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15th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO 2019)

Design and Implementation of Regulated DC

Variable Power Supply Using Solar PV with
Storage (0-15V, 5A)

Usman Mohammed Maruf A. Aminu Steve A. Adeshina

dept. of Elect/Elect Engineering dept. of Elect/Elect Engineering dept. of Computer Engineering
Nile University of Nigeria Nile University of Nigeria Nile University of Nigeria
Abuja, Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria

Omotayo Oshiga Gokhan Koyunlu Sadiq Thomas

dept. of Elect/Elect Engineering dept. of Computer Engineering dept. of Computer Engineering
Nile University of Nigeria Nile University of Nigeria Nile University of Nigeria
Abuja, Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria

Abstract— In Nigeria, due to the epileptic nature of power always depended on power supply since the stone-age [1].
supply, most institutions, individuals, and industries resort to As population rises energy demand will, certainly, increase.
self-generation of power via petrol and diesel generators, which
In order to meet this demand and sustainable growth of the
does not only cause environmental and sound pollution but very
expensive. As a result, the prices of domestic goods are on the economy, the expansion of renewable (green) energy as an
rise. The threat of noise pollution and greenhouse gas emission alternative energy form is necessary [2].
associated with these generators cannot be over-emphasized. A Resources such as sunlight, waves, tides, geothermal
renewable energy resource will provide a better alternative. heat, rain, wind are naturally renewed on a human timescale.
This paper therefore designs and implements a regulated DC Energy obtained from such sources is termed as renewable
variable power supply of rating (0 - 15) V, 5A using solar PV energy [3].
with storage. The gap found from the literature review was; lack One of the most available resources of renewable energy
of digitally displayed output of the system. The paper designed is solar [4], with the potential capability of generating enough
and implemented DC variable power supply using a voltage
power to meet the demands of the entire planet. The
regulator (LM338), resistors, LED, capacitors, a solar PV of 200
W, a 12V/24V 20 A charge controller and two 12 V, 18Ah exploitation of solar energy dated back to ancient history. In
batteries. During the design stage, the voltage regulator recent years, technologies have been developed to make use
capacity, solar PV, charge controller, battery ratings were of solar energy but solar power generation is still not
designed. Tests were carried out with the aid of a digital widespread in Nigeria. Solar energy is in abundance and it is
multimeter to determine the response of the system. Results appealing. This makes solar energy a resource that is
obtained showed that the system is capable of powering DC plausible to play an important role in our energy future [5].
loads not greater than 75 W. It was also established that
implemented system output voltage ranges from 1.21 V to 15.2 An array of photovoltaic (PV) cells is known as solar
V. It was evident that basic experiments and other needs of DC cells. And solar panels constitute solar cells which are
power that are within the design range can be met. responsible for sunlight-energy conversion [6]. A solar panel
generates electricity using the ‘PV effect’ a phenomenon
discovered in the early 19th century when it was found out
Keywords—power supply, solar PV, regulated, variable, dc that some materials have the ability to produce an electric
I. INTRODUCTION current when they are exposed to sunlight. The
semiconducting material used to build a solar cell is called
In the obtainment and application of skills and silicon. Individual solar cells typically only generate a tiny
technology, power supply is crucial. Power supply revitalizes amount of electrical energy [7].
the establishment of centers for the obtainment of skills, small
factories, small and large scale companies and industries Regulation of voltage in DC power supplies is done by
where skills can be obtained and provisions made for shunt series regulators. The necessary condition for doing this
technological advancement. Because of this, in order to is; application of a voltage reference must be done by using a
reduce crimes, youths should be engaged. Advancement in shunt regulator such as a VR tube, avalanche or Zener diodes.
the economy can be achieved when there is less indulgence The knee voltage of these regulators has to be reached before
in terrorism and an increase in production [1]. In all parts of they can start conducting. They hold their terminal voltage to
the society and economy, the importance of power supply is this knee voltage by conducting the required current. And to
undeniable. Religious organizations, industries, individuals, do that, surplus current from a non-ideal source of power is
institutions all use power supply. The life of a man had transferred to ground, usually through a comparatively low

978-1-7281-5160-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

valued resistor to fritter away the surplus energy. Power • Voltage regulator: The regulator which is variable in
supplies are designed to give maximum current that is within this case, takes input from the charge controller and
the dependable capability of the shunt regulator used. regulates it to the maximum design voltage range
Because of this, the dependable net capability of the shunt (i.e. 0 – 15V) [11].
regulator is of prime importance in power supply designs [8].
B. Some of the related works reviewed
Power generation via generators is costly. Apart from
that, it causes pollution such as sound pollution. The reason In the publication of Jonas et al. [4], the design process
why the majority of industries, institutions, and individuals of charging backpack that is powered by solar which is
turn to power generation via generators is the power supply capable of efficiently charging a mobile phone was
situation in Nigeria. When the cost of electricity from the gradationally illustrated. To discover the output capabilities,
national grid and electricity from privately-owned generators size and cost, they analyzed and compared a selection of
are compared, we can see that the latter is more expensive available products on the market. They then designed the
and this causes the price of domestic goods to be high [1]. charging system and tested it before harmonizing it with the
backpack. According to the results obtained, it was clear that
The threat of noise pollution and greenhouse gas the system was able to charge the mobile phone.
emission associated with these generators is very much Nevertheless, excessive power dissipation was discovered
imperative in Nigeria. This is however very unhealthy for the which caused the linear regulator to generate considerable
human population in the country. And nowadays there is a heat.
need to charge mobile phones and operate some DC
appliances such as a fan. A better alternative will be provided In their work, Jemal, Gebrehiwot, and Selemawit [5]
by green (renewable) energy resources. This paper, therefore, designed and manufactured apparel, transportable solar
designed and implemented a regulated DC variable power backpack for charging electronic devices such as laptops,
supply using solar PV with storage. iPods, mobile phone and MP3 players. Electrical energy was
obtained by using a solar panel that converts solar energy into
The objectives of this paper are as follows; electrical energy. The solar circuit constitutes; 1)
rechargeable batteries for charging the device when there is
• Design a solar photovoltaic system with a view to
no sunlight 2) two integrated circuits (ICs) for voltage control
determining the rating of the solar PV module,
3) solar panel; made up of four solar cells, two in series and
rating of the battery and their configuration
two in parallel. Sewing technology and sticky material were
• Design a variable direct current (DC) power supply employed in attaching the flexible micro solar panel at the
unit. back of the backpack. Inside the pockets of the backpack is
where the batteries and charging pins were stationed while
• Implementation and testing of the system partly and inside the backpack is where other accessories and wires were
wholly. placed. The purpose of wearing was served by the product
• Development of a simple computational tool for designed. The designed product also charges electronic
sizing of off-grid PV module and battery for any devices up to +24V.
location in Abuja. To charge electronic appliances such as iPhones, Dinesh,
Amira, and Achuthan [12] in their work applied solar power.
A software called PROTEUS was used in designing the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW circuit for high and low Ampere charging. Then, the circuit
was constructed and tested for its performance. It was
A. Some of the concepts reviewed
discovered that for iPhone 5, the full charge was reached in
• Solar energy: The energy source that is attributed 90 minutes with 1A charging port while with 2A charging
to the heat generated by sunlight is termed as solar port the time was just 50 minutes.
energy [9].
Ayara et al. [13] reviewed the DC laboratory bench
power supply that is available and upgraded it to an improved
• PV array: Conversion of solar energy to an electrical
product. The product can deliver low DC voltage and AC
signal is done by PV array, this signal is then passed
voltage for simple experiments in the laboratory. It can be
to the charge controller [10].
used in high schools and universities. The power supply has
the ability to deliver both fixed and variable DC voltages.
• Solar charge controller: The charge controller is
Fixed voltages of 12V, 9V, 5V, and variable of between 1.25-
used to regulate the current from the solar PV to a 30V. It can also deliver a 12VAC voltage. A USB port was
value appropriate for charging the battery. It also also integrated where mobile devices and phones can be
serves as a medium through which, when there is no charged. An LED bulb was also integrated for easy work in
sun, the battery is connected to the load [10].
the night when there is no utility power.
• The battery: The battery stores the electrical charges Sambandh, Arun, and Kabita [14] developed a device
from the charge controller and later supplies the load that can be used in the event of disaster effectively. They
when needed [10]. designed and developed a transportable power bank powered
by solar for charging a mobile phone. It uses sunlight as its
optimum power source. A solar panel was incorporated in it
and its purpose is for solar to electrical energy conversion.
The energy is then stored in a battery for further use. There is III. METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN
a microcontroller, to which both solar panels and batteries are
A. Research methodology
connected, which indicates the level of the charge in the
battery. The charging circuit has the battery connected to it The research strategy adopted for this work includes the
and it has a USB port where mobile phones are connected. review of related literature, design, implementation, and
testing of the circuit before assembling them as a single unit.
Adelakun et al. [15] designed and built power supply
which is both variable and stabilized with a voltage range of
0.20V – 15.85V and the current range of 0 – 3Amps (45W) B. Design calculations
with a very low output impedance of 0.008 ohms. They also All considerations made in this design are based on the
studied the regulation characteristics of a constructed power fact that the system is for experimental purposes.
supply unit to a certain load and line regulation so as to
determine its stability by comparing it to a standard power • Load demand
supply unit. The power supply built was tested with two In general, load demand is the total power required by a
loads, 126 ohms 1 A and 11 ohms 4 A, and the readings were system.
analyzed. LM317 voltage regulator, transistors were the
leading components used. The output readings obtained Power = Voltage × Current (1)
showed that the power supply is functional and small
variations from the nominal designed values were observed The energy demand of the system = Power × Time [7] (2)
for the measured values.
• Solar PV module sizing
Kondracki, Collins, and Habbab [16] thought it would be Peak Sun Hours (PSH)
good if outdoors can be used as places to charge devices. The effective load in ampere-hour per day = effective load
They designed a charging station powered by solar to make in watt-hour ÷ nominal voltage [7] (3)
outdoor charging possible. The system designed converts Total required array current = effective load in ampere-hour
solar energy into electricity and this electricity is stored in a per day ÷ PSH [7] (4)
battery bank. A microcontroller was incorporated to control
• Number of batteries
the state-of-charge of the batteries.
Depth of Discharge (DOD)
Nowadays, the energy of the sun is utilized almost Days of Autonomy (DOA)
everywhere. Oji .J. O. et al. [17] showed that this could also Battery capacity = ampere-hour per day × DOA ÷ DOD [7]
successfully happen in Nigeria through the generation of (5)
power. They also discussed photovoltaic and solar thermal • Solar charge controller sizing
options. To successfully utilize solar power, design and Short circuit current (ISC)
choice of components are of prime importance. So, they The energy lost in the system factor = 1.3
enumerated the basic science behind this. They highlighted Charge controller current rating = ISC × 1.3 [20] (6)
how a good installation of a solar panel is of importance. • Resistor R2 sizing
They also showed how the knowledge and experience gained According to [11], the regulator has a very good load
in solar energy can be crucial to Nigeria for its development. regulation provided that the minimum load current is greater
than 0.01 A. Then, if 1.25 V reference voltage is to be
DC appliances are commonly used. A continuous power
maintained the value of the feedback resistor R2 needs to be
supply is important for these appliances. Joe and Bukola [18]
designed and tested a DC power supply system for these at least (reference voltage ÷ minimum load current) (7)
appliances. A diode OR logic was used for battery, mains • Variable resistor RV1 sizing
from the utility power supply, the photovoltaic. The outputs According to [11] the output voltage is
of the three sources are compared by the parallel combination
of the three diodes. On comparing the voltages, the highest VOUT =1.25 V× ቀ1+ ቁ +IADJ R2 (8)
voltage at a particular instance of time feeds the DC output
and supplies the battery with the charging current. The results Since ‫ܫ‬஺஽௃ is very small, which is around 50 μA [23], the
obtained from testing the system at different operating second term in (8) can be ignored. Then (8) becomes
conditions showed a good system's performance. 13.1V, RV1
12.2V, and 13.8V were the system's outputs during a utility VOUT =1.25 V× ቀ1+ ቁ (9)
power failure, when only the stored energy in the back-up
C. Selection of componets
battery was available and when all the power sources were
available respectively. • Load demand
Shoewu, Olaniyi and Ogunleye [19] designed and Based on the proposed system specification of 0 – 15V, 5A,
developed a regulated power supply, which is controlled for t hours, the load demand was calculated from (1) as
digitally, of a voltage range of 0-15V with 5A maximum Power = voltage × current = 15 × 5 = 75 W and by
output current. An embedded system approach was substituting this into (2) then,
The energy demand of the system = power × time = 75 × t =
75t Wh per day
• Solar PV module
For the purpose of this project, since our load demand is 75W
from (1) and peak sun hour (PSH) is 5.25, for t = hour from

The effective load in ampere-hour per day = effective load in

watt-hour ÷ nominal voltage = 75 ÷ 24 = 3.125 Ampere-hour

Using (4) then,

Total required array current = effective load in ampere-hour Fig. 1: LM338 Pin-out [11].
per day ÷ PSH = 3.125 ÷ 5.25 = 0.59524 A
The value of ୓୙୘ is calculated using the following formula
A PV module of 200W, 24V, 8A was chosen. RV1
VOUT =1.25 V× ቀ1+ ቁ +IADJ R2 [11]
• Number of batteries Where RV1 = variable resistor
It is assumed that the batteries will be used for t hours in a 24- R2 = fixed resistor = 240 (chosen)
hour period. IADJ = adjustment terminal current = 50 μA [11]
VOUT = output voltage of the regulator
Nominal battery voltage = 12 V per battery, 24 V for two
batteries in series Capacitors C1 and C2 each of value 100nF and C3 of the
value 100μF are input, output and adjust stabilizing
Days of autonomy (DOA) ൌ ͳ capacitors. Diode D1 is a red LED indicator that indicates the
Depth of discharge (DOD) ൌ ͶͲΨ availability of an input signal to the regulator. Resistor R1 =
1K was chosen to limit the current going through D1 to a
From (5) then, considerable range of maximum value = 24 mA.
Battery capacity = ampere-hour per day × DOA ÷ DOD = • Summary of components selection
3.125 × 1 ÷ 0.4 = 7.813 Ah
Based on the calculated battery capacity of 7.813Ah, 2
batteries each of 12V, 18Ah were selected. Component Specification

• Solar charge controller Load demand 75t watt-hour per day

From (6), with Isc of 8.49A, the minimum size of the
controller is 8.49 × 1.3 = 11.037 A Solar PV 200W, 24V

As such, a charge controller of 12V/24V, 20A was chosen. Battery 2 numbers of 12V, 18Ah

• Resistor R2 Charge controller 12V/24V, 20A

From (3.7), R2 = 1.25 V ÷ 0.01 A = 125  and this value can
range anywhere from 125  to 1000  with typical values of Voltage regulator LM338 (5A, 0-32V)
R2 being around 220  to 240  for good stability.
A 240  resistor was chosen for R2.
• Variable resistor RV1
For this project, the maximum output voltage is 15 V. Then,
RV1 maximum can be found from (9) as
15 V
RV1=240 × ቀ -1ቁ =2640 
1.25 V

A 5000  variable resistor was chosen.

• Voltage regulator Fig. 2: Complete circuit diagram of the system
From the scope of this work, the LM338 voltage regulator IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTS
was selected. It is a 3-terminal positive voltage regulator and
is capable of supplying in excess of 5A over a 1.2-V to 32-V A. Implementation
output range. It is easy to use and requires only 2 resistors to The implementation of the design in this work can be
set the output voltage. This device features a typical line summarized in the three steps listed below.
regulation of 0.005% and a typical load regulation of 0.1%. It • The circuit components were first connected as
includes time-dependent current limiting, thermal overload depicted in Fig. 2 on a temporary circuit board
protection, and safe operating area protection. Overload (breadboard). It was powered and thoroughly
protection remains functional even if the ADJUST terminal observed. An effort was made to troubleshoot the
is disconnected [11], as shown in Fig. 1 circuit at this level to ensure a near-perfect output
when compared to the proposed specifications.
• Upon a satisfactory output in the first step above, the TABLE II: NO LOAD TESTING VALUES OF VOUT AND RV1
circuit was then transferred to a more permanent
circuit board (Vero board). All the nodes were tested Measurement VOUT (V) RV1 ()
to ensure tight soldering. Other sections of the
1.350 19.2000
system like the PV module, the charge controller 1.
and the batteries were also connected as presented in
the circuit diagram. The circuit was also powered 2.280 197.760
and thoroughly observed to ascertain that its output
is as expected. 3.320 397.440
• Part of the circuit (mostly the electronics
components) was packaged in a box in the form of 4.770 675.840
casing. Provisions were made for easy connections
of other parts of the system to the box e.g. battery 6.130 936.960
and load. 5.
8.790 1447.96
B. Tests 6.
The system was tested at various levels of its 10.88 1848.96
implementation. This ensured a nearly perfect functionality 7.
upon the completion of the work. The main tests carried out 13.00 2256.00
are listed as follows: 8.
15.44 2724.48
• At the breadboard stage of the implementation, 9.
some of the individual components were tested e.g.
the terminal voltage of the solar panel, the terminal
voltage of the battery, the default output of the
voltage regulator and functionality of the LED as an
indicator. At no load, the output voltage of the
system was equally observed from the system
voltmeter. This was further verified using a
multimeter to take the same output reading. The
variations are graphed in Fig. 3. The results are
summarized in TABLE II.

Fig. 4: Variation of VOUT with RV1 for a loaded system testing.


Measurement VOUT (V) RV1 () I (A)

1. 1.210 7.6800 2.5
2. 3.190 372.48 2.6
3. 6.090 929.28 2.6
4. 9.100 1507.2 2.8
5. 12.10 2083.2 2.8
6. 15.20 2678.4 2.8

C. Discussion of results
Fig. 3: Variation of VOUT with RV1 for no-load operation.
As seen from the results presented in the tests section, the
voltage range of the implemented system is between 1.21V
• At the soldered circuit level of the implementation and 15.2V; this is slightly out of phase with the proposed
of the design, the variable resistor was tuned to specification of the system which is (0 – 15) V. This is due to
several positions indicating different resistance, the fact that the LM338 voltage regulator adopted in this work
observations of the output voltage were made at no requires 1.25V to turn ON.
load. The current been drawn was equally observed
when the system was loaded with different loads of It is also observed that the output voltage of the system
different ratings. Care was taken not to overload the as indicated on the built-in voltmeter varies with the tuning
system at any instance. The variations are graphed of the potentiometer. This makes it feasible to power DC
in Fig. 4. The results are summarized in TABLE III. electrical loads of different voltage requirements if its rating
is within the range of (0 - 15) V without fear of over-voltage.
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