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(Academic Year: 2023-2024)

{MBA 2nd Semester}

Program Name(Code) MBA(272)

Course Name IT SKILLS LAB-2
Semester 2
Course Code KMBN 251


Roll no. : 2302720700028

I would like to acknowledge the following people and sources for
their valuable contribution and guidance in completing this “ IT
SKILLS PRACTICAL ”. First of all I would like to thank our IT
professor (MR. R. K. TOMAR) for her constant support and
feedback throughout the course. She provided me with useful
references and resources to enhance my understanding and analysis of
the topic. I would like to express my gratitude to my classmates, for
their collaboration and cooperation in the project. They helped me to
improve my presentation and communication skills by giving
constructive suggestion and feedback

I would also like to acknowledge the online sources that I used for
this project. They helped in finding relevant and reliable information.
Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their
encouragement and support throughout my academic journey. This
assignment is a reflection of my learning and growth as a MBA

Date – 15/06/2024 AMAN SHANDILYA

Place – Greater Noida






Question:- Define Spreadsheet and Explain its basic components such as
rows, columns and cell?

Ans. A spreadsheet is a digital document or application that organizes data in a grid of rows
and columns. This structure allows users to store, manipulate, and analyze data efficiently.
Spreadsheets are widely used for various tasks, including financial calculations, data analysis,
project management, and record-keeping.

Basic Components of a Spreadsheet:

1. Rows:

• Definition: Horizontal lines of cells in a spreadsheet.

• Identification: Rows are identified by numbers, starting from 1 at the top of the spreadsheet
and increasing sequentially down the sheet.
• Purpose: Rows are typically used to represent individual records or entries, such as a list of
items, dates, or names.

2. Columns:

• Definition: Vertical lines of cells in a spreadsheet.

• Identification: Columns are identified by letters, starting from A on the left and continuing
sequentially to the right (e.g., A, B, C, ..., Z, AA, AB, etc.).
• Purpose: Columns are often used to categorize data, with each column representing a
different attribute or variable (e.g., names, dates, quantities, prices).

3. Cells:

• Definition: The individual boxes in a spreadsheet where rows and columns intersect.
• Identification: Each cell is uniquely identified by its column letter and row number (e.g., A1,
B2, C3).
• Purpose: Cells are the fundamental units of a spreadsheet where data is entered and stored.
Each cell can contain different types of data, including text, numbers, dates, and formulas.

Example of a Simple Spreadsheet:

1 Name Age Salary
2 John Doe 30 $50,000
3 Jane Smith 25 $60,000
4 Emily Davis 40 $70,000

• Rows: The spreadsheet has rows 1 through 4. Each row represents a different person’s data.
• Columns: The spreadsheet has columns A through C. Each column represents a different
attribute (Name, Age, Salary).
• Cells: Individual cells, such as A1 (Name), B2 (30), and C4 ($70,000), hold specific pieces of

Functions of a Spreadsheet:

• Data Entry: Users can input data into cells.

• Formulas and Functions: Spreadsheets can perform calculations using formulas (e.g., =A2
+ B2) and built-in functions (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE).
• Data Analysis: Tools like sorting, filtering, and PivotTables help analyze and summarize
• Visualization: Charts and graphs can be created to visually represent data.
• Automation: Macros and scripts can automate repetitive tasks.

Understanding these basic components and their functions is essential for effectively using a
spreadsheet to manage and analyze data.

Question:- Define Sorting an Filtering in Excel?

Ans. Sort and filter options in Excel narrow down a dataset allowing a
deeper analysis.

Using the filter tool, you can filter a column based on given criteria. The sorting
tool allows you to sort data based on alphabetical order, numbers, dates, etc.

This is a sample dataset:

After sorting data based on Profit, in descending order:

Filter the dataset based on “South”:

How to Enable Sort and Filter in Excel
• Click any cell in the dataset.
• Go to the Data tab.
• In Sort & Filter, click Filter.

You will see the dropdown beside every column header.

Types of Sort in Excel

1. Sort in Alphabetical Order

Sort data in alphabetical order. Choose A to Z or Z to A.

• Click the dropdown menu beside “Name”.

• Click Sort A to Z to sort the Name column in ascending order.

• If you click Sort Z to A, data will be sorted in descending order.

2. Sort by Smallest to Largest in Excel

If you have numerical data, sort it from smallest to largest.

• Click the dropdown menu beside the Total Sales column.
• Click Sort Smallest to Largest.

3. Sort by Largest to Smallest

Sort data in the Profit column.

• Click the dropdown menu beside the Profit column.

• Click Sort Largest to Smallest.

4. Multi-level Sort in Excel

You can also call it “Custom Sort” Multi-level sorting means sorting based on
multiple columns.

• Sort data based on Region (A to Z).

• Sort it again based on Total Sales (Largest to Smallest).
• Click the dropdown menu beside “Region”.

• Select Sort by Color.

• Click Custom Sort.

• Select Region in Sort by.

• Select Cell values and A to Z.

• Click Add Level.

• Select Total Sales in Then by.

• Select Cell values and Largest to Smallest.
• Click OK.

5. SORT Function

Use the SORT function.

To sort data based on the Product column (Descending order):

• Enter the following formula in H5:
=SORT (B5:F15,3,-1)

• Press Enter.

Types of Filter in Excel

1. Regular Filter

A regular filter means you can filter data based on any values.

Filter the dataset based on “TV”:

• Click the dropdown menu beside Product.

• Uncheck Select All.

• Check“TV” and click OK.

2. Text Filters / Number Filters in Excel

Filter text with Text Filters. Excel automatically shows Number Filters in
columns containing numeric values.

Filter the dataset based on the Total Sales less than $3500.

• Click the dropdown menu beside Total Sales.

• Select Number Filters and click Less Than.

• Enter $3500.
• Click OK.

3. Custom Filter

You can use the Custom Filter with the AND or the OR logic.

To filter data based on the Total Sales greater than $2000 but less than $3000:

• Click the dropdown menu beside Total Sales.

• Select Number Filters and click Custom Filter.

• Enter the values.

• Select And and click OK.

How to Undo Sort and Filter in Excel

1. Undo Sort:

• Click Undo or press Ctrl+Z.


• Create a temporary column.

2. Undo Filter

• Click the dropdown menu to which you applied filtering.

• Click Clear Filter From “Region” (column name can be different based on your

To remove the dropdown menu:

• Click any cell in your dataset.

• Go to the Data tab.

• In Sort & Filter, click Clear.

Question:- What is the use of VLOOKUP Function in MS Excel?

Ans. The following image is a quick view of Excel VLOOKUP:

Introduction to Excel VLOOKUP Function (Syntax &


The VLOOKUP function looks for a given value in the leftmost column of a given
table and then returns a value in the same row from a specified column.

It is available in Excel 2003 and all newer versions.


The Syntax of the VLOOKUP function is:




The value that it looks for is in the leftmost column of the

lookup_value Required
given table. Can be a single value or an array of values.

The table in which it looks for the lookup_value in the

table_array Required
leftmost column.

The number of the column in the table from which a

col_index_num Required
value is to be returned.

Tells whether an exact or partial match of the

[range_lookup] Optional lookup_value is required. 0 for an exact match, 1 for a
partial match. The default is 1 (partial match).

How to Use the VLOOKUP Function in Excel: 8 Suitable

When the lookup_value is a single value, it searches for the value in the leftmost
column of the given table_array.

• If it finds one, it moves to the specified number of columns right given

as col_index_num in the same row.
• The function returns the value from the destination cell.
In the following figure, the formula is:

=VLOOKUP("shane Lee",B6:D10,3,FALSE)

• It searches for “Shane Lee” in the leftmost column B of the table_array B6:D10.
• It finds a result in cell B8. Thus, it moves to column 3 (col_index_num) of the table in
the same row, which is cell D8.
• The formula returns the value from that cell. In this case, it is the salary of Shane Lee,

Example 1 – Finding Out the Holder of Maximum Value from a Dataset

Here we have the employee IDs, employee names, and salaries of a company
named Saturn Group in columns B, C, and D respectively. We will find out the
holder of the maximum ID using the VLOOKUP function.

• Select a destination cell outside the main table.

• The formula will be:

• We have found the Employee with the highest ID, Angela Mills with an ID of 372.
Explanation of the Formula:

• MAX(B5:B21) returns the maximum value between B4 to B20 (Employee

IDs). In this case, it is 372. So the formula
becomes: VLOOKUP(372,B5:D21,2,0)
• Then it searches for an exact match of the lookup_value 372 in the leftmost
column B of the table_array B5:D21. It finds one in cell B20.
• Finally, it moves to column 2 (col_index_num) of the same row, to
cell C20. And returns what it gets there. Here it is Angela Mills, the
employee with the maximum ID.

Example 2 – Finding Out the Holders of Top n Values from a Dataset

Let’s determine the holders of any top N values from a data set using
the VLOOKUP function, for example the employees with the top 5 IDs from the
same data set.

• The formula will be:


Explanation of the Formula:

• ROW(A1:A5) returns an array of numbers from 1 to 5, {1,2,3,4,5}. For details,

see this article.
• LARGE(B5:B21,ROW(A1:A5)) becomes LARGE(B5:B21,{1,2,3,4,5}). It
then returns the top 5 IDs from cells B5 to B21. These
are: {372,317,309,293,267}.
• VLOOKUP(LARGE(B5:B21,ROW(A1:A5)),B5:D21,2,0) then
becomes VLOOKUP({372,317,309,293,267},B5:D21,2,0). It is a
combination of a total of 5 formulas.

♦ VLOOKUP(372,B5:D21,2,0)
♦ VLOOKUP(317,B5:D21,2,0)
♦ VLOOKUP(309,B5:D21,2,0)
♦ VLOOKUP(293,B5:D21,2,0)
♦ VLOOKUP(267,B5:D21,2,0)

• VLOOKUP(372,B5:D21,2,0) searches for an exact match of 372 in the

leftmost column B of table B5:D21. After finding one, it moves to the 2nd
column of the same row of the table, then returns the name of the employee.
In this case, Angela Mills.
• The formula then repeats the check for other values. Thus we get the list of the
employees with the top 5 salaries.

This is an array formula, so press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to apply it unless you are
in Office 365.

Example 3 – Find an Approximate Match with Excel VLOOKUP Function

In the case of an approximate match (when the [range_lookup] argument is zero),

the function always looks for the lowest nearest match.

• In the following example, the formula is:


• The [range_lookup] argument is 1, so it searches for an approximate match.

• The lookup_value is 168. It settles in 135, the lower nearest value to 168, and returns the
corresponding Employee Name, Natalia Austin.
• While the upper nearest value 169 is far closer, the formula ignores closeness.

Example 4 – Match Multiple Lookup Values with Excel VLOOKUP Array Formula

When the lookup_value is an array of values in place of a single value, the

function searches for each of the lookup_values in the leftmost column of
the table_array one by one.

• In the following figure, the formula is:


• It searches for G4 (Shane Lee) in the table and returns his salary, $22000.
• Then, it searches for H4 (Alfred Moyes) in the table and returns his salary, $22000.


Note that you have to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to enter an array Formula unless
you are in Office 365.

Example 5 – Combine the CHOOSE Function with Excel VLOOKUP to Match

Multiple Conditions

The VLOOKUP function can be used to extract data for multiple criteria lookups
when combined with CHOOSE, IF, or MATCH functions. Here we have the
Brand, Model, Chipset, RAM, and Price data of some mobile phone companies.

• We set two criteria, Brand and Model, to get the corresponding Price in cell C18.
• The formula will be:

Example 6 – Use a Helper Column and Merge VLOOKUP with the MATCH Function
for Multiple Criteria

Let’s use the same dataset from the previous example.

• Create a helper column to concatenate the Brand and Model columns with the following

• Apply the following formula in the output cell to get the desired result:

Example 7 – Combine VLOOKUP with INDIRECT Function to Lookup Across


We have 4 sheets named Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr with the data for the months of
January, February, March, and April. Here’s how one of them looks.

• Create another sheet that contains the datasheet names. You have to write the names of
the sheets accurately to avoid errors.

• Create a named range for the new range B3:B6.

• Create the named range and name it Lookup_Sheet_List.

• If your name contains multiple words, you have to put underscores in between.

• Go to your main sheet where you want to perform lookup operations. Here, we are
looking up Order nos.
• In cell C5, copy the following formula:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP($B5, INDIRECT("'"&INDEX(Lookup_Sheet_List,MATCH(1, --
(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'" & Lookup_Sheet_List &"'!$B$3:$B$6"), $B5)>0), 0)) &
"'!$B$5:$D$9"), 2, FALSE), "Not found")

• To get Amounts, copy the following formula in the column next to it.
=IFNA(VLOOKUP($B5, INDIRECT("'"&INDEX(Lookup_Sheet_List,MATCH(1, --
(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'" & Lookup_Sheet_List &"'!$B$3:$B$6"), $B5)>0), 0)) &
"'!$B$5:$D$9"), 3, FALSE), "Not found")

• You have to change the column index number accordingly.

Example 8 – Using the VLOOKUP Function to Lookup to the Left

This time, we want to look up the Employee’s Name and get the corresponding ID.

• The formula will be:


Here, {1,0} inside the IF function is important. If you alter the sequence, i.e. put
{0,1} instead, the formula will not work as expected.

Common Errors with Excel VLOOKUP Function
The VLOOKUP function has the following common errors.


#N/A! Shows when it does not find a match of the lookup_value in the leftmost column.

Show when an argument of the function is of the wrong data type. For example,
#VALUE! when the col_index_number is negative, or a text or the [range_lookup] argument is
not 0 or 1.

Limitations of Excel VLOOKUP Function

Though VLOOKUP is one of the most used functions in Excel, it has some

• You can’t use it when the lookup_value is in a column right next to the required
For example, in example 1, you can not use the VLOOKUP function if you are
asked to find out the employee with the maximum salary because the salary is in a
column right to the required value, the employee name.
You can use the XLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH functions of Excel to come out
of this limitation.
• If you have the same lookup_value more than once in the table, the VLOOKUP
function will only provide you with information about the first one it gets.
For example, in the data set of example 1, there are two employees named Mathew
Rilee. Now if we want to get the salary of Mathew Rilee, we will only get the
salary of the first one, $28000.


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