Term2 Math QB
Term2 Math QB
Term2 Math QB
a) 35 + 3 = b) 66 + 4 =
c) 62 + 2 = d) 83 + 7 =
a) 52 - 4 = b) 96 - 5 =
c) 45 - 6 = d) 74 - 3 =
a) 6 7 b) 84 c) 3 9 d) 5 2
- 43 - 50 - 26 - 31
Find the missing digit :
a) __ 2 b) 2 4 c) 6 5 d) 8 8
+ 3 6 + 3 __ - __ 4 - 6 __
9 8 5 6 3 1 2 5
b) There are 87 books on the table. 26 books are taken away. How many are
1. __________________________ 5. ___________________________
2. __________________________ 6. ___________________________
3. __________________________ 7. ___________________________
4. __________________________
Write the missing months:
1 o’ clock
Block 18 – Introduction to Patterns
____________ , _____________
____________ , _____________
____________ , ___________
_________ , ________
_________ , ________
f. A B B A B B A ________ , _________
3. The number on each rupee coin and note tells us the ___________ of that
7. 1 Rupee = __________paise.
= __________________
c. = ________________
d. = _______________
e. = ________________
Write the total amount
= _______________
= _______________
= ____________
= _________________________
= _____________
= _________________
= ___________
What are the coins that you will use to pay for these things ?
1. Toy 7-
2. Bag 20 -
3. Orange 19 -
4. Doll 6-
5. Bottle 13 -
6. Crayon 18 -
Block 20 – Introduction to Data Handling
a) 0 b) 18 c) 20
a) 36 b) 40 c) 30
a) 59 b) 5 c) 69
a) 0 b) 2 c) 1
a) 0 b) 5 c) 53
a) 1 b) 3 c) 0
a)58 b) 60 c) 59
a) 89 b) 91 c) 8
a) 9 b) 12 c) 7
14. There are days in a week.
a) 7 b) 12 c) 5
a) 7 b) 24 c) 12
21.Choose the activity that takes MORE time to do.
a) b)
a) b)
a) ₹ 10 b) ₹ 5 c) ₹ 1
a) ₹ 5 b) ₹ 10 c) ₹ 1
27. Circle the note which will you use to buy a ball for ₹100 ?
a) b) c)
28. + = .
a) ₹10 b) 50p c) 1
Write True or False.
3. In column method, we write the numbers one below the other as per the
4. 45 + 9 = 49. ____________
5. 78 – 7 = 71. ____________
6. 69 – 69 = 0. ____________
October 24 hours
Going to school 10
Coins Afternoon
Eating Lunch
12 months December
7 days Afternoon
1 1 week
1 hour Monday