Risk Management 1
Risk Management 1
Risk Management 1
What Is Risk
◼ RM – is the human activity which
integrates recognition of risk, assessment,
developing strategies to manage it.
Why is risk management
Financial vs. nonfinancial industries
Processes can be applied to managing positive risks:
1. Top-down, bottom-up
2. Risk by categories.
• strategic risk (e.g., reputation, customer relations, technical
• financial and reporting risk (e.g., market, tax, credit);
• compliance and governance risk (e.g., ethics, regulatory,
international trade, privacy); and
• operational risk (e.g., IT security and privacy, supply chain,
labor issues, natural disasters).
• Four basic risk types for businesses: people risks, facility risks,
process risks and technology risks.
• The final task in the risk identification step is for organizations
to record their findings in a risk register. It helps track the risks
through the subsequent four steps of the risk management
Risk management standards and
1. COSO ERM Framework - the importance of embedding risk into business
strategies and linking risk and operational performance.
• governance and culture
• strategy and objective-setting
• performance
• review and revision
• information, communication and reporting
2. ISO 31000. - a framework to help organizations apply risk management mechanisms to
operations, and a process for identifying, evaluating, prioritizing and mitigating risk.
•Safety Risk
•Financial Risk
•Legal Risk
•Project Risk
•Environmental Risk
The Construction Risk Management Process:
2.Assessment: Not all risks are equal
3. Mitigation
4. Monitoring
5. Reporting .
How ProjectManager Can Help
You Mitigate Risk?
Construction Disputes: How to
resolve them?
How do construction disputes transpire?
• Issues with contracts
• Behavior
• Project Uncertainty
How do construction disputes transpire?
• Issues with contracts
• Behavior
• Project Uncertainty
Preventing disputes
• Clear payment terms
• Communication
• Keep records
• Follow the contract