Mohammed 2019
Mohammed 2019
Mohammed 2019
Abstract— In Nigeria, due to the epileptic nature of power always depended on power supply since the stone-age [1].
supply, most institutions, individuals, and industries resort to As population rises energy demand will, certainly, increase.
self-generation of power via petrol and diesel generators, which
In order to meet this demand and sustainable growth of the
does not only cause environmental and sound pollution but very
expensive. As a result, the prices of domestic goods are on the economy, the expansion of renewable (green) energy as an
rise. The threat of noise pollution and greenhouse gas emission alternative energy form is necessary [2].
associated with these generators cannot be over-emphasized. A Resources such as sunlight, waves, tides, geothermal
renewable energy resource will provide a better alternative. heat, rain, wind are naturally renewed on a human timescale.
This paper therefore designs and implements a regulated DC Energy obtained from such sources is termed as renewable
variable power supply of rating (0 - 15) V, 5A using solar PV energy [3].
with storage. The gap found from the literature review was; lack One of the most available resources of renewable energy
of digitally displayed output of the system. The paper designed is solar [4], with the potential capability of generating enough
and implemented DC variable power supply using a voltage
power to meet the demands of the entire planet. The
regulator (LM338), resistors, LED, capacitors, a solar PV of 200
W, a 12V/24V 20 A charge controller and two 12 V, 18Ah exploitation of solar energy dated back to ancient history. In
batteries. During the design stage, the voltage regulator recent years, technologies have been developed to make use
capacity, solar PV, charge controller, battery ratings were of solar energy but solar power generation is still not
designed. Tests were carried out with the aid of a digital widespread in Nigeria. Solar energy is in abundance and it is
multimeter to determine the response of the system. Results appealing. This makes solar energy a resource that is
obtained showed that the system is capable of powering DC plausible to play an important role in our energy future [5].
loads not greater than 75 W. It was also established that
implemented system output voltage ranges from 1.21 V to 15.2 An array of photovoltaic (PV) cells is known as solar
V. It was evident that basic experiments and other needs of DC cells. And solar panels constitute solar cells which are
power that are within the design range can be met. responsible for sunlight-energy conversion [6]. A solar panel
generates electricity using the ‘PV effect’ a phenomenon
discovered in the early 19th century when it was found out
Keywords—power supply, solar PV, regulated, variable, dc that some materials have the ability to produce an electric
I. INTRODUCTION current when they are exposed to sunlight. The
semiconducting material used to build a solar cell is called
In the obtainment and application of skills and silicon. Individual solar cells typically only generate a tiny
technology, power supply is crucial. Power supply revitalizes amount of electrical energy [7].
the establishment of centers for the obtainment of skills, small
factories, small and large scale companies and industries Regulation of voltage in DC power supplies is done by
where skills can be obtained and provisions made for shunt series regulators. The necessary condition for doing this
technological advancement. Because of this, in order to is; application of a voltage reference must be done by using a
reduce crimes, youths should be engaged. Advancement in shunt regulator such as a VR tube, avalanche or Zener diodes.
the economy can be achieved when there is less indulgence The knee voltage of these regulators has to be reached before
in terrorism and an increase in production [1]. In all parts of they can start conducting. They hold their terminal voltage to
the society and economy, the importance of power supply is this knee voltage by conducting the required current. And to
undeniable. Religious organizations, industries, individuals, do that, surplus current from a non-ideal source of power is
institutions all use power supply. The life of a man had transferred to ground, usually through a comparatively low
As such, a charge controller of 12V/24V, 20A was chosen. Battery 2 numbers of 12V, 18Ah
C. Discussion of results
Fig. 3: Variation of VOUT with RV1 for no-load operation.
As seen from the results presented in the tests section, the
voltage range of the implemented system is between 1.21V
• At the soldered circuit level of the implementation and 15.2V; this is slightly out of phase with the proposed
of the design, the variable resistor was tuned to specification of the system which is (0 – 15) V. This is due to
several positions indicating different resistance, the fact that the LM338 voltage regulator adopted in this work
observations of the output voltage were made at no requires 1.25V to turn ON.
load. The current been drawn was equally observed
when the system was loaded with different loads of It is also observed that the output voltage of the system
different ratings. Care was taken not to overload the as indicated on the built-in voltmeter varies with the tuning
system at any instance. The variations are graphed of the potentiometer. This makes it feasible to power DC
in Fig. 4. The results are summarized in TABLE III. electrical loads of different voltage requirements if its rating
is within the range of (0 - 15) V without fear of over-voltage.
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