations, fall or
breakage of pipes and power lines, with consequent induced risks even with high intensity, such as:
• propagation of fire or explosions due to the presence of flammable gases or electricity
• pollution or poisoning for the presence of dangerous fluids
• possible obstruction of escape routes
• loss of functionality of the utilities in buildings relevant to the public safety
• service interruption in productive buildings.
Several studies have shown that the cost of repairs resulting from a seismic event are largely affected by the damage suffered
by non-structural elements, with rates sometimes much higher than the damage suffered by the structure of the building.
As a rule, the dead loads of items together with the working loads predominate in the case of load-bearing structures.
This applies also to non-structural fixtures, equipment, installations, etc. Often, when building components of this type as well
as their fastenings are designed and installed, only the vertically acting forces due to weight are thus taken into account.
In many situations, as no continuous or variable forces are acting in a horizontal direction, the resistance to horizontal forces is
often considerably smaller than to that in a vertical direction.
In view of this, the typical damage to buildings, structures, non-structural fixtures, equipment, installations, etc., caused by
earthquakes must be attributed to the extraordinary effect of horizontal forces.
In the specific case of a hydraulic system, for example, the pipes are invested by horizontal forces due to a certain acceleration
of the ground. Therefore, for the seismic design the seismic hazard of the site and specific factors relating to the building in
question are crucial.
4 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
The following illustration (Fig. 1.1) provides an overview of seismicity and in turn the earthquake hazard in Europe.
The seismic hazard map shows the peak ground acceleration for stiff ground and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years
(475 year return period).
Seismic activity is particularly prevalent in the Mediterranean region - in Italy, the Balkans, Greece and Turkey.
Elevated levels of seismicity are also apparent in the Alps, on the Iberian peninsula and in parts of North Africa.
Northern Europe, and also Germany and France tend to have lower seismicity.
In Central Europe, a slightly elevated seismic hazard is particularly noticeable in the Rhine region.
Macro-seismic intensities and seismic hazards for each of the individual countries are shown in the national guidelines.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 5
Italy is one of the most seismic countries in the Mediterranean area, both for the frequency of earthquakes that have historically
affected his territory and for the intensity that some of them have achieved.
The figure below gives an overview of macro-seismic intensity in Italy. Intensity is a qualitative measure of earthquake strength.
In contrast to the instrumentally determined magnitude, it is determined on the basis of human perception as well as the effects
on the landscape and buildings (macroseismicity).
The physical values such as ground acceleration used to quantify the earthquake impact and which have to be used to
calculate the earthquake resistance of the Hilti Mounting System MQS are described in Fig. 1.3.
Chapter 2 describes the calculation method for the determination of the seismic force according to the ground acceleration
and the boundary conditions.
Fig. 1.2 – Maximum ground acceleration according to “Ordinanza PCM n. 3519 – 2006”
6 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
1.3.1 Eurocodes
The European standards, known as Eurocodes, form a set of standards recognized as a high-quality, coherent construction
standard. They can be implemented anywhere in the world thanks to the facility to add national annexes.
It should be noted that many countries use building codes based on earlier national standards (such as BS, DIN, NF).
As a consequence, these countries will be amending their standards.
In addition to EN 1998-1, supplementary rules are necessary for certain types of supporting framework which are dealt with in
EN 1998-2 to EN 1998-6: They are contained in these sections of Eurocode 8:
• EN 1998-2 contains special regulations for bridges;
• EN 1998-3 contains regulations for the assessment and improvement of earthquake resistance of existing buildings;
• EN 1998-4 contains special regulations for silos, storage tanks and pipelines;
• EN 1998-5 contains special regulations relating to foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects;
• EN 1998-6 contains special regulations for towers, masts and chimneys.
[1] EN 1998-1:2004 Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 7
Calculation of seismic actions
Installations and fittings that do not form part of the supporting framework of buildings are described as nonstructural elements.
Non-structural elements are building claddings, facades or suspended ceilings.
Installations and equipment such as pipelines, apparatus and machinery and machines or photovoltaic installations are also
designated as non-structural elements.
If non-structural elements have to be designed and secured so as to be earthquake resistant, the decisive factor for the design
and dimensioning is not the movement of the ground (ground acceleration ag) but that of the building or floor. Here the decisive
floor acceleration af is dependent on the building, which transmits the floor movements during an earthquake (Fig. 2.1).
The building support structure amplifies the ground vibrations, especially in the area of the building’s natural frequency and acts
like a frequency filter.
A dynamic amplification is also brought about by the non-structural element itself. Here, the decisive factor is the natural
vibration behaviour of the element itself, its damping characteristics and its ability to dissipate energy through plastic
The above-mentioned relationships involve complex dynamic processes which can be measured with elaborate dynamic
calculations. Simulations of the type are however costly, for which reason this technique is only used to demonstrate the
earthquake resistance of non-structural elements in exceptional cases, such as for nuclear power station components.
Non-structural elements are normally measured using the so-called equivalent static force method.
In this case, an equivalent static force (seismic force) Fa acting on the element’s centre of gravity is determined.
The building and element vibrations as well as the ability of the element to absorb energy through deformation (energy
dissipation) are taken into account by means of factors (coefficients).
Floor acceleration
Fig. 2.1 'B
Equivalent static analysis for the
determination of earthquake actions
8B ag
on non-structural elements
Ground acceleration
8 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Calculation of seismic actions
Fa horizontal seismic force [kN]
Wa weight of the non-structural element [kN]
Sa seismic coefficient of the non-structural element [-]
γa importance factor of the non-structural element [-]
qa behaviour factor of the non-structural element [-]
The importance factor γa takes into account the importance of the building. It is not a physical value, but a risk-oriented factor,
that is to say a safety factor. Eurocode 8 provides four categories of importance. In the national standards, these are designated
as building categories or building classes.
For normal buildings, the importance factor γa = 1.0 applies. For schools, shopping centres and administrative buildings, the
factor γa = 1.2 must be used. The importance factor γa = 1.4 is to be used for buildings such as hospitals or for other vitally
important buildings in the event of an emergency (fire brigade buildings for example).
Table 2.1 – Importance factor γa for building (load-bearing structure) according to building class or category (BWK)
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 9
Calculation of seismic actions
For non-structural elements, the importance factor γa is generally irrelevant (γa = 1.0).
Additional safety, i.e. an importance factor γa > 1.0 need only be used if the element is important for the function of vital
systems (life lines) or if the element may pose major risks in the case of earthquake damage.
EN 1998-1:2004 states that the importance factor γa may not be lower than 1.5 for the following non-structural elements:
• Anchoring of machines and equipment required for life-saving systems
• Storage tanks and containers holding toxic or explosive substances that pose a danger to the public
In all other cases, an importance factor of 1.0 is to be used for non-structural elements.
Table 2.2 – Behavior factor qa for non-structured elements in accordance with EN 1998-1:2004
Information on the magnitude of the behaviour factor can be found in other places including Part 4 of Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-4)
which applies to silos, storage tanks and pipelines. Information is available on the behaviour factor for welded steel pipelines
that exhibit considerable deformation and dissipation capacity provided they are sufficiently thick. In this case, a behaviour
factor qa = 1.5 - 3.0 is indicated, depending on the pipe geometry. Experimental investigations into energy dissipation of steel
cantilever constructions show that the behaviour factor for mounting constructions of this nature is usually qa = 1.5 - 2.5.
10 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Calculation of seismic actions
takes into account the design ground acceleration ag and the soil factor S, thereby describing the seismic hazard at a particular
The design ground acceleration ag is determined on a country by country basis according to the local seismic hazard and may
be found in the relevant national annex to EN 1998-1 (EN 1998-1/NA) or in the national guidelines.
According to EN 1998-1:2004, ground classes A, B, C, D and E can be described in the following table.
The recommended soil factor S for these ground classes is also given in this table. In order to take account of the influence of
local building and subsoil conditions, the parameter values in a particular country may also be specified in the national annex.
In this case, the ground classification scheme specified in the national annex taking into account the subsurface geology of an
individual country also contains a definition of the soil factor S. If the influence of the subsurface geology is not taken into
account, EN 1998-1:2004 recommends the use of two response spectra (type 1 and type 2).
If the earthquakes which essentially define the seismic hazard in a particular location have surface wave magnitudes Ms not
exceeding 5.5, use of the type 2 spectrum is recommended.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 11
Calculation of seismic actions
Table 2.3 – Recommended ground class and soil factor S according to EN 1998-1:2004
Non structural elements like equipment and machines, in particular comparatively small and light components, are compared to
building much more stiffer: ratio Ta / T1 in that case is very small and it is tolerable to set it zero (Ta / T1 ≅ 0) to determine the
static substitute load. Please refer to the Annex F for more details.
Based on the assumption above, the amplification factor A could vary between these values:
• non-structural element in the foundation of the building (z/H ≅ 0): A = 1.0
• non-structural element on the roof of the building (z/H ≅ 1): A = 2.5
12 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Calculation of seismic actions
The section below is a simplified example of the calculation of the horizontal seismic force acting on a mass hanging from a
concrete slab, considering a hypothetical case of an installation of a single pipe with mass w (kg/m) fixed at a distance h (m)
from the ceiling. The objective is to identify the main parameters that influence the calculation of seismic force and obtain,
finally, a real calculation according to the static analysis-equivalent.
2.4.1 Input
Pipe weight w = 10 kg/m (steel pipe DN50, full of water, with insulation)
Distance from ceiling h = 0.25 m (from intrados to the centre of gravity of the pipe)
Installation spacing istatic = 2.00 m (distance between the pipe fastenings in the pipe run)
The seismic coefficient Sa must be determined on a country by country basis according to the local seismic hazard, taking
account of the influence of local building and subsoil conditions (relevant national annex or in the national guidelines must be
the seismic factor A is equal to 2.5 and, finally, the seismic coefficient Sa = 0.83
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 13
Calculation of seismic actions
where iseismic is the distance between supports with the same type of bracing – in this example, is the distance between two
pipe supports with transversal bracing.
It is supposed to alternate the seismic support between transversal set-up and longitudinal set-up (see Section 3.2 for more
details on the bracings configuration in a pipe run):
Assuming α = 45 ° we deduce
Fig. 2.2
Structural scheme of actions on seismic
1 2
α S3
The brace 1 is therefore subject to a tensile force equal to 0.235 kN, considering the horizontal seismic load Fa = +0.166 kN.
It’s evident that the seismic action, by definition, can act in both directions (± Fa).
As a consequence, brace 2 is necessary to absorb the horizontal seismic action in the opposite direction: Fa = -0.166 kN.
The vertical threaded rod is subject to a tensile force of 0.034 kN; in this case it is not necessary to stiffen the rod with any
reinforcements (see Annex E for more details on the use of rod stiffeners).
14 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Typical applications
3. Typical applications
Single pipe: points 1 ÷ 4
3.1 Guide for the load capacity verification
Trapeze with rods: points 1 ÷ 4 and 6
✓ ✓ ✓
Choose – out of the typical collection – the actual load case:
Longitudinal / Transversal / 4-way
✓ ✓ Compare actual load Fa with the max. design load Fhoriz (longitudinal and
transversal) mentioned on typical drawing:
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 15
Typical applications
Braces for a earthquake-resistant installation need to be arranged at a distance (b) from each other that must be assessed in
relation to seismic acceleration, the mass of the pipes or (system in general) and the type of braces itself – i.e. the situation of
the seismic brace respect to the main axis of the pipe.
For this reason, we can distinguish three basic types of seismic-resistant media:
• Longitudinal bracing: seismic brace arranged longitudinally to the main direction of the plant – resistance to horizontal
actions acting along the main axis of the pipe
•T ransversal bracing: seismic brace perpendicular to the main direction of the plant – resistance to horizontal actions acting
transversely of the pipe
•4 -way bracing: structure composed of both longitudinal and transversal braces, therefore able to withstand all of the forces
acting on the horizontal plane.
It is advantageous for the bracing to be at a spacing that is a multiple of the normal pipe fastening spacing of (s), so that, for
example, every third or fourth pipe fastening is braced.
Fig. 3.1
Bracing arranged transversely and longitudinally in
relation to pipe axis and at spacing of b in each case C
Fig. 3.2
Transversal and longitudinal bracing on
the same pipe fastening – 4-way bracing
Where the pipe changes direction, particular care is necessary to ensure that bracing is not provided in one direction only
(Fig. 3.3). In such cases it can sometimes be necessary to arrange identical sets of bracing one after another along the pipe
axis (Fig.3.4).
Z Inappropriate
Fig. 3.3 bracing
Inappropriate arrangement of bracing (none in y direction) direction
Fig. 3.4
Horizontal forces in y direction taken by longitudinal bracing
16 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Typical applications
Single pipe
Wall bracket
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 17
Support type: R-SP-T
max H Y
∅ pipe ≤ 4”
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
18 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-SP-L
max H Y
Hex nut
item n. according Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-H -8 / -10 / -12
vertical rod size item n. 2083738 / 2083739 / 2083740
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 19
Support type: R-SP-TD
max H
4” ≤ ∅ pipe ≤ 324 mm
(**) Hilti pipe ring Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-AB -8 / -10 / -12 /-16
item n. 2083730 / 2083731 / 2083732 / 2083733
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
20 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-SP-LD
max H
4” ≤ ∅ pipe ≤ 324 mm Z
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 21
Support type: R-SP-TDL
max H
∅ pipe ≥ 324 mm
(**) Hilti pipe ring Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-AB -8 / -10 / -12 /-16
item n. 2083730 / 2083731 / 2083732 / 2083733
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
22 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-SP-LDL
max H
∅ pipe ≥ 324 mm
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 23
Support type: R-TPS-T
max H
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
24 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-TPS-L
F (**) max H
max L
Hex nut
item n. according vertical rod size
Hex nut
item n. according vertical rod size
Plate Hilti MQZ-L9 / -L11 / -L13
item n. 369678 / 369679 / 369680
Channel Hilti MQ-41/MQ-72/MQ-41D
item n. according channel type and length
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 25
Support type: R-TPM-T
(1) max desing load for each channel level SEISMIC LOAD
F (**)
max H Y
F (**) X
max L Z
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
26 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-TPM-L
(1) max design load for each channel level SEISMIC LOAD
F (**)
max H
F (**)
max L
Hex nut
item n. according vertical rod size
Plate Hilti
MQZ-L9 / -L11 / -L13 Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-H -8 / -10 / -12
item n. 369678 / item n. 2083738 / 2083739 / 2083740
369679 / 369680
Hex nut
Channel Hilti MQ-41/MQ-72/MQ-41D
item n. according vertical rod size
item n. according channel type and length
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 27
Support type: R-TPS-4W
max H
max L
Hex nut M10 (2x) (*) Threaded rod AM8x…/ AM10x… /AM12x…
item n. 216466 item n. according rod length
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
28 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: R-TPM-4W
F (**)
max H Y
F (**) X
max L
Hex nut
item n. according vertical rod size
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-H -8 / -10 / -12
item n. 2083738 / 2083739 / 2083740
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 29
Support type: C-TPS-L
F (*) max H
max L
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-AC-10 / MQS-AC-12
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-ACD-10 / MQS-ACD-12
item n. 2083727 / 2083728
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
30 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: C-TPM-L
F (*)
max H Y
F (*) X
max L Z
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 31
Support type: C-TPS-T
max H
max L
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-AC-10 / MQS-AC-12 Z
item n. 2083725 / 2083726
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-ACD-10 / MQS-ACD-12
item n. 2083727 / 2083728
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
32 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: C-TPM-T
F (*)
max H Y
F (*)
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 33
Support type: C-TPS-4W
F (*)
max H Y
F (*)
max L Z
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
34 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: C-TPM-4W
F (*)
max H Y
F (*) X
max L Z
item n. 2083725 / 2083726 FOR HANGER AND BRACE ANCHORAGE
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-ACD-10 / MQS-ACD-12
item n. 2083727 / 2083728
Seismic angle
Hilti MQS-W-41 /
MQS-W-72 /
MQS-W-41D set
item n. 2083735 /
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-AC-10 2083736 / 2083737
item n. 2083725
Seismic hinge Hilti MQS-ACD-10 Channel Hilti MQ-41/
item n. 2083727 MQ-72/MQ-41D
item n. according
channel type and length
Seismic angle Hilti MQS-W-41 / MQS-W-72 / MQS-W-41D set
item n. 2083735 / 2083736 / 2083737
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 35
Support type: CR-TPS-L
F (*) max H
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
36 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: CR-TPS-L-3D
F (*) max H
max L
item n. 2083742
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 37
Support type: CR-TPM-L-3D
max H Y
F (*) X
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
38 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: CR-TPS-T
F (*) max H
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 39
Support type: CR-TPM-T
F (*)
max H Y
F (*) X
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
40 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: CR-TPS-4W
max H Y
F (*)
max L
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 41
Support type: RC-TPS-T
max H
max L
Hex nut
item n. according vertical rod size
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
42 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Support type: S-CT-01
F (*)
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 43
Support type: S-CT-02
F (*)
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
44 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex A
max. 5°
max. 5°
Top view – bracing direction on main axis Top view – bracing direction on main axis
of the pipe run of the pipe run
max. 5°
Top view – bracing direction on main axis Side view – bracing angle
of the pipe run on the horizontal level
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 A.01
Annex A
max. 5°
max. 5°
Top view – bracing direction on main axis Top view – bracing direction on main axis
of the pipe run of the pipe run
45° ± 15°
45° ± 5° 45° ± 5°
45° ± 15°
45° ± 5°
45° ± 5°
Top view – bracing direction on main axis Side view – bracing angle
of the pipe run on the horizontal level
A.02 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Tables A (A1÷A6) are for Longitudinal or Transversal set-up, for height of trapeze 0.8 m, 1.0 m, 1.2 m
Tables B (B1÷B6) are for 4-way set-up, for height of trapeze 0.8 m, 1.0 m, 1.2m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.01
Annex B
Table N° A1 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 0.8 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.02 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Table N° A1 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 0.8 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.03
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.04 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.05
Annex B
Table N° A3 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.0 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.06 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Table N° A3 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.0 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.07
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.08 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.09
Annex B
Table N° A5 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.2 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.10 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Table N° A5 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.2 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.11
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.12 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.13
Annex B
Table N° B1 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 0.8 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.14 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex B
Table N° B3 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.0 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 B.15
Annex B
Table N° B5 – point load in the middle of the span, height of the trapeze: 1.2 m
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance of the product with applicable norms and
standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use
and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded
at any time. All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
B.16 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on solid concrete
Fastening of seismic rod bracing concrete
1) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1
2) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1 and C2
3) approved anchor according to the European Guideline ETAG 001-1, Option 1
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 C.01
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on solid concrete
Fastening of rod hanging concrete
1) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1
2) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1 and C2
3) approved anchor according to the European Guideline ETAG 001-1, Option 1
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
C.02 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on solid concrete
Fastening of seismic channel bracing concrete
1) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1
2) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1 and C2
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 C.03
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on solid concrete
Fastening of channel hanging concrete
Base MQP-21-72
Item n.: 369651
Stud anchor Screw anchor Chemical anchor
HIT-HY 200-A + HIT-V M10x95 1)
Item n.: 2022696 + 387057
HST-M10x90 2) HUS-H 8x90 1)
Item n.: 371584 Item n.: 368731
HIT-HY 200-A + HIT-Z M10x95 2)
Connector MQV-2/2D-14 Item n.: 2022696 + 2018367
Item n.: 369639
HIT-HY 200-A + HIT-V M12x120 1)
Item n.: 2022696 + 387147
HST-M12x115 2) HUS-H 10x90 1)
Item n.: 371587 Item n.: 401439
HIT-HY 200-A + HIT-Z M12x105 2)
Item n.: 2022696 + 2018411
Bracket MQK
Item n.: according bracket
type and length
1) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1
2) approved anchor according to the new European Guideline ETAG 001 Annex E, seismic category ETA C1 and C2
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
C.04 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on hollow brick
Fastening of seismic rod bracing brick
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 C.05
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on hollow brick
Fastening of rod hanging brick
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
C.06 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on hollow brick
Fastening of seismic channel bracing brick
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 C.07
Annex C
Base material
Structural attachment on hollow brick
Fastening of channel hanging brick
Base MQP-21-72
Item n.: 369651
Chemical anchor
Mortar Anchor rod or threaded rod Mesh sleeve
HIT-V-5.8 M10x95 / x115 / x130
HIT-SC M18x…
or AM10 8.8 rod
Item n.: 360485
Connector MQV-2/2D-14 Item n.: 387057 / 387146 /
or 360486
Item n.: 369639 HIT-HY 70 387058 or 407497
Item n.: 383677 HIT-V-5.8 M12x120 / x150
HIT-SC M22x…
or AM12 8.8 rod
Item n.: 273662
Item n.: 387147 / 387061 or
or 284511
Bracket MQK
Item n.: according bracket
type and length
Hilti strongly advises the Customer to verify the respective application by consultation and calculation of an structural engineer for the compliance
MQS System of the product with applicable norms and standards. The non-involvement of a structure engineer will lead to a release of Hilti’s liability. It is required
that the Product is used strictly according to the applicable Hilti Instruction For Use and within the application limits specified in the Hilti Technical
Data Sheets, the technical specifications and supporting Product literature, and the relevant application limits were not exceeded at any time.
Seismic Designed Solutions All rights reserved for Hilti AG. Duplication of drawings, as well as utilization and disclosure, are not permitted unless expressly agreed by Hilti AG.
C.08 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex D
Recommendations on type of application and type of pipe ring for the correct
transfer of horizontal seismic loads, according to typicals in Chapter 3
Dimension Pipe ring
Single rod hanging – seismic bracing
∅ < 4”
installed on vertical rod
MP-MI 2)
MP-MX 3)
Single rod hanging – seismic bracing
4” ≤ ∅ < 324 mm
installed on pipe ring flanges
MP-MX 3)
Double rod hanging – seismic bracing
∅ ≥ 324 mm
installed on pipe ring flanges
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 D.01
Annex D
Recommendations on type of application and type of pipe ring for the correct
transfer of horizontal seismic loads, according to typicals in Chapter 3
Based on pipe ring type (and pipe diameter as a consequence) table shows:
• threaded rod diameter recommended, to fix pipe-ring to the channel
• Pipe ring saddle nut (MQA type), for the fixation of the rod to the channel
• Max distance h from the connection boss to the horizontal channel
• Min distance d from the vertical channel (for the longitudinal bracing installation)
Pipe ring Rod diameter Pipe ring saddle hmax [mm] dmin [mm]
D.02 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex D
Recommendations on type of application and type of ventilation pipe ring for the
correct transfer of horizontal seismic loads, according to typicals in Chapter 3
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 D.03
Annex D
Recommendations on type of application and type of ventilation pipe ring for the
correct transfer of horizontal seismic loads, according to typicals in Chapter 3
D.04 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex D
Application Fastening
Fig. D.1 – direct fixation using cable tray holes Fig. D.2 – cable ladder fixation with clips
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 D.05
Annex E
Use of Rod Stiffener Seismic System
E.01 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex E
Use of Rod Stiffener Seismic System
Threaded rod in compression Y
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 E.02
Annex E
Use of Rod Stiffener Seismic System
Threaded rod in compression
Et Vt
E.03 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex E
Use of Rod Stiffener Seismic System
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 E.04
Annex F
Ta fundamental vibration period of the non-structural element [s]
T1 fundamental vibration period of the building in the direction concerned [s]
Ta/T1 optimization
Building structures normally shows comparatively small fundamental frequencies. Especially for high and/or less stiff buildings
values smaller then 1Hz (fundamental vibration period T1 > 1s) are decisive.1)
Non structural elements like equipment and machines, in particular comparatively small and light components, are compared to
building structures much more stiffer and shows fundamental frequencies of more then 10Hz. The danger of resonance and/or
an amplification of the static substitute load is not anymore decisive. To determine the modal characteristics (natural
frequencies and mode shapes), impact hammer tests were conducted on the installed field systems.
The ratio Ta/T1 in that case is very small and it is tolerable to set it zero (Ta/T1 ≅ 0) to determine the static substitute load.2)
(1): Report BBS Engineers – 1013.1 (2010) / Simplified Rayleigh Method (Prof. Dr. Alessandro Dazio and Dr. Thomas Wenk)
(2): Department of Structural Engineering University of California, San Diego, report N°: SSRP–2013/16
F.01 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex F
The following figure (Fig. F.2) show the modal frequencies of the supporting structure for installation systems,
considering a most common trapeze support made out of channels (Fig. F.1).
The calculations are based on numerical models and experimental tests applied to structures built with modular channel systems.
Fig. F.2 – Example transfer function for identifying the modal frequencies.
Table F.3 – Modal characterization of the single trapeze (subsystem) with rigid joints.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 F.02
Annex G
Guiding Principles
The right Firestop reduces the extensive need for maintenance, repair and
Seismic and fire resistance tests conducted by Hilti clearly showed the following
• different Firestop systems have varied ability to resist deformation without damage
• pre-engineered products were, in general, more tolerant to deformation than bulk
• firestop products with a high intumescent performance are better than normal not
expanding materials as gaps which appear during the movement will be closed in
a fire; however, the smoke rating was in some cases significantly reduced
• The use of bracing of penetrants (pipe systems, cabling), is highly recommended
to limit the absolute movement of the penetrants.
The results of internal tests show big differences in the behaviour, appearance and
failure modes of different Firestop product systems. These results were verified in a
large scale seismic shake table test at University of California, San Diego.
• Quasi- static cyclic loads according to FEMA* 461 protocol applied directly on one
single penetrant, whereas the wall was fixed
• The use of stiff and unflexible materials with low elasticity (e.g. mortars and
grouts, board systems, semi-plastic sealants) may be critical especially in
connection with pipes or cable trays where displacement forces are high
• Metal pipes may be deformed, plastic pipes may be bent during movement.
A low flexibility of the Firestop system will not be able to make up for the
penetrant movement. Penetrants or walls might break or even be destroyed.
With the consequence of a lower or non-existing smoke tightness or fire integrity
• The subsequent fire tests confirmed the seismic results. Damaged, stiff and hard
board systems did not pass the fire tests. Flexible Firestop systems or pre-
engineered devices passed the tests and achieved the desired fire integrity due to
limited damage during a seismic event. High performance intumescent products
clearly add an additional safety level to the compartimentation of a building
* Federal Emergency Management Agency: Code for Interim testing protocol for determining the seismic
performance characteristics of structural and non-structural components
G.01 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex G
Test setup / description: Simulated seismic firestop tests conducted in the Hilti
research laboratory, accredited by the DAP (German Accreditation System for
Testing) regarding the standard DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. The quasi-static cyclic
loads according to FEMA 461* protocol were applied directly on one single
penetrant, whereas the wall was fixed.
* Federal Emergency Management Agency: code for interim testing protocol for determining the seismic
performance characteristics of structural and non-structural components
Test results
Test configuration: cable penetration to represent the key application. Firestop sleeve tested in typical opening size. Installation in a drywall.
Results: x-direction y-direction zz-direction
1. Displacement amplitude
3. Pressure
Movement ± 20 mm ± 32 mm
Resistance to movement Low (<1kN) Low (<1kN)
Initial pressure 1500 Pa 2500 Pa
Pressure drop No No
Airtight during test Yes Yes
Firestop functionality Passed Passed
• No cracks or deformations were observed during movement of the penetrating cables
• The high stability of the firestop sleeve at the outside and the flexible membrane in the inside of the device allowed a
maximum of movement of the cables
• No deformation of penetrating items
• The air- and gas-tightness was fully maintained during the whole test
• In the subsequent orientation fire test the firestop sleeve successfully kept smoke-tightness and ensured the fire integrity of
the penetration
For specific application details the national approvals or the European Technical Approval must be observed. All results are based upon the test constellation
and its respective parameters described in the Hilti seismic firestop test reports and the application details set out in the Hilti installation instructions.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 G.02
Annex G
Product description: Hilti firestop collar used for firestop seals of plastic pipe
penetrations in walls and floors.
Test setup / description: Simulated seismic firestop tests conducted in the Hilti
research laboratory, accredited by the DAP (German Accreditation System for
Testing) regarding the standard DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. The quasi-static cyclic
loads according to the FEMA 461* protocol were applied directly on one single
penetrant, whereas the wall was fixed.
* Federal Emergency Management Agency: code for interim testing protocol for determining the seismic
performance characteristics of structural and non-structural components
Test results
Test configuration: cable penetration to represent the key application. Firestop sleeve tested in typical opening size. Installation in a drywall.
Results: x-direction y-direction zz-direction
1. Displacement amplitude
2. Movement force
3. Pressure
Movement ± 20 mm ± 32 mm ± 10°
Resistance to movement Low (<1kN) Medium (<5kN) Medium (<5kN)
Initial pressure 5000 Pa 6000 Pa 5000 Pa
Pressure drop** Low-to-medium Low-to-high
Pronounced plateau
Airtight during test** Yes / Partly Yes / No Yes / No
Firestop functionality Passed Passed Passed
** Performance data influenced by smoke seal system.
For specific application details the national approvals or the European Technical Approval must be observed. All results are based upon the test constellation
and its respective parameters described in the Hilti seismic firestop test reports and the application details set out in the Hilti installation instructions.
G.03 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex G
Product description: Hilti firestop acrylic sealant used for firestop seals of metal
pipe penetrations and various other applications together with other Hilti firestop
systems as a gap filler or smoke seal in walls and floors.
* Federal Emergency Management Agency: code for interim testing protocol for determining the seismic
performance characteristics of structural and non-structural components
Test results
Test configuration: cable penetration to represent the key application. Firestop sleeve tested in typical opening size. Installation in a drywall.
Results: x-direction y-direction zz-direction
1. Displacement amplitude
2. Movement force
3. Pressure
Movement ± 20 mm ± 30 mm ± 10°
Resistance to movement Low (<1kN) Low (<1kN) Low (<1kN)
Initial pressure 5000 Pa 5000 Pa 5000 Pa
No (drop in chart caused Medium,
Pressure drop No
by external supply unit) Pronounced plateau
Airtight during test Partly (yes) Partly Yes
Firestop functionality No rated due to non-insulated metal pipe
• No cracks or deformations were observed during movement of the pipe in x- and zz-directions. During movement in y-direction,
one crack at the edge of the drywall occurred. The air- and gas-tightness was maintained during a long period of the test.
• The high flexibility of the sealant followed most of the movement of the penetrants
• The sealant showed excellent elastic behavior and very good adhesion to penetrants, no deformation
• In the subsequent orientation fire test the firestop acrylic sealant was not able to fully keep smoke-tightness and to ensure
the fire integrity. The reason for this was the missing temperature rating due to the missing insulation of the metal pipe.
With a regular mineral-wool insulated pipe, the fire integrity would have met the requirements
For specific application details the national approvals or the European Technical Approval must be observed. All results are based upon the test constellation
and its respective parameters described in the Hilti seismic firestop test reports and the application details set out in the Hilti installation instructions.
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 G.04
Annex G
Product description: Hilti Firestop Foam is used for permanent firestop seals in
small and medium sized openings (optimum size range 100x100 to 300x300 mm)
for cable, pipe and mixed penetrations.
Test setup / description: Simulated seismic firestop tests conducted in the Hilti
research laboratory, accredited by the DAP (German Accreditation System for
Testing) regarding the standard DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. The quasi-static cyclic
loads according to the FEMA 461* protocol were applied directly on one single
penetrant, whereas the wall was fixed.
* Federal Emergency Management Agency: code for interim testing protocol for determining the seismic
performance characteristics of structural and non-structural components
Test results
Test configuration: cable penetration to represent the key application. Firestop sleeve tested in typical opening size. Installation in a drywall.
Results: x-direction y-direction zz-direction
1. Displacement amplitude
3. Pressure
Movement ± 20 mm ± 32 mm
Resistance to movement Low (<1kN) due to flexible foam Low (<1kN) due to flexible foam
Initial pressure 2800 Pa 4500 Pa
Pressure drop Low Low
Airtight during test Yes Yes
Firestop functionality Passed Passed
• No cracks or deformations were observed during movement of the penetrating cables
• The high flexibility of the Firestop Foam followed the movement of the penetrants
• Slight release of foam and cables shows positive result on flexibility under large forces (product stays in opening)
• No damage or deformation of penetrating items
• The air and gas tightness was maintained during the whole test
• In the subsequent orientation fire test the intumescent Firestop Foam successfully kept smoke tightness and ensured the fire
integrity of the penetration
• In the seismic compliance test no damage visible
For specific application details the national approvals or the European Technical Approval must be observed. All results are based upon the test constellation
and its respective parameters described in the Hilti seismic firestop test reports and the application details set out in the Hilti installation instructions.
G.05 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex H
Product Data Sheet Seismic System
Desing load
Order description
+ FX - FX
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description
+ FX - FX
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description D
+ FX - FX
MQS-A-8 9.4 mm
MQS-A-10 11.5 mm
11.60 kN 11.60 kN
MQS-A-12 13.6 mm
MQS-A-16 16.3 mm
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid for α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description D
+ FX - FX
MQS-AC-10 11.5 mm
6.24 kN 6.24 kN
MQS-AC-12 13.6 mm
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid for α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description D
+ FX - FX
MQS-ACD-10 11.5 mm
11.60 kN 11.60 kN
MQS-ACD-12 13.6 mm
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid for α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 H.01
Annex H
Product Data Sheet Seismic System
Desing load
Order description
+ FX - FX
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description D
+ FX - FX
MQS-AB-8 9.4 mm
MQS-AB-10 11.5 mm
4.56 kN n.a.
MQS-AB-12 13.6 mm
MQS-AB-16 16.3 mm
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid for α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description
+ F1 - F1
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid for all angles.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description D A
+ FX - FX
MQS-H-8 M8 8.3 mm
MQS-H-10 M10 10.3 mm 12.96 kN n.a.
MQS-H-12 M12 12.3 mm
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid f or α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description
+ FX - FX
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid f or α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
Desing load
Order description
+ FX - FX
Shown load values are desing values (FRd). The partial safety factor for the action is 1.0. Load values are valid f or α = 45°±15°.
Note: final load for a particular seismic support is depending on the set up of the used items!
H.02 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex H
Product development and tests Seismic System
In addition to static analysis, taking into account the above design rules (see Chapter 2) static or dynamic load tests were
performed on all MQS parts.
With these results of the load tests, the supporting FEM model could be calibrated and optimized, thus, the suitability of
specific applications could be demonstrated and verified.
The following figures show examples of the test setup on MQS-ACD connector (Fig. H.1) as well as the results of the FEM
analysis (Fig. H.2).
Fig. H.1 – Compression load test on MQS-ACD Fig. H.2 – Finite Elements Analysis on MQS-ACD component
component with MQ-41
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 H.03
Annex I
1 2
I.01 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex I
1 2
~0 /N
3 4
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 I.02
Annex I
1a 1b
1 /N
2a 2b
max. 5°
max. 5°
max. 5°
° ±
I.03 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex I
1 2
/N 2
3 4
45° ± 15°
45° ± 5°
45° ± 5°
max. 5°
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 I.04
Annex I
1 2
3 4
1 2
45° ± 15°
45° ± 5° 45° ± 5°
I.05 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex I
1 1
2 2
/N /N
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 I.06
Annex I
1 2 3
45° 45°
M10 ± 15° ± 15° 45°
M8/10/12 ± 15°
6 x 360° 2 M8 13
M10 M10 17
M12 19
6 x 360°
MQS-H-8/10/12 3
1 2 3
M8/10/12 45°
45° ± 15° 45°
± 15° ± 15°
3 M8 13
4 M10 17
MQS-H-8/10/12 M12 19
1 MQZ-L-9/11/13
MQ 41/72/41D
M8 17 Nm
M10 17 Nm
M12 17 Nm
I.07 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
Annex I
1.1 2.1
6 x 360° 6 x 360°
2 2
6 x 360°
6 x 360°
1.2 2.2
6 3
1.3 2.3
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 I.08
Annex I
1 3
1 A
MQ 41
HS 1 5/8" - 12ga
I.09 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
MQS Seismic System – v1.1 I.10
I.11 MQS Seismic System – v1.1
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Hilti = registered trademark of Hilti Corp., Schaan | W 4365 en | Printed in Liechtenstein | © 2014 | Right of technical and programme changes reserved S. E. & O.