Astm e 915 - 96 PDF
Astm e 915 - 96 PDF
Astm e 915 - 96 PDF
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 915 – 96 (2002)
E 915 – 96 (2002)
4.4.3 The surface area of the powder must be of sufficient the event that the mean differs from zero by more than 14 MPa
size to intersect the entire incident X-ray beam at all c angles (2.0 ksi), repeat 4.1 and 4.5.
to be used during stress measurement. 5.2 Random Error:
4.5 Instrument Alignment Check: 5.2.1 Experience has shown that the standard deviation of
4.5.1 Position the stress-free specimen on the X-ray diffrac- the five measurements should be within approximately 6.9
tion apparatus (see In the event that a mechanical gage MPa (1.0 ksi). In the event that the standard deviation of the
which contacts the surface of the specimen is used for five measurements exceeds 14 MPa (2.0 ksi), the stress-
specimen positioning, a thin metal shim may be placed in front measurement technique employed and the instrumentation
of the powder surface to protect it. Place this gage against the should be investigated for sources of random error affecting the
face of the metal shim, and adjust the positioning to account for measurement precision. Random error due to counting statis-
the inclusion of the shim in front of the gage such that the tics may result from failure to take sufficient time during the
surface of the powder is at the correct distance from the measurement to obtain accurate intensity information, and thus
reference point of the gage for stress measurement. to accurately determine the diffraction peak positions. Methods
are available3 for estimating the standard deviation of the
NOTE 4—Failure to place the powder surface directly over the center of
rotation of the c and 2u axes induces a systematic specimen displacement measured stress due to the errors involved in counting and
error. curve fitting to determine peak positions. Mechanical sources
of error such as loose bearings and ways in the apparatus may
4.5.2 Without adjusting the specimen position, perform five
result in significant random error.
successive stress measurements using the method and correc-
tion procedures normally employed for the instrument. To 6. Precision and Bias
avoid systematic error in the verification process when Ka 6.1 The precision of this method will be dependent upon the
radiation is being used, care must be taken to either completely type of X-ray diffraction instrumentation employed and the
split or blend the Ka1 − Ka2 doublet (see 4.2). methods of data reduction used in stress measurement. The
NOTE 5—Values for accuracy and precision of the various angles and preliminary results of round-robin investigations using this
displacements are not specified herein. These may be considered to be met method indicate that instrument alignment within 14 MPa (2.0
collectively when overall measurement errors and tolerances are within ksi) (see 5.1) can be achieved for both standard diffractometers
those specified in Sections 5 and 6. and two types of X-ray diffraction instrumentation designed for
stress measurement in the back reflection region only. Instru-
5. Calculations and Interpretation of Results
mental precision measured by this method (see 5.2) has been
5.1 Systematic Error: found to be less than 66.9 MPa (1.0 ksi).
5.1.1 Reduce the X-ray diffraction data obtained from the 6.2 The accuracy of this method is considered to be absolute
five measurements in whatever manner is normally employed because the specimen is stress-free. Deviation of results
for the X-ray diffraction instrumentation in use, and include all obtained in performing this method, provided the specimen has
corrections normally applied to raw X-ray diffraction data. been properly prepared and maintained, can be attributed to the
Calculate the simple arithmetic mean and standard deviation instrumentation under investigation.
about the mean for the five measurements. If the mean value is
within 14 MPa (2.0 ksi) of zero, the instrument and specimen- 7. Keywords
positioning gage can be considered to be properly aligned. In 7.1 alignment; residual stress; x-ray diffraction
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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