Module 7

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Principles of Management:

Effective Communication
and Teamwork
is defined as the process of
passing information and
Communication developing understanding from
one person to another. It is
bridging the information gap
between people in an
organization. Using effective
communication mediums can
help people safely cross the river
of misunderstanding that
separates them.

Features of Effective Communication

Features of Effective
1. Communication is at the heart of every business activity.
2. It is the process of living in harmony with others.
3. It is the thread that ties the action of an individual to its
desired objectives.
4. It is the way of sharing our feelings, thoughts, ideas, wants
and needs.
5. Directing human efforts are carried out by managers through
the communication process.
6. Effective directions would only prosper with effective
communication. 4
Principles of

1. Clarity refers to the ability to communicate clearly and
straightforwardly. This means using simple, direct language that is
easy to understand.
2. Coherence refers to the ability to organize and present information
in a logical and orderly manner. It should be easy to follow.
3. Confidence refers to the ability to communicate with assurance and
conviction. This means speaking in a powerful, self-assured way
that projects a sense of belief.
4. Concrete refers to the ability to communicate specific information
and details rather than generalities or abstract concepts. Provide
clear examples, facts, and data to support the message.

5. Correctness refers to the accuracy and appropriateness of the
language and information used in communication. Use proper
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
6. Conciseness refers to the ability to communicate the message in as
few words as possible without sacrificing clarity or completeness.
Avoid unnecessary information or repetition.
7. Courtesy refers to the ability to communicate politely and
respectfully. Use appropriate language, tone, and nonverbal cues.

The Communication Process

Types of Communication

Interpersonal Communication–
generally takes place between
two or more individuals at the

Types of Communication

Organizational communication–
taking place at all levels in the
organization refers to

Ways of
1. Verbal Communication–
Communication communication done with the
help of words.
2. Written Communication–
written records are available
such as emails, letters,
manuals, notices and so on.
3. Body Language– managers
must also take special care of
their body language, facial
expressions, and gestures for
effective communication

How does effective employee

communication impact productivity?

Understanding how employee communication influences productivity
needs to be examined at different levels.
Here are various ways in which effective employee communication
affects productivity:

1. Increases transparency
2. Encourages teamwork
3. Promotes a healthy organizational culture
4. Establishes a feedback mechanism
5. Increases accountability
6. Improves employee morale
7. Saves time and costs

The stages of team

development and effective
team dynamics
Team effectiveness is enhanced
by a team's commitment to
reflection and on-going
evaluation. In addition to
evaluating accomplishments in
terms of meeting specific goals,
for teams to be high-
performing it is essential for
them to understand their
Effectiveness development as a team.

How does effective employee

communication impact productivity?

Teams go through stages of development. The most commonly used
framework for a team's stages of development was developed in the mid-
1960s by Bruce W. Tuckman. These stages are commonly known as:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Tuckman's model
explains that as the team develops maturity and ability, relationships are
established, and the leadership style changes to more collaborative or
shared leadership.

Stages of Development
Presentation Title 18
Effective Team Dynamics

Team dynamics refers to the

relationships and interactions
between team members that can
affect their productivity and
performance. It encompasses how
team members communicate,
collaborate, and coordinate their
efforts to achieve a shared goal.
A range of factors can influence
team dynamics, including individual
personality traits, work styles,
attitudes, and external factors, such
as the culture and the team's
organizational structure.
When team dynamics are positive,
teams can achieve their goals more
efficiently and effectively, and
members are more likely to feel
Effectiveness satisfied and engaged in their work.
When teams work well together,
their individual and team
performance is more than 50%
more effective when accomplishing
goals and completing tasks. Many
executives nowadays believe
collaboration leads to powerful, new
business opportunities and can
boost innovation in their
organization. These positive new
dynamics can lead to improved
cost-effectiveness, employee
retention, and even better customer
loyalty. 21

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