Determining The Ratio of Neutron Radiography Beams: Standard Test Method For
Determining The Ratio of Neutron Radiography Beams: Standard Test Method For
Determining The Ratio of Neutron Radiography Beams: Standard Test Method For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 803 – 91 (2002)
NOTE 1—Rods at “A” positions are 1 cm each side of center line (22 ea.)
NOTE 2—Rods at “B” positions are 2 cm each side of center line (9 ea.)
NOTE 3—Rods at “C” positions are 2.5 cm each side of center line (1 ea.)
NOTE 4—All dimensions from base line to reduce accumulative errors
NOTE 5—Rod arrangement shown for single system device. For an add-on device, to form a double system, extend the 11 spaces for 7.78 cm to 19
spaces for 13.43 cm and eliminate the close spacing (20 for 5.65 cm)
NOTE 6—Rods held tightly in position with one layer of transparent tape
E 803 – 91 (2002)
E 803 – 91 (2002)
settings are: 20 3 300-µm aperture and 503 (or more) chart where:
recording expansion. These settings will produce individual U1 = umbral width of a rod near the image plane,
wave forms as shown in Fig. 5. At least two wave forms must U2 = umbral image width of a rod near the distance where
be scanned, one near the film plane and one other near the point the umbra disappears,
where the umbra disappears. Care must be taken not to go X0 = distance from the film to the rod chosen for U1, cm,
beyond the point where the umbral image disappears. Mi- and
crodensitometer settings must remain the same for all scans. X1 = distance between the two rods chosen for analysis,
For L/D ratios above 100, the “0” centimetre rod image should cm.
not be used because the unsharpness due to the film/conversion Since L/D = b⁄rod diameter , it is possible to determine L/D
screen combination overrides the unsharpness due to the L/D directly as follows:
ratio. For the lower L/D ratios (under ;100), the simplified
equation using X2 and U0 for the “0” rod image may be used FU1X1
L/D 5 U 2 U 1 X0 / rod diameter
1 2
with good results. For low L/D ratios (<100) the following equation may be
7.3.1 To determine the value of b it is necessary to measure used:
the umbral image width for the two rods selected. This
dimension is measured along a horizontal line (parallel to
background) through the average of the low-density scan of the
L/D 5 L/D 5 U 2 U / rod diameter
0 2
E 803 – 91 (2002)
E 803 – 91 (2002)
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The collimation ratio of a neutron radiography beam shadow will be cast as shown in Fig. X1.1.
is defined as the distance between the source and the image
plane (L) divided by the diameter of the source (D). Since the X1.2 For a given source diameter (D) and a given rod
source diameter (D) is typically large (>2 cm), and because diameter (d), there will be a rod to image plane distance (b)
materials with very high neutron attenuation coefficients are where the width of the umbral shadow on the image plane will
available, a unique approach to L/D ratio determination is equal zero. For this particular distance a simple formula can be
possible. If an opaque rod with a diameter much smaller than developed to determine L/D ratio:
the source diameter is placed near the image plane, an umbral
DXYZ is similar to DSTZ
L/D 5 b/d
L = source to film distance (Note X1.1),
D = source size = XY in Fig. X1.1,
b = object to film distance, and
d = object size = ST in Fig. X1.1.
NOTE X1.1—When b << L, L > L − B. Therefore L may also be
considered Source to Object Distance. Thus, if the rod diameter is known,
the L/D ratio can be calculated because the value of b can be determined
from a neutron radiograph of a system of rods.
X2.1 The NU method for determining L/D ratios is particu- on the film density of the cadmium rods. (4) applies primarily
larly accurate in the normal range of L/D ratios used for to the method of L/D determination using a 1:1 microdensito-
neutron radiography, that is, 20 to 250. Major sources of meter scan of all rods.
inaccuracy are (1) the variations in the cadmium rod diameter;
(2) the variations of conversion screen to centerline of first rod X2.2 Use of the linear regression analysis of individual rod
distances; (3) the inherent unsharpness of the film/conversion umbral image measurements should provide accuracies of ;2
screen system; and (4) the effect of conversion screen gamma to 3 % for L/D ratios up to 1000 assuming the cadmium rod
E 803 – 91 (2002)
diameter is accurately known. Any of the analysis techniques with facilities having well defined geometrical configurations.
utilizing microdensitometer scans should provide an accuracy The most significant point to be considered in the use of the
of ;5 % for L/D ratios up to 250 and the visual observation is NU method for determining L/D ratios is that the image is a
equally accurate when interpreted by a trained film reader. true indicator. If the values of L/D determined by the NU
method disagree with the values determined by geometrical
X2.3 The visual determination has certain limitations fixed
calculations based on alleged source size and source to film
by rod spacing. For example, if the umbral image is observed
distances, it is most probable that the NU method values are
at 4 cm but is not visible in the 4.5-cm rod image, one can only
more accurate. One should proceed to analyze the source
say that the L/D lies between (4/0.064) and (4.5/0.064) or 62.5
configuration with pinhole techniques to locate source leakage
and 70.3. The accuracy is therefore limited to 12.5 %. Simi-
or other problems should the values differ widely. The tech-
larly at an L/D of 20, because the cadmium rods are spaced at
0.2 cm, the best visual accuracy is limited to 16.7 % (between nique has been found to be equally accurate for circular or
18.75 and 21.87 L/D). square aperture configurations. In the case of a rectangular or
oval shaped aperture, the NU device will indicate the L/D ratio
X2.4 The accuracies noted above have been experimentally normal to the rod direction. Two measurements are necessary
verified by analysis of neutron radiographic images produced to characterize the source.
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