I Section A: Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Each question
carries 1 mark.
1 The number that comes before 56
a) 57 b) 55 c) 50
a) 23 b) 22 c) 25
4 Which is the greatest 2-digit number that can be formed from the digits given in the box below?
2 7 6 8
a)72 b) 68 c) 86
5 70 comes between
a)10 b)100 c) 99
a) 30 b) 3 c) 5
56 - 33 =23
a) True b) False
10 When we subtract 1 from a number the answer is the number that comes after
a) True b) False
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11 Count and write the number of birds.
Take away 4 from the given stars (show take off by striking the stars)
13 Dia had 47 pencils. She gave 16 pencils to her friend Mia. How many pencils are left with Dia. Show
the working using base ten blocks.
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15 There were 48 people in a labour camp. Grade 1’s had collected 34 kits of cereals to give to the
people in the camp. How many more kits will still be needed?
Donald has 27 stamps with him. He gave his friend 12 stamps. How many stamps are there left
with Donald?
Q2. How many children like both balls and yo-yo? ______________
Q3. Which two toys are equally liked by the children? ______________
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17 The students of GEMS Our Own Indian School had voted on their tastiest fruits. Based on the bar
graph answer the following questions:
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