Magazine EngNov2023
Magazine EngNov2023
Magazine EngNov2023
November 2023
An apron or flight line or
ramp or tarmac is a defined
area on an aerodrome
designed to receive aircraft
for the purposes of
embarking or disembarking
passengers, mail or freight,
refueling, parking or
maintenance. Tarmac/ ©Wikipédia
MILITARY JET When he returned, the runways
On July 4, 1986, Corporal were all well lit this time, and
Howard A. Foote Jr. a 21- the awake base was buzzing
year-old US Navy mechanic with activity due to his stunt,
flew an A-4M Skyhawk which didn't go unnoticed.
military jet that he stole at El Indeed, a base sentry had
Toro Marine Corps Air spotted him as he climbed. As
Station. Here's the tale of this Howard is a mechanic, and
illegal flight. routine maintenance is carried
In the early hours of July 4, out at night, the sentry did not
1986, a national holiday in the intervene until the lance-
USA, young Marine Howard corporal had left the base.
climbed a ladder and boarded Back at base, Howard was
an A-4M Skyhawk. Once in arrested and taken to court.
the cockpit, he started the Several charges were brought
plane, taxied to one of the against him, but fortunately for
runways - which was unlit at him, most of them were
the time - hit full throttle and dropped. He was nevertheless
took off. He headed for the sentenced to four and a half
island of San Clemente, months' imprisonment and
executing loops, rolls and disbarred from the Marine
high-speed maneuvers before Corps.
turning back after three This unusual story begs the
quarters of an hour. It landed following question: How could
safely after several landing an untrained mechanic fly a
attempts. military jet and perform
It may be a feat, but it's Behind the scenes, General
hardly surprising when you Bloomer [who commanded
discover that Howard Foote MCAS (Marine Corps Air
was no novice when it came Station) El Toro], also a
to flying. In fact, he is an gliding enthusiast, is said to
accomplished glider pilot and have influenced and
would have previously flown encouraged Foote in his
some 100 hours in the A-4 pursuit of records. In fact,
Skyhawk simulator. So, with Foote befriended him because
his knowledge of the jet as a they were both gliding
mechanic, and his piloting enthusiasts. General Bloomer
skills developed in the glider stepped down as head of
and simulator, discretion was MCAS El Toro just a few days
all he needed that night to before Foote flew the
live his dream. Howard's Skyhawk.
dream of flying a military jet If the sentence was not severe
was alive before an air for Foote, it was probably
embolism turned him down because of the general's
for the US Air Force pilot influence on him and the
recruitment test. The young injury he sustained.
marine suffered this air
embolism while attempting to
set a gliding altitude
record.He climbed to 41,000
feet without a pressure suit,
causing the embolism.
Did you know that aircraft The second reason is that a
sometimes land without preventive alarm is triggered
landing gear? That's right! In when the aircraft is about to
aviation jargon, this is known land without the landing gear
as belly landing. fully extended and locked.
A belly landing is a landing This gives the pilot the
on the belly of an aircraft opportunity to abort the
whose retractable landing landing and go around.
gear has not been deployed. It The second situation occurs
can occur when the pilot occasionally, and leaves no
forgets to extend the landing choice but to land on the
gear, or when the landing belly. In normal mode, the
gear cannot be deployed due landing gear is deployed by
to mechanical failure. an actuator, which may fail to
The first situation is rare or operate due to a hydraulic
non-existent nowadays, for failure, for example. The
two reasons. Firstly, landing landing gear can also be
gear deployment and deployed in emergency mode,
checkout is one of the by gravity. If this alternative
procedures mentioned in the doesn't work, or if the
landing checklist. One pilot landing gear is deployed
deploys the landing gear, asymmetrically (wheels
while the other checks either misaligned in relation to each
the landing gear down lights, other), there's no choice but
the aural signal or the radio to attempt a belly landing.
Charlotte airport on June 27,
Another very rare situation is
2023. All 96 passengers and
an emergency landing with
five(05) crew members were
the landing gear retracted on
evacuated unharmed.
soft ground or water (an
emergency landing like the
one on the Hudson River in
A landing with the landing
gear retracted can be made
on a bare or foam-covered
runway, depending on the
emergency and/or the size of
the aircraft. The foam
sprayed on the runway by the
emergency services prevents Belly landing of thebB717 of
a fire from breaking out as Delta Airlines/©WSB-TV
the fuselage rubs against the
runway asphalt.
There have been several cases
of belly landing in aviation
history, most of them without
major human damage. The
most recent was the landing
of a Delta Airlines Boeing 717 ©Aviationfile
without nose gear at
The history of helicopters experimental design that
and other rotary-wing caricatures a vertically-flying
aircraft began in the 20th propeller-driven aircraft. It
century. This is the "real is recognized as one of the
helicopter", otherwise the earliest prototypes for the
concept of the helicopter study and inspiration of
dates back to the 320s in the aeronautical propellers and
form of the bamboo-copter, helicopters. However, the
an ancestral toy in the history Italian inventor's ingenious
of science and technology in ideas remained at the
China. It was this conceptual stage for a long
rudimentary helicopter that time, due to the lack of
partly inspired Italian motorization and the problem
inventor Leonardo da Vinci to of torque - a real headache in
invent the aerial screw in the history of the helicopter.
1487. Leonardo da Vinci is It was not until 1754 that the
also said to have been Russian Mikhail Lomonossov
inspired by Archimedes' 3rd- experimented with his
century BC screw, and by the counter-rotating rotor driven
De ingeneis notebooks of by a clockwork mechanism,
Taccola, who designed and concluded that a lifting
vertical-axis mills and had force existed. It was a
already sketched a helicopter significant breakthrough that
in 1430. Da Vinci's aerial undoubtedly inspired many
screw, also known as the inventors, including
flying propeller, is an Frenchmen Claude Launoy
and François Bienvenu, Gustave on to build and test ever
de Ponton d'Amécourt (credited better and more efficient
with inventing the word prototypes. These included
"helicopter") and Guillaume George de Bothezat, Raúl
Joseph Gabriel de La Landelle, Pateras Pescara, Étienne
Gustave Trouvé, Italian Enrico Œhmichen, Marinello Nelli,
Forlanini, Maurice Léger, Henri Nicolas Florine, the pairing
and Armand Dufaux. These and of Louis Charles Breguet and
many other inventors René Dorand, Maurice
contributed to improving the Claisse, Henrich Focke,
shape of the helicopter and James Weir, Igor Sikorsky,
developing engines suitable for the pioneer of the "main
lift and hovering. Frenchman rotor and tail rotor"
Paul Cornu's flight of less than configuration...
30 seconds is considered by With the advent of
some to be the first free flight. technological developments
Unfortunately, his aircraft and the Second World War,
broke up on landing and his the aeronautical industry
achievement was not followed took off, and numerous
up. Other attempts of a similar helicopter manufacturers
nature were successful, leading sprang up in the USA,
to the construction of the very France, the UK and Russia.
first helicopters worthy of the Since then, several helicopter
name as early as the 1920s. models have been designed
Adventurers and designers went around the world for civilian
and, above all, military use.
Among the braking devices reduce the braking distance
found on aircraft, one in required, which can be
particular catches our attention: crucial in certain situations.
thrust reversers. Thrust reversers are a
Thrust reversers are very fascinating example of how
interesting devices used in technology can be used to
aviation. When you're on board improve flight safety and
an aircraft and it lands, you may efficiency.
notice that the engines make a Now you know how and why
peculiar noise and that the it works. See you next time
plane slows down. That's thanks for a new topic on the
to the thrust reversers! mechanics of flight!!!!
Thrust reversers are located at
the rear of an aircraft's engines.
When the plane lands, pilots
activate the thrust reversers to
redirect the airflow forward
instead of backward. This
creates an opposing thrust
force, slowing the aircraft down
more quickly.
This is particularly useful when
landing on short runways, or
when the aircraft has to stop
quickly. Thrust reversers
AVIAWELLDREAM is an initiative aimed at keeping the
flame of aviation passion alive in those aspiring to a
career in aviation. We have a blog dealing exclusively
with aeronautics. You can access it via the link
or by scanning the QR code below.
Aviawelldream Production
© Copyright November, 2023