Question 9 Ass 3

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9) Now, use the best controller gain found to perform two tests for your controlled system

by performing step response from min. to max and from max. to min. For each test
result find the system performance parameters (i.e. rise time, settling time, percentage
overshoot, and steady state error) Show your calculations at the graphs. Discuss your
results by comparing the parameters with the stated design requirements. [20%]

Speed vs Time

0 5 10 15 20 25


New Value New step

Figure 1: Testing step response min to max

• Vss= 250
• 0.1*Vss = 0.1(250) = 25 deg/s & 0.9*Vss = (0.9(250-0)) = 225 deg/s
→ Tr = T(90%) – T(10%) = 7.5-0.5= 7 s
• 0.98*Vss = 0.98(250)= 245 deg/s → Ts =T(98%) = 8.1 s
• 0.63*Vss = (0.63(250)) = 157.5 deg/s → Tc =T(63%) = 4.2 s
• 𝑒𝑠𝑠 = = 3.846 %

The stated designed parameters are followed by the system performance parameters. As a
result, the final test can be run without the need for Kp to be adjusted.
Speed vs Time
0 5 10 15 20 25

Speed(deg/s) -100






New Value New Step

Figure 2: Testing step response max to min

• 𝑒𝑠𝑠 = = 3.8461%
• 0.1*Vss = (0.1(-250)= -25 deg/s & 0.9*Vss = (0.9(-250)) = -225 deg/s
→ Tr = T(90%) – T(10%) = 5.5-0.2= 5.3 s
0.98*Vss = 0.98(-250)= -245 deg/s → Ts =T(98%) = 7.5 s

This response's outcome complies with the system's requirements because it conforms
to the design guidelines.

Requirement Min to Max Max to Min

Ts ≤10 8.1 s 7.5 s

Tr ≤ 7 7s 5.3 s

ess ≤ 5% 3.846 % 3.8461 %

The table above provides a summary of the outcomes from the ultimate examination. It is
evident that, with the exception of the percentage overshot, all criteria have been fulfilled
for both minimum to maximum and maximum to minimum. Since the system is classified
as a first-order system, it is established that the overshoot percentage for speed control is

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