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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year: 2021-22

Title of Project
Electric power transmission

Name of Student : GADAG VINOD DEVJI

Class : SYEE

Semester : Fourth
Roll No : 18
Enrollment No : 2011710087
Seat No : 332087
Program : Electrical Engg.
Course : EPT
Course code : 22418
Name of Teacher: Prof.

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Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401

This is to certify that Mr./Ms Gadag Vinod Devji
roll no 18 Of Fourth Semester of Diploma in
Electrical Engineering of has successfully completed the
Micro Project in Electric power transmission
for the Academic year 2021 -2022 as prescribed in MSBTE
curriculum under the guidance of subject teacher.

Place: Yeola Enrollment No : 2011710087

Date: Seat No:332087

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Prof. Gore.D.D Prof. Kolhe S.V Prof. Gujrathi G.S.

[Title]Page 2 of 12
Micro Project Report Index

Academic Year- 2021-22 Program :Electrical Engineering

Class: - SYEE Course: EPT
Course Code: 22420 Roll No: 18

Enrollment No : 2011710087 Exam Seat No:332087

Title of Micro Project:- Electric power transmission

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Rubrics
2 Project Proposal
Log Book

[Title]Page 3 of 12
Signature of Student Signature of Faculty
Prof. Gore.D.D

Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project
Academic Year- 2021-22 Program: Electrical Engineering

Class: - SYEE Course: EPT

Course Code: 22418 Roll No: 18

Enrollment No : 2011710087 Exam Seat No: 332087

Title of Micro Project: Electric power transmission

Roll No. Name of Candidates

1 18 Gadag Vinod
2 22 Thakare Rupesh
3 16 Ravate Nitesh
4 21 Tandel Manoj

5 23 Surum Umesh

Group Members:

CO coverage: ( )
a) Use relevant capacitors in electrical circuits
b) Use equipment/instrument based on radioactivity&ultasonic wave

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c) Use equipment/instrument based on photoelectric effect,X-rays & LASER

Marks Obtained Indicators for different level of Performance

( Out of 2) (Evaluation Scale 0 to 2)
Sr. No Criteria
Poor (0) Average (1) Good (2)
Project proposal &
Submission of Project
1 proposal/Report Not Submitted proposal or project report project report submitted ij
anything in time submitted in time time
CO/PRO Not attained any Attained maximum
2 Attained some CO/PRO
Attainment CO/PRO CO/PRO
Content of Not contains Contains maximum
project/Formattin g relevant relevant information
3 Contains some relevant
Total Marks
Answers (04)
Total (10) :

Additional Comments (if any):

Name of Teacher & Sign

Prof. Gore. D. D

Micro Project Log Book

Semester: Foruth Program : Electrical Engineering

Course: IME Class : SYEE

Topic of the Micro- Project: Electric power transmission

Sr. No. Roll No. Name of Group Members Sign.

1 18 Gadag Vinod
2 22 Thakare Rupesh
3 16 Ravate Nitesh
4 21 Tandel Manoj
5 23 Surum Umesh

[Title]Page 5 of 12
Week No. Discussion & Details Teacher’s Comment Teacher’s
1 General discussion about micro project activity.
2 Guidelines for micro project
Discussion on different industry/application/study
oriented topics
Group member are finalized and the topic is decided,
Work distribution to collect the information regarding
topic by each member.
6 Gathered information through the various sources, such
as internet, book, magazine, joutrnar and newspaper.
7 Discussed the difficulty faced during the collection of
necessary information among the group member.
Discussion with the guide to sort out difficulty faced
while collecting the information.
9 Prepared a rough draft & Shown it to the guide.
Necessary instructions are given by the guide for its
better presentation & Finalized project.
11 Presentation is given on the topic,Report is prepared on
the topic & final submission of micro project and

Name & Signature of

project Guide
Prof. Gore. D. D

Name &
Signature of H.O.D
Kolhe S.V

[Title]Page 6 of 12
Electric power transmission

Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site,
such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. The interconnected lines which facilitate
this movement are known as a transmission network. This is distinct from the local wiring
between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric
power distribution. The combined transmission and distribution network is part of electricity
delivery, known as the electrical grid.

Five-hundred kilovolt (500 kV) Three-phase electric power Transmission Lines at Grand
Coulee Dam; four circuits are shown; two additional circuits are obscured by trees on the far
right; the entire 7079 MW nameplate generation capacity of the dam is accommodated by
these six circuits.
Efficient long-distance transmission of electric power requires high voltages. This reduces the
losses produced by heavy current. Transmission lines mostly use high-voltage AC
(alternating current), but an important class of transmission line uses high voltage direct
current. The voltage level is changed with transformers, stepping up the voltage for
transmission, then reducing voltage for local distribution and then use by customers.

A wide area synchronous grid, also known as an "interconnection" in North America, directly
connects many generators delivering AC power with the same relative frequency to many
consumers. For example, there are four major interconnections in North America (the
Western Interconnection, the Eastern Interconnection, the Quebec Interconnection and the
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid). In Europe one large grid connects most
of continental Europe.

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Historically, transmission and distribution lines were often owned by the same company, but
starting in the 1990s, many countries have liberalized the regulation of the electricity market
in ways that have led to the separation of the electricity transmission business from the
distribution business.


Most transmission lines are high-voltage three-phase alternating current (AC),

although single phase AC is sometimes used in railway electrification systems. High-
voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is used for greater efficiency over very long
distances (typically hundreds of miles). HVDC technology is also used in submarine
power cables (typically longer than 30 miles (50 km)), and in the interchange of power
between grids that are not mutually synchronized. HVDC links are used to stabilize
large power distribution networks where sudden new loads, or blackouts, in one part
of a network might otherwise result in synchronization problems and cascading

Diagram of an electric power system; transmission system is in blue

Electricity is transmitted at high voltages to reduce the energy loss which occurs in
long-distance transmission. Power is usually transmitted through overhead power
lines. Underground power transmission has a significantly higher installation cost and
greater operational limitations, but reduced maintenance costs. Underground
transmission is sometimes used in urban areas or environmentally sensitive locations.
A lack of electrical energy storage facilities in transmission systems leads to a key
limitation. Electrical energy must be generated at the same rate at which it is
consumed. A sophisticated control system is required to ensure that the power

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generation very closely matches the demand. If the demand for power exceeds supply,
the imbalance can cause generation plant(s) and transmission equipment to
automatically disconnect or shut down to prevent damage. In the worst case, this
may lead to a cascading series of shut downs and a major regional blackout. Examples
include the US Northeast blackouts of 1965, 1977, 2003, and major blackouts in other
US regions in 1996 and 2011. Electric transmission networks are interconnected into
regional, national, and even continent wide networks to reduce the risk of such a
failure by providing multiple redundant, alternative routes for power to flow should
such shut downs occur. Transmission companies determine the maximum reliable
capacity of each line (ordinarily less than its physical or thermal limit) to ensure that
spare capacity is available in the event of a failure in another part of the network.

Overhead transmission

Five-hundred kilovolt (500 kV) three-phase transmission tower in Washington State,

line is "Bundled" 3-ways

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Four-circuit, two-voltage power transmission line; "Bundled" 2-ways

A typical ACSR. The conductor consists of seven strands of steel surrounded by four

layers of aluminium.
High-voltage overhead conductors are not covered by insulation. The conductor material is
nearly always an aluminum alloy, made into several strands and possibly reinforced with
steel strands. Copper was sometimes used for overhead transmission, but aluminum is lighter,
yields only marginally reduced performance and costs much less. Overhead conductors are a
commodity supplied by several companies worldwide. Improved conductor material and
shapes are regularly used to allow increased capacity and modernize transmission circuits.
Conductor sizes range from 12 mm2 (#6 American wire gauge) to
750 mm  (1,590,000 circular mils area), with varying resistance and current-carrying

capacity. For large conductors (more than a few centimetres in diameter) at power frequency,
much of the current flow is concentrated near the surface due to the skin effect. The center
part of the conductor carries little current, but contributes weight and cost to the conductor.
Because of this current limitation, multiple parallel cables (called bundle conductors) are
used when higher capacity is needed. Bundle conductors are also used at high voltages to
reduce energy loss caused by corona discharge.
Today, transmission-level voltages are usually considered to be 110 kV and above. Lower
voltages, such as 66 kV and 33 kV, are usually considered subtransmission voltages, but are

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occasionally used on long lines with light loads. Voltages less than 33 kV are usually used
for distribution. Voltages above 765 kV are considered extra high voltage and require
different designs compared to equipment used at lower voltages.
Since overhead transmission wires depend on air for insulation, the design of these lines
requires minimum clearances to be observed to maintain safety. Adverse weather conditions,
such as high winds and low temperatures, can lead to power outages. Wind speeds as low as
23 knots (43 km/h) can permit conductors to encroach operating clearances, resulting in
a flashover and loss of supply.[2] Oscillatory motion of the physical line can be
termed conductor gallop or flutter depending on the frequency and amplitude of oscillation.

Underground transmission
Electric power can also be transmitted by underground power cables instead of overhead
power lines. Underground cables take up less right-of-way than overhead lines, have lower
visibility, and are less affected by bad weather. However, costs of insulated cable and
excavation are much higher than overhead construction. Faults in buried transmission lines
take longer to locate and repair.
In some metropolitan areas, underground transmission cables are enclosed by metal pipe and
insulated with dielectric fluid (usually an oil) that is either static or circulated via pumps. If
an electric fault damages the pipe and produces a dielectric leak into the surrounding soil,
liquid nitrogen trucks are mobilized to freeze portions of the pipe to enable the draining and
repair of the damaged pipe location. This type of underground transmission cable can prolong
the repair period and increase repair costs. The temperature of the pipe and soil are usually
monitored constantly throughout the repair period.[3][4][5]
Underground lines are strictly limited by their thermal capacity, which permits less overload
or re-rating than overhead lines. Long underground AC cables have significant capacitance,
which may reduce their ability to provide useful power to loads beyond 50 miles (80
kilometres). DC cables are not limited in length by their capacitance, however, they do
require HVDC converter stations at both ends of the line to convert from DC to AC before
being interconnected with the transmission network.

Advantage of high-voltage power transmission

High-voltage power transmission allows for lesser resistive losses over long distances
in the wiring. This efficiency of high voltage transmission allows for the transmission
of a larger proportion of the generated power to the substations and in turn to the
loads, translating to operational cost savings.

Electrical grid without a transformer.

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Electrical grid with a transformer.
In a simplified model, assume the electrical grid delivers electricity from a generator
(modelled as an ideal voltage source with voltage , delivering a power ) to a single
point of consumption, modelled by a pure resistance , when the wires are long
enough to have a significant resistance .
If the resistance are simply in series without any transformer between them, the
circuit acts as a voltage divider, because the same current .
Modeling and the transmission matrix
Main article: Performance and modelling of AC transmission

“Black box” model for transmission line

Oftentimes, we are only interested in the terminal characteristics of the transmission
line, which are the voltage and current at the sending (S) and receiving ® ends. The
transmission line itself is then modeled as a “black box” and a 2 by 2 transmission
matrix is used to model its behavior, as follows:

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