Auriculotherapy Presentation DF
Auriculotherapy Presentation DF
Auriculotherapy Presentation DF
Auricular Acupuncture
0 Auricular acupuncture refers to the
therapeutic method of using filiform
needles, varia seeds, or other devices or
procedures to stimulate the points of the
ear to achieve the goal of healing. It is an
important component of traditional
Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion.
Canon of internal medicine
0 Yang Shang-Shan, a famous physician in the Sui Dynasty,
wrote in the Great Collection of the Internal Canon, “the front
of the ear (referring to the area around the lower A*pex of
the Tragus (MA-T2)) feels hot if The disease is related to the
small intestine.”
0 “bleeding the Center of the Ear and Inner Nose with Chinese
onion will treat cerebral bleeding and cerebral thrombosis
and shock.”
0 In 1956, Paul Nogier, a French doctor, drew a chart of
acupuncture points that depicted the shape of an inverted
fetus. This was the first complete ear chart in history. The
introduction of this letter to China in 1958 began many
developments in auricular acupuncture.
0 In general auricular acupuncture has an effectiveness
rate of 85%, and 60 different disorders can be treated
with a 60% complete cure rate.
0 Clinical data show that auricular acupuncture is easy
to learn, effective, and free of side effects. It can be
used in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
many disorders.
Theoretical Explanations of auricular acupuncture
0 The area of the body or part that has the disease will
sometimes feel hot and/or uncomfortable when the
corresponding points are acupunctured;
0 sometimes spontaneous movements are induced. For
example, when treating facial paralysis, tremors of the
orbital eye muscle or the facial and frontal muscles may
occur when acupuncture points are manipulated.
Treatment responses in the canals and vessels of the network
Yin Organ
Liver Heart spleen pancreas Lung kidney
heel internal genital .■
hip 9 impaiti*0
yangde doll cytic pahis
liver fever
pnercas halix 1 cubit and - abdomen
gallbladder ebrs kidney inbestinogross ureta
lumbo-sacral cantral abdomen
spot-------— -------------------i pe ndi í c
pancreatitis 0------—
kérntino _
OUdD ■ q0to
... .J...
helix 2
shoulder duodenal liver external
vertebra center of
Joreja oatómago
_ nsetago
pacho punR
lung dotrago together with sad
helix 3
9 external nose punid
cue': the heart
Tyrolds adrenal gland nrañn Upper root
rkcal edge Internal nose
Spot central trunkcatrndor or point for hypertension Line for
antitragus tip
nephrite arberial prehension
gland of
internal secretion
oceipital spleen
liver lung
middle ear root
eye f
tongue even point»
maxLn dionts insomnia
point for kidney
testicle ■
hypothesis n^io-
cheer up
eye lobe
mej Ila
Selection of points according to modern
medical theory (biomedicine )
helix 3
n lung
To even throat, or
thirst point external
nose hunger point
neck heart trachea
thyroid-------------—____ adrenal
heart Upper root
vertebra-----------------——- gland
cervical helix 4 () internal nose
clavicle edge
trunk _ centralcaierrdor > point for hypertension
antitragus tip
- Line to • lower
blood pressure
cerebral — ... (
forehead -----------internal
secretion gland
occipital spleen
temporary ? lung
eye 2 • i • - ■ .middle root
eye 1 point for
language insomnia , ear
maxillar teeth
y point for
testicle A hypotension
Cheer up
inner eye lobe
ear former 0 lower root
subcortex ovaries amygdala
The ear, the points and
areas of the ear
1. helix
1a. Helix Root :
1 B. Helix-lobe notch:
1 C. Tubercle of the Helix (tubercle of
1d. Helix Cauda:
2. Scaphoid fossa:
3. Antihelix: .
3a. Superior crus of the Antihelix
3b. Lower crus of the Antihelix
3c. Antihelix Body
4. Triangular Trench:
5. Upper Shell:
6. Lower Shell
7. Concha Ridge
8a. Drink:
8b. Upper Tragus Apex
8c. Inferior Apex of the Tragus
9. Anti-trago:
10. Lobe:
11. Antihelix-Antitrago notch:
12. Supratragic Notch:
13. Inter tragic notch :
‘ ■ n OF ‘ ■ No ‘
Anatomical THE POINTS
areas OF THEon
EARSthe surface
Liver Yang
Superior **
Triangula Tube
Middle Internal
Tnangul Reproductive
previous appearance
ar Fossa Ge Organs
ear External
Menu Genitals
of the
LLI 120- Movies
Sacral Sciatic Nenve
line Vertebrae
ear (english)
_bo Sympathetic
Angle of Superior
Concha Prostate
Bladder Urethra
Hot Point Ureter
Kidney Rectum •
Smal External Ear
Biliary Duc test r
THAT- Upper Apex of Tragus
Adrenal Gent
Endocrine I i
—Eye 1
Brain Stem
Vertigo eye 2
Brain blood pressure
Tongue Raising Point
Before or
. ar i. oDe
Calm Panting
Tor S
e heel .. annexes
cks eing "_2L
aekaar reeto
—9 lung Agargant
helix 3 swallowed
sad point
external nose
puncture hunger pain
Euello majan
thyroid gland «rra™
vertobra. . — adrenal
Internal nose Rnzsuparior
bervical hel4 stride
point for hypertension,
clavcu barde
antitrago puncture d «? ñ-Line even-A
gland of
internal secretion
aralz media
eye f da oneja
punishment for
point for • rinn
Oratz inferlor
of ear
subcortex ovary amygdala
Points and areas of the
Center of the Ear (Diaphragm) (MA-H1)
Location: on the root of the Helix.
■ Resolves tetanus and restricts hiccups
▪ brings down the counterflow of stomach
Qi and stops vomiting ▪ rectifies the blood
and clears the wind
Indications: Hiccups, vomiting due to
diaphragm spasm and other reasons; all
diseases due to emptiness of blood; stasis of
blood, and heat in the blood;
bleeding such as hemoptysis, dripping-
spotting of menstrual blood.
0 Straight (MA-H2)
0 Location : at the end of the helix near the
supratragic notch, at the level of the Large
Intestine (MA-SC4).
0 Functions : releases stool and stops diarrhea.
0 Indications : Constipation, diarrhea, prolapse of
the rectum, hemorrhoids, tenesmus occurring in
0 Urethra (MA-H3)
0 Location : in the helix, superior to the Rectum
(MA-H2), level with the point of the Urethra
between the Kidney and Bladder areas.
0 Features :
0 clears heat and disinhibits urine.
0 Indications : Frequent, urgent and painful
urination, frequent urination at night, urine
0 External genitalia (MA-H4)
0 Location : in the helix, superior to the Urethra (MA-H3), at
the level of the Sympathetic (MA-AH7).
0 Features :
0 clears and drains heat, moisture from the liver and
0 cools the blood,
0 clears the wind and stops the itching.
0 Indications : Balanitis, orchitis, swelling and discomfort of
the external genital organs after fallopian tube surgery,
vulvar pruritus, and scrotal eczema.
0 Year (MA-H5)
0 Location : in the helix, opposite the anterior edge of the
superior crus of the antihelix.
0 Features :
0 Speeds up blood, unclogs network vessels and relieves pain.
0 Indications : Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, itching
of the anus.
0 Apex (Tip) of the ear (MA-H6)
0 Location : at the top of the helix, opposite the posterior edge of
the superior Crus of the antihelix (superior root of the antihelix).
Fold the ear forward to locate the point in the crease of the fold.
0 Features :
0 clears heat and resolves toxins
0 calms the liver and extinguishes the liver wind
0 cools the blood and relieves itching
0 disperses swelling and relieves pain
0 Indications : Fever, hypertension, headache, dizziness, eye
disorders, skin itching.
0 Fingers (MA-SF1)
0 Finger
0 Location : divide the scaphoid fossa into 5 parts from the top to the
bottom, this area is the first portion of the scaphoid fossa.
0 Features :
0 quickens the blood and clears the wind
0 releases network vessels and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sprain and bruise of the finger joints, skin disorders,
profuse sweating, pain and numbness of the fingers due to cervical
0 Doll (MA-SF2)
0 Wrist
0 Location : This area is the second portion of the scaphoid fossa.
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sprain and bruise of the wrist, allergic skin disorders.
0 Wind Current (MA-SF)
0 Wind stream
0 Location : This is the only point on the scaphoid fossa, and
is located halfway between Fingers (MA-SF1) and
Mun<eca (MA-SF2).
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : Urticaria, pruritus and allergic dermatitis,
0 Elbow (MA-SF3)
0 Elbow
0 Location : This area is the third portion of the scaphoid
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : External humeral epicondylitis and elbow
0 Shoulder (MA-SF4)
0 shoulder
0 Location : This area is the fourth section of the
scaphoid fossa.
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : Periarthritis of the shoulder joint, crick in
the neck, subacromial bursitis, and shoulder pain.
0 Clavicle (MA-SF5)
0 clavicle
0 Location : This area is the fifth portion of the scaphoid
0 Features :
0 clears the wind, unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : Shoulder pain resulting from any cause.
Points and areas of the
0 Toes (MA-AH)
0 Location : posterior upper corner of the crus
superior of the antihelix, near the apex of the ear.
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 reduces swelling and relieves pain
0 Indications : Paronychia and pain in the fingers
feet, Raynaud's syndrome and erythromelalgia.
0 Heel (MA-AH1)
0 Location : anterior upper corner of the superior crus
of the antihelix, near the upper end of the triangular
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 strengthens tendons and strengthens bones
0 Indications : Pain in the heels.
0 Ankle (MA-AH2)
0 Location : air between the Heel (MA-AH1) and the Knee (MA-
0 Features :
0 accelerates the blood and clears the wind
0 strengthens tendons and strengthens bones
0 reduces swelling and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sprain and bruise of the ankle joint, arthritis in
the ankle joint.
0 Knee (MA-AH3)
0 Location : the middle third of the superior crus of the
0 Features :
0 clears wind, eliminates humidity
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications : Pain in the knee joint and limited range of
movement of the lower extremities as seen in several
0 Hip (MA-AH4)
0 Location : the lower third of the superior crus of
the antihelix.
0 Features :
0 accelerates blood, unclogs collaterals
0 clears the wind and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sciatica and pain in the lumbosacral
area and around the hip joint.
0 Glutes (MA-AH5)
0 Location : the posterior third of the inferior crus of
the antihelix.
0 Features :
0 accelerates blood, unclogs collaterals
0 clears the wind and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sciatica, pain in the sacral area and
0 Sciatic Nerve (MA-AH6)
0 Location : the anterior two-thirds of the inferior crus of the antihelix.
0 Features :
0 strengthens tendons and strengthens bones,
0 accelerates blood and unclogs collaterals
0 reduces swelling and relieves pain
0 Indications : Sciatica, sagging of the lower extremities, painful
impediment, paralysis.
0 Sympathetic (MA-AH7)
0 Location : a point on the interior aspect at the junction of the
antihelix and the helix, at the level of the Sciatic Nerve (MA-Ah6).
Clinically, the point is etched in the antihelix part, as close as possible
to the cleft.
0 Features :
0 regulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
0 relieves spasm of smooth muscles
0 regulates vascular contraction and relieves pain in internal organs 0
Indications : Various disorders caused by disturbance of the
autonomic nervous system, such as insomnia, profuse sweating,
dysfunction of sympathetic nerves, colic of internal organs, sexual
dysfunction, angina pectoris , pulseless syndrome, thrombophlebitis
and Raynaud's syndrome.
0 Lumbosacral vertebrae (MA-AH)
0 Location : upper third of the body of the antihelix. The line of; inter
tragic notch until the antihelix crus is divided into three. The upper third
are the Lumbosacral Vertebrae.
0 Features :
0 strengthens the lumbus and fortifies the kidney
0 unclogs and accelerates channels and collaterals
0 disperses swelling and relieves pain Cátente Point
0 Abdomen (MA-AH)
0 Location : upper part of the body of the antihelix, in the anterior aspect
of the Lumbosacral Vertebrae (MA-AH), near the edge of the upper
0 Features :
0 unclogs channels and collaterals
0 softens muscles and resolves tetanus
0 disperses swelling and relieves pain
0 Chest (MA-AH11)
0 Location : The middle part of the antihelix on
the anterior aspect of the Thoracic Vertebrae
(MA- AH9), near the edge of the Inferior Concha.
0 Features :
0 Accelerate channels and collaterals
0 Disperses swelling and relieves pain.
0 Indications : Pain in the chest and
hypochondria, tightness in the chest, mastitis,
and disorders in the thoracic cavity.
0 Cervical Vertebrae (MA-AH8)
0 Location : on the body of the antihelix, the line from the inter-tragic notch to the bifurcation of the upper crus of the
antihelix and the lower crus of the antihelix divided into 3 parts. The lower third are the Cervical Vertebrae (MA-
0 Features :
0 strengthens tendons and bones
0 Unclogs collaterals and relieves pain.
0 Indications : Cervical spondylopathy, neck pain of all causes (such as crick in the neck), rheumatoid arthritis,
spondylitis, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
0 Neck (MA-AH10)
0 Location : the lower part of the antihelix on the anterior aspect of the Cervical Vertebrae (MA- AH8), near the edge of
the Inferior Concha.
0 Features :
0 accelerates the channels and collaterals relieves pain.
0 Indications : Cervical spondylopathy, sprain and bruise of the neck, stiff neck, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
0 Ear Shen Men (MA-TF1) Points and areas of the
0 Location : above the triangular fossa in the superior aspect of the
bifurcation point of the branches of the antihelix (superior and Trench
0 Features : Triangular
0 quiet the spirit
0 resolves tetanus and relieves pain
0 clears heat and resolves toxins
0 clears the wind and relieves itching
0 Indications : Insomnia, disturbed sleep, dysphoria, hysteria, various
inflammations and pain occurring in the face, head, body and internal
organs, neuralgia, hypertension, and allergic disorders.
0 Upper Triangular Fossa
0 Location : upper half of the anterior
third of the triangular fossa.
0 Features:
0 calms the liver and subdues the yang
0 extinguishes the wind
0 Indications: Hypertension, dizziness.
0 Pelvis (MA-
0 Location : posterior third of the
triangular fossa, at the point of the
bifurcation of the crus of the
superior and inferior antihelix, is
shared by Shen Men of the ear (MA-
TF1) and Pelvis (MA-TF). The lower
half is Pelvis (MA-TF).
0 Features:
0 unclogs and accelerates the
channels and collaterals and
relieves pain
0 Indications: Pelvic inflammation,
prostatitis, pain in the lower
abdomen and dysmenorrhea.
0 Drink Points (MA-T)
0 External nose (MA-T1)
0 Location : anterior to the middle of the
lateral aspect of the tragus, on the external
0 Features:
0 clears stasis and unclogs collaterals
0 blows the wind and relieves the pain outer ear
inner nose
0 Inferior apex of the Tragus (MA-T2)
Apex inf. of the tragus
0 Location : tip of the inferior prominence of adrenal gland
the tragus.
0 Features:
0 clears heat and resolves toxins
0 calms the spirit and relieves pain
0 Indications: Fever and toothache
as seen in various disorders.
0 Adrenal Gland (MA-T)
0 Location : inferior to the inferior apex of the tragus, at
the level with Endocrine (MA-IC3) on the medial
(internal) side.
0 Features:
0 regulates the function of the adrenal gland and
adrenocortical hormones
0 anti-inflammatory, disperses swelling, treats allergic
disorders and rheumatoid arthritis
0 regulates the functions of the cardiovascular system
and excites the respiratory aspect of the central
nervous system
0 Indications: High fever, medium fever, rheumatoid
arthritis, mumps, cough, asthma, pruritus,
hypertension, pulseless syndrome, coma, angiitis.
0 Temples (MA-AT)
0 Location : in the middle of the lateral aspect of the
0 Features:
0 courses and disinhibits the liver and gallbladder
0 unblocks collaterals and relieves pain
0 Indications: Headache, migraine, drowsiness.
0 Front (MA-AT)
sinusitis, myopia.
0 Subcortex (MA-AT1)
0 relieves pain
0 Lung (MA-IC1)
0 Location : around the center of the lower shell. The anterior portion of
the lung area at the level of the Heart (MA-IC) is Bronchi/Trachea (MA-
IC2) (Qi guan).
0 Features:
0 Moves Qi and accelerates blood
0 Stops coughing and calms wheezing
0 Disinhibits water and unclogs stool
0 Indications: Acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, chest pain;
common cold; rhinitis, pharyngitis, night sweats, spontaneous
sweating; hives, eczema, acne; constipation, diuresis, edema.
0 Bronchi/Trachea (MA-IC2)
0 Location : the lower concha between the opening
of the external auditory canal and the Heart (MA-
0 Features:
0 Diffuses the lung and disinhibits Qi,
0 Stops cough and clears phlegm
0 Indications: Acute and chronic bronchitis, cough,
asthma, pharyngitis, common cold.
0 Spleen (MA-IC)
0 Location : superior-posterior aspect of the
inferior concha, posterior to the Lung (MA-IC1).
0 Features:
0 strengthens the spleen and harmonizes the
0 stimulates Qi and engenders flesh
0 Indications: Abdominal pain, distention in the
abdomen, diarrhea, stools containing blood,
epistaxis, atrophy, progressive myodystrophy;
prolapse of the rectum and uterus.
0 Endocrine (MA-IC3)
0 Stomach (MA-IC)
0 h
0 Features:
0 Pancreas/Gallbladder (MA-
0 Location : Superior shell, between the Liver (MA- SC5)
and Kidney (MA-SC).
0 Features:
0 courses and disinhibits the liver and gallbladder
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain.
0 Indications: Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, parasitic
diseases of the biliary tract, acute and chronic
pancreatitis; migraine, deafness and tinnitus.
0 Kidney (MA-SC)
0 Location : superior shell, inferior to the Glutes (MA- AH5)
and posteriorly at the level of the Bladder (MA-SC8).
0 Features:
0 supplements the kidney and stimulates the essence
0 strengthens the lumbus and invigorates the bones.
0 Indications: Disorders of the urinary and reproductive
systems such as nephritis, cystitis, impotence, seminal
emission; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea; deafness, tinnitus,
hearing loss, hair loss; nervous system disorders such as
poor brain development, headache, retrograde
degeneration of the spine, pain in the lower back,
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic diarrhea, frequent urination
at night, bedwetting.
0 Ureters (MA-SC7)
0 Location : a point on the superior aspect of the superior
concha between Kidney (MA-SC) and Bladder (MA-SC8).
0 Features:
0 clears heat, disinhibits urine and unclogs stranguria
0 Indications: Urinary infection , colic due to
_ stones in the ureters
0 Bladder (MA-SC8)
0 Location : an area on the superior aspect of the superior
concha between Kidney (MA-SC) and Angle of the
Superior Concha/Prostate) (MA-SC).
0 Features:
0 clears heat and disinhibits urine
0 unclogs collaterals and relieves pain.
0 Indications: Acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis,
bed-wetting, urine retention, urinary incontinence,
headache, pain in the lower back and spinal area, sciatica.
0 Lobe Points (MA-L)
0 On the earlobe, draw 3 horizontal
proportional lines from the lower
edge of the cartilage of the inter tragic
notch, to the lower edge of the earlobe
and another 2 vertical and
proportional lines from the second
horizontal line. This divides the
earlobe into 9 regions from front to
back and top to bottom.
0 It is worth noting that there are 2
points above regions 1 and 2 on the
lobe. The point before is called Eye 1
and the point after is called Eye 2.
They are useful for all kinds of eye
Eye (MA-L)
Location : Fifth region of the ear lobe.
clears the liver, drains the fire, and brightens
the eyes.
Indications: Acute conjunctivitis, retinitis,
sty, pseudo myopia, electric ophthalmia.
Tooth (MA-L)
Location : First region of the ear lobe.
nourishes the liver and brightens the eyes
Indications: Glaucoma, retinitis, sty, optic
atrophy, iridocyclitis, myopia.
Location : Second region of the ear lobe.
clears heat and resolves toxins, clears stasis
and unclogs collaterals.
Indications: Inflammation of the mouth and
Mandible (MA-L)
Location : third region of the ear lobe.
unclogs collaterals and relieves pain.
Indications: Tooth pain, temporomandibular
joint syndrome.
Anterior ear lobe
Amygdala (MA-
Location : halfway between regions 5 and
The wind blows and the heat clears; clears
stasis and relieves pain.
Indications: Facial paralysis, mumps,
trigeminal neuralgia, acne, chloasma,
cosmetic facial treatments.
Location : Eighth region of the ear lobe.
Features :
Clears heat and resolves toxins; disperses
swelling and relieves pain.
Indications : Acute or chronic tonsillitis,
sore throat, fever in various disorders.
Points and areas of the Posterior Surface (MA PS)
Slit to raise/lower
Heart of the Posterior Surface (MA PS) blood pressure
Features :
Diffuses the lung and disinhibits Qi, stops coughing
and calms wheezing Ririon of the
Indications : Gastritis, pain and distension of
the abdomen, poor digestion, poor appetite as in
gastroduodenal ulcer.
Surface Liver
Posterior Posterior Posterior
Surface Liver Surface Surface Lung Root of the ear
Posterior (MA-PS)
Location : from the Posterior Surface Spleen
(MA-PS) to the helix area. Ririon of the
Features: Surface
■ Cures the liver and disinhibits the gallbladder. Lower root of the
Indications : Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, pain in
the upper abdomen, distension in the
hypochondrium, eye disorders.
Posterior Surface Kidney (MA-PS) Location : bottom of the
back of the ear.
Features : Slit to raise/lower
Features : Surface
Calms the liver and extinguishes the wind; Lower root of the
unclogs collaterals and relieves pain Indications :
Hypertension, angioneurotic headache, facial
Upper ear root (MA-PS)
Location : the tip of the ear root that marks the Slit to raise/lower
blood pressure
upper insertion point of the ear. Features : Slit of the Upper Root of
It unclogs the hole and stops the bleeding. Heart of the
Back Surface the Ear
mastoid process.
Features :
It heals and disinhibits the liver and gallbladder;
unclogs collaterals and relieves pain. Ririon of the
Upper Root of
Heart of the Back Surface the Ear
Location : at the lower edge of the root of Surface
Ririon of the
Lower root of the
part II
The theoretical bases of ear diagnosis
□ The ear can be considered a complete microcosmic representation that
manifests the physiological and pathological information of the entire body.
□ Thus, when certain organs, tissues, or extremities are diseased, one can
find positive reactions (that is, show the presence of a specific condition) in
the corresponding points of the ear.
□ These positive reactions may present as low electrical resistance, low pain
threshold, changes in color or appearance, peeling, papular rash, or
□ Such positive reactions can be found even before a disease appears; They
may disappear after treatment or remain forever. Furthermore, such
reactions change over the course of a disease.
□ In general, positive reactions not only identify the location and properties
of a disorder, but also predict the onset of diseases and their dynamic
Diagnostic Methods
□ If a bead or notch is found, you can use your thumb, index finger, or
feeler bar to feel around it and determine its hardness, mobility,
boundary, and sensitivity.
Color change
Red reaction :
□ bright red, light red, or dark red, which may be in spots or spots, or
have an irregular shape.
□ For example, the area around the Kidney (MA-SC) may present as a
bright red spot in acute sprain of the lumbar area;
□ Redness with peeling can be found in the area around the uterus (MA-
SC) in endometrial hyperplasia, cervicitis, and leucorrhoea.
White reaction :
□ white papular spots, shiny spots, or white spots with a red border.
□ White dots with red border are seen in chronic diseases with acute onset,
such as gastritis and rheumatic heart disease.
Gray reaction :
□ they all project from the skin. Multiple projections can be linked together.
□ Linear pits are seen in coronary heart disease, tinnitus, deafness, tooth decay,
and tooth loss.
□ Papular eruptions may be red, white, white with red border, or dark gray
eruptions, which are seen in acute or chronic organic disorders, or in
allergic dermatitis.
Cancer : nodular or dot-like projection, dark gray millet.
□ A red color indicates an acute condition while a white color with a hole or
projection indicates a chronic condition.
□ The ear should not be washed before inspection to avoid disturbing any
positive reaction. If necessary, use a cotton swab to clean the ear, sliding it in
one direction, but do not scrub.
□ Individual constitution, race, skin color, sex, age, and season of the year
should be taken into account during the inspection.
□ Sensitive points should also be used for treatment. The severity of pain in degrees
for ease of comparison; The severity of the pain is determined by the patient's
reaction when the point is pressed. In general, the stronger the pain, the more
severe the disease.
Pressing external elements
□ Pressing an external element is useful in diagnosing the location and
properties of chronic diseases during follow-up of a patient's visits, as well as
for monitoring health.
□ Hyperplasia of the cartilage, nodes, projections, and cords, and the size,
hardness, and sensitivity of each, can be identified by touch.
Electrical detection
□A variety of electrical sensing devices can be used to determine electrical
resistance at points on the ear.
□ Because information about the body is collected in the ear, when an organ or
part of the body is getting sick, the electrical resistance at the corresponding
points in the ear will change significantly.
Exam order
When diagnosing the ear, the convention is to work through the different areas in
the following sequences.
□ blood pressure
□ obstetric and reproductive system
□ urinary system
□ liver and gallbladder
□ stomach and intestines
□ cardiovascular and respiratory system
□ nervous system
□ face and eye, nose, mouth, tongue, and throat
□ trunk and extremities.
Positive reaction
Beeps will be heard when the electrical detector is located over areas where
electrical resistance is low. Positive reactions are divided into 3 degrees:
Medium (+) positive reaction: the beeps occur slowly, with low
sound, low tone, and low frequency, there is no specific pain in the tested area.
Positive reaction (++): beeps occur quickly with high sound, low pitch,
and unchanged frequency; There is a sensitivity in the tested area.
Inspection : red spot with gloss on Stomach (MA-IC).
Palpation : sensitivity in the stomach (MA-IC).
Electrical detection : positive reaction in the stomach (MA-IC).*
Superficial gastritis
Inspection : white projection of a spot without clear edges on the stomach.
Palpation : projection like a spot, hard and cord-like, in the Stomach.
Electrical detection : positive reaction in the stomach.
Hypertrophic Gastritis
Inspection : large projection with clearly defined borders on Stomach.
Palpation : large projection with hardness in the Stomach.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the stomach.
Atrophic gastritis
Inspection : flat on or a hole with wrinkles in red alternating with white on
Palpation : sensitivity in the stomach.
Electrical detection : positive reaction in the stomach.
Inspection : white projection like a spot alternating with a shiny red spot.
Active phase
Inspection : Congestion like spot or spot with clearly defined border and gloss,
sometimes with a millet-like hole in the middle of Stomach.
Palpation : hole caused by touching, tenderness in the stomach.
Electrical detection : positive reaction in the stomach.
Rest phase
Inspection : Holes like dark purple spots or dots on Stomach.
Palpation : hole caused by touching the stomach.
Electrical detection : medium positive reaction (+) in the Stomach.
Recovery Phase
Inspection : projection like spot or point with clearly defined borders on
Palpation : cord-like projection in the stomach.
Electrical detection : medium positive reaction (+) in the Stomach.
Active Phase
Inspection : millet-like pit in red, with clearly defined edges in Duodenum; a
defect occurring in the lateral third of the upper border of the root of the helix;
vascular filling radiating towards Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Palpation : severe sensitivity in Duodenum.
Electrical detection : strong positive reaction (+++) in Duodenum.
Rest Phase
Inspection : Dark purple millet-like pit with clearly defined edges in
Duodenum, vascular filling radiating towards the upper edge of the Root of the
Palpation : sensitivity in Duodenum.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Duodenum.
Recovery Phase
Inspection : dark brown millet-like pit, with clearly defined edges in
Duodenum, vascular filling radiating towards the upper edge of Helix Root.
Palpation : cord-like projection without sensitivity in the Duodenum.
Electrical detection : medium positive reaction (+) in Duodenum.
Inspection : Redness like spots with defined edges are in Duodenum.
Palpation : middle pit in Duodenum.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Duodenum.
Inspection : vascular filling as a red spot with luster and seborrhea in the large
intestine. Sometimes papular eruptions can be found in the area.
Palpation : plane or hole, sensitivity in the large intestine.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Large Intestine.
Inspection : dark red pit like spot with seborrhea in the large intestine.
Palpation : hole like spot, sensitivity in the large intestine.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Large Intestine.
It is indicated if a positive reaction is found in Current of the Wind, and
Endocrine along with large intestine.
Inspection : projection like a cord or spot with flaking like straw in the Large
Palpation : cord-like projection, hard, in the Large Intestine.
Electrical detection : medium positive reaction (+) in the Large Intestine.
Inspection : redness like a spot or shiny spot on the Liver.
Palpation : red hole after pressing, sensitivity in the Liver.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Liver.
Inspection : white projection like spot on the Liver.
Palpation : projection like a spot, sensitivity in the Liver.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Liver.
Inspection : dark color in Liver; projection as a spot on the Spleen.
Palpation : no sensitivity in the Liver but cord-like projection in the Spleen and
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) can be found in Subcortex,
Endocrine, Spleen, Esophagus, and Liver.
Inspection : white projection with clearly defined borders on the Liver.
Palpation : cord-like projection in the Liver.
Electrical detection : medium positive reaction (+) in the Liver.
Inspection : redness like shiny patch on Pancreas/Gallbladder
Palpation : Obvious sensitivity in the Gallbladder.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Inspection : projection like a cord or white spot on the Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Palpation : projection like a cord or spot, hard, in the Pancreas/Gallbladder,
Electrical detection : average positive reaction in Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Inspection : one or more papular eruptions or nodes in Posterior Surface Liver;
projection as a white spot on the Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Palpation : round nodes or cords in the Pancreas/Gallbladder and Liver of the
Posterior Surface.
Electrical detection : positive to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) in
Pancreas/Gallbladder and Liver of the Posterior Surface.
Inspection : Redness like spot, or a dark purple pit or capillary filling in
Pancreas/Gallbladder and Duodenum.
Palpation : a pit, projection like a spot or cord, sensitivity in the
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (+ + to +++) in
Pancreas / Gallbladder.
Inspection : dark red projection on Spleen in left ear.
Palpation : cord-like projection, pit when pressing in the area above
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Spleen.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Lung, Pharynx and Larynx,
Internal Nose and Bronchus/Trachea.
Inspection : spot-like projection, white on Bronchi/Trachea, dull papular
eruptions in some cases.
Palpation : projection like a cord or spot in the bronchus/trachea, no obvious
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Bronchi/Trachea.
Inspection : flat, white projection in Bronchi/Trachea; dull white rash in the same
area in some cases.
Palpation : linear or flat projection in Bronchi/Trachea, slightly sensitive.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Bronchi/Trachea, Lung, Wind
Current, Endocrine, and A*pex of Antitragus.
Inspection : projection like a dark red cord, without luster, on Down and Trachea; a
capillary refill can be found in Lung.
Palpation : several projections like cords in the Lung and Trachea.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Bronchi/Trachea.
Active Phase
Inspection : papular eruptions, red, spot-like, with luster on Lung.
Palpation : bump on lung.
Electrical detection : strong positive reaction (+++) in the area around Lung.
Calcification Phase
Inspection : one or several areas of pits alternating with dark gray dots or spot-like
eruptions (patches), with clearly defined borders, in the creditor area of the Lung.
Palpation : projection as a cord or node in the Lung.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Lung.
Inspection : plane (-) or projection (+) at Point to Raise Pressure
Sanguine (Sheng Ya Dian, on the lower edge of the root of the ear, in the Teeth
Electrical detection : strong positive reaction (+++) at Point to Lower Blood
Pressure (in the Upper Triangular Fossa).
Palpation is mainly performed on the left ear for this disease.
Palpation : edema with pit in Heart; undulating edema when pressure is applied
to the area around the Heart: cord or patch-like projection on the Heart; thin,
easily brittle skin in Corazon.
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) in
Palpation : cord or patch-like projection in the lower quarter of the heart,
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Heart, Posterior Surface Heart, and
Inspection : the normal physiological hole disappears in the Heart, which appears
flat or with a slight bulge.
Palpation : lump in heart.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Corazon.
Inspection : Red, papular eruptions, the size of the tip of the needle on Heart are
seen on an incomplete block of a bunch.
Palpation : edema with a pit, like a ring in the heart.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Heart and Subcortex.
Inspection : Front projection.
Palpation : projection like cord or patch, round, soft in quality in
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Front.
Inspection : projection as a patch on the temples.
Palpation : Sensitivity in temples.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Temples.
Inspection : projection as a patch on Occiput.
Palpation : projection, soft in quality, in Occiput.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Occiput.
Inspection : hole like stain, cord, red with luster on Occiput.
Palpation : Hole in Occiput.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Occiput.
Inspection : irregularly shaped projection between Cervical Vertebra and Occiput.
Palpation : patch-like thickening or hardened cord of cartilage that can be felt by
pinching the area between the Cervical Vertebra and Occiput.
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) in the
Heart, Subcortex and in the area between the Cervical Vertebra and Occiput.
Palpation : severe sensitivity in the jaw, tongue, eye, and cheek; The pain threshold
in the ear on the affected side is obviously lower than on the healthy side.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) on Cheeks, Mouth, and Triple Warmer.
Inspection : projection as a white patch or papular rash, with luster on
Palpation : stabbing pain in Kidney, Endocrine, Wind current, and Posterior Surface
Kidney; Edema with hole in Kidney.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Kidney, Endocrine, Wind Current
and Posterior Surface Kidney.
Palpation : sensitivity in Kidney and Urethra; projection as a cord in the urethra.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Kidney and Urethra.
Palpation : sensitivity in the Bladder and Urethra; projection as a cord in the
Electrical detection : moderate positive reaction (+) in the Bladder and Urethra.
Inspection : white swelling in Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Palpation : pit edema in Pancreas/Gallbladder.
Electrical detection strong positive reaction (+++) in Pancreas/Gallbladder and
Palpation : sensitivity in Prostate/Upper Concha Angle and Urethra.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Prostate/Upper Concha Angle and
Inspection : Bulging and dull change of Prostate/Upper Concha Angle.
Palpation : hardened projection in Prostate/Superior Concha Angle; cord-like
projection in urethra.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Urethra and Prostate/Upper
Concha Angle.
Inspection : spot-like redness, bright red capillary filling at corresponding points.
Palpation : red patch or spot or edema with a point pit, severe sensitivity in the
corresponding points.
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) at
the corresponding points.
Palpation : sensitivity, cord-like projection on the heel.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) on Talon.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) at the corresponding point in the atrium.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Hip, Buttocks, Knee, Ankle, Heel, and
Inspection : nodules or bead-like deformation in Cervical Vertebrae. Palpation :
cartilage hyperplasia, cord-like projection on Cervical Vertebrae.
Electrical detection : moderate positive reaction (+) to positive reaction (++) in
Cervical Vertebrae.
Inspection : projection as white patch in Appendix.
Palpation : cord-like projection in Appendix.
Electrical detection : moderate positive reaction (+) in Appendix.
Inspection : Ripples on the surface around the Anus, redness like spot or spot or
capillary filling in Anus is observed in cases of thrombotic external hemorrhoids.
Palpation : cord-like projection in the anus in external hemorrhoids.
Electrical detection : moderate positive reaction (+) in the Anus in cases of
thrombotic external hemorrhoids.
Inspection : red or serrated nodular change in Anus.
Palpation : projection like cord or nodular in Anus.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Anus.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Internal Reproductive Organs,
Pelvis, Prostate/Upper Concha Angle, Urethra, Testicle, Kidney, and Endocrine.
Gynecological and Obstetric Diseases
Inspection : patch-like projection and point-like redness in Pelvis.
Palpation : cord-like projection in Pelvis.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Pelvis.
Inspection : projection as a cord or patch and redness as a point in the Annexes (Fu
Jiang) (corresponding to the annexes of the Uterus), located in the portion of the upper
third of the Internal Reproductive Organs.
Palpation : projection like cord or patch on Fu Jiang, the corresponding point of the
adnexa of the uterus on the ear. Inflammation may be occurring in both adnexa
(ovaries) if the changes are in both ears.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Fu Jiang.
Inspection : pits like spot, redness, seborrhea, peeling, and papular rash on Cervix
(Gong Jing).
Palpation : the skin on the cervix becomes thinner, breaks easily, or has capillary
filling and sensitivity.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Cerviz.
Advanced, profuse menstruation
Inspection : edge with redness with gloss due to white swelling in Uterus.
Palpation : edema with pit in U*tero.
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) in
Inspection : redness, seborrhea, and peeling or spot-like papular rash in the
triangular fossa.
Palpation : red hole in the Triangular Fossa.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Triangular Trench.
Dermatological diseases
Inspection : redness in Wind Current.
Palpation : pit edema, red, in Corriente del Viento.
Electrical detection : positive reaction to strong positive reaction (++ to +++) in
Wind Current.
Inspection : redness in Wind Stream; bran-like peeling in lung.
Palpation : pit edema, white, in Corriente del Viento.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Wind Current.
Inspection : bran-like peeling in Lung; rough, dark brown change on the surface in
this area.
Palpation : sensitivity in the lung.
Electrical detection : moderate positive reaction (+) in the Lung.
Inspection : seborrheic desquamation in the entire auricle; Occasionally, redness
as a shiny spot may be found.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Lung and Endocrine.
Inspection : dry skin and dull peeling in the entire atrium, particularly in the Lung
and Windstream.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Lung and Wind Current.
Eye, Nose, Ear, Mouth and Throat Disorders
Inspection : Edema in the Mouth and Bronchi/Trachea.
Palpation : pit like point in Bronchus/Trachea.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Pharynx and Larynx,
Bronchus/Trachea, and Mouth.
Inspection : projection as dark red or purple patch on Tonsil.
Palpation : cord-like projection in Tonsil.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx, and Tonsil.
Inspection : no deformation or color change on Inner Nose.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Inner Nose.
Inspection : white patchy projection resembling edema in the inner nose.
Palpation : pit edema in the inner nose and wind current.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Inner Nose and Wind Current.
Inspection : patch-like projection on the Inner Nose, irregularly shaped projection
on the Front.
Palpation : hardened projection in the inner nose.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Inner Nose, Lung, and Forehead.
Inspection : patch-like projection and edema in the Mandible and Mouth involving
the Bronchus/Trachea.
Palpation : pit edema in Bronchus/Trachea and Mouth; soft projection in mandible.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Mouth and Jaw.
Inspection : patch-like projection and edema in the mouth and jaw.
Palpation : projection like a cord or patch, soft, in the mouth and jaw.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Mouth and Jaw.
Inspection : hole like point or filament with wrinkled skin on Jaw.
Palpation : a hole is made when the jaw is pressed.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in the Mandible.
Inspection : irregular hole or spot between the back of the inter tragic notch and
the forehead.
Palpation : hole between the back of the inter tragic notch and the forehead.
Electrical detection : positive reaction (++) in Front, Eye, and the back of the inter
tragic notch.
Therapeutic Methods
Acupressure with seeds
□ This method is simple to use, widely applicable, and has a superior effect because it
provides continuous stimulation. It is also safe, free of side effects, and affordable.
Its popularity in the clinic has grown steadily, especially in the treatment of the
elderly and infants.
□ Any seed or pill that has a smooth surface, a suitable size and hardness can be
used for seed acupressure, including cow seed (wang bu liu), radish seed (lai fu
zi), white mustard seed ( bai jie zi), dodder seed (tu si zi), colsa (canola) seed
(you cai zi), stink cassia seed (jue ming zi), jujuba seed (suan zao ren), alpine
seed (yi Zi ren), rice grain (chi xiao dou), and mung bean (lu dou).
□ Choose mature seeds (or beans) with a diameter of 1.0 to 1.5 mm. Boil them in
water for two minutes, then dry them for use. Magnetic beads and borneol are
also commonly used for this treatment method.
□ Certain medicinal pills can also be used, such as Liu Shen Wan (Six Spirit Pills)
and Hou Zheng wan (sore throat pills).
□ Of all these materials, the most used are vacaria seeds and magnetic beads.
□ Duct tapes, cut into pieces approximately 14mm by 14mm;
□ alcohol 75%,
□ tincture of iodine 2.5%;
□ dry, sterilized cotton swabs;
□ a surgical knife; and tweezers.
□ If pain occurs in the treated ear while sleeping, the adhesive tape with
the seed can be released or even removed according to the patient's
□ In general, the treatment is performed on only one ear in 3 to 5 points, changing
every 5 to 7 days. Both ears can be treated when necessary.
□ Following the treatment done by the acupuncturist professional, the patient
should press the seeds 3 to 5 times each day, holding the pressure for 2 to 3
minutes each time.
Seeds commonly used for acupressure
□ The most commonly used seed for acupressure is the cow seed with a diameter
of 2mm. Most disorders can be treated with cow seed acupressure.
□ Mung beans clear heat and resolve toxins and summer heat; They are used to
treat diseases of a hot nature. Due to their large size, mung beans should be cut
in half; Apply the smooth surface to the ear point.
□ Dodder seed is pungent and slightly bitter; warms the spleen, controls diarrhea
and contains saliva. And it warms the kidney, secures the essence, and reduces
urine. It is used to treat diarrhea due to cold-spleen with abdominal pain due to
cold, copious drool, enuresis due to empty kidneys, frequent urination, cloudy
white leucorrhoea, and seminal emission.
□ They are sour and sweet in taste and hot in nature, Prickly Jujube seed
supplements the liver, quiets the spirit, restrains sweat, and engenders fluids. It
is used to treat agitation, emptiness and insomnia, palpitations of terror and
profuse sleep, general emptiness and profuse sweating, and dry mouth due to
damaged fluids. The seed should be cut in half, then worn with the smooth
surface against the ear point.
□ Borneol is a pungent-cooling medicinal; It opens the orifices and awakens the
brain, clears heat and relieves pain. It is used to treat heat illnesses marked by
darkened spirit, tetanic inversion, embolism (stroke) with phlegm inversion,
coma, mouth ulcers, bloody eyes, and sore throat. Switch treatment to the
opposite ear every 3 days as borneol can dissolve and be absorbed during this
□ Pressing with a 500 Gauss (500G) magnetic ball or bead can stimulate a point on
the ear and achieve the function of magnetic therapy.
□ First, determine the prescription according to the ear diagnosis; Next, identify
the sensitive points in the selected areas of the point according to the
inspection, sensitivity, and electrical detection.
Scraping : insert the needles into the sensitive points, fix the inserted needles
with the thumb and index finger; then quickly scrape up and down the handle of the
needle with the nail of your thumb or finger; scrape for 20 to 30 seconds. This is
commonly used for chronic illnesses, a weakened constitution, or for children.
Rotation : Insert the needle into the selected sensitive point, then rotate the
needle with your thumb and index finger. The rotation should be done with medium
intensity. Continue rotating for 20 to 30 seconds. This is suitable for treating
commonly seen chronic disorders.
Lift and stab : Insert the needle into the sensitive point, and forcefully lift and
stab the needle in a pumping action for 10 to 20 seconds. This is used to treat acute
disorders and painful disorders.
Insertion Depth
□ The depth of insertion depends on the thickness of the patient's atrium . In
general, insert the needle until it reaches the ear cartilage and can stand on its own.
□ However, the needle should not pass completely through the atrium , or
infection may result.
□ In some cases, the discomfort will be relieved immediately as the needle is inserted
and there is a sensation from the needle indicating that Qi has been obtained; If
there is no needle sensation, the direction of the needle tip should be gently
adjusted until needle sensation is induced.
Needle retention
□ Retention refers to keeping the needle inserted in the ear point for a period of time,
usually 30 to 60 minutes.
□ Needle retention may be longer in chronic and painful disorders.
□ Repeated manipulation while retaining the needle reinforces the therapeutic effect.
When treating older adults or infants, hold the needle for a shorter time.
□ Drainage refers to inserting the needle deeply while rotating, and retaining the
inserted needles for a longer time.
□ Supplementation refers to inserting the needle superficially without rotation and
retaining the needles for a shorter time or none at all.
□ Drainage is generally used to treat patterns of heat and excess, or to treat pain;
□ Supplementation is used for cold emptiness patterns, weak patients, older adults,
women, and infants.
The needles must be removed after treatment. There are two methods to remove
□ Press a sterile cotton swab on the point where the needle was removed to prevent
bleeding and infection.
□ Treatments are generally carried out every day or every other day.
□ Allow 7 to 10 days for each treatment course with a 2 to 3 day interval between
treatment courses.
Needle implantation
Intradermal needles are implanted into points that treat a specific disorder. With its
persistent and weak stimulation, this method is suitable for treating chronic and
painful disorders, or for patients who for some reason cannot return to the clinic.
One ear is treated first in 3 to 5 points. The patient will need to press the implanted
needles 3 to 5 times each day, maintaining the pressure for 2 to 3 minutes each time.
Switch to the opposite ear every 5 to 7 days. A treatment should last 10 days.
Points for attention
□ Carefully sterilize the atrium before treatment to avoid infection.
□ This method cannot be used on patients with ear infection or frostbite of the ear.
□ Following the treatment, the patient should press the implanted needles 3 to 5
times each day to improve the therapeutic effect.
□ For those who have difficulty sleeping due to pain in the area where the needle
was implanted, the direction of the needle tip and the depth of insertion should
be adjusted until the patient feels comfortable.
□ Keep the implantation area dry to avoid infection. The duration of implantation
should be shorter in the summer to avoid infection.
□ Local swelling and discomfort in the implantation area should be treated
immediately. The needle should be removed and anti-inflammatory treatment
given if redness and swelling occur at the point where the intradermal needles
were implanted.
Electro acupuncture
□ Electro acupuncture combines electrical stimulation with the insertion of needles in
order to reinforce the therapeutic effect.
□ Almost all disorders that can be treated with ear needling can be treated with
electroacupuncture, particularly psychological disorders, nervous system disorders,
spasms of internal organs, and asthma.
□ Insert filiform needles into the selected points in the same manner as standard
acupuncture with filiform needles.
□ Treat daily or every other day for 7 to 10 days. The treatment course can be repeated
after 2 to 3 days interval.
Points for attention
□ The patient's condition determines the intensity of the stimulation. In general,
medium stimulation is used to the patient's tolerance. Stronger stimulation is used for
those with severe and prolonged pain.
□ Connect both electrodes of one cable to the same ear, place and pair the electrodes
separately when more than 2 or 3 needles are inserted.
□ During the treatment, ensure that the inserted needles are not touching each other, to
avoid a short circuit, which would decrease the therapeutic effect and even damage
the electroacupuncture device. If only one needle is used, a separate electrode can be
fixed over the edge of the atrium or held by the patient.
□ Prior to treatment, inform the patient of possible sensations that may occur such as
drowsiness, heaviness, irritation, distension, or pain.
□ Start with a low current for several minutes, then gradually increase it.
□ If the output is intermittent, it could indicate poor cable connection. Stop treatment
and check the electroacupuncture device and repair it if necessary before use.
□ Regularly check the battery and other parts of the electro acupuncture device to
ensure that it is working properly.
Plum Blossom Acupuncture
Plum blossom acupuncture originated as a treatment in standard body acupuncture and
was later adapted to auricular acupuncture. It courses and frees the channels and
collaterals, clears heat and eliminates toxins, clears stagnation and generates new blood,
and regulates the organs and entrails.
Facial paralysis, neuritis of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, dermatological
disorders such as acne, acne rosacea, brandy nose, flat warts, seborrheic dermatitis,
chloasma, leucoderma, neurodermatitis, skin pruritus, and cosmetic facial treatments.
□ Treatments should be done every other day or once every 3 or 4 days. A course of
treatment lasts 7 to 10 days; Allow 5 days between courses of treatments.
Points of attention
□ Examine the needles before treatment. Do not use needles with damaged tips.
□ The points on the earlobe can be used with the body points on the face and cheeks for
facial beauty treatments.
□ Bleeding can be done with a 3-edged needle or a surgical blade on the veins on
the back surface of the ear. This procedure courses and frees the channels and
collaterals, clears stasis and engenders new blood, extinguishes wind and
controls tetanus, calms the patient and discharges heat, and relaxes tension and
relieves pain.
□ It is also used to treat pain patterns due to blood stasis, high fever and convulsion
caused by exuberant and intense malignant heat, or dizzy head and dizzy vision
produced by ascending hyperactivity of liver yang.
Bleeding is usually done on the earlobe, the apex of the ear, or on the bulging veins
in the atrium.
Sterilize the atrium with 75% alcohol, first on the medial side, then on the lateral
side, paying particular attention to the bleeding areas.
Massage the auricle until redness or warmth is felt. Fix the auricle with your hand
while holding the 3-edged needle or surgical blade with the other hand; pick or cut
the skin to draw 3 to 5 drops of blood, then stop the bleeding with pressure.
In general, a treatment is done every other day (one day if not one day). However,
it should be done once a day for acute febrile illnesses. Allow 5 to 7 days for each
treatment course with a 2 to 3 day interval between courses.
Points of attention
□ Massage the auricle before treatment to reinforce the therapeutic effect.
□ Carefully control the depth of the cuts to avoid damaging the ear cartilage.
□ In the patient who was bled from the posterior surface veins, use the distal veins
first. Apply pressure after drawing blood to prevent subcutaneous hematoma
□ This method cannot be used for hemophilia patients, pregnant women, or
anyone using blood-thinning medications.
□ Careful sterilization is necessary to avoid infection.
□ In general, if bleeding is performed on the veins on the back surface of the ear,
the treatment is performed on one ear only and is changed to the other ear in
the next session.
Medicine injection
The combination of inserting needles and injecting small amounts of drugs into
the ear points can achieve a good therapeutic result.
Medicine selection
Choose medicines that (1) are moderate stimulants, (2) do not cause thermal
tissue necrosis, and (3) are easily absorbed.
Sterilize the atrium with 75% alcohol.
Put the selected medicine into a syringe. Hold the atrium with one hand to stretch the
area to be treated, then inject the drug with the other hand. Inject 0.1 to 0.5ml of the
medicine into each point until a bladder is seen in the injected area. This may induce
redness, swelling, heat, or local pain.
Gently wipe spills from around the injected area. Avoid pressing hard.
Inject the points into alternate ears every other day (every other day).
Allow 5 to 7 treatments per course with a 2 to 3 day interval between courses.
Points of attention
□ Only a small amount of the drug is needed.
□ Careful sterilization is needed to avoid infection.
□ Do a skin test for any medicine that may cause an allergic reaction.
□ Adequate attention to the pharmacological functions of the drug and its
contraindications. Avoid medicines that have severe side effects or drugs that are
□ Start with a small dose and gradually increase, particularly for older adults, those
who are weak, or those who have never been treated with this method.
□ Use points alternately to benefit drug absorption.
Ear moxibustion
Ear moxibustion achieves an effect of warm and hot nature. This method warms the
channels and dissipates cold, and courses and frees the channels and collaterals. It is
recommended to treat patterns of cold emptiness and impediment syndrome.
Light a stick of incense. Two or three points are selected for treatment. Hold the
incense stick close to the skin for 2 or 3 minutes, until the patient feels a moderate
burning pain. Treat one ear at each session, and alternate ears every other day.
Allow 7 to 10 treatments for each course. This method is used to treat conditions such
as pain in the lower back and legs, popping in the neck, and periarthritis of the
shoulder joint.
Cut the rush into 1cm segments and soak it in canola oil to prepare it for use. Light the
soaked reed and quickly apply moxibustion to the selected spot until the “pah” sound
has been heard. This counts as one cone. Treat daily or every other day, using 3 to 9
cones for each treatment. Treating one or both ears at the same time will be
determined by whether the disease involves one or both sides of the body. This
method is used to treat mumps, conjunctivitis, and shingles.
□ In order to avoid burns, continue moxibustion only until redness of the auricle, a
sensation of heat, or moderate burning pain is induced.
Various rubbing, pinching, and kneading techniques are performed with the fingers
or palms on different areas in the ear. This method works for the treatment and
prevention of diseases.
Complete ear massage
□ The acupuncturist should vigorously rub his palms until heat is induced, then
press his palms on the patient's auricles, rubbing up and down as well as back and
forth over the anterior and outer surfaces of the ears; This should continue until
heat and redness are induced in the patient's ears.
□ This method is used to treat disorders of the channels and collaterals and the
organs and bowels. Continuous daily treatments will prevent diseases and
strengthen the body.
Point pressure
With a detection wand, press on the points related to the disorder. Using gradually
increasing force, continue point pressure for 1 to 2 minutes until distension, heat, or
a painful sensation is induced in the treated area.
Press pinching
□ Place your thumb on a selected point on the anterior surface of the ear with
your index finger on the posterior surface and pinch pressure, gradually
increasing the strength of the pressure. Select 1 to 3 points per treatment.
□ This method is mainly used to treat pain disorders and to prevent the
common cold.
Points of attention
□ Increasing the duration of the ear massage improves the therapeutic
effect. Do not use ear massage on patients with inflammation or frostbite in the
atrium. „
Plasters with medicine
In this method, medicated bandages, or plasters, are attached to the ear such that
stimulation of the medicine over the contacted points of the ear will treat the
This method is used to treat laryngopharyngitis, cough, asthma, bronchitis,
headache, dizziness, hypertension, pain in the upper abdomen, lumbar area and
legs, and coronary heart disease.
Medicinal plasters can be purchased ready-made.
□ First, determine the prescription according to the ear diagnosis; Next, identify
the sensitive points in the selected areas of the point according to the
inspection, sensitivity, and electrical detection.
□ Sterilize the area to be treated or, if necessary, the entire ear with 75% alcohol.
Cut the plasters into 0.6 centimeter square pieces, and apply them to the
selected points.
□ The ears can be treated together or alternately. Change the plaster every 3 days.
Treatment courses should be shorter during summer time.
Points of attention
□ Choose plasters according to their functions and the patient's conditions.
□ Keep plasters dry and clean.
Magnet Therapy
□ A magnetic bead or small magnetic pad is attached to the ear points to treat
diseases by the effect of magnetic force on the points.
□ This method calms pain, relieves itching, controls panting, and regulates
autonomic nervous function.
Sterilize the atrium with 75% alcohol to remove oils.
□ The positive and negative poles should be placed on opposite sides of the atrium to
make a line of magnetic force through the intended point of the ear.
lumbo-acra gallbladder y central abdomen
vesicut appendix
pancreatitis racto
shoulder ■ ® liver duodenum
center ear
stomach external
He swallows
helix 3 lung thirst point
internal secretion
y eye 2
eye 1 point stop
testicle A
diontes point for
ear eye lobe
Internal antorlor