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Term2 Math QB

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Affiliated to CBSE – New Delhi.

Question bank for Term-2

Block 16 - Adding and Subtracting (up to 99)

Add by counting forward (Horizontal Way):

a) 35 + 3 = b) 66 + 4 =

c) 62 + 2 = d) 83 + 7 =

Add by counting forward (Column Method) :

a) 4 7 b) 63 c) 5 4 d) 2 2
+ 32 + 20 + 41 + 25

Subtract by counting backward (Horizontal Way):

a) 52 - 4 = b) 96 - 5 =

c) 45 - 6 = d) 74 - 3 =

Subtract by counting backward (Column Method) :

a) 6 7 b) 84 c) 3 9 d) 5 2
- 43 - 50 - 26 - 31
Find the missing digit :

a) __ 2 b) 2 4 c) 6 5 d) 8 8
+ 3 6 + 3 __ - __ 4 - 6 __

9 8 5 6 3 1 2 5

Draw beads on the abacus to show the given numbers

a) 45 b) 86 c) 70

Solve using the abacus

a) 15 + 53 = _____ b) 62 + 34= _____ c) 57 – 32 = ______

Solve story problems. (with statements)

a) I have 45 stickers. My sister gave 23 more. How many stickers do I have

in all ?

b) There are 87 books on the table. 26 books are taken away. How many are

c) Sheena has 52 balloons. Her brother has 37 balloons. How many

balloons do they have in all?

d) Rahul saw 39 butterflies. 23 flew away. How many are left?

Block 17 – Introduction to Time
Fill in the blanks

1. There are ______ months in a year.

2. There are _______ days in a week.

3. _____________________ comes between Wednesday and Friday.

4. If today is Sunday, Tomorrow will be ___________________.

5. If yesterday was Monday, Today is ___________________.

6. _____________________ comes before Wednesday.

7. _____________________ comes after Friday.

8. _____________________ is the first day of the week.

9. _____________________ is the the last day of the week.

10. ____________________ is the first month of the year.

11. ____________________ is the last month of the year.

12. ____________________ comes before May.

13. ____________________ comes after August.

14. ____________________ comes between September and November.

15. The ________________ has numbers from 1 to 12 on its face.

16. There are ____________ hands on the clock.

17. The clock shows the _____________.

18. The short hand is the ____________ hand.

19. The ___________ hand is the minute hand.

20. 1 hour = _______ minutes.

21. 1 day = _______ hours.

Arrange the activities in the correct order from 1 to 4

Write the days of the week:

1. __________________________ 5. ___________________________

2. __________________________ 6. ___________________________

3. __________________________ 7. ___________________________

4. __________________________
Write the missing months:

a) March, April, ____________, ______________

b) September, October, ___________________, __________________

c) June, July, _____________________, ________________________

d) _____________________ , June , _________________________

Write the time shown on the clocks

Draw the hands of the clock to show the time

1 o’clock 5 o’clock 9 o’clock

1 o’ clock
Block 18 – Introduction to Patterns

Complete the patterns

____________ , _____________

____________ , _____________

____________ , ___________

_________ , ________

_________ , ________

f. A B B A B B A ________ , _________

g. 15, 20, 25, _______, _______, _______, _______

h. 30, 40, 50, _______, _______, _______, _______

i. 64, 66, 68, _______, _______, _______, _______

j. 21, 24, 27, _______, _______, _______, _______

k. 50, 49, 48, _______, _______, _______, _______

l. 17, 27, 37, _______, _______, _______, _______

Block 19 – Introduction to Money

Fill in the blanks

1. Indian Money is measured in _____________ and _____________.

2. Money comes in _____________ and _______________.

3. The number on each rupee coin and note tells us the ___________ of that

coin and note.

4. Coins are _______________ in shape and made of _____________.

5. Notes are _______________ in shape and made of special kind of


6. The symbol of rupee is _________.

7. 1 Rupee = __________paise.

8. ____________ is the smallest unit of Indian money.

9. Two ___________ paise coins make 1 rupee.

10. Saudi Arabian money is measured in ____________ and ______________.

Write the value of the coins and the notes.


= __________________

c. = ________________

d. = _______________

e. = ________________
Write the total amount

= _______________

= _______________

= ____________

= _________________________

= _____________

= _________________

= ___________
What are the coins that you will use to pay for these things ?

1. Toy 7-

2. Bag 20 -

3. Orange 19 -

4. Doll 6-

5. Bottle 13 -

6. Crayon 18 -
Block 20 – Introduction to Data Handling

Count and answer the following questions:

a) Which kind of animals are the most ? Ring the picture

b) Which kind of animals are the least ? Ring the picture

c) How many animals in all ?

Read the table and answer the questions.

Sport Number of students

Basketball 10
Tennis 6
Football 13
Volleyball 9

a) How many students like Volleyball?

b) How many students like Basketball?

c) Which sport is liked by the most number of students?

d) Which sport is liked by the least number of students?

e) Which is liked by more students- Basketball or Tennis ?

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Circle the correct answer 18 + 0 = _______

a) 0 b) 18 c) 20

2. Add the numbers 36 + 4 = ______

a) 36 b) 40 c) 30

3. Subtract the numbers 64 - 5 = ______

a) 59 b) 5 c) 69

4. Encircle the missing number 76 + ______ = 76

a) 0 b) 2 c) 1

5. Choose the correct answer 53 - 0 = ______

a) 0 b) 5 c) 53

6. Circle the missing number 33 - _______= 33

a) 1 b) 3 c) 0

7. Choose the correct answer 59 + 1 = ________

a)58 b) 60 c) 59

8. Choose the correct answer 90 - 1 = ________

a) 89 b) 91 c) 8

9. ________________ comes between Monday and Wednesday.

a) Saturday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

10. _________________ comes after Wednesday.

a) Thursday b) Friday c) Sunday

11. Which month comes between January and March?

a) February b) April c) June

12. ________________________activity is done both in the morning and at

a) Going to school b) Brushing Teeth c) Eating breakfast

13. There are ______ months in a year.

a) 9 b) 12 c) 7
14. There are days in a week.

a) 7 b) 12 c) 5

15. If today is Tuesday, What day will be tomorrow?

a) Wednesday b) Monday c) Sunday

16. Circle the day of the week

a) Today b) Yesterday c) Monday

17. Circle the month of the year.

a) Sunday b) July c) Today

18. Which is the first day of the week ?

a) Sunday b) Monday c) Saturday

19.Which is the last month of the year ?

a) January b) February c) December

20. How many hours are there in a day?

a) 7 b) 24 c) 12
21.Choose the activity that takes MORE time to do.

a) Wearing clothes b) eating an apple c) sleeping

22. Choose the picture that shows a repeating pattern.

a) b)

23. Choose the pattern that shows turning shapes.

a) b)

24. Saudi money is measured in .

a) Rupee b) Riyal c) Paise

25.Which coin has smallest value among ₹ 1 , ₹ 10 , ₹ 5

a) ₹ 10 b) ₹ 5 c) ₹ 1

26. Circle the value of this coin?

a) ₹ 5 b) ₹ 10 c) ₹ 1
27. Circle the note which will you use to buy a ball for ₹100 ?
a) b) c)

28. + = .

a) ₹10 b) 50p c) 1
Write True or False.

1. When we subtract a number from itself, the answer will always be


2. In column method, we write the numbers side by side. _________

3. In column method, we write the numbers one below the other as per the

place of their digits. ____________

4. 45 + 9 = 49. ____________

5. 78 – 7 = 71. ____________

6. 69 – 69 = 0. ____________

7. We go to school in the afternoon. _____________

8. We come back home from school at night. _____________

9. We eat breakfast in the morning. ______________

10. The day that comes before Saturday is Friday. ______________

11. Tuesday comes after Wednesday. _____________

12. The first day of the week is Sunday. _____________

13. The first month of the year is February. _____________

14. The last month of the year is December. ____________

15. There are 14 months in a year. _____________

16. May comes after June. ____________

17. There are four hands on a clock. ____________

18. The short hand is the minute hand. ____________

19. ₹ 10 is available as both coins and notes. _____________

20. Four 50paise coins make 1 Rupee. ______________

21. 1 Rupee = 100 paise. ______________

22. Coins are rectangle in shape. _____________

23. Indian money is measured in Rupees and Paise. ____________

24. is a ₹ 50 coin. ____________

25. After subtracting ₹ 2 from ₹ 10, we get ₹ 4. ___________

26. ₹20 - ₹ 7 = ₹ 13. ___________

27. is a part of a group. ___________

28. There are 8 stars. _________________

Match the following

October 24 hours

Going to school 10

Saturday Month of a year


1 day Days of the week

round and made up of metal

rectangular and made of special kind
of paper

Coins Afternoon

Eating Lunch

12 months December

Coming back from school 100 paise

7 days Afternoon

Last month of the year 1 year

1 1 week

First day of the week Rupees and Paise

Sleeping Riyals and Halalas

Indian Money 60 minutes

Saudi Money Night

1 hour Monday

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