Enterprise Risk Management Framework and KRIS
Enterprise Risk Management Framework and KRIS
Enterprise Risk Management Framework and KRIS
v. Nov 2022
Principles of Risk Management and
Excellence in Risk Management #1
• Risk management should have net value to the organization. Risk management should make
money, enhance reputation, contribute to public safety, improve sustainability, generally
enhance benefits, and reduce harm. It does this by improving the decision makers’
understanding of the effects of uncertainty on objectives, devising risk treatments that are
objective effective, and doing monitoring, review, and improvement of risks and controls.
• A study of dams constructed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The study compared planning estimates prior to
construction with data for the projects once built and in operation.
• The study found that if in the planning period the Benefit to Cost ratio was 1.0 there was only a 17 percent chance the
actual project would break even.
• A prior Benefit to Cost ratio of 4.0 (benefits exceeding costs by 300 percent) was needed to achieve a 95 percent
probability of achieving a Benefit to Cost Ratio of 1.0 or break even.
• The benefits were systematically overestimated and the costs were systematically underestimated (James and Lee
• Effective risk management should reduce these biases and improve the estimates of actual value.
Principles of Risk Management and
Excellence in Risk Management #2
10 principles for risk management
1. Creates value for objectives of health, reputation, profits, compliance, and so on, less the costs of risk
2. Is an integral part of organizational processes including project management, strategic planning,
auditing, and all other processes.
3. Is part of decision making through analysis and evaluation to understand risk and determine its
acceptability as treated.
4. Explicitly addresses uncertainty and how it can be modified.
5. Is systematic, structured and timely and produces repeatable and verifiable outcomes and decisions.
6. Is based on the best available information including historical data, expert opinion, stakeholder
concerns, and so forth, tempered with the quality and availability of the information.
7. Is tailored to the organization, its objectives, its risks, and its capabilities.
8. Takes human and cultural factors into account in addition to technical and other “hard” factors that
impact the likelihood of consequences.
9. Is transparent and inclusive so that communication and consultation with stakeholders and others
keeps the risk management and risk criteria current and relevant.
10. Is dynamic, iterative and responsive within a “continuous improvement” environment that responds to
changes in context, trends, risk factors and other internal and external factors.
Principles of Risk Management and
Excellence in Risk Management #3
“Risk maturity” characteristic
An ISO 31000 Compatible Framework for Implementing ERM Including the Risk Management Process
Risk Management Process: Context
The context may be organized into three categories:
• The external context—anything outside the organization that must be taken into account in risk
management, including stakeholders, regulations, contracts, trends in business drivers, local culture
and social norms, employment situations, and competition.
• The internal context—anything inside the organization that must be considered in the RMP,
including capabilities, resources, people and their skills, systems and technologies, information
flows, decision-making processes (formal and informal), internal stakeholders, policies and
strategies within the organization, and other constraints and objectives.
• The risk management context—any activity in the RMP that requires attention in seeking to find the
appropriate level of risk and associated risk treatments, controls, monitoring, and review. This
includes responsibility for the risk, scope of the RMP, linkages of the product or service to other
products and services in the organization, risk assessment methods to use (may be specified by
regulations, industry norms, stakeholder requirements such as business plan formats, etc.), the time
available for the RMP, background studies that may be needed, coordination with communication
and consultation task as well as the monitoring and review task, and other processes and procedure
Risk Management Process: Risk Assessment
• Risk identification. Risks associated with any decision must be
identified and placed in a risk register or risk log before they can be
treated, even if it is later determined that the risk levels with existing
controls are acceptable.
• Risk analysis. The purpose of risk analysis is to provide the decision
maker with sufficient understanding of the risk, that they are satisfied
they have the appropriate level of knowledge about the risk to make
decisions on risk treatment and acceptance.
• Risk evaluation. Each risk, if identified and analyzed, is evaluated by
comparing the residual risk after risk treatment (or with existing
controls) against the risk criteria.
Risk Management Process: Risk Treatment